

11053 Uppsatser om Educational work - Sida 28 av 737

Den uppsökande verksamheten vid Partille folkbibliotek

The aim of this essay is to give a picture of the extension work at Partille Public Library, asit is today, as well as to investigate if there is a need to reconsider the way of working at thelibrary.Qualitative interviews have been made with the extensive librarians and certain local governmentpoliticians, borrowers and personnel at hospitals as well as other institutions.The extension work at Partille Public Library corresponds quite well to the intentions whichare stated for the work in certain important investigations made by the Government. Theborrowers and the personnel are quite satisfied with the work and are only pointing out a fewviews on changes. The politicians mean that the aim of the extension work of the library ison one hand to give service to certain more or less neglected groups and on the other handto reach new book readers..

Skönlitteratur på mellanstadiet : En studie om hur ett antal lärare använder skönlitteratur och högläsning i klassrummet

The main focus of this study is to describe how, and for what reasons teachers use literature and fiction as a pedagogic tool. A qualitative study was made by interviewing four teachers about their language teaching. Working with fiction as a teaching-aid in school can in many ways be favorable to both teachers and pupils. In terms of children?s language development, research shows that using fiction as an educational tool can stimulate pupils? well-being as well as their linguistic improvement.

Känslomässiga utmaningar i socialt arbete ? vad betyder strategier och yrkeserfarenhet?

The aim of this study was to gain a greater understanding of what social workers perceive to be mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work, and which strategies they use to handle it. I chose to interview six social workers, three of them had long experience of social work, and three of them had worked for less than a year. The justification for this choice wasthat I wanted to interview people with different experience of social work over time, to be able to see possible differences in what was perceived as mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work, and how it was handled. The social workers were interviewed with a semi structured interview manual.The results showed that the organization of the social service is not fitted to the work that social workers execute. This means that what is perceived as mentally demanding and emotionally challenging work largely depends on this.

Pain in the ass eller samhällets hjälte- En studie om lekmannaövervakares arbete

The aim of this study is to explore the effects of probation officers and their work. The following questions have been asked to come to a conclusion: How do probation officers view their work and the purpose of it? What are the effects of probation officers work? The approach of the study is of a qualitative nature and has been conducted by interviewing three officers of the correctional service system, three probation officers and two ex-criminals that have been on probation. The selection is based on a snowball type selection. To analyse the results of the study we have applied previous research and phenomenological theory to examine the experience of correctional service officers, probation officers and ex criminals.

Högskolan i Halmstads miljöarbete - syndliggörande för studenterna

We must all take our responsibility to our common environment, we have to make sure that the following generation is guaranteed a healthy and good environment. Swedens universities have a significant role too achieve this. Environment questions have to integrate in the educa¬tion as a compulsory element, then more people will have an increased comprehension for the influence we have ion the environment. . My degree project have I decided to do about the environmental work at Halmstad University.

Det är bra för barnen att vara ute! : Fem fritidspedagogers uppfattningar om utomhusvistelsen på fritidshemmet

The purpose of this study is to examine some after-school teachers? perceptions about the outdoor stay at the after-school care centre in the schoolyard and in the leisure- environment.Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with the after-school teachers at five after-school care centres in the Stockholm area.In the theoretical part presents the leisure- governance and ongoing research on outdoor learning, research on the school playground and kindergarten local environment affects children in their development and learning, and after-school teachers? professional identity.The theoretical foundation is based on the phenomenographic approach.The questions are:? What is outdoor education according to the after-school teachers?? According to after-school teachers, what educational opportunities are provided by the schoolyard and the local environment?? How do the after-school teachers use the schoolyard and local environment?The result shows that outdoor education can be a knowledge invigorating complement to the indoor teaching and a way for the after-school centre to supplement the compulsory schoolday. The play outdoors can help to increase children's social development, creativity and imagination. The after-school teachers used the schoolyard and local environment for various purposes which may be due to different circumstances, knowledge and experience to carry out educational activities outdoors. But it may also depend on whether the after-school teacher focuses on the regular school day or in the afternoon at the after-school care centre..

Att be om hjälp utan att fråga

This report is our Master thesis. Our work has taken place at a one-stop-shop in Sölvesborg during the spring of 2002. We have conducted ethnographical studies concerning the one-stop-shops frontdesk and telephone exchange. During these studies we became aware of some differences under which the daily work was to be carried out. When operating the switchboard the staff usually work alone and perform the tasks individually.

Ny form för framtiden? Uppfattningar om identiteten hos de nya högskolebiblioteken i Malmö och på Södertörn

There are reasons to believe that recent changes in the Swedish academic library environment create new images of identity. New information technology, changed educational methods and increasing numbers of students in higher education heavily influence the professional basis for librarians. The purpose of this essay is to examine and describe how the images of identity are conceived and expressed by staff in two university colleges in Sweden, Malmö University and Södertörn University. We define identity as the images of what the library is, what it is aiming to be in the future, what it should do and how. In a qualitative study attitudes towards and opinions of the role of the library in the university environment are investigated.

Ordning och reda! : En ideologianalytisk studie över Folkpartiets skolpolitik mellan år 1990 och 2010

The purpose of this study is to examine the critically raised concern on whether the Liberal party of Sweden, in policies regarding the compulsory school, really represents a liberal policy or if it actually functions more as an ambassador for conservative ideals. An ideology analysis is employed for the purpose of answering the research question, which asks if the party?s changed viewpoint on the compulsory school between the years of 1990 and 2010 could be understood in terms of an ideological alternation. The analysis is carried out by an examination where the party?s policies are linked to common definitions of the two political ideologies, with the assistance of an analytical tool consistent of a series of educational philosophies.

Uppgiftsfördelning inom arbetsmiljöområdet : En studie av delegeringen vid Örebro Läns Landsting

This essay describes how Örebro läns landsting operate concerning the delegation of work environment tasks in their organization. In the essay we review present law, with the focus on the delegation of work environment tasks. The purpose is to see if Örebro läns landsting are following the law in a correct way.Through interviews with people responsible for the work environment, and representatives for the workers in these questions, we could see how Örebro läns landsting were fulfilling there obligations in the role of employer. The result described how they were motivated and how they systematically worked with work environment issues. However, we could also see that the structure of the division of work environment tasks were inadequate.

Det sociala arvet : Kvantitativa analyser av intragenerationell (föräldrar till barn) överföring av utbildningsstatus och föräldra bakgrund

The aim of this study was to find relations between parents background and education ina wider sense and their children's success in school. The study also includes genusdifferentiations, the family profile and residential areas influence on children's ability anddetermination to study.The study confirmed earlier research that children's success in school is to some extentdependant on their parents education. At the same time it was shown that in most casesthe children reached higher level of education than their parents ? also when they werepoorly educated or had emigrated from a country with big cultural differences. It was alsoevident that children with at least one Swedish parent (and presumably Swedish as theirmother tongue) reached higher educational levels than other children.Children from single parent families often stopped their school carrier after the 9-yearcompulsory class while children of dual parent families more often continued to university.In general, girls were more affluent in school than the boys.

Harry Martinson - en tidsresa i lyriken och dess förändringar

The aim of this study is to examine the significance of having a music department at the public library in Enköping, and how the organization of the phonograms is handled. The different areas examined are the reason of the reintroduction of a music department, its budget, its users, the work with selection, the marketing, statistical data concerning loans, the work with classification, indexing, and organization of the phonograms and the future of the music department. The empirical material consists of qualitative interviews with staff connected to the music department at the public library in Enköping. For the theoretical frame, Sanna Taljas discourse analysis of music libraries in Finland is used. Talja presents three discourses which all show different views on what kind of material a music library should contain.

Vård av arbete : En undersökning om work-life-balance, jämställdhet och genus

Abstract"The Care of Work" is a study whose background comes from the problems surrounding work-life balance and equality that permeates social debates today. The problematic work-life-balance and gender equality are just as relevant today as they were 35 years ago. The aim of the study was to investigate whether or not men and women have a satisfactory work-life balance and if the organization they work for is doing something to make their life puzzles function. Last, but not least, the purpose is to see if gender equality is in the interest of the individual or the state.The study is based on work-life balance, gender equality and gender as the theoretical frames of reference. Eight respondents, four men and four women, from established IT companies were interviewed.

Grundläggande läs- och skrivinlärning : Är stavelsen en gynnsam arbetseneht?

The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the syllable as an alternative to the phoneme at the basic reading and writing. This report is based on a qualitative analysis of Håkanstorp school´s approach to the basic reading and writing in class. Their approach to reading and writing is controversial, as it is based on the syllable instead of the phoneme, as usual in the traditional reading and writing. The education result, I have found, is that the syllable leads to a very clear and structured working procedure, which ultimately leads to class teachers being able to work from a diagnostic approach. This structure, with many parts of the course helps educators to clearly follow what level students are at.

Gymnasiebibliotekarier och skönlitteratur En studie av gymnasiebibliotekariers uppfattningar om arbetet med förmedling av skönlitteratur på gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate upper secondary school librarians conceptions of fiction mediation. By using a phenomenographic method, the different conceptions of the specific phenomena, how the librarians conceptualise their work with mediation of fiction, are made clear. The aim of the method is not to study what fiction mediation is constituted of, but rather how upper secondary school librarians understand it. Qualitative interviews were held with eight upper secondary school librarians about their conceptions of their working tasks, the meaning of fiction for youths, reading promotion, inspiration to purchase of fiction, free voluntary reading and if the importance of fiction has changed over time. The results showed that the upper secondary school librarians conceptualise their working tasks as both changeable and repeatable.

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