1502 Uppsatser om Educational association - Sida 32 av 101
En svensk folkkyrka utomlands : Fyra fallstudier av hur folkkyrka kommer till uttryck i Svenskakyrkan i utlandet (SKUT)
The following essay aims to determine what textbooks and teaching media educators in the county of Västerbotten use when teaching the relation between religion and science. Based on educational science theory and through analyzes of factual texts, the teaching materials was examined to determine how much focus they put on the thematic of religion and science. The result shows how the different teaching materials affect this thematic differently. The main conclusion is therefore that students in Sweden could, depending on the teaching materials used in their education, be taught by different standards to reach the same requirements..
Tillblivelsen av "Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek"
The study's aim is to create an understanding for the question why Sweden in 1921chose to create its own classification system for public libraries instead of adapting e.g.the Dewey-system which - at this time - was internationally we11 spread. It examines thesocial changes which proceeded the creation of the Swedish Library Association (SLA)in 1915 and discusses in depth the work of the committee appointed by SLA to createthe classification system. Special interest is also given to the relation between SLACSand the Dewey-system.The study shows that the main influence on the codttee's work was the formerSwedish tradition of classification practice. The Dewey-system was seen as inappropriateto adapt in the Swedish libraries because of the vast changes that wouldhave to be done, and the fact that the decimal notation was practically unused in anylibraries in Sweden.From a methodological point of view, the study tries to apply a critical hermeneuticalapproach as developed by Paul Ricoeur.The study contains an extended English summary..
Att möta döden En litteraturstudie som belyser sjuksköterskors upplevda problem, dess följder samt underlättande faktorer i omvårdnaden av döende patienter
Death can be seen as a sensitive subject and can by that be difficult for many people to talk about. Working as a nurse can imply caring for severe ill and dying patients, which can be regarded as a task that makes great demands. The aim of the present literature review is to illustrate nurses' experiences of problems in association with the care of dying patients to be aware of these. Nine scientific articles were analysed and the result showed that the problems the nurses experienced could be related to four different categories: problems related to organisa-tion/resources, to the nurse herself, to the patient and to family members. The literature review also illustrates consequences of these problems for nurses, and which components that could simplify the nursing care of dying patients..
Meningsförändrande innovationer inom industrirobotbranschen : En explorativ fallstudie
In this thesis the subject innovation and the change of meaning is in focus. The purpose of the study is to present a new dimension of innovation as a change of meaning together with the cases we?ve studied. It is discussed throughout the article if theories of perception and association can affect the organization and its ability to create meaning-changing innovations. The industrial robotics is a market in need of, perhaps, if not other markets but of finding new ground that results in the change of meaning.
Val av produktion vid generationsskifte :
The objective of this thesis was to get more knowledge before an alternation of
In theses I have chose to make two drawings, one for dairy cows and one for cattle
rearing. The drawings are made for a future alternation of generations at my parental
home in the province Dalarna.
The results are made out of educational visits at different farms and literature
investigations. Those dairy farms who I visited had different milking system at each
farm and the cattle farm I visited had beef production. The farms are placed in the
middle and south of Sweden.
At 1998 the Swedish Board of Agriculture decided to change the stall breadth and
stall length and the result of this is that many farmers had to rebuild their cattle- and
dairy buildings or end farming..
Dans i förskolan : finns den för småbarnen?
Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att ta reda på vilket sätt förskollärare använder dans som ett pedagogiskt verktyg med barn i åldern 1-3år. Jag använde mig av en kvalitativ metod och undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer av fyra förskollärare som var slumpmässigt utvalda. Därefter drogs det paralleller mellan intervjuernas svar och den valda litteraturen.Resultatet visade att samtliga förskollärare ansåg att dans var mycket viktigt för barnens utveckling. De använde sig av dans på något sätt i sin verksamhet men det var inte alla som ansåg att de använde dansen som ett pedagogiskt verktyg..
En studie kring välfärdsindikatorer i mjölkproduktionen : förslag till hur Sigill Kvalitetssystem AB kan arbeta för en god djurvälfärd på certifierade gårdar
In this final thesis a study about welfare indicators in the Swedish milk production has been carried out. The system Swedish Animal Welfare Monitoring Scheme developed by the Swedish Dairy Association has been used as a base and the EU project WELFARE QUALITY® has also been used as a source of information. Focus groups have been used as a qualitative investigating method. This included four focus groups, two with farm auditors from the two different dairies and two with dairy farmers. This method was chosen because in this way one can study how a conversation about a given subject takes form in a respectable way.
Students thoughts on two kinds of educational leadership
Denna uppsats är skriven med syftet att belysa elevers åsikter inom området pedagogiskt ledarskap i klassrummet. Detta undersöks genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning besvarad av 107 elever i årskurs 6 i Malmö. Frågeställningen som gav upphov till undersökningen är: Vilken typ av ledarstil föredrar elever och vad påverkar deras motivation i skolarbetet?
Vi presenterar vårt resultat i deskriptiv statistik och använder oss av behavioristisk samt humanistisk teori för att analysera våra resultat.
Resultatet och slutsatsen visar att eleverna trivs bäst med en humanistisk ledare men finner motivation i de typiska behavioristiska förstärkningarna så som beröm och till viss del bestraffning..
Bibliotekariernas arbetsmarknad 1975-1995: en granskning av 2 170 platsannonser
The subject of this paper is the library job market in Sweden 1975-1995. Job advertisementsin the periodical of DIK Association (the Swedish federation for occupational groups thatworks with documentation, information and culture) have been studied.1975, 1980, 1985, 1990 and 1995 there were 2 170 advertisements of situations for librarians.They have been examined with focus on the following:situation description:qualifications requested:? type of library? size of municipality?county? hours per week? duration? designation? tasks? education? knowledge of languages? knowledge of specific subjects? knowledge of computers? experience? driving licence, carStatistics have been made. The figures of the five years have been compared to give a pictureof the development.The results have also been compared with what has been written about the changes that arehappening on the labour market in general, and similarities and differences have been pointedat..
Genus och jämställdhet bland tibetaner i exil
This work presents the way exiled Tibetans I?ve met view gender and equality. The world is becoming increasingly global and in order to educate future world citizens it is important to make sure that they learn about gender and equality. Males and Females have different cultures and where manly is the norm female is the exception, but it is important to try and level out these differences while children are still in school. This work originates from studies of literature and several interviews with exiled Tibetans in the Indian city of Dharamsala. They are Tibetans with different roles in the exile-Tibetan society and also of different generations and gender.
Tankar och erfarenheter kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd : Tre röster ur skolans värld
The purpose with this essay is to illustrate what divides and unites three educationalists approach on ?children in need of special support? within the first years of school. Three educationalists with significant positions within the school system have been chosen for interviews. On basis of the results of the interviews three themes has been selected and divided into the conceptions; ?children in need of special support?, ?resource? and ?a school for everyone?.
Värdeskapande användning av radiologi : - Utbildning och mätning för förbättring
IntroduktionMedicinsk vetenskap och sjukvårdens möjligheter att hjälpa utvecklas ständigt. Sjukvården idag kan i många fall ställa rätt diagnos och ge en effektiv behandling för att bota den som drabbats av ohälsa. Radiologiska undersökningar är ett viktigt hjälpmedel men innebär också risker i form av strålning samt felaktigt resursanvändande.SyfteSyftet med förbättringsarbetet var att skapa en bättre användning av radiologi och följsamhet till medicinska riktlinjer så att patienten får rätt undersökning utifrån sitt behov samt att resur-ser nyttjas mer optimalt. Målsättningen var att öka andelen berättigade undersökningar.Syftet med studien av förbättringsarbetet var att få en förståelse förvilka faktorer som påverkar remittentens val av radiologisk undersökning och därmed berättigandegradenvilka aktiviteter i förbättringsarbetet påverkar berättigandegraden och på vilket sättMetodInterventioner i form av utbildning och mätningar användes för att höja berättigandegraden. Bedömning av berättigandegraden gjordes av en ST-läkare.En fallstudie med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes och fokusgruppintervju användes för att stu-dera förbättringsarbetet.ResultatStudien visar att berättigandegraden ökar något som ett resultat av de valda interventionerna.
Kritik av humanismen som grund till värden i svensk skola med perspektiv från Nietzsche & Kant : En narrativ ideologianalys av läroplanens värdegrund och de oförytterliga värdenas genealogi
This thesis in Educational Sciences consists of a narrative ideology-analysis of the Swedish school's fundamental values with perspectives from the philosophy of Nietzsche and Kant, which also analyzed the same way, with the aim to trace and problematize the ideological foundations of "our society's shared values" that teachers should convey to the students. Based on a theory that a humanism crisis occurs when important values are perceived as threatened, does the introduction of the basic values of the curriculum appear as a response tosocietal changes. Nietzsche and Kant represent completely different idea currents that both have been reflected in the curriculum in which basic values have different meanings. Nietzsche has inspired social criticism, postcolonial and postmodern thinkers to a critical constructivist approach that is an asset in the multicultural classroom to deconstruct stereotypes and prejudices. That culture, ethnicity, morality and religion do not have an objective essence, but seen as social constructions, using a critical approach is a way of thinking which was developed with inspiration from Nietzsche.
Film om film : En analys av dokumentärfilmer om fiktionsfilmer
This thesis is a study of documentaries about fictional feature films. The development of the DVD format has contributed strongly to their massive increase in quantity. The capacity of the format enables film companies to include more material than the feature film itself. As some people regard this type of documentary as self-righteous and presumtious, others think of it as a great educational aid giving the audience a greater understanding of the intentions of the director and others involved, thus adding more levels to the experience of watching movies. By using established theory on documentary I?m trying to find distinctive features of ?documentary on fiction?..
Polisens avspärrningar i samband med ordningsstörningar : PL 24 § förenlighet med EKMR art 5
This thesis has aimed to study steering process and institutionalization in the context of educational policy work. This has been conducted by using empirical material from the political decision-making process that preceded the implementation of a new national program on how principals should be educated and certified. By using an aggregated theoretical point of view containing new institutionalism and traditional Swedish curriculum theory, the process was analyzed from different perspectives. The results depict a process that contained several actors who tried to shape the principal education program differently. From the theoretical perspectives, the decision-making process could be understood as an act of both self-interest as well as trust in their own beliefs and cultural values.