428 Uppsatser om Election finance - Sida 7 av 29
Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare : ? En studie av hur Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet2010Författare
AbstractTitle: Electoral campaigns, social media and young voters ? a studie of how Moderaterna andSocialdemokraterna are going to reach out to the young voters in the electoral campaign of2010. (Valkampanjer, sociala medier och unga väljare- en studie av hur Moderaterna ochSocialdemokraterna ska nå de unga väljarna i valet 2010).Number of pages: 45Author: Sara RothmanTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and communication studies CPeriod: Autumn semester 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Departement of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/ Aim: The aim of this essay is to research how the two largest parties in Sweden,Moderaterna and Socialdemokraterna, are going to reach out to the young voters in theelectoral campaign of 2010. I will also find out how the young voters are going to collecttheir information before the election. That information will be compared to the strategies ofthe parties, in that way I can tell if their strategies match the young voters plans ofinformation search.Material/Method: In my eximination I chose to use two informant interviewes and fourdifferent groups of discussion.
Finansiering av småföretags internationalisering
AbstractAccording to several researchers finance is scarce, scarcer for small businesses than for big enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs, that want to start exporting and sales or manufacturing abroad need capital to get ready. Which capital structure and financial costs do they have, and which forms of finance do they actually use for that purpose. New american research by Mansi, Reeb (2002) has suggested, that there is a positive connection between leverage and a negative one between financial costs and internationalization, and that a non-linear model better describes this connection.This study has gathered data in two ways: Through a questionnaire from 37 SMEs and balance sheet figures from totally 166 manufacturing SMEs. In order to examine, whether the company was active on the international market, 200 SMEs in south Sweden were asked, if they exported to, produced or sold on any other market than their home market.
UNDER YTAN Fredrik Reinfeldt och Stefan Löfven i en komparativ bildstudie
Title: Under the surface - Fredrik Reinfeldt and Stefan Löfven in a comparative photo studyAuthors: Jon Demred, Fanny Wijk & Olivia WikströmLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 39This thesis compares how Stefan Löfven was being portrayed in Swedish media the week after the generalelection 2014 with how Fredrik Reinfeldt was portrayed in the first week after 2006?s general election.There has been made a lot of research on how politicians are portrayed in the media, but most of theresearch focus on text portrayal. This thesis focus on something different, it compares how the two ?winners? were portrayed in news photos.A semiotic approach was used to analyse news images in the newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, SvenskaDagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. It was important to not only look at the pictures, but also the outer context, i.e the headlines, had to be analysed to come to any conclusions.Fredrik Reinfeldt was portrayed more positive and more as a winner than Stefan Löfven was.
Lagstiftningens inverkan på Private Equity-marknadens storlek
Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur den svenska lagstiftningen skulle kunna förändras för att öka investeringarna på PE-marknaden. I uppsatsen undersöks om det föreligger en statistisk signifikans genom linjär regression hos ett antal lagregler och går kvalitativt igenom den befintliga svenska lagstiftningen för att finna orsaksvariabler och deras påverkan. Det teoretiska perspektivet utgår ifrån LaPorta et.al. Law & Finance-studier samt EVCA:s årliga rapporter gällande den europeiska private equity-marknaden. Resultaten påvisar att de legala frågorna inverkar på PE-marknadens storlek.
Vilka egenskaper anses viktiga vid valet av kandidater till fullmäktige?
The aim of this work is to understand the recruitment of candidates to the local representative assembly in the municipality of Täby. The method used is qualitative interviewing, of a total of eight local politicians in Täby. The theory in which this work rest upon is based on a new-institutionalist perspective. Of great importance is the thoughts of the politicians involved in the recrution process, what do they think were the reasons that controlled the order of priority in the party list among the pool of candidates? Were there any obstacles for minorities in the politics like for example foreigners, women or young people? The study is taking it?s departure from the politicians who candidated in the election of 2002-2006 and the ones which are candidating to the election this coming autumn.In conclusion the aim is to understand the reasons that gives some of the candidates electable places to the assembly, and what the actors themselves think are the conclusive qualities that matters the most.
Vad staten bör göra. En deontologisk och en preferensutilitaristisk analys av beskattning och statliga verksamheter.
This essay is a normative analysis concerning the question of whether the government should be allowed to use taxes to finance the state. What kind of ethical problems arise when the government use taxation? If it is possible to justify taxation, despite potential moral issues, then what should the government do with the funds they have collected? What kinds of government functions are morally justified? Is it merely the kinds of functions that are supposed to uphold negative human rights; or should the government provide health care, education and even culture for the citizens? This analysis aims to answer those questions and also formulate a principle about what the government should be occupied with, if anything at all. In order to achieve this I mainly use the terms freedom and justice to analyse ethical problems. The ideas of John Rawls and Robert Nozick are essential in this project.My answer is that taxation is justified as long as the purpose is to maintain the most fundamental human rights and also under other special circumstances such as if an individual cannot find a way to finance basic education or necessary health care.
Aktiemarknadspsykologi : En studie om hur psykologiska faktorer påverkar aktieägare
Problem: Det har funnits många diskussioner kring traditionella finansiella teorier vad gäller den effektiva marknaden och investerares rationalitet. Den effektiva marknadshypotesen talar för att marknaden är effektiv och att aktiepriserna återspeglar all tillgänglig information, vilket resulterar i att det inte är möjligt att göra bra investeringar. Behavioral finance anser däremot att marknaden påverkas av beteenderelaterade aspekter och därför inte är effektiv. Vad är det egentligen som ligger till grund för aktieägares investeringsbeslut?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att, ur ett aktiemarknadsperspektiv, undersöka de psykologiska faktorerna bakom investeringsbeslut.
The Incentives Behind Capital Structure Decision - A Survey of the Swedish Market -
The aim of this thesis is to investigate which the main determinants of capital structure in Swedish listed firms are and to identify which incentives lies behind managers choice of capital structure determinants. Further, the study investigates whether the Post Keynesian theory and theories which incorporate behavioral aspects can be used to explain the capital structure decisions or if the traditional Neoclassical theory give an better explanation. We have used a qualitative method to analyze the determinants of capital structure and the managers incentives behind capital structure decision. We conducted a survey which was sent to 83 Chief Financial Managers and financial executives in Swedish firms listed on Mid Cap or Large Cap. The questionnaire was on-line which enabled for the respondents to quickly and convenient respond.
Idéanalys av Centerpartiets partiideologi 2001-2013 : Är det medlemmar eller väljare som bestämmer Centerpartiets ideologi?
AbstractWhen the Swedish Centre Party, Centerpartiet, just before Christmas 2012 released a draft for new program of ideas a powerful "winter storm" broke out. Ideas that Centerpartiet would abolish compulsory schooling and the right to inheritance and allow polygamy are just a few of the things that cause alarm.It's not the first time during the last years the Centre Party is associated with neo-liberal elements in their party?s ideology. In 2007 Erik Ullenhag criticized Centerpartiet for their new neo-liberalism was a danger to the alliance.The aim of this study is to investigate whether it is possible to see a change in Centerpartiets ideology and how deep it is. From an idea analytical approach based on ideal types, created for social liberalism, neoliberalism and ecohumanism, the party programs from 2001 and 2013 are studied.
Är vi alla beroende av svart guld? : En eventstudie av reaktionen på företags avkastning vid signifikanta oljeprisförändringar
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur utvalda bolags aktieavkastning inom branscherna flyg, fordon samt olja reagerar vid signifikanta oljeprisförändringar.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av den effektiva marknadshypotesen samt Behavioural Finance med undergrenarna prospect theory, herd behaviour och overconfidence.Metod: Studien utgår ifrån ett deduktivt inslag med en kvantitativ studie. Undersökningen utgörs av sex eventstudier som datainsamlingsmetod samt en intervju som applikation på det kvantitativa resultatet. Urvalskriterium består av tio bolag inom respektive bransch med en rangordning utefter högst omsättning samt företag med en koppling till svenskt näringsliv med högst omsättning.Empiri: Empirin presenteras utifrån diagram och tabeller över de utförda eventstudierna. Diagrammen syftar till att redovisa den avvikande avkastningen för respektive bolag. Tabellerna ger en redogörelse över eventuellt samband mellan respektive bransch och oljeprisförändringarna.Slutsats: Flygbolagen uppvisade samband med oljepriset vid fyra utav sex eventen.
vem är journalisten : en samtalsanalytisk studie av partiledarintervjuer med fokus på journalistikens ideologi
Who is the journalist, a conversation analysis of interviews with party leaders during the 2006 election period, focus on the ideology of journalismÖrebro University, Department of Humanities, Media- and Communication studies, C-studySupervisor: Mats EkströmAuthor: Erica HellstrandIn contemporary society the media is part of the politics, or maybe, politics is part of the media. Whatever the case, they are important to each other, the media play a conclusive role in the connect between politics and citizens, and thus, results of election. The relation between the media and politics should continuously be studied and discussed in the continuously changing modern society.This paper examines the practice of news journalism in interviews with swedish party leaders during the 2006 election period. Focusing on how the ideology of journalism and the professional identity of journalists affect the practice the researcher hopes to contribute to the further understanding of the area. Steven E.
Den informella organisationen : Jämställdhetsutredning inom bank-och finansbranschen
During the autumn of 2007 I carried out an investigation within the bank and finance Sector. The aim of the investigation was to see how informal aspects could be understood in relation to equality within Bank AB? The main question was: Which are the obstacles and opportunities for equality within Bank AB? To answer the main question I asked the following questions to the material: Are there any gender related different within the organization? How are men and women represented within the internal magazine? Which are the conceptions related to sex/gender within the organization? The investigation is based on a survey, the internal magazine was investigated and finally interviews took place. Throughout the investigation I used organization theory in a gender perspective. With the gender organization theory I examined concepts as structures, leadership, symbolism and changes associated with equality.
Clas Ohlson : Hur påverkas styrningen i ett företag i och med en börsintroduktion?
The purpose of this report is to examine what will happen with the financial control of a company if changes from a family owned company to a public company listed on a stock market. The expectations were that the control would have a more short-term focus with more financial measures. The result shows that the changes were experienced as minor. The rate and the work in the finance department showed to be the major changes due to the change of owners..
Mandatfördelning i Sverige
This essay will cover the Swedish electoral system with a focus on the proportional representation andthe process involved from the conversion of votes to seats in the parliament. This process consists ofseveral methods which are created by political decisions as well as mathematical formulas and is notalways perfect in terms of equalization. An increment of six adjustment seats would have made thegeneral election of 2010 more proportioned. Despite this, the Swedish electoral system is wellconstructed and the essay will highlight areas which could be subject for improvement as well asexplaining fundamental concepts of the process..
Ett annorlunda uttryck : en kvalitativ studie om Feministiskt initiativ och deras kommunikation under valkampanjen 2006
The purpose of this study was to examine the political party ?Feministiskt initiativ? (Fi) and their communication during the election campaign 2006. We wanted to find out what the intention was and how the communication was received by the public. We also looked for signs of congruence between those two sides.Fi is the first political party with a feministic ideology to candidate for the parliament in Sweden. The party is rather new and their political standpoints and internal affairs have often been subject of for debate in the media.We wanted to investigate people?s individual opinions of the matter, and therefore we chose to personally interview a number of people.