1502 Uppsatser om Educational association - Sida 26 av 101
Kan fysisk aktivitet förebygga Alzheimers sjukdom? En litteraturbaserad studie.
Introduction: We are facing an aging population, which means that the incidence of age related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, are expected to increase. In the current situation there is no cure for the disease, whereupon it is important to develop preventive strategies. Objective: To examine the association between Alzheimer's disease and physical activity. Method: A systematic literature search was done to identify the current state of knowledge from the year 2006 onwards. The reason for this limitation was that the SBU commissioned a systematic literature review in 2006, where the relationship between physical activity and Alzheimer's disease could not be determined.
Stamprofiler : en jämförelse mellan två olika apteringslistor
This report is a thesis work for a B.Sc. in Forestry at the School for Forest Engineers, SLU.
The aim of the work was to compare two different pricelists with the actual output from a harvester. The results have also been compared with a volume estimate of standing trees done by the Swedish Forest Agency and the ?true? value registered by the Wood Measurement Association.
The study confirms that the output calculated by the computer on the harvester is more reliable than the volume of standing trees estimated by Swedish Forest Agency.
Rådgivning i AMS-besättningar : utvärdering av nyckeltal
Swedish dairy production has during the last decades undergone considerable structural rationalisation and the number of dairy herds has decreased to less than 7000. At the same time the average herd size has increased and a large proportion of those investing in new buildings today choose automatic milking (AM). During 2008 more than ten percent of the Swedish cows will be milked with AM. The development has been faster than expected and the need for consulting has increased rapidly. This study aims to evaluate whether a check list originating from the FRISKKO (?healthy cow?) programme can be a useful tool when assessing how well the herd functions in various areas.
Vad påverkar gymnasieelevers val av skola och inriktning?
There are some students who leave their studies. How can this be explained? Are present day high school students satisfied with their choice of school or the courses they have chosen? How did they decide what to study in upper secondary school? The main focus of this study is to examine the factors that influence the decision making of young people when it comes to choosing schools, their educational ambitions, and finally their focus on grades in Upper secondary school. The study is based on the quantitative method, extracting its results through a poll conducted at an upper secondary school. The target audience of this poll was students that are completing their second year. A statistical analysis of the results was carried out and the results were then presented by relevant diagrams.
Effekter av en idrottspsykologisk utbildningsintervention för friidrottstränare : med fokus på tränares förhållningssätt och ungdomars motivation och upplevelse av tävlingsnervositet
Abstract Aim: Since there is a lack of research based educational interventions concerning the relationship between coaches and young athletes, the aim of this study was to implement and examine the effects of sport psychology intervention for coaches in a track and field club. The research questions were: What are the effects of an educational intervention for coaches, with focus on a motivational climate, on: A) the coaches´ coaching approach B) their athletes´ goal orientation and C) their athletes´ perceived competitive anxiety?Method: The coach education stretched over two months and consisted of four two-hour lessons with focus on motivational climate, goal orientation and sport anxiety. Six coaches (three females, three males), aged 38-52 (M=44.33 years, SD=4.84) and their 59 athletes (27 males and 32 females) aged 12-14 (M=13.10 years, SD=0.82), participated in the study. A control group of 35 athletes (10 males and 25 females), of the same age (M=13.46 years, SD=0.70) and with similar demographic data, was also recruited.
Motivation, meningsskapande och förskollärare om drivkraften i det pedagogiska arbetet / The importance of motivation and meaning of creativity in the profession as a preschool teacher-The driving forces in the educational work
Motivation, meningsskapande och förskollärare om drivkrafter i det pedagogiska arbetet. The importance of motivation and meaning of creativity in the profession as a preschool teacher-The driving forces in the educational work. Kme ? Kultur, språk & medier KSM, Malmö Högskola.
Den här uppsatsen har uppkommit ur ett gemensamt intresse för hur vi båda ser på motivation och meningsskapande. Genom den verksamhetsförlagda tiden (VFT) och olika arbeten på förskolor under utbildningens gång har pedagoger i möten framhållit att motivationen för yrket sjunker.
Möjlighet till rörelse : En studie om sambandet mellan utbudet av faciliteter på skolgården, och lågstadieelevers fysiska aktivitet under rast.
Aim and research questionsThe aim of the study was to examine pupils? physical activity on schoolyards in northern Stockholm?s surrounding municipalities, based on the schoolyards? design regarding supply of spaces, material, equipment and gender. The research questions were:1. Was there any association between how well spaces, materials and equipment were represented in the schoolyards and pupils? physical activity during recess? If so, how did the association come to expression?2.
Klädda pedagoger : Om bruket av nytillverkade historiska dräkter
This thesis aims to explore the use of costumed interpreters at museums. Firstly the thesis examines how extensivethe use of historical costumes is in Sweden, along with some international comparisons. Later on the differentways that the clothes are used is examined, and the costume as a resource for learning is discussed. In the lastpart of the thesis the ?function? of the costume is examined.
?En strid om ord? En diskursanalytisk undersökning av riksdagsdebatten om kristendomens ställning i Lgr62
This essay examines the 1962 Swedish parliamentary debate preluding the proposition to introduce a uniform compulsory education for all Swedish children. The proposition aimed at ending the previously heterogeneous educational system and replace it with a more equal and democratic system.A widespread debate ensued, regarding the status of Christian religious education (kristendomskunskap) and its new emphasis on scientific objectivity. This essay will examine the relative position of Christianity within the new uniform school system, as it was articulated by the members of the Swedish parliament. This analysis will be achieved through the use of a discourse analytical study of the parliamentary records, the recorded motions and bills. From these records a substantial disparity in the parliamential members articulation of the concept of Christianity can be ascertained, even within the discourse of an educational regime.
Lokalt integrerade grupper - Ett specialpedagogiskt alterrnativ
Title: Locally Integrated Groups ? A special education alternative
Author: Jennie Arvidsson
Type of essay: Exam essay, second level (15 credits)
Supervisor: Barbro Bruce, Examiner: Lisbeth Ohlsson
Program: Special Education Program at Malmö Högskola, Sweden
Date: 2012-01-12
Present study is an attempt to describe how staff perceive their working operations in seven locally integrated groups, for pupils in special educational needs. By submitting a questionnaire to all professions within the groups I have tried to find similarities and differences in their statements from both structured and unstructured questions. The study is an attempt to contribute knowledge about how these groups can be understood and developed, based on a special education perspective, systems theory and sense of coherence (KASAM).
The results shows that there is a consensus among the majority of staff opinions of the systems? opportunities as well as dilemmas.
Sambandsexponeringar : Hur påverkar det butikers försäljning?
Sambandsexponeringar innebär att två produkter, en basprodukt och en komplementprodukt, exponeras intill varandra, där tanken är att ett intresse ska väckas för komplementprodukten och därmed skapa merförsäljning. I den här studien kommer endast komplementprodukten att undersökas för att se hur exponeringen påverkar försäljningen. För att exponeringen ska fungera krävs det att produkterna har ett naturligt samband och antingen köps vid samma tillfälle eller används tillsammans. I dagens samhälle trivs konsumenterna med att bli inspirerade till köp och ser gärna att butiker har en lösningsorienterad exponering. Tidigare forskning tyder på att en välkomponerad sambandsexponering kan öka försäljningen med 500-800 procent.Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur sambandsexponeringar kan påverka butikers försäljning, men även bidra med värdefull kunskap om ämnet för både blivande och nuvarande butikschefer.
Föreningslivets (TUF) och skolans betydelse för turkiska ungdomars identitet : En kvalitativ studie om fem turkiska ungdomars uppfattning om deras identitetskapande
The Swedish society has gone through a radical change. From being a monoculture society it has developed into a multicultural society representing a mixture of people from all around the world. This change has had a significant impact on both the Swedish school system and the teacher?s role. Therefore a subsequent ambition for a multicultural school would be to recognize this diversity and establish guidelines for how to meet each individual students need.
Fristående skolor - ett socialdemokratiskt dilemma : En undersökning av Socialdemokraternas politik i frågan om fristående skolor
During the 90?s, several reforms took place in order to change the educational system. The reforms intended to increase the freedom of choice and to facilitate the start-up process for driving independent schools. A broad alliance of political parties from left to right supported these reforms. Twenty years later, the independent schools constitute a substantial part of schools in Sweden.
I don´t know, I just like it : En studie av ett antagningsarbete på en konsthögskola
This thesis examines how a jury on an artistic education adopts next year's students to a BA program at an art school. My intention is to explore how we established artists who are involved in education as professors, teachers (or students) in art education affects who will be released to the exclusive educational path as an art school represents our work in the admissions jury. My ambition is to create an awareness of what it might mean for the reproduction of the artist..
Sponsring i Sverige
The purpose to this study is to find an understanding of the effects of how sponsorship can affect companies and their business and at the same time get a better understanding of how sponsorship is or can be used as a marketing tool in today?s marketing. By using a quality research method we have chosen to use a half structured research method to make it possible to find out how sponsorship as a marketing tool can be used from a company perspective in relation to our chosen thesis. To enhance the readers understanding we describe the base of sponsorship and principals for sponsorship, after that describes a deeper perspective of sponsorship, what sponsorship is, and what factors are needed to be taken into consideration. Further on we illustrate the figure that later on will constitute the analysis with attributes like: association, exposure, relations and integrated communication.