

1502 Uppsatser om Educational association - Sida 57 av 101

Förenkling, inte alltid så enkelt - En studie om Bokföringsnämndens K-projekt

Syfte: Att identifiera problematik med K-projektet i praktiken. Metod: Studien använder en induktiv ansats och en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Arbetsprocessen baseras på grundad teori. Teoretiskt perspektiv:Enligt American Accounting Association är redovisning ett ämne som är svårt att fånga i teoretiska modeller. Denna uppsats använder istället samhällsutvecklande teorier av Sten Jönsson och Anthony Puxty et al.

Det nära och det långt borta

Går det att nå en association som skapar en känsla av betraktarens egen kropp? Jag har frågat mig om ett objekt kan upplevas kroppsligt och på vilket sätt jag kan hitta det i mitt material. Jag har varit upptagen av att hitta den punkt där materialets kvaliteter indirekt refererar till betraktarens kropp. Att i betraktandet framkalla erfarenheten i din kropp.Intuitivt har jag prövat mig fram, steg för steg - ett samarbete mellan min kropp och materialet tills materialet har blivit sin egen kropp - ett objekt. Jag arbetar i dialog med materialets natur; hur det följer tyngdlagen och påverkas av rummet och ljusets verkningar.

Gymnasiereformen 2007 : En studie om förändringarna inom biologiundervisningen och hur en öppen process bemöts av aktörer i skolans vardag

Next year, Swedish upper secondary school will be the arena for a new comprehensive reform according to an extensive government bill. The reform will probably have major impact on every-day educational practices. The aim of this paper is to describe the consequences forbiology teaching when the reform is implemented, and to analyse in what way the biology teachers, and other participants, take part in digitised discussion forums during the implementation of the reform.The research design consists of a quantitative approach and two different methods are used, i.e. descriptive content analysis and quantitative content analysis. The content and meaning of the government bill is analysed and the statements from the participants at the discussion forums are equally important in order to fulfil the aim of this inquiry.The results show the reform will have a profound impact on the subject biology, e.g.

Genom genus till jämställdhet : Fyra förskollärares tankar om genus

The purpose of this study was to find out what thoughts some preschool teachers had about gender andgender work. The aim was also to investigate whether preschool educational orientation had any impacton how teachers thought about gender and gender work.The scientific method for the study was qualitative research interviews. The interviews were conductedindividually with four preschool teachers from two different preschools. The first preschool was agender-oriented school and the other was a non-gender-oriented school.The results of the study show preschool teachers have good knowledge of gender and gender work andwhat they mean in preschool, and this is regardless of the pedagogical approach the preschool they?reworking for has.

Externa aktörer och transitionsstater En studie om EU som en inflytelserik aktör och transitionsstater på Västra Balkan

In this thesis I discuss about economical and political transition in countries that is consecutively being induced by influential external actors. Looking closer on the role of the EU as a dynamic transitional force, with the intention of examining to what extent the EU can pursuit its interest and modify the economical as well as the political structures of transition countries. With relations to four transition states on the Western Balkans, more precise Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia-Montenegro and Macedonia (FYROM), I have examined the influential position of the EU. Another feature that is discussed is the approach of the EU and the cause of it in respect to the Western Balkans. Since the end of the crises in Kosovo the EU was given the leading roll in stabilizing and reconstructing the Western Balkans.

Personlig träning

Yrket som personlig tränare växer allt mer, vilket bidrar till att fler personer väljer att utbildasig till personlig tränare. När personerna skall välja utbildning kan det vara svårt att finna vilken utbildning som passar individen bäst, då alla utbildningar både har likheter och skillnader. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur de olika utbildningarna inom personlig träning skiljer sig åt i struktur, att belysa skillnader i nationell och internationell standard samt hur yrket personlig träning kommer kunna utvecklas i framtiden.Studien har en kvalitativ utformning, och med hjälp av telefonintervjuer har information samlats in. I resultatet framkom det att utbildningarna använder kursmaterial som framtagits på snarlika sätt, då samtliga producerar egen litteratur. Majoriteten av lärarna i utbildningarna hade specifik utbildning inom det området som de undervisar i.

Lärares förhållningssätt till demokratisk undervisning och sin egen maktposition i undervisningsarbetet

The aim of this paper is to examine how teachers experience their possibilities to develop democratic teaching in high school and how they reflect upon their position of power within the teaching situation. Four professional high school teachers have been interviewed for the study. The theoretical perspective of the study is an intersectional view on power and a view on democratic teaching which is partly built on the high school curriculum, but mainly defined by deliberative conversations, anti-oppressive education and norm-critical education. The result of the study is focused on three themes, which were shown in the analysis of the interviews. These themes are: choices of teaching content,  authority of the teacher and democratic teaching.

Analys av bortfall i en uppföljningsundersökning av hälsa

The LSH-study started in 2003 at the department of Health and Society at the University of Linköping. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between life condition, stress and health. A total of 1007 people from ten different health centres in Östergötlands län participated. At the follow up, a couple of years later, 795 of the 1007 participated. 127 of the 212 in the attrition turned down the follow up, twelve people were not invited (for example in case of death) and the rest did not respond at all.

Föräldrar och pedagoger i ett gott samarbete : En kvalitativ studie av några förskolepedagogers och föräldrars upplevelser av samarbetet mellan hem och förskola i arbetet med barn som har diagnosen autism

This thesis describes and analyzes how some early childhood educators and parents perceive cooperation in educational work with 4-5 years old children who have been diagnosed with autism. The work will examine which approach preschool teachers assume, the extent to which parents are involved in the work and how parents influence looks.The Literature section provides an overview of previous research on different pedagogical approaches with autistic children, what parental cooperation can mean for autistic children, and what advantages and disadvantages there are with cooperation between preschool teachers and parents.This work has a hermeneutic perspective. The method is based on a qualitative study where we used qualitative interviews with a hermeneutics base. The theoretical starting point for this work is the variety of theoretical perspectives.The final results/summary we came up with is that preschool teachers and parents of autistic children believe that parental cooperation in preschool has a crucial role in children's development and learning. Both sides believe that it is necessary to have a partnership, but we also came to the conclusion that parental cooperation, in addition to the positive, was also perceived as problematic to some degree..

Att ge och få i gengäld - En kvalitativ studie kring betydelsen av ideella organisationer med social inriktning i det svenska välfärdssamhället

Today many sociologists speak about the modern world and the god and bad that it brings. In association to this discussion there is a tendency to speak about an increased individualization, a process that often also means more choices and possibilities. But in addition to this follows a big responsibility for how we choose to live our lives, since our choices not seldom also influences other people, both locally and globally. The aim of this essay is to investigate the importance of non-profit organizations with social direction in our Swedish welfare society and thereby also in a modern world where people's individual choices are becoming all more important. In order to answer my main issue I have implemented thirteen qualitative interviews, of which ten of the informers are from different non-profit organizations and three from different stately authorities.

En gud, sex kyrkor, och en hel del Ulf Ekman : En studie i hur allsidigt olika kristna samfund lyfts i svenska medier

In this study, we looked at how balanced the various christian denominations in Sweden were raised in the news, on the basis of the requirement for balanced reporting. To measure the balance, we utilized Harcup and O'Neill?s news values and studied to what degree these values occurs in association with news articles that address the various denominations. The following denominations were selected for this study; Word of Life, the Pentecostal Church, Jehovah's witnesses, the Catholic Church, the Salvation Army and the Swedish Church. These denominations were then studied on the basis of news values in four of Sweden?s largest news organisations, in terms of audience numbers.

Pedagogisk dokumentation : Förskollärares attityder till pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan och ramfaktorers påverkan

In the Swedish Curriculum (Lpfö 1998, revised 2010) pedagogogical documentation constitute a big part. It is important that the childrens development and learning are documentated properly, both for the child itself, but also as an quality review and evaluation of the work that is made at the Preschool.In this study we have examined preschool teacher?s attitudes towards pedagogical documentation and how they work with it and use it in the daily work at the Preschool.We have also examined their own abilities to implement pedagogical documentation. For whom is the documentation made for? We also wanted to see if the children had any opportunity to influence the work.We have used a qualitative method and our study is based on six semi-structured interviews with six preschool teachers.

Att sätta ord på det som sitter i väggarna : Om ett projekt till förmån för elever i behov av särskilt stöd på gymnasiet

The aim of this study was to explore and increase understanding of how a team of colleagues at an upper-secondary school in Sweden works with students with special education needs. The team works with a group of students where the majority have experienced school failure in elementary school. The focus of the study has been to analyze a project that the school undertook 2013 to improve students? results and improve their chances to successfully graduate from their program. Data was collected from relevant documents and interviews with members of the project at hand.

Vad spelar biblioteket för roll på folkhögskolan?

This report will focus on the folkhigh-school in its general form and the role of the libraries on these types of schools in particular. A library on folkhighschools have a tendency to be forgotten and ends up being somewhere in the middle of the libraryworld and the general educational organisations. The purpose of this essay is to examine and provide general views on the different roles that a library on a folkhighschool can have, as well as looking into the unique aspects of the type of school that a folkhighschool is in terms of influencing the libraries placed there. The methodology used in this study is qualitative. Interviews have been held on three different folkhighschools in south of Sweden.

1 X 2 : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om unga vuxna som lever "mellan" två kulturer

The study seeks to investigate and understand how individuals create their identity from the perspective of two countries and cultures, and how these affect their current lives today. The focus of the study is aimed at young adults who have mostly or entirely grown up in Sweden to parents that have migrated. The material is based on seven qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The result is then divided into three themes; ethnic and cultural belonging, life impact, and the preservation and passing on of culture. The derivation of the first theme is that there are mixed views regarding the cultural association of the persons interviewed.

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