

2817 Uppsatser om Educational and occupational choice - Sida 5 av 188

Fristående skolor - ett socialdemokratiskt dilemma : En undersökning av Socialdemokraternas politik i frågan om fristående skolor

During the 90?s, several reforms took place in order to change the educational system. The reforms intended to increase the freedom of choice and to facilitate the start-up process for driving independent schools. A broad alliance of political parties from left to right supported these reforms. Twenty years later, the independent schools constitute a substantial part of schools in Sweden.

Distriktssköterskors syn på sin yrkesroll : en intervjustudie

The district nurses' duties with all organisational changes, above all during the last 20 years, have been changed. Economy and listing governs which visits that to be prioritized. The aim with this study was to examine what district nurses in the primary care in Uppsala län has for view about their occupational role. The method was qualitative and the selection comprized ten district nurses in Uppsala län that were interviewed individually on the basis of a semi structured interview guide that the authors the actual created. In the wide analysis of the results could a theme, As a rubber screw in a shrinking hole and three central categories be discerned, Occupational role, Diversity and Organisation.

Användarundervisning på gymnasiebibliotek ? Sju gymnasiebibliotekariers pedagogiska undervisningsmetoder

This Master?s thesis investigates user education at high school libraries. The aim of this study is to examine user education and the educational approach that librarian?s experience in their teaching. The method used for the study is qualitative interviews with seven high school librarians.

Dramapedagogik : Barns upplevelser av att delta i dramapedagogiska övningar

This examination paper is about educational drama and is implemented from a participant oriented perspective. The main purpose of this study is to find out what conceptions and experiences the children actualize when participating in educational drama exercises. The reason why I choose to write about this subject was because of my own fascination and experiences of participating in drama exercises. On account of my further profession as a teacher, I want this study to take direction in school.The theoretical frame in this examination consists of literature that describes educational drama as a subject. I also present and discuss some earlier research in this area.

"Hur fan kan man jobba som kriminalvårdare?": en studie i hur kriminalvårdare ser sin yrkesroll ur en psykosocial kontext

This analysis explores the psychosocial aspects in relationship to the occupational role as a correctional officer in Sweden. Historically prisons are hierarchically structured with a military organisation used as the basis for a role model. This military type structured organisation is designed to keep the prisoners under constant observation, thus providing direct authority and control by the prison guards over the prison inmates. Data obtained from investigations conducted by the Swedish Government indicate a direct link between the prisoners's living conditions and the prison employee's work duties and environment. The data strongly suggests that the work needs of prison guards have significant priority over the general work conditions of inmates, thus showing that the status for the occupational role was relatively low.

Läromedel inom ämnet Teckenspråk för hörande : -

The aim of this study is to establish an understanding of how the concept educational materials can be interpreted, as well as to investigate how teachers describe their use of educational materials. The focus of this study is the subject ?Sign Language for the hearing?, at the upper secondary level. We, the authors of this essay, both have a great personal interest in this language. Swedish Sign Language is the sign language mainly used in Sweden.

Faktoter som påverkar valet av fritidsaktiviteter efter stroke : En intervjustudie med sju personer som drabbats av stroke

Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad som påverkar valet av fritidsaktiviteter hos personer som haft stroke och på vilket sätt fritidsaktiviteterna har förändrats. För att uppnå syftet valdes kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade och utgick från en egengjord intervjuguide. Resultatet visade att utmaningen, gemenskapen, fysisk träning, självständighet, balans i vardagen, livssynen och rehabiliteringsteamet var faktorer som påverkade deltagarnas utförande av fritidsaktiviteter. Att anpassa fritidsaktiviteten eller att få personligt stöd var vanligare än att anpassa den fysiska miljön..

Att växa genom drama : En studie om dramats betydelse som undervisningsmetod i syfte att stärka barns självkänsla och självförtroende.

This essay is built upon the subject of drama. Its purpose was to examine if drama was a good and important educational method to/for children, and if drama is enhancing childrens self-esteem and self-confidence. By reviewing the results from literature and interviews, my intention was to compare the results, in order to find out what the views of the literature and respondents on drama was.I used qualitative interviewing, to find out what the teachers had to say about drama, and I used literature that was relevant to the purpose of the essay. I took a deeper look at the meaning of educational drama and pedagogical drama was, and also the meaning of self-esteem and self-confidence, in order to connect it with the results from the literature and the interviews.  After studying the literature and the interviews, I could see coherence, and therefore compile a result.  Both literature and the interviewed teachers considers drama to be a good and important method within the educational school and that drama positively has got a strengthening effect on childrens self-esteem and self-confidence.

En samtalsanalytisk studie av kommunikativa strategier och professionell interaktion mellan logoped-patient med afasi och arbetsterapeutpatient med afasi

In the present study, the institutional discourse in health care was examined, focusing onspeech therapists and occupational therapists in interaction with a common patient withaphasia. The purpose of the present study was to identify common communication strategiesused in the professional conversation between a speech therapist and a patient and between anoccupational therapist and the same patient. Specific research questions were: Whatcommunicative strategies are used in interaction between a speech therapist and a patient withaphasia and between the occupational therapist and the same patient? Are theredifferences/similarities between how speech therapists and occupational therapists interactwith patients with aphasia?Six people in total, two patients in interaction with a speech therapist and an occupationaltherapist respectively, were recorded during treatment sessions of each profession. Generaland specific aspects of the institutional interaction were then analysed according to principlesof conversation analysis.Similarities in the use of closed questions as a strategy to increase the effectiveness ininteraction could be seen between the two different professions studied.

Silversurfarna med hela världen i en låda Användarundervisning i internet för sju ålderspensionärer

Today, librarians tasks may sometimes take on an educational aspect, e.g. when designing educational courses. Our aim with this paper has been to extend our knowledge of peoples learning and learning processes in order to better adapt our educational courses for different user groups. We have investigated what eight senior citizens wanted to learn about the Internet, and followed seven of them during their course. We have examined how the group experienced a course about Internet use, and how they described their learning and learning processes.

Valet av lunchrätt

This research aim was to examine the relationship between the choice of lunch dish, level of education, gender and age of the participants. The understanding of diet and it´s influence on health was also of interest to the research, as was cooking interest and travel habits. The goal was to demonstrate how these factors affect the adult individuals in their choice of lunch. A questionnaire was filled in by 99 guests in a chosen restaurant. The results show that many of these factors influence the choice of dish, especially those related to gender.

Cityhandlares uppfattningar om konkurrens? : Ett Choice Experiment

Syftet med denna studie är att mäta och analysera detaljhandlares uppfattningar om konkurrenshot utifrån fyra olika hypotetiska valsituationer, ett Choice Experiment. Urvalsgruppen bestod av cityhandlare inom ett geografiskt definierat område i Gävle stad i Sverige. Resultatet indikerar att cityhandlare uppfattar konkurrens mellan marknadsplatser i viss utsträckning. Dock indikerar resultatet att konkurrens uppfattas inom marknadsplatsen i högre utsträckning i jämförelse med konkurrens mellan marknadsplatser..

Förskolebarns möjligheter till utvecklande av förmågor och problemlösningsstrategier inom Montessori och Reggio Emilia

The comprehensive aim of the essay is to discuss the abilities of developing individual, communicative and cooperative skills, related to The Swedish National Agency for Education, for pre-school children in Montessori and Reggio Emilia-inspired pre-schools. The importance of the choice of pre-school for lifelong learning is discussed and examined. The two educational profiles are presented and the theories of communication, collaboration and individual work are the basis for the analysis of the results. The collection of empirical data is done through observations and interviews with pre-school children. First, the informants construct a fantasy animal on their own and then together with a partner.

Att fånga känslor : Om kriminalvårdares emotionella arbete inom häkten

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to explore how prison officers in Sweden manage their feelings in remand prisons versus inmates and colleagues. Due to changes in the prison officers occupational role and work environment we found it profoundly interesting to study how prison officers perceive and reflect on their emotion management, that relates to the work they perform. The prison officers occupational role includes tasks that corresponds with security work and rehabilitative labor towards inmates, this tend to create a complexity as the occupational role consists of contradictive tasks. They need to uphold safety by physical means simultaneously as they need to become more intimate with inmates to accomplish the rehabilitative tasks. The study proceeds with a qualitative inquiry with six interviews from three different remand prisons around Sweden.

Självskattad aktivitetsbalans hos vuxna med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning

Personer med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning kan ha olika svårigheter som påverkar de dagliga aktiviteterna i vardagen. Aktivitetsbalans är ett begrepp som ofta används inom arbetsterapi och beskriver en individs uppfattning av att ha en tillfredsställande mängd av aktiviteter och rätt variation mellan olika aktiviteter. Det förekommer inga studier om aktivitetsbalans kopplat till personer med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning vad författarna har noterat. Syftet med examensarbetet var att beskriva den självskattade aktivitetsbalansen hos vuxna personer med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning. Den metod som användes var en kvantitativ icke ? experimentell tvärsnittsstudie.

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