

773 Uppsatser om Elderly tourists - Sida 26 av 52

Trycksårsprevention - en litteraturstudie/Prevention of pressure ulcers - a literature review

Background: Pressure ulcers are a common problem and cause great suffering for those who develop it, and are also an expensive cost to the society. Aim: To describe nursing measures for prevention of pressure ulcers among elderly people in ordinary and nursing homes. Method: A literature review by structured analyze of scientific articles. Result: The analyze resulted in six subjects for prevention of pressure ulcers. These subjects were; risk assesment, nutrition, repositioning, skin/hygiene, nurse knowledge and documentation.

?På en femgradig skala så tycker jag en fyra? : En kvalitativ studie om turistföretags syn på marknadskommunikation, mediekanaler & målgrupper

Tourism is a growing industry that brings in a lot of money each year, range ofactivities increases and people travel more than ever before. More and more chooseto move from rural areas to larger towns, at the same time when people are travellingthey want to visit quieter places that can offer outdoor experiences in the nature. Thisis something that tourism businesses located in rural areas have a great advantage of.But when the range is large, it becomes important for firms to communicate with themarket, to make the tourists choose to visit them.The purpose of this study is to investigate which media channels and target groupsthat tourism businesses use and how they reflect on the importance of communicatewith the market. To find this out, interviews have been conducted with tree differententrepreneur, all located in Jämtland. The theory?s that has been used is strategiccommunication, public relations, market communication, media channels, socialmedia and target groups.The result shows that all companies think that thecommunication with the market is an important part in the work with the company.The communication gets the business a chance to be seen and it becomes more easilyto create relationships with the stakeholders.

Som grädde på moset - frivilligarbetares upplevelser av sin roll inom Väntjänsten : Voluntary workers thoughts of their role in a voluntary organisation.

Title: Voluntary workers thoughts of their role in a voluntary organisation (Väntjänst). Written in Swedish, 28 pages.Authors: Cecilia Andersson and Elisabet Aronsson Pivac, Department of Health Sciences, Social Care Program ? Elderly and disability.Supervisor: Yvonne JohanssonDate: 2006-05-26The purpose of the research was to visualize the voluntary workers thoughts of their role in the voluntary organization, and to understand why they have chosen to be engaged in voluntary work.To recover the answers to our questions we have undertaken an empirically based study using the qualitative method. The data collection comprised of interviews with six voluntary workers from three different municipalities. We found that the voluntary workers take big pride and joy in their engagement and that they have no intention of ending it..

Föreställningen om Australiens outback : En diskursanalys av australiensiska officiella webbsidor

The Internet is a constant source of information about the world and has contributed to the globalization of texts and pictures. A part in the tourists process of consumption involves looking at pictures and read about places that create an image of places that they have never been to. Websites are therefore important as a first impression and it is here that places are being represented. Places are created on the Internet and the Australian outback is an example of this. The study is interesting because it can be used to understand the relationship between people and places.

Drömmar om Glas : En skildring av skapandeprocessen av en kulturell mötesplats

Introduction: How to implement and integrate cultural aspects in strategy making and planning in order for cities and regions to reap both social and economic benefits has been widely discussed in recent years. This method of working with culture, both as an economic, as well as an identity strengthening tool has come to be labeled as cultural planning. But in order for these ideas about cultural projects and institutions to become a reality, something has to be done. This is where the entrepreneur enters.The Glass Factory, a newly opened cultural establishment in the heart of the Glass Kingdom in Småland, Sweden, became the subject of empirical investigation for this paper. As this originally was an initiative from Emmaboda municipality the planning and start-up procedure could be viewed as a cultural planning process.

"Så nära men ändå så långt borta" : ? en studie om hållbar destinationsutveckling på Sandhamn

Sustainable destination development has in recent years become an increasingly important concept for tourism destinations. A destination must take into account the environment if it wants to continue being a successful tourism destination in the future. This essay investigates what needs to be developed on theislandofSandhamnfor that the destination can be more attractive in the off season and how the players on Sandhamn integrate to develop Sandhamn in a sustainable manner. One market research and interviews with five different players were made. Through these interviews grew an understanding for how the cooperation between the municipal and the private party looks like and how the history of Sandhamn is the foundation for the islands tourism development.

24-timmarsmyndighetens användbarhet

The communication with government and municipality through Internet has in-creased during the last couple of years. Therefore we have chosen to focus our bachelor thesis in this particularly area and the needs for usable web services for the citizens. In this bachelor thesis we are studying a increasing group users, namely elderly citizens. During the study we have analysed E-governments ser-vices usability through usability tests. The combination of conversations and meetings with individuals, observations of interactions and literature studies give us the opportunity to explore the users needs.

Fysisk, känslomässig och social interaktion : En analys av upplevelserna av robotsälen Paro hos kognitivt funktionsnedsatta och på äldreboende

This field study examined how elderly and cognitively disabled people used and experienced a social companion robot. The following pages explores the questions: Which are the physical, social and affective qualities during the interaction? The aim was to through observations see how qualities of interaction could activate different forms of behavior. The results show that motion, sound and the eyes together created communicative and emotional changes for users who felt joy and were willing to share the activity with others. The robot stimulated to some extent users to create their own imaginative experiences but often failed to involve user or group for a long time and was also considered too large and heavy to handle..

Att leva med venösa bensår- ur ett holistiskt perspektivEn litteraturstudie

Venous leg ulcers are a chronic disease mostly among elderly individuals. The leg ulcers are often painful and interfere with the individual?s daily life. The aim of this literature review was to describe individuals? experiences of living with venous leg ulcers.

Gotlands landsbygd och invånarnas framtidstro : En studie av människors känsla för bygden med sikte på planering

This essay examines resident experiences and notions of the Gotland countryside and their ideas about the future. In particular the countryside is studied as both space and place. In space and place people interacting. People are therefore important components in the study of the landscape. One can say that the landscape and the interaction between people affect resident experiences and notions of the countryside, as well as people certainly affect the landscape.

Centrumhandel i relation till externhandel : - en fallstudie om Strängnäs

In the 90's the establishment of external trade centers had a strong growth in Sweden, primarily in large and medium cities. Gradually took smaller towns by this development. In larger cities with larger and growing customer base than in small towns were not affected by the trade centers heavily, but in the smaller towns where the customer base was smaller, there was a risk that it created a negative competitive relationship between external trade center and trade in the citycenter. In some cases, competition is a positive development for both the citycenter and external trade areas, but in some cases there was a risk that the center became impoverished. In such situation there are theories that the different variety of different types of goods should be at the center and in external trade center could lead to a balanced trade relationship.

Att leva med venösa bensår- ur ett holistiskt perspektiv En litteraturstudie

Venous leg ulcers are a chronic disease mostly among elderly individuals. The leg ulcers are often painful and interfere with the individual?s daily life. The aim of this literature review was to describe individuals? experiences of living with venous leg ulcers.

Ett land som inget annat : Bilden av Sydafrika före, under och efter en utbytestermin i Stellenbosch

The mental constructions of other places are based on impressions from everything that surrounds us in our everyday life, e.g. pictures, videos, texts and narratives. The tourism industry is especially influential when it comes to creating the image of before ?unknown places?. Furthermore, it has a tendency to embellish and idealize people and places located in what is commonly known as the Third World.

Visuellt & Auditivt korttidsminne

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of sensory modality on short-term memory recall. An exploratory, cross-sectional study was performed. A total of 119 individuals participated. There were 70 female and 49 male subjects, aged 4 to 80 years (M=34,3). The participants were presented with 12 different objects in auditory, visual or auditory/visual mode over a period of 24 seconds.

Åldrande i ett mångkulturellt samhälle : En kvalitativ studie av äldre invandrares tillgång till samhällsinformation och deras deltagande i aktiviteter riktade till äldre medborgare.

In light of the European Union`s 2012 theme year: Active aging and solidarity between generations I wished to gain an understanding of weather elderly immigrant are provided with equal possibilities and access to local community information as the majority population and their participation in activities arranged for senior citizens in the municipality where they live. I have done this by meeting with those who work in this capacity. I also chose to meet with representatives for immigrant organizations in the local community to enquire of their work with senior citizens within their own ethnic group. This is a qualitative study on a phenomenological ground based on nine interviews and four observations. I have had two theories to help me analyze my empirical material.

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