

11053 Uppsatser om Educational work - Sida 8 av 737

Modellbaserad systemutveckling i komplexa verksamheter. En fallstudie av Coremetoden

In system development it is today increasingly common to use a model-based system development method. These methods that are suited for Agile work with simple and quick updates and implementations of new applications in systems conform to the requirements that are becoming more important today, namely more flexible and less expensive system that still maintain high quality and safety.A company that has been working with this type of system development method for a long time is Genicore AB, which also has developed their own tools and model language in order to better model the information management systems in complex and abstract operations. Genicore AB is trying to spread their method other developers and have therefore taken the initiative to start this study. The method is evaluated and tested by two students with relatively little experience in model-based systems engineering in order to gain a new perspective on how the method functions. The method has been applied to an educational activity in order to test it in a new domain, and this led us to our research question;?What criteria are of particular relevance in the implementation of a MBSD method on on complex businesses??Through literature reviews and interviews, we formed an idea of how model-based system development works from a theoretical perspective, and then continued to the case study conducted on the educational activities at the faculty of IT at University of Gothenburg.

Föräldrars utbildningsnivå : En studie om hur elevernas prestationer som påverkas av föräldrarnas bakgrund

This study is about how students 'performance in school is influenced by parents' educational background. The study has been performed by cooperation with two schools in Stockholm. One class in each school has participated and the students have amongst other questions answered regarding their grades in natural science subjects. To examine whether parents 'educational background affect students' performance, a quantitative survey in the form of poll has been conducted. Even a literature review was conducted in this area to get a clearer picture of how parents' educational background affects the performance of students.This study shows that students who have academic parents perform better than students who have not got academically educated parents.

Tvåspråkighet i förskolan

The purpose of my study is to examine how four teachers in a pre school believe they relates to and reasons about bilingualism. To be able to realize thisstudy, i proposed three issue following:How do the teachers in kindergarten relate to bilingualism?How do teachers in preschool reason around the work of bilingual children?What do teachers think about the educational environment in relation to language development?.

Folkbibliotekets pedagogiska uppgifter - en diskursanalys av fyra bibliotekstidskrifter

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the contemporary educational tasks of the Swedish public library as they manifest in Swedish library journals. Our main question at issue is: Which educational discourses are there? And in relation to our main question: how do the concepts of information literacy, lifelong learning and adult education relate to each other? Is there an antagonism between the public library's duty to supply fiction as opposed to non-fiction? and: What are the consequences of these discourses in the service provided by the library?Our theoretical starting-point is the discourse theory as proposed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. We analyse 39 texts from four Swedish library journals: Ikoner, bis, DIK-forum and Biblioteksbladet. The analysis is done in two phases.

"Programmet har ju en låg status" : Gymnasielärares tankar och attityder om elever på yrkes- och studieförberedande program

This paper is named ?The status of the programme is low? ? Gymnasium teacher?s thoughts and attitudes towards students in the vocational- and the educational programmes. The purpose is, as the title reveals, to examine the attitude of four teachers in the Swedish gymnasium towards the vocational and the educational programmes and the students that attend either one of them. This purpose is accompanied by research which says that the educational programmes? status is higher than one of the vocational programmes.

IUP - ett specialpedagogiskt verktyg för att utveckla skolan?

The aim of this study is to see if the individual developing plans (i.e. individuella utvecklingsplaner) can be used as a tool for the special needs teacher (i.e. specialpedagog) to develop the school in its challenge to meet the needs of every child.  The study is based on contentanalycis and interviews, in order to understand how one school worked with the students´ individual developing plans.The results showed that the school did not use the plans as a tool to develop the education for each and every child, since the plans didn´t affect the tuition.The headmaster did not include the special needs teacher in the responsibility of developing the school.Even though our results showed that the school didn´t use the individual developing plans as a tool for the special educator to develop the school, we still found a possibility for developing the individual educational plans in the capacity of the special needs teacher. The study showed a need of dialogue in which teachers can reflect and problematize their actions and their teaching for the purpose of developing new understanding and new actions in the work with the individual educational plans. We believe that the profession of special needs teacher should supervise these dialogues..

En annan värld kan bli möjlig : En studie om ABF:s bildningsideal i det mångkulturella samhället

The purpose of this paper is to investigate, analyse and interpret the educational ideals of the ABF (Workers Educational Association) as they are understood by five members within ABF. The paper also examines how the educational ideals are represented in the national guidelines and statues of the ABF. The basic theoretical perspectives are intercultural theory and theories about Bildung and adult liberal education in a multi-cultural pedagogical environment presented by Bernt Gustavsson and Hans Lorentz respectively.The empirical study consists of five semi-structured interviews and a text study of the official documents of the ABF. The data is interpreted with hermeneutic and semiotic tools. Organisational theory focusing on organizational culture has also contributed to the study.The result of the study, when analysed in accordance to the methods, shows mainly four things.

Regionbiblioteken i Tanzania en fältstudie av den offentliga biblioteksservicen

This masters thesis concerns the Public Library Service in Eastern Africa, Tanzania. Our subject was developed through a feasibility study that gave us comprehension that developing countries have individual problems concerning books and libraries. We understood that the main problems were the libraries financial situation and their dependence on aid. We also understood that the libraries do not have the resources to satisfy the society as a whole. The major questions raised in this study are: - How do the regional librarians describe their work situation? -Which role do the Regional Librarians have in society? Data was collected through interviews and observation, and the study is a qualitative case study.

Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete och behovet av utbildning inom H&M

The purpose of this study was to make a survey of a larger company in Sweden to analyze if it complied to the stipulated Systematic Work Environment Management rules in Sweden. The company chosen was Hennes & Mauritz. The key question was to see if the company was examining and judging the risks, developing handling plans and if they were making yearly follow ups so that problems could be attended to. Further, I also wanted to examine if there was lack of competence within different departments as well as give some substantiate proposals on educations in Systematic Work Environment Management. The method used to investigate this was interviews and observations on how the Systematic Work Environment Management was handled in the company.

Koppla på hjärnan! En studie kring hur Educational Kinesiology och Brain Gym används i arbetet med barn och deras lärande.

Haidi Thun (2010). Koppla på hjärnan! En studie kring hur Educational Kinesiology och Brain Gym används i arbetet med barn och deras lärande. Malmö: Lärarutbildningen, Malmö Högskola. Syftet med mitt arbete har varit att ta del av fyra pedagogers erfarenheter av att arbeta med Educational Kinesiology och Brain Gym med elever i åldrarna 6-12 år. Jag har genom min empiri försökt närma mig en förståelse för Educational Kinesiology och Brain Gyms fördelar alternativt nackdelar.

Digital delaktighet : folkbibliotekens undervisande roll i kampanjen Digidel

In this thesis the pragmatic pedagogy as formulatad by John Dewey is applied to theswedish national campaign Digidel and its work to spread the digital participation among thegeneral public. The purpose of the thesis is to visualize and problematize that differentunderstandings of a problem, lead to different solutions, as lifted in John Dewey´s pedagogy, thatconstitutes the thesis' theoretical framework. The term digital participation is used by the Digidelcampaign, where public libraries take active part to spread digital participation througheducational efforts. By qualitative interviews with four librarians this thesis examines howunderstandings of the term may vary and in turn lead to differenent educational goals, designsand executions. The result shows that basic computer- and Internetskills are seen as either equelto or prerequisites for digital participation and that the digital participant is seen as either apassive recipient or an active participant.

Utbildningsnivåns och demokratins inverkan på ekonomisk tillväxt

The purpose with this paper is to examine if tertiary education and democracy have an impact on economic growth. In order to decide how democratic the examined countries are the democracy index constructed by The Economist is used. Besides the two central theories the purpose is also to explain why these variables could affect growth and to examine direct and indirect effects. Indirect effects mean that one variable affects another variable which thereafter has an impact on economic growth.34 OECD countries are compared in order to investigate whether education and democracy are strongly correlated with BNP per capita. Therefore a statistical design is used as method.The empirical results suggest that there is significant correlation between democracy and economic growth.

"...i en macho-stämpel så ingår det väl inte att plugga.." : En studie om betydelsen av genus och klass i en arbetsökningsprocess

The aim of this thesis is to study a job-searching process and elements that affects it. The elements I have focused on are gender, class and social network. The study is based on interviews and a survey study with students from the educational program of Social work (Socialomsorgsutbildningen), that graduated 3 years ago. Through the survey I have examined their social-background and their job-searching process. The interviews are the main focus in the study.

Stöd, reflektion och hjälp att inkludera : Lärares syn på specialpedagogisk handledning

The purpose of this study was to gain deeper knowledge about the special needs of guidance significance as an aid to students based on teachers' views and perceptions.Eight teachers from three different municipalities, active in primary school and middle school have been interviewed since all have participated in and have experience with special needs tutoring. Their responses were compiled and answered the three research questions: What experiences have teachers of special education counseling? How do teachers the guidance they received from a special teacher? What effect has the special educational guidance given for the inclusive education? The result shows that the special educational tutorial helps teachers gain a deeper understanding of students in need of special support and guidance to the mission vary in scope and content. The special educational tutorial that is aimed directly at the teachers seem to have a positive effect on inclusion and a critical/dilemma perspective while the consultative guidance primarily directed towards the adaptation of educational material and allows students to walk out of the classroom to receive special education promotes exclusion and ability grouping and a compensatory perspectives. From a sociocultural perspective pointing results of the study that teachers with special education tutoring experience to students in an inclusive education contribute to each other's learning,creating meaningful for everyone involved..

Föräldrar och pedagoger i ett gott samarbete : En kvalitativ studie av några förskolepedagogers och föräldrars upplevelser av samarbetet mellan hem och förskola i arbetet med barn som har diagnosen autism

This thesis describes and analyzes how some early childhood educators and parents perceive cooperation in Educational work with 4-5 years old children who have been diagnosed with autism. The work will examine which approach preschool teachers assume, the extent to which parents are involved in the work and how parents influence looks.The Literature section provides an overview of previous research on different pedagogical approaches with autistic children, what parental cooperation can mean for autistic children, and what advantages and disadvantages there are with cooperation between preschool teachers and parents.This work has a hermeneutic perspective. The method is based on a qualitative study where we used qualitative interviews with a hermeneutics base. The theoretical starting point for this work is the variety of theoretical perspectives.The final results/summary we came up with is that preschool teachers and parents of autistic children believe that parental cooperation in preschool has a crucial role in children's development and learning. Both sides believe that it is necessary to have a partnership, but we also came to the conclusion that parental cooperation, in addition to the positive, was also perceived as problematic to some degree..

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