428 Uppsatser om Election finance - Sida 15 av 29
Disputing the Economic Man - a quantitative study on whether investor decision-making can be distorted by altering the presentation of an Exchange Traded Fund
During recent years, financial innovation has given rise to numerous structured investment opportunities aimed towards the general public. These have enabled private investors to engage in high-risk investments offering as much as 400 per cent leverage while oftentimes not fully having grasped the risk involved. The issuers of these securities have been criticized for using advertising of a too aggressive and misleading nature.By presenting 819 potential investors with two different investment opportunities yielding the same return over a six day period, we have aimed to assess whether the inclination of being affected by judegmental heuristics varies with factors such as knowledge, overall attitude towards the asset class, risk appetite and experience from previous investments.We have observed that investors' perception of the attractiveness of an investment can be distorted by altering the information presented to the investor. However, our findings show that this tendency decreases with an increased level of knowledge, experience and risk appetite..
Transition till demokrati: strukturella faktorers påverkan i de begränsade flerpartisystemen Kenya och Tanzania
This paper deals with institutional and structural factors' influence on democratic transition in limited multiparty regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Comparing the cases Kenya and Tanzania, of which the former has made a transition to democracy and the latter has not, this paper reaches the conclusion that political traditions, the coalescing of the opposition, and the elites ability to learn from the electoral process is essential for a transition to democracy. In the specific cases, the harshness of the Moi regime and the Tanzanian vision of national unity may possibly carry some explanatory power, alongside the pressure from international actors.These results have been reached through the application of a comparative case study, where democratic transition constitutes the dependent variable. It should be noted that a harsh definition of the term transition has been applied, according to which the incumbents actual loss of an election is a necessary indicator for transition. However, the Freedom House and Polity scores have been brought up as complement of this definition.
Religion och politik - en villkorad relation : en diskursanalys av mediedebatterna om de politiska utnämningarna av Omar Mustafa och Elisabeth Svantesson
This thesis analyzes the media debates generated by the election of Omar Mustafa to the board of the social democratic party, and the appointment of the conservative Minister of Labour, Elisabeth Svantesson. More specifically, the aim is to analyze newspaper material through a discourse analyze, to see if and how religious affiliation effects the possibilities to act as a political representative. Theories of othering and intersectionality serve as theoretical points of departure. Further, chains of equivalence from Laclau and Mouffe?s discourse theory are used to study how categories as ?us? and ?the other? are constructed in the material, and how these processes of categorization relate to the intersection of religion, gender and ethnicity.
EU-information : Studenters behov och sökning, EU:s informationsresurser
The aim of this master thesis was to examine the European Commission's information resources from a user perspective in order to clarify the needs and circumstances of the search of EU-information among students at Örebro University. 41 students participated in a survey, and four of them was interviewed. On the basis of Pendelton- and Chatmans theories of information behaviour in small worlds, it were assumed that the students' education and citizenship in the European Union affected their needs and the search of EU information.The study showed that the students needs for EU-related information has increased, with the current education, but also been linked to earlier educations. The students Citizens need were mainly associated with elections such as the EMU-election, but also in some cases to a need of the general knowledge.A review of the European Commission's information resources were made with an emphasis on European Documentation Centre, EDC. The survey showed that most students used the EDC and the EU-databases that was made available by the European Commission through the EDC and the university library but were not aware that they used EDC.The survey also showed that students made use of familiar sources and resources when they searched the EU-information, such as the library's regular database list, the library catalogue and search engine on the internet are not requested of other resources.
Återköp av aktier : Samband mellan återköpsprogram och andel aktier i styrelse, ledning och verkställande direktör
År 2000 blev det möjligt för svenska börsnoterade bolag att göra återköp av egna aktier. Detta har medfört ytterligare en möjlighet för hur bolagen kan distribuera den vinst de gör vid brist på andra gynnsamma investeringar. Under perioden 2000 till 2013 har 139 olika bolag genomfört återköp av egna aktier och bland dessa bolag varierar mängden återköpta aktier och antalet genomförda återköpsprogram kraftigt. Aktiebolagslagen sätter ramarna för återköpet och per återköpsprogram får maximalt tio procent av det totala aktiekapitalet köpas tillbaka. Bolagstämman beslutar om återköp skall bli aktuellt och beslutet sträcker sig som längst till nästa bolagsstämma.
Miljöpartiet de Gröna - från antiparti till stödparti. En analys av Miljöpartiets förändrade partistrategi
The overall purpose with this thesis has been to study the strategic development of the Swedish Green Party, Miljöpartiet de Gröna. From its first appearance in the Swedish parliament 1988 to its decision to cooperate with the Social Democrats and the Left Party in 1998, the Greens has gone from a radical antiparty to a pragmatic support party. The analysis has concentrated towards identifying the causal factors behind this strategic move made by the Greens, and to determine how this party change has affected the party's strategic goals. In order to do so, a qualitative case study has been conducted where an integrated theoretical approach has been used. By studying official statements and internal debates the thesis concludes that the strategic change made by the Greens was due to the evolvement of a new dominant coalition of within the party.
Priset är inte allt - en studie av svenska storföretags finansiering
This thesis describes how large Swedish companies finance their debt and identifies some factors that affect their decisions. The study is based on 10 well-known companies of which 9 are listed on Nasdaq OMX Nordic. The results show that the companies display several similarities concerning their debt structure and the factors which their choices are based upon. All companies in this study primarily use corporate bonds for their long-term borrowing, commercial papers for the short-term borrowing, and bank-facilities as back-up. There is a tendency that smaller companies in larger extent use bank-loans for long-term borrowing due to larger emissions costs when using market financing.
Oberoende skivbolag i förändringstider : Om den förändrade affärslogiken i skivbolagsbranschen
During the last decade the conditions for the music industry have been changed significantly. With the dropping sales of physical phonograms and the increasing illegal file sharing, the record labels have been forced to adapt and thus seek alternative sources of income next to the traditional sales of phonograms. Our purpose was to investigate how smaller Swedish record labels adapt themselves to the changing environment within the music industry and which new alternative sources of income they can use to finance their music production. To do this we used a deductive approach where we started by researching theories we thought were relevant to the subject, which we then used to get valuable information out of our informants.From our empirical investigations it appears that the independent record labels are rather positive about the future and that they will be able to survive, even though they will have to change their ways of working to a large extent. Our results show that the record labels as we know then will disappear.
Slaget om budgeten : Kommunikation inom den moderna politiken
Title: The battle of the budget ? Communication in a modern policy (Slaget om budgeten ?Kommunikation inom den moderna politiken)Numbers of pages: 39Author: Niclas KarlssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose of the paper is to see how Minister of Finance Anders Borg andthe Social Democratic economic spokesman Thomas Östros communicate their messages tothe public.Material/Method: The material is the minutes of the budget debate in the SwedishParliament. The method is rhetorical analysis and content analysis.Main result: Trust making is very important for both of them, especially when the financecrisis reached Sweden. The most common rhetorical quality is ethos.Keywords: Strategic political communication, rhetorical analysis, political trust..
Koncerninterna vinstöverföringar - finns det någon strategi?
The purpose of our essay is to find out if there are any strategies for profit transactions in a group. To realise our purpose we conducted two case studies with interviews. But we can not draw any general conclusions.To conduct the research we had to build a theory. In this theory we found motives to do profit transactions and how to do it. We also thought that there had to be some conflicts between the motives and the manager´s interests.In our analysis we found that financing the dividend was a strong reason to make profit transactions between companies in the group.
Skatt på finansiella transaktioner - En studie över hur Sverige kan komma att påverkas av skatt
Idén att beskatta marknader har funnits i decennier och målen är desamma i dag som de var för 80 år sedan. Nämligen att:? Harmonisera existerande regleringar genom minska antalet nationella beskattningsmetoder,? Stabilisera marknader genom att minska volatiliten och? Få in intäkterSkatte intäkterna ska sedan användas till att finansiera något annat som man önskar att finansiera i samhället.Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur skatten kan komma att påverka Sverige och presenterar bland annat att skatten som elva länder i EU kommer att införa från och med januari 2014 kommer inte bara att påverka de elva länder, utan även övriga länder inom EU som också kommer att få ökade kostnader, trots att de inte tänker implementera skatten. För Sveriges del riskerar skatten att påverkar våra pensioner, hur vi investerar, var vi investerar med mera..
EN ANNAN RETORIK? Nationalistiska partiers anv?ndning av nationalistisk milj?- och klimatpolitik
Climate change is a phenomenon that know no boundaries. While focus on environment and
climate change has become highly prioritized, nationalism has spread across Europe.
Nationalism is by many considered to refuse action to combat climate change although some
argue that nationalism could combat global climate change. Previous research on how
nationalism is implemented in environment and climate politics has mainly focused on single
parties. The thesis therefore aims to give a broad approach and compare how nationalism is
used in environment and climate politics by analyzing 4 European parties with either ethnic or
civic nationalism and different roles in their party system. With a qualitative content analysis
on party programs and election manifestos the findings imply that parties use nationalism in
the climate and environment discourse in a variety of ways.
Belöningssystem : Har den nya ersättningspolicyn efter finanskrisen påverkat motivationen hos de anställda på Skandinaviska Enskilda Bankens distrikt Stockholm Norr?
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån Finansinspektionens nya regelverk om belöningssystem som infördes 2010 se om det har bidragit till en förändring i motivationen hos medarbetarna på Skandinaviska Enskilda Bankens distrikt Stockholm Norr.Metod: Datainsamlingen görs i form av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med ett utskick till samtliga medarbetare på de utvalda bankkontoren inom distrikt Stockholm Norr på Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken.Teori: De teorier som används i studien är Abraham Maslows behovspyramid, David L Stums performance pyramid och Vrooms förväntningsteori.Slutsats: Motivationen hos medarbetarna på bankkontoren inom distrikt Stockholm Norr har inte förändrats trots en minskning i förmåner genom den nya ersättningspolicyn..
EU och det sociala kapitalet : En studie av sambandet mellan socialt kapital och valdeltagande bland EU:s medlemsländer
Den 25 maj 2014 valde Sverige, likt resterande medlemsländer inom EU, parlamentariker till Europaparlamentet för perioden 2014-2019. Detta val tenderar att engagera långt färre väljare än nationella parlamentsval trots att det är ett av få reella verktyg en väljare har att påverka EU:s arbete och inriktning. Fenomenet kan exemplifieras med Sverige som i riksdagsvalet 2010 uppnådde ett valdeltagande på 84,63% av den röstberättigade befolkningen, men i valet till Europaparlamentet 2009 röstade endast 45.3%. Generellt i EU röstar 20 procentenheter färre i valet till Europaparlamentet. I och med valet 2004 föll det sammanlagda valdeltagandet till under 50 % för första gången.I boken ?What?s wrong with the European union & how to fix it? påvisar Simon Hix denna problematik och kallar Europaparlaments-valet ett ?second-order election?.
Mezzanine - en efterställd fordring: En utredning av rättsliga förutsättningar vid obestånd för fordringsmezzanine
Mezzanine is a collective term for hybrid instruments on the leverage finance market, offered as an alternative to traditional debt. As a hybrid, mezzanine combines elements of debt and equity financing. Mezzanine appears, in its most common shape, as subordinated to the senior debt, but ranks higher than pure equity. Reminiscent of security interests, the main importance of subordination is upon the default of the borrower. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is partly to investigate the legal prerequisites for a solid subordination of mezzanine financing, and partly to explain the consequences of subordination in a default.