

1251 Uppsatser om Electoral participation - Sida 14 av 84

Operamaskerad i Stockholm 1925

I have examined the conditions for participation in an opera masquerade. Theoretical support has been found in Michail Bachtin, Richard Schechner and Judith Butler. The main study object has been a masquerade organised by the workers of The Royal Opera of Stockholm in 1925. The masquerade is examined as a social practise with distinct aesthetic framing. The analysis shows that the opera masquerade share some characteristics with the medieval carnival culture as described by Bachtin, but differ in many ways as well.

- Jag kunde prata med min son : En fokusgruppsstudie av föräldrars deltagande i föräldragrupp

The purpose of our study is to examine how parents experienced their participation and their involvement in a solution-focused parenting group. The parenting groups are a part of the social welfare system in a town in south of Sweden. The study is conducted as a qualitative study with focus groups. 11 parents have participated. The study´s theoretical framework considers solution focused theory, social constructionism and process within groups.In the study we found that participants generally perceived their participation as positive and that they received confirmation by meeting other parents in the same situation.

Folkligt deltagande utan folket - Hur lagen om Popular Participation kom att påverka kvinnor och landsortsbefolkning i Bolivia

Bolivia genomförde neoliberalt inspirerade reformer under 1990-talet. En av lagarna som kom till då, Law of Popular Participation, decentraliserade vissa besluts- och planeringsprocesser till lokal nivå. Ett centralt inslag i lagen var det ökade deltagande och inflytande som den ämnade ge kvinnor och förfördelad landsortsbefolkning. Som spunnen ur en neoliberal tradition, syftar vår litteraturstudie till att undersöka effekten av lagen om definitionen av civilsamhälle breddas utom dessa ramar. I studien undersöks effekten av lagen; dels på kvinnornas situation, dels på klyftorna mellan stad och landsbygd utifrån vårt civilsamhälleliga ramverk.

Hälsoteket i Angered - Deltagares perspektiv på en hälsofrämjande verksamhet

Introduction: Reducing social inequality in health is a prioritized goal for public health on the global as well as the national and the local levels. Hälsoteket operates through health promotion to reduce inequality in health in the district of Angered in Göteborg, through the improvement of living habits and the wellbeing of the population.Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate Hälsoteket in Angered through its participants? subjective experiences. Subsidiary aims were to explore participants? perceptions and opinions about Hälsoteket in Angered, how they perceive the health impact of their participation and their motivations for participating.Method: A qualitative method was used to fulfill the aim.

Förskollärarens roll i barns lek : En studie om förskollärares syn på sitt deltagande i barns lek

The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about how teachers in preschool regard their participation in children's play. Through this study you will get an insight into how teachers' involvement affects children's learning. I have chosen to look at the study from a socio-cultural perspective.The study is based on qualitative interviews with four pre-school teachers.The result shows that teachers believe that it is important to attend in children's play to support, challenge and develop their play. One sees that teachers take different roles based on the needs of the children?s group, such as actively participate in the play, being a supportive teacher, serve as inspiration or to be an observer.

"Om man inte gör det på Facebook" : Ungdomars uppfattning om sociala medier som demokratiagent

The purpose of this essay is to explore how social media affect the political orientation and commitment of youths. Three scientific questions highlight the purpose from different angles. The didactic perspective is discussed in the initial and closing discussion, and is analyzed in the corresponding chapter. Two methods are involved in the study; one survey and one interview with a focus group. The survey had a total of 98 respondents from four different classes, all in the first grade of upper secondary school.

"Action speaks louder than words" EU, jämställdhet och EPA-förhandlingarna

Officially, the EU gender policy since 2000 has been guided by the strategy of Gender Mainstreaming. This strategy aims to promote gender equality and is informed by a feminist ontology which stipulates that women are structurally subordinated.In this essay, I examine whether the European Commission has adequately adhered to this gender policy in its free trade negotiations with the ACP (African, Caribbean, and Pacific) countries as part of the Cotonou Agreement. As a result of my text analysis of documents related to the negotiations, opinion pieces by interested actors and policy papers of the EU, I find that the Commission does not act in accordance to its stated gender policy.To explain this discrepancy between policy intent and actions, I employ postliberal feminist theory and Robert Putnam's Two-Level Game Theory Model. By analyzing statistics and published research, I explore how gender issues are being represented politically on a domestic and international level.My findings show that a key cause of this discrepancy lies in the low levels of female participation in the political institutions of the EU and ACP; a lack of participation that is especially pronounced in the area of international economics. In explaining the constraints on female participation and the prospects of full implementation of the EU's gender policy in the international political economy, I emphasize the role of culturally and historically gendered institutions..

Interventioner för livsstilsförändring avseende kost och fysisk aktivitet inom primärvården

Background: Ill-health related to unhealthy lifestyle is increasing and despite existing knowledge about healthy lifestyle it is difficult to change behaviour. Counselling in the primary health care is often superficial and without critical elements for behaviour change. Aim: The aim of this paper to elucidate interventions for change of lifestyle with respect diet and physical activity. Method: A literature review was carried out and ten scientific articles were analyzed and compiled in two main categories: design of these interventions and participation in them. Results: Education, decision making, goal setting, feedback, social support and follow-up were identified as critical elements for behaviour change.

Vilka faktorer har inverkan på motivationen, utifrån fastighetsmäklareperspektivet? : Ändras de här faktorerna under mäklarkarriären?

The aim of the study was to understand how the family home secretary reasons and thinks and how they express themselves in their actions towards the family home?s biological children. The method used is qualitative semi-structured interviews, involving six family home secretaries from four different municipalities. The results were analyzed with the help of two theories ? the theory of grassroots bureaucracy and the sociology of childhood theory.

Gränslöst uppdrag : om fackligt förtroendevaldas psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The two swedish unions, Akademikerförbundet SSR and Kommunal, have a majority of female participations who mainly work in the public services. The difference between the unions is that one of them only represents members with academic educations and the other has members with lower educations. The aim of this study was to compare the two unions according to the terms exit, voice and loyalty, but also participation and influence. There were 142 participants in this study and 8 participants were interviewed in a pre-study. The result of the study shows that voice is a strong predictor to wellbeing in work life.

Drop in-kultur : Ett sätt att tillgängliggöra och främja spontant kulturutövande?

The recent development in society, such as the increased digitalisation, has brought new terms for both production and consumption within the cultural field. One of the main goals within Swedish Cultural Policies today is that everyone should have the same opportunities to practice and participate in cultural activities, with the right to develop their creative abilities. The cultural policies also contain the possibility to encourage spontaneous culture practice. The question is how to reach this goal.During the spring of 2012 I have been examining the term ?spontankultur? (spontaneous culture practice) as it appears in the discussion around participation in cultural activities and its connection to creativity.

Den stolte bilbyggaren : En studie om lönearbetets betydelse för delaktighet och identitet

The purpose of this study is to find, understand and discuss the experiences of former employees at SAAB, and present how this can be understood according to my core theoretical concepts, which are participation and identity. The questions asked in the study are based on how the labor is described, characterized and what comes forth as valuable, which is compared to absence of labor work.First, labor is described in an historical and social context, and at the same time related to the core theoretical concept. Second, the methodology chapter is presented, which mainly consists of 11 observations and 10 interviews. Third, the chapter regarding former theory leads to an analysis model, which is used on the empirical material of the study.The result shows that labor work at SAAB primarily is described as important for socializing, security and the possibility to be independent. The tasks at SAAB are described as backbreaking and monotonous, while the lack of labor work influences the physical and mental wellbeing.

Incidentrapportering ? ett resultat av säkerhetsklimatet?

Studien genomfördes hösten 2013 på ett logistikföretag i Sverige, med syfte att studera sä-kerhetsklimatets potentiella påverkan på medarbetarnas förhållningssätt till incidentrapporte-ring. Utifrån teorier om säkerhetsklimat skapades en enkät, innehållande ett urval frågor från samtliga av de sju säkerhetsklimatsdimensioner, som det nordiska frågeformuläret NO-SACQ-50 (Kines et al., 2011) innehåller. Dessa kompletterades med frågor som fokuserade på uppfattningen av incidentrapportering. Resultaten visar att säkerhetsklimatet påverkar uppfattningen av incidentrapportering, som chefer och medarbetare delar. Ju bättre klimatet är desto större blir benägenheten att ha en positiv uppfattning av incidentrapporteringen, även när man tar personlighetsdraget CFC (Consideration of Future Consequences) i beak-tande.

Delaktighet och gemenskap genom det konstnärliga skapandet -ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete i ämnet musik i grundskolan

Title: Participation and comradeship through artistic creation. This study is about a pedagogical development project carried out in sixth grade classes in order to get peace and order in the classroom and to improve the relationship between pupils. The research question is how the interaction in classroom can be described. The used research methods are observation, diary writing, photographing and questionnaires as well. From a hermeneutical inspired analysis interaction in classroom is in focus.

Civilsamhällets roll i den Kenyanska demokratiseringsprocessen : The role of civil society in the Kenyan democratization process

The intention with the research was to investigate the role of civil society in the Kenyan democratization process. The research intends thus to analyze (1) the role of civil society in Kenya's transition to democracy (1990- 2002), and (2) the role of civil society in the further democratization process (2002- 2013).The results of the research demonstrates that the role of civil society played a crucial role in Kenya?s transition to democracy given that civil society provided with a multiparty- system in 1991. In addition, civil society endowed with education for citizens in order to attain constitutional reforms. As a result, Kenya accomplished a transition to democracy in 2002.

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