

3840 Uppsatser om Effective teachers - Sida 11 av 256

Ett språk för alla? : en kvalitativ studie av ett antal pedagogers syn på sinanvändning av IKT-verktyg i den tidiga läs- och skrivinlärningen

The aim of this study is to investigate a number of class teachers' thoughts on the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in early literacy learning. The study has been conducted as a qualitative study, interviewing five teachers with the help of an interview guide. Three central questions were posed.What perception do the teachers have about the use of ICT in their tuition?What perception do the teachers have about the pupils' literacy learning in teaching with ICT tools?What perception do the teachets have about teaching and learning by means of ICT when it comes to pupils with reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia?The overall theoretical basis of the study is Vygotskij's sociocultural theory.In conclusion, the result of the study is as follows.Most class teachers feel that the training they have undergone in ICT education was adequate, but they also call for skill development.Most teachers believe that the use of ICT tools provide opportunities to adapt their teaching to pupils' knowledge level. The teachers' opinion is that ICT in teaching is useful for pupils' progress in early literacy learning.Most teachers also believe that ICT tools in teaching can be of some help for pupils with reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia.One obstacle in helping these pupils is lack of time.Therefore, the majority of the teachers hand these pupils over to special education outside the classroom..

Muntlig färdighet ? lärares uppfattningar om metoder för lärande och bedömning :   En studie av sju lärares uppfattningar om bedömning av muntlig färdighet i språk

My aim is to find out about teachers? perceptions of methods concerning learning and assessment of oral proficiencies. My questions are: What perceptions are there among teachers concerning assessment of oral proficiencies? How do teachers describe their ways of promoting and assessing oral proficiency? In order to answer my questions and obtain data I have accomplished two focus groups interviews with seven language teachers. The result shows that teachers are concerned with several factors regarding assessment of oral proficiency.

Att undervisa elever med ADHD i idrott och hälsa

AbstractWorking with students who have ADHD are today common in Swedish schools. Approximately 2-3 students per class have been diagnosed with ADHD and require greater demands on their teachers. The pupils have to be included and get the opportunities to develop in the way that suits the students best. The pupils themselves should not have to adapt to the school, it is the school that has to adapt to the pupils. The purpose of this paper is to examine how PE teachers work with students who have ADHD as they need to have adults around them that have insights on their special needs.

Våga inte blunda : en studie om förskollärares syn på anmälningsplikt enligt socialtjänstlagen

The aim of this study was to capture preschool-teachers thoughts and experience basing on the obligation. Are there any policies and procedures for preschool-teachers to use when suspicion that a child is being abused occur. Are there some factors that may affect preschool-teachers to report to the social service? How does the preschool-teacher find the contact with the Social Service? I conducted four interviews with four preschool-teachers, two of these preschool teachers are employed at the same municipal preschool and the other two are employed at two other preschools. The interviews were semi-structured and were conducted at each individual?s workplace.

Hur motiverar och stimulerar lärare de högpresterade elevernas utveckling inom matematiken?

This study is about the above-average pupils? situation in schools and how teachers work to encourage and motivate these pupils' development in mathematics. The purpose of this study is to find out how a group of teachers work with above-average pupils in mathematics. The study addresses previous research on these students' school situation and how teachers should work with them. There have been unstructured interviews with a number of educators to get a personal insight into how they work with above-average pupils.

Kunskap på olika nivåer. Kunskapsförmedlingen mellan kockstudent och lärare på olika utbildningsnivåer

AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years).  ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..

Lärarens första ljuva år som ledare : En kvalitativ undersökningom fem nyutexaminerade 1-6 lärares föreställningar kring sitt ledarskap

The purpose of this essay is to find out what new graduate teachers conceptions are of their own leadership in the classroom. The paper also aims to examine the different leadership styles the teachers perceive themselves to use. My study is based on qualitative data collected through interviews, where the informants are newly graduated teachers in grade 1 to 6. Using a qualitative approach has made it possible for me to get a deeper understanding of this study. I have also used previous research in this area where Arfwedson (1993), Franssons & Morbergs (2001) and Paulin (2007) presents a number of experiences that student teachers and recent graduate teachers has shared.

Att vara en kreativ trollkarl

The study aims to describe how art teachers conduct their teaching towards the new curriculum requirements, hence, to the must-haves of society towards the art education. As a future art teacher, I have an interest in finding out how the art teachers tackles the new requirements despite substance plight. The study has revealed that resources for the art education, both financial and time varies from school to school. Which says something about a very unfair situation for the teachers..

"Det hade varit skönt om det inte fanns några konflikter" : En studie om förskollärares syn på konflikter

The study aims to explore the view preschool teachers have on conflicts and conflictsrole in preschool context. And what consequences this approach has for conflictbeingness in preschool. The study uses qualitative interview method to answer thepurpose and issues. The results have shown that preschool teachers' views of conflictsdiffer and that the strategies preschool teachers use will be selected based on both theirdefinition of the situation but also the relationship they have to the children. The resultalso shows that the main reason that preschool teachers deal with conflict is due to thepreschool teachers' common sense is the basis for the standard of good atmosphere thatpervades the preschool context.

Matematik kommunikation utifrån lärarnas uppfattningar : En kvalitativ studie som bygger på sex matematiklärares uppfattningar av kommunikations betydelse för elevernas lärande i matematikämnet

The purpose of this thesis was to examine teachers? perception of communication in the Mathematics lesson. I wanted to find out how teachers look at communication as a didactic manner and how they view their role in encouraging communication and discussion during the Mathematics lesson and what communication can contribute to students? learning in Mathematics, according to their beliefs. I have chosen a qualitative approach; I have interviewed six Mathematics teachers working in three different schools.

Yngre barns argumentation : En studie om hur pedagoger och elever uppfattar argumentationens betydelse på lågstadiet

One of the main goals of the national curriculum is to encourage children?s personal opinion and support them in development of argumentation ability and communication skills. All this is very important for the children as members of the future society.The purpose of this essay is to investigate how primary school teachers estimate the meaning of the pupil?s argumentation as well as which methods and approaches are assumed by the teachers to be most appropriate for children?s argumentation development. The study also considers the questions how the teachers motivate their pupil has to argue in the classroom and how the students by themselves understand the concept of argumentation.

Barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om lärares arbete i Nepal

The focus of this study is children´s influence and participation. This is an important part of preschool, according to the Swedish curriculum (Skolverket, 2010). Hoping to see another perspective of working with children´s influence and participation, my study took place in Nepal. The method used for this study is qualitative interviews. The interviews are made with teachers with insight in preschools in Nepal.

Dialog, maktrelationer och våld : En kvalitativ studie om maktrelationer i klassrummet och våld som uttryck för motstånd

Violence against teachers in Swedish schools, according to recent reports has increased and there have been many studies to investigate the situation for teachers. The surveys show that teachers are especially vulnerable to students. This study aims to examine the relationship between a number of teachers and their students to study the power relations that exist in the classroom. This is to see what violence is an expression of and also how violence is perceived by the teachers. The issues that are central in this study are:What is the importance of dialogue in the relationship between these teachers and their students?Is there power relations between teachers and their students?What is the violence against teachers and expression of?Is there any connection between dialogue, power relations and violence?The theories of the materials in this study was analyzed using power relations theories of the historian of ideas Michel Foucault and Philosophy Doctor Anders Persson, who to some extent has his theoretical basis in Foucault?s power relations.

CSR och B2B, olja och vatten? : En undersökning av CSR som konkurrensfördel inom Business-to-Businessmarknaden

The aim of this thesis is to examine how secondary teachers in the subject of history are using the textbook in their teaching. Four questions are being dealt with in this thesis. What importance is being placed on the use of history textbooks by the secondary teachers? What priorities do the secondary teachers have? How do they deal with student interests? And what is the importance of the secondary teachers? work experience? I have interviewed four secondary teachers with different work experience to complete this thesis. A Dictaphone has been used in all the interviews. Research has shown that textbooks now have a central role in teaching and the lack of alternative materials and reduction of teaching hours has made it difficult to replace. The main conclusions of the thesis are that the history textbook has a dual role depending on the teacher you ask, and that the history book is used differently by the teachers.

Steg 18a : En kvalitativ analys av LUS

The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers comprehend LUS as a development program, but also how they think about one of the points in the program. The study is based on interviews with five teachers working with ages between preschool to ninth grade.The results show that the development program is splendid, it doesn?t come with a lot of paperwork and it has a humanistic approach. When it comes to point 18a which is the main examination, the teachers mainly agree with each other. They all talk about preunderstanding, reading speed and the amount of literature as the main characteristics to be placed at point 18a.

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