

47 Uppsatser om Emancipation - Sida 2 av 4

Estetiska omdömens paradoxala natur : En jämförelse av Hume och Kant

This work is meant to contribute to the research of adaptation studies by focusing on a special case: the transformation of a fictional diary into a movie. In order to sustain the form of the literary source the adaptation to movie requires certain strategies. Först of all, the diary genre is characterized by a one-dimensional narration. Second, diaries only supply a few written dialogues, hence this "void" has to be compensated and filled by media specific measures. Third, the investigated diary is a story of individualization and Emancipation of a single woman.

Avsikt, insikt och moraliskt ansvar : En genomgång av diskussionen gällande doktrinen om trippel effekt mellan Frances M. Kamm och John Harris.

This work is meant to contribute to the research of adaptation studies by focusing on a special case: the transformation of a fictional diary into a movie. In order to sustain the form of the literary source the adaptation to movie requires certain strategies. Först of all, the diary genre is characterized by a one-dimensional narration. Second, diaries only supply a few written dialogues, hence this "void" has to be compensated and filled by media specific measures. Third, the investigated diary is a story of individualization and Emancipation of a single woman.

Att göra det osynliga synligt : En adaptionsstudie av en filmatiserad dagboksroman

This work is meant to contribute to the research of adaptation studies by focusing on a special case: the transformation of a fictional diary into a movie. In order to sustain the form of the literary source the adaptation to movie requires certain strategies. Först of all, the diary genre is characterized by a one-dimensional narration. Second, diaries only supply a few written dialogues, hence this "void" has to be compensated and filled by media specific measures. Third, the investigated diary is a story of individualization and Emancipation of a single woman.

Äktenskapet och det förändrade samhället : en kvalitativ studie om den förändrade giftermålsfrekvensen under 1900-talet

In the past, the meaning of marriage has been an agreement between two people to live together and have children in a legitimate manner. The marriage was not just to form a couple; it was also to merge two families together. From the early 1900s until today the allegation of marriage and its influence got a significant change compared to early societies which have aroused my interest to perform this into a research paper. My study is focused on marriage and social changes during the 1900s. Thoughts that arise now is that why there was a remarkable change in the marriage rate during the 1900s and whether there were any social changes had to do something with it.

Att se människan : En studie om sångpedagogers och artisters uppfattning av begreppet personligt uttryck.

This work is meant to contribute to the research of adaptation studies by focusing on a special case: the transformation of a fictional diary into a movie. In order to sustain the form of the literary source the adaptation to movie requires certain strategies. Först of all, the diary genre is characterized by a one-dimensional narration. Second, diaries only supply a few written dialogues, hence this "void" has to be compensated and filled by media specific measures. Third, the investigated diary is a story of individualization and Emancipation of a single woman.

Den sjukliga : En könpolitisk studie av August Strindbergs Fröken Julie

Uppsatsen avser att utreda hur August Strindbergs pjäs Fröken Julie avspeglar samtidens bild av kvinnan som sjuklig varelse. Enligt min mening tilltar behovet av att definiera kvinnan som biologiskt svag, i takt med kraven om jämlikhet mellan könen. Uppsatsen argumenterar för Julie som en representant för Emancipationskvinnan. Denna, för mannen, hotfulla varelse som inkräktade på hans revir. Julie måste därmed avväpnas, göras svag, sjuk och styrd av sin sexualitet för att sedan utplånas.

Liv med motgångar : en resandpojks berättelse

This is a life story about a man, Victor, and his life. He was born into a family of travellers, this has been a very important part of his upbringing, socializing and how society has viewed him.The purpose of this essay is to discuss how a society's values, and the changes in these values, are manifested in a life story. A person?s identity is created in the situations one is in and in the relationships with ones social contacts. A person has not just one, but several different identities that coexist and are highlighted depending on the situations in which we find ourselves.

Egensinnig dialektik : En studie i frigörandets paradox i dialog med Hegel och Judith Butler

Hegel?s master-slave dialectic has often been used as a model or starting point for later theories about Emancipation and subversive changes in society. But one often overlooks the fact that the chapter in The Phenomenology of Spirit ends in disaster, as Judith Butler remarks. Instead of realising freedom, the consciousness gets entangled in self debasing activities in its attempts to master the unrelenting principles of the abstract freedom. We get ?the unhappy consciousness?.

När det personliga blev politik : Grupp 8:s väg mot feminism studerat ur kvinnobulletinen 1971-1979

The main purpose of this essay is to look closer at how and when the Swedish women?s organization Grupp 8 changed their initial socialistic ideological approach and turned it into a feministic one during 1971 to 1979. By 1979 the group was referring to them self as a feministic movement. This is done by analyzing the way Grupp 8: s discussion in the areas of women in relation to work, family and society changes. The primary information is represented by the groups own magazine Kvinnobulletinen.

Intermodala transporter : Vilka faktorer styr ett införande av intermodala transporter?

Syftet med min diskursanalytiska uppsats har varit att förstå vad som händer i ett jämställdhetsprojekt inom förskolan där kunskap ses som viktig. Detta har jag undersökt genom frågeställningen: hur kan pedagogers subjektspositioner visa på kunskap, Emancipation, förändring, makt och motstånd? Den teoretiska ramen består av poststrukturalistiska teorier hämtade från Lenz Taguchi, Foucault, Davies och Rose och det empiriska materialet är pedagogers och handledares utvärderingar från förskoleprojektet JämFör i Västerbotten. Textanalysen visar att de normativa inslagen består av ?att upptäcka?, ?att få ett seende? och ett ?tänk?, vilket förväntas leda till pedagogens frigörelse.

Kvinnors rätt till land : jämställdhet, formalisering och fördelning

The differences between the sexes when it comes to land and property ownership are enormous. This paper deals with issues concerning women's land and property rights. The aim of the study is to investigate what general factors are effecting women's access to and control of land. In addition, this paper aims to explore the effects of liberal formalism in relation to gender equality and the distribution of land. Formalism and formalization of women's land rights alone won't lead to equality in land distribution or women's Emancipation.

Den som finge göra bekantskap med en sådan kvinna. En studie om Madame de Staël och det tidiga 1800-talets litterära offentlighet.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate and describe the literary life of Madame de Staël, during the period of the French Revolution and the time shortly after. My intention is to do research on her impact and influence. I also want to examine her effect on Swedish literary society, with special references to Swedish authors. The method used is a qualitative one, where I have studied nonfiction and fiction connected with the field, for example Mme de Staëls own writings, which I make use of to illustrate the phenomena. During this period the society was dominated by patriarchical values and patterns of life.

Den groteska kroppen: en problematisering av kroppsliga representationer i feministisk konst

I uppsatsen analyseras representationer av den groteska kvinnliga kroppen i feministisk konst. Alltfler konstnärer väljer att i sin konst utforska gränslanden i uttryck, så som det karnevalistiska, hysteriska och motbjudande. Utifrån en fallstudie som fokuserar på tre nutida konstnärer vilka arbetar med det groteska uttrycket vid framställningar av kvinnliga kroppar studeras intentionerna bakom deras verk. Kropparnas emancipatoriska potential problematiseras därefter utifrån postkoloniala teorier, feministisk konstvetenskap och queerteori. Att använda representationer av en kropp som definieras som kvinnlig är inte ett ofarligt projekt.

Förorten i ungdomslitteraturen: en studie av hur förortssamhället gestaltas i sex samtida ungdomsromaner

The society of suburbs is frequently discussed in media, which often focus on the problems related to these areas. The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine how Swedish contemporary youth literature may contribute to create, strengthen and articulate social representations of the society of suburbs. The analysis is based upon six youth novels published during 2003 to 2007. The theoretical framework consists of two parts and is based on Anthony Giddens? theories about late modern society in which the youth novels in our study take place, and those living conditions that this society creates.

Receptionen av Anne Charlotte Lefflers författarskap i den tyska tidskriften "Deutsche Rundschau" 1884-1894. En undersökning av förutsättningarna för en ny effektiv litteraturhistorieskrivning.

This essay examines the possibilities of writing a counter history about Anne Charlotte Leffler that does not have - like most of the previous studies and literary histories upon Leffler - the Swedish boundaries or the Swedish language as its model. That is to say that this essay, in opposition to most of the hitherto writings on Anne Charlotte Leffler, values the international reception as high as the Swedish reception. It does so by undertaking a case study based on the German review Deutsche Rundschau, which published six short stories by and three articles about Anne Charlotte Leffler between 1884 and 1894. The short stories and the articles in Deutsche Rundschau are compared with two other documents of reception that contribute to the understanding of the German reception of Leffler. The examination shows that the focus on the international reception can contribute to illuminate aspects of Anne Charlotte Lefflers authorship that previously have been disregarded.

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