

773 Uppsatser om Elderly tourists - Sida 30 av 52

Sverige, Eu och Jämställdheten : En studie av europeisering

This study is set out to examine if there is any kind of influence between the EU and Swedish gender policy. More specific the Swedish efforts within the gender policy area, especially in the area of social policy and employment, during the Swedish presidency in the Council of Ministers 2001. And also to examine the impact of Europeanization in Swedish gender policy. We have decided to delimit our study to care of elderly and children when it comes to the area of social policy. We are using a descriptive, examining qualitative method.

Att förebygga och behandla malnutrition i sjukvården : En litteraturstudie

Malnutrition är ett välkänt problem i den patientrelaterade vården både i Europa och i resten av världen. Trots detta är malnutrition något som fortfarande förekommer. Vad kan det bero på? Det är viktigt att man bedömer patientens nutritionsstatus rutinmässigt för att kunna förebygga malnutrition. Effekterna av malnutrition kostar samhället mycket pengar och orsakar mänskligt lidande.

Att förebygga och behandla malnutrition i sjukvården : En litteraturstudie

Malnutrition är ett välkänt problem i den patientrelaterade vården både i Europa och i resten av världen. Trots detta är malnutrition något som fortfarande förekommer. Vad kan det bero på? Det är viktigt att man bedömer patientens nutritionsstatus rutinmässigt för att kunna förebygga malnutrition. Effekterna av malnutrition kostar samhället mycket pengar och orsakar mänskligt lidande.

Djur som sociala katalysatorer : En studie om hur djur kan påverka socialisationen i behandlingsarbete

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a social-psychological relevance in allowing animals to be involved in therapy work. I have examined if the animals may contribute to effects on human relationships between caregivers and patients, and if the animals can contribute to helping patients to achieve better well-being. Through previous research and a quantitative interview I have received answers to the following questions: How are animals used in the treatment work? How do animals affect the relationship between caregiver-patient? In what ways do animals in treatment affect relationships between people? How do the professionals who work with animals believe that animals can affects the patient? I have interviewed people working in different kinds of treatment work using animals. The areas examined include work with animals at youth care, police, disability care, elderly care and school.

Vårdpersonalens behov av stöd i sitt arbete med vårdtagarna i demensboende

This study will examine if caregivers, working with people with dementia problems, is in need of support and in what way they see how the support should be designed. Previous research shows that there are many factors in elderly care that affect all of the caregivers. Working with people in this sort if dependence, requires a lot of the caregivers, both mentally and physically. To study if the caregivers consider themselves to be in need of support, and in what way they see how the support should be designed, the study employs a qualitative approach using to types of interviews, one focus group with four assistant nurses, and two individual in-depth interviews with the administrative personnel and one nurse. The results show that the need for support for the caregivers exists. Caregivers working with people with dementia problems, daily face difficulties, some more difficult to handle than others.

Älvkarleby, landskapskaraktär och gestaltningsförslag : landskapskaraktärsbeskrivning med inspiration av metoden Landscape Character Assessment, med riktlinjer och gestaltningsförslag

Älvkarleby, landscape character and design proposal is a Graduated Thesis (30 ECCcredtis), in the subject of landscape planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, the Department of Rural and Urban Development. This thesis is a study and implement of the method "Landscape Character Assessment" (LCA), developed in England and Scotland as tool to analyse and highlight the landscape in different planning processes. The purpose of LCA is to increase the understanding and strengthen the role of the landscape. The thesis consists of three main parts: landscape characterization, guidelines and a design proposal. The landscape characterization emphasizes the values of the landscape in different types of planning processes, a documentation to base estimations on in any kind of change in the area. Theese estimations have resulted in guidelines that give proposals to the development of the landcape, focusing at the desingproposal.

Ett femstjärnigt hotell med full service : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnlig omsorgspersonals vardag och salutogent arbetssätt inom äldreomsorg

This study aims to seek knowledge of the salutogenic model within geriatric care. This is done by problematizing the female geriatric care personnel?s everyday life and conditions. The study?s comparative empirical focus includes interviews with ten women that work within geriatric care, at two different workplaces.

Ledarskap inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie om chefernas syn på motivation till sina medarbetare och hur dessa ledarkunskaper förvärvas

The purpose of this essay was to explore how the first-line managers in eldercare motivate their employees. In addition, we intend to study how the first-line managers acquire their leadership skills. To find answers to this purpose, we asked ourselves the questions; how acquires first line managers knowledge of how to motivate their employees? What is the first-line manager?s perception of motivation against their employees? The method we used was qualitative interviews with eight first-line managers in elderly care in Stockholm area. The results were analyzed by using two theories, Maslow?s hierarchy of needs and Hertzberg's two factor theories.

Uppgiftsrelaterade konflikter, motivation och arbetsprestation : En studie inom äldreomsorgen

Konflikter kan påverka individen både positivt och negativt beroende på individens beredskap att hantera konflikten. Vårdpersonal har ett fysiskt påfrestande arbete. Detta är en kvalitativ studie som handlar om hur uppgiftsrelaterade konflikter påverkar individers motivation samt arbetsprestation inom äldreomsorgen. En intervjustudie genomfördes med deltagare som arbetar inom vård och omsorg, deltagarna var undersköterskor. Samtliga undersköterskor beskrev att det förekommer mycket konflikter inom deras arbetsbransch.

Äldre personer och sömn : En litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva omständigheter som påverkade sömnen hos äldre samt vilka icke-medicinska omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan göras för att lindra sömnproblem. Äldre i studien var personer över 60 år, men det var ingen åldersbegränsning i urvalet av studierna. För att besvara frågeställningarna genomfördes en litteratursökning i databaserna Medline (Pubmed), Academic search elite, Science Direct utifrån inkulsionkriterierna. Det var 12 empiriska studier som inkluderades och granskades. Resultatet visade att omsändigheter för sömproblem var att vara äldre och att lida av depression.

Icke-finansiella styrtal inom den svenska bioteknikindustrin

This study is set out to examine if there is any kind of influence between the EU and Swedish gender policy. More specific the Swedish efforts within the gender policy area, especially in the area of social policy and employment, during the Swedish presidency in the Council of Ministers 2001. And also to examine the impact of Europeanization in Swedish gender policy. We have decided to delimit our study to care of elderly and children when it comes to the area of social policy. We are using a descriptive, examining qualitative method.

Första linjens chefers skattning av sina ledar- och chefsegenskaper samt strukturell empowerment före och efter utbildningsinsats för chefer inom kommunal verksamhet.

The purpose of this study was to examine whether there were any differences in how first-line managers within   municipal care   rated their management leadership qualities, and structural empowerment before and after the course in "leadership, learning and improvement". The study had a quasi-experimental design and 64 managers participated. There was a significant improvement in the LaMI factor ?Achievement orientation?, after participation in the course "leadership, learning and improvement". In other factors, there was no significant difference before and after training.

Det vårdande kommunikativa mötet i demensvården : En intervjustudie

Demens är en sjukdom som karaktäriseras av intellektuella och känslomässiga förluster. I ett senare stadium av demenssjukdomen utvecklas både verbala och ickeverbala svårigheter som leder till problematik i det kommunikativa omvårdnadsmötet. Syftet med studien var att analysera och beskriva det kommunikativa mötet med en äldre demenssjuk person ur vårdpersonalens perspektiv. I studien användes en kvalitativ ansats för att besvara studiens syfte. Datamaterialet bestod av nio intervjuer med vårdpersonal som arbetar med demenssjuka.

Riskkapitalägande i den svenska välfärdssektorn - kortaste vägen till (skatte-)paradiset

This thesis studies whether private equity owned firms within the Swedish welfare sector distinguish themselves in terms of tax planning and short-termism from a control group consisting of other privately owned welfare firms. For the first time, the comparison is made on the entire welfare sector, between 14 matched pairs within education, health care and elderly care. We use financial metrics associated with tax planning and short-termism in sign tests to examine whether the private equity owned firms differ from our control group. The financial metrics tested are actual and paid tax rates, level of interest, book-tax gap, investments, personnel expenses per employee, and cash earnings. We find that the private equity owned firms in terms of tax planning only differ in the level of interest, while no notable differences are found in terms of short-termism..

Värdegrunden : vilken betydelse har den i mötet med brukaren inom kommunal hemtjänst.

Abstract  Title:The national values ? which significance does the meeting with the   caretaker have in municipal eldercare. Authors:Ida Lilja & Evelina   Andersson  Date:2014-10-21National values.   You probably wonder what it is, and that is what we intend to give you an   answer to in the following pages. We will try to depict what a statutory, national   value can represent for a difference in the work with elderly people in   municipal eldercare within the own home.

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