

4005 Uppsatser om Emergency number 911 - Sida 10 av 267

APS - Akustiskt positioneringssystem

The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels.The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level.It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage.The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode..

Klinisk omvårdnad av den dräktiga tiken och hennes neonatala valpar

Nursing and care for the pregnant bitch and her neonatal puppies is an important part of the animal nursing profession either if it concerns normal reproductionphysiology, pregnancies, diseases or complications at home of the animalowner. This piece of work gives a guidance of what a Veterinary nurse at a clinic should have in mind while given treatments, complications and normal physiology with the bitch and her neonatal puppies in order to be able to perform a professional cooperation with the veterinary surgeon at emergency teatmentcases and to make the animal owners satisfied with enough knowledge to answer their questions about the subject..

Utvärdering av prehospital vård och behandling av hjärtinfarktpatienter med tromboshämmande läkemedel : En fall/kontroll studie efter införandet av ny behandlingsrutin

Introduktion: Akut hjärtinfarkt är en vanlig dödsorsak. Viktigaste behandlingsinsatsen vid hjärtinfarkt är att snabbt öppna det ockluderade kranskärlet genom primär Perkutan Coronar Intervention (PCI). Viktigt är även att behandlingen förhindrar att kärlet åter ockluderar. Detta görs genom att behandla med det blodproppshämmande och kärlpåverkande läkemedlet Clopidogrel. Enligt en ny behandlingsrutin ges Clopidogrel redan i ambulansen vid konstaterande av hjärtinfarkt för att uppnå effekt så fort som möjligt.

Utveckling av försäljnings- och leveransmodell

The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels.The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level.It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage.The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode..

Smärtbehandling - Sjuksköterskans inställning till ordination och dokumentation - En empirisk studie

The aim of this empirical study was to investigate how nurses on a ward within the emergency clinic deal with analgesia prescriptions and the pain management documentation. The used method was divided into chart reviews and qualitative interviews with nurses in clinical practice at the ward. This means that both a qualitative and quantitative approach was desired. The results incline that nurses generally apply to the laws and restrictions surrounding the nursing discipline, as used in pain treatment. Thus they generally fulfill the obligations accounting to documentation.

Förstudie till införandet av centralt loggsystem hos Försvarsmakten

Modern IT systems tend to become more and more complex, while the number of active systems in companies increases. Furthermore, the number of security-related incidents is at an all-time high. These new conditions impose new demands on organizations. For example, it is no longer possible to manually collect and examine the systems log messages.The purpose of this thesis has been to make a comprehensive study of solutions for automated collecting and managing of log messages, analyze the Swedish Armed Forces specification for solutions for central log collection and management, and evaluating exis- ting solutions. The work consisted primarily of literature studies and evaluations of two of the Swedish Armed Forces of selected products: NetIQ Security Manager and Splunk.

Ett klassiskt marknadskommunikationsproblem : Motsvarar Apples image den profil de vill visa?

In this essay the authors are trying to level the success in the IT-company Apple?s market communication. The problem investigated is if the company?s profile, the picture they are trying to implement onto the market, is the same as the market consider the image of the company to be. The problem is studied in a method which combines both a qualitative and a quantitative survey.

En studie om elevers val av metoder vid subtraktionsberäkningar

In this qualitative study of students? methods of calculating subtractions, I have used interviews, subtraction exercises and analysis of teaching material. The purpose of my study was to explore which methods students in grade three uses when calculating subtractions. I also wanted to highlight which strategies the students use and their comprehension of the concept of subtraction. In the study, I also highlight the different pedagogical ideas on which the teaching material is based on and the students? choice of methods.  The study shows that the students choose to use the methods?deduct? and ?kind of number? independently.

Faktorer som påverjar uteblivande och återbud inom tandvården -en enkätstudie

Non-attendance and cancellations within dental care is a problem resulting in both financial and time consuming losses. The purpose of this questionnaire was to investigate different factors influencing non-attendance and cancellations. Six public and private dental clinics located in Skåne participated. Information about the clinics and patient-related factors were collected. Result: Totally 182 patients cancelling or not attending their appointment were registered.

Bestämning av lägsta luminans för utrymningsskyltar

This report is based upon an experimental study of exit sign luminescence in different environments. The purpose is to evaluate the lowest luminescence of an exit sign, based upon Swedish regulations. Scientific experiments have been conducted in a controlled environment, where exit sign luminescence was graded by an evaluation group. The results of these have been verified by similar experiments that took place in two department stores. The final result of the study is guidelines for appropriate exit sign luminescence in different environments..

NOVA : Funderingar kring ett shoppingcenter med utgångspunkt i fenomenologin

This thesis deals with a Swedish shopping centre, NOVA, from a phenomenological point of view. Starting in my own experience of the architecture I discuss issues such as gender, consumerism and the image of the ideal society, the Heterotopia, as they appear to me in my studies of the building.Divided into three different themes I then discuss the aspects I?ve found through my meeting with the architecture in comparison to a number of texts on the subject.My phenomenological analysis, combined with earlier research, presents to me a number of aspects more evident than others, as I do my own interpretation of the building and its architecture..

Faktorer som påverjar uteblivande och återbud inom tandvården -en enkätstudie

Non-attendance and cancellations within dental care is a problem resulting in both financial and time consuming losses. The purpose of this questionnaire was to investigate different factors influencing non-attendance and cancellations. Six public and private dental clinics located in Skåne participated. Information about the clinics and patient-related factors were collected. Result: Totally 182 patients cancelling or not attending their appointment were registered.

Strömsparande arkitektur för inbyggnadslinux

The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels.The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level.It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage.The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode..

Tillbudsrapportering : Skillnaden mellan två arbetschefsgrupper

In autumn 2010, the Division of Civil Engineering at the Swedish building contractorPEAB made a campaign to increase the number of reported incidents. Informationwas sent to the branch manager who was responsible to enlighten the employees onthe establishment. The goal of PEAB Division of Civil Engineering is to have at least 10reported incidents per accident that generate more than 8 hours absence. Therefore,it is important that the employees understand how the report system for incidentsworks. The number of reported incidents differs between regions.

När tid är liv : Skillnader i prioritering och väntetider vid potentiellt akut livshotande tillstånd ? en jämförelse mellan alarmeringssjukvård och ambulanssjukvård

För många akut sjuka patienter är alarmeringssjukvården och ambulanssjukvården den första kontakten med sjukvården. Därför är det viktigt att dessa patienter prioriteras korrekt i förhållande till sjukdomstillståndets allvarlighetsgrad. Allra viktigast är det när patientens tillstånd är potentiellt akut livshotande, i situationer när tid är liv. Förutom det fysiska hotet kan tiden kännas outhärdligt lång innan ambulansen är på plats. Rädsla för att inte bli hittad och rädsla för att tillståndet ska försämras ytterligare kan innebära en skarp konfrontation med tankar om livets ändlighet.Syftet med studien var att kartlägga om det förelåg några skillnader i prioritering mellan alarmeringssjukvården och ambulanssjukvården, vid uppdrag där ambulanssjukvården bedömt att patienten led av ett potentiellt akut livshotande tillstånd.Alarmerings- och ambulansuppdrag från en region i sydvästra Sverige analyserades i en retrospektiv kvantitativ studie.

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