

11053 Uppsatser om Educational work - Sida 12 av 737

Utomhuspedagogik i skolan

Nature is in many ways considered a source to both physical and mental health among people. Trends in today?s society reveal that children become more distanced to nature. Seen from the perspective of sustainable development this trend is considered crucial: it is of importance that children in their early ages experience nature positively in order to develop a dedication towards environmental issues as adults.The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers use outdoor learning as an educational tool. Research data were collected through a series of interviews.

En-till-en som verktyg i arbetet med utlandsfödda elever i behov av särskilt stöd. : Pedagogers och rektorers uppfattningar ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv.

The aim of this study was to, from a special educational approach, describe and analyse nine teachers and headmasters experiences and perceptions of the use of laptos, ?1-1?, as a tool for working with 13-16 year old pupils born outside of Sweden and with special educational needs (SEN). Interviews were used for data collection. The interview material was analysed with the phenomenografic analysis method and with meaning condensation method. The result was analysed through three perspectives on special education and the concept of inclusion as the study?s frame of reference.

Det krympande klassrummet : En studie av högstadielärares förutsättningar i ett reformerat skolsystem

Since the 1990?s the Swedish school system has undergone major and recurring structural reforms. Two of the most comprehensive changes has been the shift of primary schools as an integral part of the welfare state to the responsibility of the municipalities as well as the introduction of free school choice for the students. Through two months of participant observations and semi-structured interviews this thesis seeks to answer the question of how these reforms has come to effect the work of teachers in a medium sized public school in a small municipality in the outskirts of Stockholm. Earlier research has shown that public schools in socio-economically vulnerable areas are disadvantaged due to the reformation of the school system (Beach & Sernhede, 2011; Östh, Andersson, & Malmberg, 2013).

Surfplatta i förskolan : en fenomenologisk studie utifrån intervjuer med åtta förskolepedagoger

The purpose of the study is to highlight educators' preferences and attitudes towards tablet in preschool by describing the use of this digital tool in the preschool educational activities. The use of tablet in preschool is in the study looked upon as a phenomenon. The description of the phenomenon is built on the analysis and interpretation of educators' statements about it. The research questions focus on the following aspects: educators' attitudes towards the tablet and its use in pre-school educational activities, the tablet's current area of use, the culture surrounding the use of this digital tool and the educators? statements about advantages and disadvantages of tablet's use in preschool.

"Det går i vågor, fram och tillbaks" : Sex lärares berättelser om särskilda undervisningsgruppers förändringsprocess

Den svenska skolan har haft elever som bedömts vara i behov av särskilt stöd sedanfolkskolan infördes 1842. Hur denna undervisning bedrivits eller varit utformad har sett olika ut under olika tidsperioder. Vi ville ta del av lärares erfarenheter av särskilda undervisningsgruppers förändringsprocess över ett trettioårigt perspektiv, och lyfta fram förändringsprocessens positiva och negativa konsekvenser för eleverna i deras sociala utveckling och i lärandet så som lärarna uppfattar det. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med narrativa intervjuer som metod. Den narrativa metoden syftar till att tolka och förstå lärarnas berättelser.

Drama inom den obligatoriska skolan

In this paper, I have conducted a study of what perspectives educational drama has in theory and practice. The study aims to show an example of how and out of what perspectives educational drama is a part of the school?s activity at a geographically distinct school, from kindergarten on to primary and secondary school years. The general attitude of the faculty and their arguments for and against drama constitute the major aspects of this study, which has been carried out through qualitative interviews at a school in Skåne. The results were that pre-school focuses on teaching drama to develop communicative abilities amongst the students (art educational perspective) while secondary school seemingly abandoned this approach and focuses more on using it for personal development, increasing empathy and understanding of other people by taking it to a more emotional level in order to affect for example moral values of the students.

?Dom som mår dåligt måste få må bra? : En studie av skolintroduktionen för nyanlända flykting ? och invandrarbarn på två skolor

Subject: The Teacher Training Programme, Degree Project in Educational SciencesSödertörn University CollegeAutumn Term, 2006This study titled, Those who feel worst, need help to feel better, is a Degree Project in Educational Sciences for the Teacher Training Programme at Södertörn University College. The purpose of this study is to find out how school introduction for newly arrived refugee children is organized in two schools, considering the fact that many refugee children can suffer from PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The study is qualitative, based on interviews with principals, teachers and students in one junior high school and one high school. The study also reviews literature and research on how to work with children who suffer from PTSD. The results show that lack of national policy for the school introduction and education of refugee children, leads to the fact that school introduction can vary from school to school.

Hotell Rwanda - Ett pedagogiskt verktyg eller historieförvanskning?

The purpose of this essay is to analyse the movie Hotel Rwanda from a didactic point of view using the movie?s use of history and historical culture as the main analytical tools. We also intend to problematize the use of movies in teaching focusing on the teaching guide from the Swedish film institution concerning Hotel Rwanda. We choose to work with a qualitative method. The reason why we decided to work with a qualitative method is the intention, as mentioned before, to analyse the movie using the tools we described earlier.

Kominooo - den fantastiska staden : En empirisk studie och analys av kultur- och bildpedagogiska teorier i praktiken

This thesis is based on two different parts. First a presentation and a brief insight of the most comprehensive picture educational structures/theories and their various branches in Sweden from the post war period. Secondly a presentation of my artistic masters project Fantasy World, where I together with a group of children aged 7-12 freely created an artwork in the form of a world of its own, in sculptural expression. The idea behind the thesis has been to study how the perception of picture education and children?s creation has been in the recent decades and how different picture educational theories looks like and then to compare with the idea behind my project and how it may look in practice..

Utbildningskapital, ekonomiskt kapital och utbildningsstrategi : En deskriptiv utbildningssociologisk studie om gymnasieleverna som antagits till det naturvetenskapliga programmet i Botkyrka kommun

Secondary schools have for decades debated whether they promote social reproduction which is considered to generate the homogeneous student compositions. The gap between the academic programs and vocational education programs is considered to increase. What in recent years has appeared in research is that the gap is increasing most tend to be in the specific academic program, particularly in science. This paper's intention is to describe the science program at a local level and the pupils who were admitted to the science program autumn 2009 on the basis of an educational sociological perspective. The survey consisted of a census in which all students were given the opportunity to answer a questionnaire.

Bibliotekariens kunskap: En textanalys av SOU 1969:37

The aim with this Masters thesis is to examine the professional knowledge of the librarian. The method used is text analysis of a state public investigation, SOU 1969:37, that concerns librarian education. The theoretical starting point is a theory of knowledge thats descended from Aristotle. Three different forms of knowledge are central concepts in the theory: the theoretical, the practical and the ethical. The main issue in this thesis is: In what ways did the investigators look at the librarians knowledge? Was it in a changeable period of time? In that case, what reasons could there be? The conclusion shows that educational political changes were affecting the whole educational sphere at the late 1960:s, and in the beginning of the 1970:s, including library education.

LMSim, cacheminnessimulator för utbildningssyfte

Cache simulator is a tool to increase the understanding of a cache memory. Therefore cache memory simulation is included in the course Computer Engineering IS1200 at the Royal Institution of Technology. The purpose of this project is to develop a cache memory simulator for education. The existing MipsIt and Mips Simulator which is currently used in IS1200 has been the main source of inspiration. This resulted in the development of the cache memory simulator LMSim.


AbstractInformation and information seeking have always been important parts of society. How behavioural patterns of information seeking manifest themselves are partly due to individual prerequisites and partly due to the practice where the seeking of information is conducted.The aim of this study is to investigate a group of newly examined physicians? experiences of information seeking behaviour in their educational practice and in their professional practice. The two practices are related to each other but still very different. This makes it interesting to study whether individuals? information seeking behaviour changes when they move from the educational practice to the professional.The theoretical framework for the current study is a socio-cultural one.

Matematiksvårigheter : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie om matematiksvårigheter.

We have done a qualitative and quantitative study about math problems on second­ary school students. The study is based on the diagnosis, treatment and training of teachers, about students who have math difficulties. The aim of this work is to obtain teachers ?perceptions about students? diagnosis, treatment / improvement and continuing education for students who have math difficulties. By having interviewed various teachers through surveys we have received answers to their concerns about the diagnosis, treatment and the importance of continuous training of teachers on students? mathematics difficulties.

H?llbar arbetsmilj? i en distanskontext: En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers tillv?gag?ngss?tt p? globala f?retag

The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about the representation of fiction authors who have written in languages other than Swedish in educational school books within the Swedish subject. This is done in relation to the school's promotion of cultural diversity, a globalized world and to the Swedish curriculum. The study is a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative analysis that takes its starting point in six educational books for the courses Swedish 1 and 2. The analysis shows that all study materials include a broad representation of authorships from Europe and the USA. The selection of authors from other parts of the world is, however, limited.

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