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Matematikundervisning i Waldorfskola respektive kommunal skola : En kvalitativ undersökning av två olika grundskolor
The purpose of this study has been to compare teachers' differing methods of teaching mathematics and their perspectives on the learning process in a municipal school to a Waldorf school. The study has examined which approach best promotes student engagement and learning in mathematics in the first three years of schooling. The study is based on four interviews. The informants? accounts are interpreted using theories from previous research.
Transition from nomadic pastoralism to livestock based agro-pastoralism : the case of animal husbandry in West Pokot, Kenya
West Pokot County is located in North Western part of Kenya where the previous lifestyle was nomadic pastoralism. However, in recent years the semi-arid county has been under
dramatic developments and a sedentary agro-pastoral lifestyle is now growing. This is a major change in production systems and there is a big knowledge gap especially for the livestock based agro-pastoral systems. The main objective of this study was to investigate
the current situation of animal husbandry in West Pokot. Twenty farmers were interviewed in Chepareria Division, using semi-structured interviews to investigate if the use of enclosures have had any effect on animal husbandry in West Pokot and if so, how have this method affected the animal husbandry? The results of the study indicated that there is a difference in animal husbandry between farms using enclosures and farms not using enclosures.
Hur diskuterar idrottsföreningar hälsa? : en studie om hälsa hos fyra idrottsföreningar i Västergötland
Today sportsclubs are important actors in the work with promoting public health in Sweden. Sports have unique opportunities to reach out with messages to many people with diffrent backgrounds. In many respects sport- and clublife could be looked upon as health promotiv activiteis. It is not just the health of the individual that is affected by sportslife but also the community take advantage of active people in clubs. Partly through a healthier population and partly because clubs educational role in teaching democracy and solidarity to its members.
Lärande genom lärorika och lustfyllda metoder i dagens förskola. : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers reflektioner kring deras dagliga arbete med barns lärande
I want to investigate different preschool teachers' views of their daily work in terms of the diversity of children and learning, and the methods and strategies of preschool teachers use in their everyday lives, to meet every child's individual needs. I also want to investigate preschool teacher?s perceptions of children's social skills as this is included in the pre-school assignments relating to a favorable social environment for all children.To find this out, I have compiled three issues.What are the views interviewed preschool teachers to learning and different lustful methods that make the educational activities meaningful for all children?? What pedagogical strategies do preschool teachers to respond to the diversity of children?? What opinions have interviewed preschool teachers about children's social interaction with other children in preschool?The conclusion is:all children are different and learn in different ways. Teachers have the responsibility to ensure every child's development and adapt the business to the children's level and needs in a way that could inspire children to learn new skills. It is teachers' responsibility to provide children with good opportunities to express their views and feelings.
Konstruktionen av en diversifierad normalitet : En studie av hur det interkulturella perspektivet kan yttra sig i några förskolepedagogers didaktiska överväganden och praktik.
The aim of the present study is to describe and analyse how an inter-cultural perspective presents itself in the didactic considerations and in the practice of preschool teachers on a multiethnic preschool.The theoretical perspective upon which the study is founded is social constructivism, but in addition to this Ingegerd Municio?s idea of two existing discourses present within the institutions in the Swedish educational system, as well as René León?s concept of a diversified normality, has been used as theoretical tools and points of departure.The empirical investigation consists of a qualitative field study at a multi-ethnic preschool, where participating observation and group interviews have been used to collect data. In these teachers from the preschool have participated.The results and the analysis of the data show that an inter-cultural perspective surfaces in the didactic considerations and in the practice of the preschool teachers in their construction of a diversified normality. The diversified normality thus constructed is constituted through different social processes. I have here identified the following ones: the preschool teachers emphasize differences among the children in general, they allow that the children behave differently and they allow them to be different; they recognize ?cultural? differences, differences in origin, and frames of reference, and they recognize that the children at the preschool are bilingual..
Flerspråkighet, språkutvecklande arbetssätt och interkulturalitet : En undersökning om pedagogers syn på flerspråkighet och huruvida deras förhållningssätt och språkutvecklande arbetssätt ligger inom ramen för interkulturell pedagogik
As Sweden has become a multicultural society the need for developing new educational approaches rises. The preschool is a crucial piece in this as it is the one of the first institutions where the children start to develop the language skills. The aim of this study is to investigate the language development approach as practiced by teachers, in their preschool programs, and determine if the teachers work methods can be considered intercultural. This is done to gain a deep understanding on several language development methods and analyze the teachers' approach within the framework of intercultural pedagogy perspective. The theoretical framework used in the study is the intercultural perspective.
Olika lärares pedagogiska strategier för elever i komplicerad lärandesituation : Different teachers educational strategies for pupils in special needs
Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka vilka pedagogiska strategier olika lärare tillämpar för att främja elever i komplicerad lärandesituations sociala och kunskapsmässiga utveckling. Undersökningen syftade även till att belysa diagnosens betydelse och huruvida elevernas diagnos eller problematik påverkar val av åtgärd. I vår studie använde vi oss av en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Vi valde att genomföra nio intervjuer med lärare i den traditionella skolan och inom specialanpassade verksamheter för elever med varierande behov av särskilt stöd. Resultatet visade att samtliga lärares pedagogiska strategi och val av åtgärd utgick från ett individanpassat arbetssätt där motivation, struktur och material var viktiga utgångspunkter.
Avsättningars värderelevans
Introduction: This thesis is about how the accounting entry provisions are linked to corporate market value. By statistically examining accounting and share data for 56 companies listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, the question of whether accounting information regarding provisions are value relevant for investors is studied. Listed companies shall follow the rules of IAS 37 ? Provisions, Contingent liabilities and Contingent assets, when preparing financial statements.Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between reported information about provisions and investors assessment of listed companies that comply with IFRS-regulations, by statistically testing the value relevance of the accounting entry.Method: The study is based on a quantitative, deductive methodological approach. The value relevance of provisions is examined by statistically testing the collected empirical data based on the two models that is described in the reference frame.Results: The conclusion to be drawn from the study is that reported provisions have no statistically significant association with return on shares and thus is not value relevant.
(O)kritisk informationskompetens? : En utvärdering av undervisning i informationskompetens inom högre utbildning
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the benefit of information literacy instruction in two student groups at Kristianstad University, in relation to development of critical information literacy and within the boundaries of the educational goals. This study takes on a critical information literacy perspective that combines critical pedagogy and standards for information literacy in higher education. Two methods have been used for data collection: interviews and questionnaires. According to the results of the study the information literacy instruction provided by the Kristianstad University Library is important and useful for the students in their academic studies. It also becomes clear that the information literacy differs between the two groups as a consequence of the varying information literacy instruction received by the two groups.
Askdeponi i bergrum : Metoder för slurrytillverkning
This thesis work has been carried out at the consultant company Pöyry Sweden AB in Norrköping, whom performs the task for E.ON heating Sweden AB, Händelöverket in Norrköping. The report shows methods to manufacture slurry consisting of fly ash and water. The slurry shall be pumped into several former oil storage rock shelters that E.ON has put into operation for the specific purpose. The ash mixture also develops hydrogen gas in contact with water.The work has aimed to produce different suggestions of methods and equipment that can be used for the objective. Mixing method and security issues were in centre while working with the suggestions.
" I det stora hela vet jag att det handlar om att ha kul på dagis..." - En jämförande studie av pedagogers syfte och föräldrars förväntningar av utvecklingssamtal i förskolan.
The Swedish state and educational system are secular, so to say they do not depend on the former protestant state church anymore. Many people in Sweden are also secular. Even so, in school teachers meet students with a religious faith. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers without a religious belonging experience the encounter with religious students. The method used was semistructured interviews with five teachers in a upper secondary school in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm.
Språklig stimulans - Pedagogens ansvar! : En studie om pedagogers arbete kring en läsaktivitet
Under mina VFU-perioder har jag sett pedagoger genomföra högläsning i förskolan på olika sätt. Med den här studien ville jag undersöka dels hur pedagogerna planerade och genomförde en läsaktivitet och dels hur de tänkte och reflekterade om vad de gjorde i samma aktivitet. Studien genomfördes på fem olika förskolor i en medelstor stad i södra Sverige. Jag har vid besöket filmat och observerat en läsaktivitet vid var och en av förskolorna samt gjort en kvalitativ intervju med den pedagog som läste för barnen. Därefter har pedagogen reflekterat över sin egen insats och sett barnen reaktioner genom att studera filmen.Mitt resultat innehåller flera olika sätt att genomföra en läsaktivitet där pedagogerna hade varierande syften med läsningen.
Ambulanspersonals uppfattning om fysiska tester och fysisk träning inom ambulanssjukvården
There is no standardized test to control the appropriate physical ability in the Swedish ambulance service. The county in question does not perform annual physical tests. A project has been going to develop science-based physical tests, designed for the ambulance service. The research has resulted in the Aasa-test.Objective: The aims of this study were to examine the ambulance staff perception of the Aasa-test relevance, introduction of annual tests and the importance of their own physical training in relation to ambulance work.Method: A quasi-experimental study with a comparative design has been conducted. Aasa-tests were conducted in 41 randomly selected staff at an ambulance station in central Sweden.
Kan man erfara historia? : Elevers syn på museet som lärandemiljö - om historieundervisning och historiemedvetande
This essay is a case study based on two sources of empirical data, qualitative interviews and responses from a questionnaire, which examines upper secondary school students? attitudes to history teaching in a museum context. The students? answers are further analyzed in relation to the concept of historical consciousness. Thus, history teaching in the museum, from a student perspective, and the students? capacity of expressing a historical consciousness in their answers, constitute the core of this essay.
Inkludering och autismspektrumtillstånd : En studie där personer med diagnos berättar om sina egna upplevelser av skolan
AbstractThis study examines factors in school that could contribute to or counteract the experience of inclusion of persons who have been diagnosed in the field of autism spectrum disorder. The information was gathered through qualitative interviews and processed to be presented in the results.The results show that respondents found it difficult to concentrate when in school because of the environment. They experienced no coherence in learning situations, they may not get answer as to why information should be carried out and saw no point to have breaks. Furthermore, they experienced no problems to orientate in school or to follow the schedule. The results also revealed that the respondents had at least one teacher with whom they felt that the relationship was positive.