

3643 Uppsatser om Elder Care - Sida 51 av 243

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att informera närstående till kritiskt sjuka patienter : - En intervjustudie

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to explore nurses' experiences of informing relatives to critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).MethodThe study was descriptive with a qualitative approach. Nine nurses were interviewed. The study took place in a university hospital in the midst of Sweden. An interview guide was used, designed in consensus with the study questions. Data was analyzed via qualitative content analysis.FindingsMeeting and preparing relatives at the arrival at the ICU seemed valuable and led to safety and participation among relatives.

Närståendes upplevelser av den vårdande rollen : En litteraturstudie

Sammanfattning/AbstractBakgrund:Många patienter väljer i dag att vårdas hemma under sin sista tid i livet istället för som tidigare på sjukhus eller ett boende. Den palliativa hemsjukvården blir därför alltmer utbredd vilket samtidigt innebär att allt större krav ställs på de närstående som då ofta intar en vårdande roll. Syfte:Syftet är att beskriva hur närstående upplever sin vårdande roll i den palliativa hemsjukvården.Metod:En litteraturstudie baserad på tio resultatartiklar som består av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier där vi kom fram till tre teman som handlade om den närståendes upplevelser av den vårdande rollen, närståendes vårdande roll och den sjuke och närståendes vårdande  roll och sjuksköterskan. Resultat:Många närstående fann både fördelar och nackdelar med den vårdande rollen och att den innebär en stor omställning. Många närstående kände sig mer eller mindre tvingade att ta över den vårdande rollen.Tillräcklig information och en god kommunikation ansågs av de närstående som en mycket viktig faktor. Diskussion:Att vårda en svårt sjuk anhörig är ofta en belastning. Detta kräver att vårdpersonalen är medvetna om de närståendes svåra situation och upplevelsen av denna. Det är även viktigt att uppmärksamma närståendes behov av information och att ha en bra kommunikation för att vi som sjuksköterskor ska kunna stödja de närstående i deras vårdande roll.Nyckelord:Anhörig vårdare, vårdande roll, palliativ vård, döende patienter, vård i livets slutKeywords:Family caregivers, caring role, palliative care, terminally ill, end of life care .

Professionskritik som civilisationskritik under 1970-talet och 1980-talet.

A group of scientist, called the council of democracy in Sweden made a predictionabout members of political parties, in 2013 members should not exist. In this essaythat statement going to be questioned. It shows that most of the political parties losesmembers in Sweden. The only differences from year 2000 and now is that in 14 yearsthe parties has lost 65000 members, between 1991-1999 it was about 220000members. Something has changed.

Ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskor om orsaker till bristande följsamhet förbättrar patienters delaktighet

In today?s health care it?s most common to treat an illness with a kind of pharmaceutical preparation. But lack of resources, given information and bad communication and collaboration between the patient and the nursing staff can lead to a patient unwilling to follow the doctor?s prescription. This does not just affect the individual patient?s health but it can also result in consequences for other people and the whole society.

" ...köra lite på intuition" - Sjuksköterskors attityder och kunskaper om intimt partnervåld - en empirisk studie.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects both men and women, in homo- as well as heterosexual relationships. The most recognized form of IPV is violence against women. The proposition "Kvinnofrid" was approved by the Swedish parliament in 1998 and proposed an extensive effort to increase knowledge and awareness of IPV among occupational groups, mainly in the health care system. These professionals are also often directly involved in the care of victims of IPV. The main purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes and level of knowledge among nurses about violence in an intimate relationship.

Behov hos patienter med cancer som vårdas palliativt i hemmet

Bakgrund: Cancer är en sjukdom som drabbar 48 600 personer i Sverige. Av dessa väljer 50-70 % att vårdas palliativt i sitt hem. De patienter som vårdas palliativt har behov av en bra symtomlindring och god kommunikation med vårdpersonal. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka behov patienter med cancer har som vårdas palliativt i hemmet. Metod: Metoden som använts var en litteraturstudie.

Stepped care och sudden gains vid Internetbaserad självhjälpsbehandling och live gruppbehandling vid depression : STELLA-projektet

Egentlig depression är en folksjukdom, men i dagsläget är kognitiv beteendeterapi, som fått mest stöd i depressionsforskning, en bristvara. Därav finns ett behov av att med begränsade resurser kunna hjälpa så många patienter som möjligt och då är Internetbaserad självhjälpsbehandling i ett alternativ vid mild till måttlig depression. Denna behandlingsform kan dock inte hjälpa alla, varför de som inte svarat på den inledande behandlingen som ett andra steg bör erbjudas mer intensiv och individualiserad vård; så kallad. stepped care. Vid depression uppvisar vissa patienter sudden gains, det vill säga relativt stora, snabba och stabila minskningar av symptom, som ofta bibehålls på lång sikt.Syftet med studien var att undersöka effekten av stepped care vid mild till måttlig depression, vinna ökade kunskaper om sudden gains samt se om överlappningar mellan sudden gains och stepped care fanns.85 deltagare inkluderades i studien, varav 69 randomiserades till Internetbaserad självhjälpsbehandling eller live gruppbehandling.

Djurförbud : en analys av domar enligt 29 § Djurskyddslagen samt definition av resurs- och funktionskrav

The aim of this study is to with the help of my data, conduct statistic analyses about animal welfare mistakes and scarities, as a preventive measure for the public sector point of view and how farmers handle their animals in these cases, when and how these mistakes and scarities are likely to appear and in this way perhaps manage the existing problems. The aim of using judicial decisions of banning ownership and caretaking of animals according to the 29 § is that this judicial decision is the outermost fortification of animal welfare. In November 1938 the pro tempore investigator handed over a report with a proposition according the animal welfare legislation. Pro tempore proposed that the court should in some cases, be able to order a person guilty of cruelty against animals to a ban of owning or taking care of animals. This proposal unfortunately was turned down. The question about introduce a ban against owning or taking care of animals into the Swedish animal welfare legislation was again discussed in April 1967 at an interpellation debate in the parliaments second chamber.

Ungdomars upplevelser av att leva med cancer

Cancer is one of the most common diseases and it affects not only adults but also many adolecents and children every year. Those who are affected of disease face many challenges that will affect their lives. The aim of this literature review was to illuminate adolecents experience of cancer and how it affects them in their daily living. The result showed that the adolecents experience many physical and mental side-effects from disease and treatment. They expressed the need of information, support and understanding from their families, friends, school and care givers.

Att stödja familjer med minderåriga barn när en förälder är svårt sjuk eller döende - vårdpersonalens upplevelser och erfarenheter : = Supporting families with under-age children when a parent is seriously ill or dying ? care personnel?s experiences.

Vårdpersonal känner ofta stor rädsla att gå in i vårdsituationer med en döende förälder. Tidiga stödinsatser har visat sig vara av värde för barns krisbearbetning och accepterande i dessa vårdsituationer. Vården är vanligen inte anpassad för att barnen ska involveras och många föräldrar upplever det svårt att förmedla information om sjukdom och förväntad död till sina barn. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vårdpersonalens upplevelser och erfarenheter av att stödja familjer med minderåriga barn när en förälder är svårt sjuk eller döende. I form av tre fokusgruppsintervjuer intervjuades 10 personer med olika vårdyrkesbakgrund.

Effekter av individuellt utvecklingsstödjande neonatalvård

To be preborn and treated in a hightech environment, will expose the child for an abnormal stimulance. Immature lungs and brain are accountable for the biggest healthrisks. The medical treatment will affect the childs future development. Nursing according to NIDCAP®, Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program, aims at reducing the surrounding disturbance in relation to the childs maturity. The aim for this literature study is to survey the affects of NIDCAP®-nursing. The literature study is based upon scientific articles.

Vad inneb?r agape och agapekultivering? En studie av samtida agapeteologi fr?n feministteologiskt och psykologiskt perspektiv

The main purpose of this study is to explore and develop how the Christian conception of love as agape can be understood in light of feminist concerns, and how it can be cultivated in light of psychological research. Traditionally, agape has been defined as unconditional self-sacrifice for the sake of the other. Feminist theologians have highlighted repeatedly that an ethical principle of self-sacrifice might not be liberating for groups who have already internalized pressure to sacrifice their own needs for others. The main research questions are: 1) How may agape be understood in light of feminist concerns about its traditional interpretations? 2) How could a Christian community cultivate a form of agape that is responsive to feminist concerns? In order to answer these questions, the first part of the dissertation examines feminist concerns regarding discussion of agape, and then uses these concerns as a lens for analysing four themes in contemporary accounts of agape: community, care, humility, and mentalization.

Hjärtinfarkt borde vara så självklart : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda äldre kvinnor med hjärtinfarkt

BackgroundWhen women have breast pain this usually is not associated with myocardial infarction, which results in that they get less attention and wrong treatment. The nurse has an important role in informing and educating patients and families during hospitalization, which is usually short. Continuous training, written information and repetition for patient and family throughout the hospital stay are of considerable importance to clarify that the patient understands and to reduce the anxiety of being discharged.AimThe aim is to describe nurses' experiences of caring for older women with myocardial infarction.MethodsA qualitative method was used. The collection of data was done by six interviews with nurses in geriatric care and elderly care. Dataset has been processed based on a content analysis and divided into subcategories and main categories using meaningful units.ResultsNot having knowledge of older women with myocardial infarction was expressed as frustrating and nurses described how they were afraid to ask their colleagues.

Att leva med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom : En litteraturöversikt över patienters upplevelser

Background: A health damage that has been specifically related to nursing is pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are a complication caused by disease, care and treatment and can result in great suffering for the patient. Pressure ulcers can affect people both physically and psychosocially and is experienced, by most patients, as a serious and unnecessary complication of care. Today there are hundreds of identified risk factors for pressure ulcers described that can be divided into patient and care-related risk factors. A successful pressure ulcer prevention and treatment is to reduce or eliminate the underlying causes for the development of pressure ulcers, prevent deterioration and to treat existing ulcers.

Kvinnors känsla av sammanhang och upplevelsen av bröstcancer

Cancer is one of the most common diseases and it affects not only adults but also many adolecents and children every year. Those who are affected of disease face many challenges that will affect their lives. The aim of this literature review was to illuminate adolecents experience of cancer and how it affects them in their daily living. The result showed that the adolecents experience many physical and mental side-effects from disease and treatment. They expressed the need of information, support and understanding from their families, friends, school and care givers.

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