4898 Uppsatser om Education events - Sida 37 av 327
Romer och utbildning : En arena för särskillnad, paradoxer och stigmatisering.
This thesis analyses how romanies look upon schooling and how they reflect upon the possibility of getting an education. Many inquiries relating to romanies have been published in Sweden but very few are based on fieldwork among romanies. The aim of this thesis is therefore to through fieldwork focus on how romanies themselves look upon their educational situation.The main questions for this study are: How is the image of romanies as a problem constructed in school? How are romanies separated from other students? How is the interplay between romanies and school representatives formed? How do romanies look upon the possibility of getting an education and does their perception differ from the usual official apprehension?An important conclusion concerns how social workers and teachers continuously categorize romanies as different. The group is constantly differentiated from other ethnic groups and is often the target of integration projects.
Jag vill, jag kan, men jag förstår inte : En analys av implementeringsproblematiken kring momentet friluftsliv i kursen idrott och hälsa 1
In previous contact with secondary schools, we have noticed a dull setting for friluftsliv among teachers in Physical Education and Health. We suspected that both teaching and assessment are sometimes conducted in error. Under the provisions of Skolverket the teacher must involve all elements mentioned in the core content of the curriculum and the assessment of students' knowledge may be based only on what is expressed in the syllabus for each course. Research shows that the implementation of the curriculum have failed in the subjects investigated (Skolinspektionen, 2013:22). We have identified a gap of knowledge regarding the situation of friluftsliv in the course physical education 1.
För kunskaps skull? : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning med sex bibliotekarier på folkbibliotek om läsning och förmedling av skönlitteratur.
The aim of this master's thesis is to examine whether librarians working in public libraries see fiction as a source of knowledge, and what role this plays in the educational mission of the public library. This investigation, which consists of a literary study and an empirical section, shows that the concept of phronesis denotes practical wisdom and moral thinking, and that it can be applied to that form of knowledge to which reading can contribute. An important issue in this context is the reader's motivation to learn. The interviews show that librarians see literature as a source from which knowledge can be drawn. When they mediate literature, they believe that they are conveying something of value and they set great store in mediating literature which could have a not inconsiderable import to the borrowers.
Valresultat och börskurser : En eventstudie om riksdagsvalens effekter på Stockholmsbörsen
Background:It is always fascinating to observe the events that affect the stock market, especially as the numbers of influencing factors are so many and various. Political elections are important events in society and affect the corporate environment in different ways depending on which political party that is in power. This brings up the question of whether political elections are important enough to affect the stock market; and it is this question we intend to analyse in this paper.Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether political elections affect the stock market and to discuss the reasons for any possible affect that might be found.Procedure:An appropriate and thoroughly tested method to investigate if an event affects the stock market or not, is to do an event study. Subsequently we chose to do an event study on whether the Swedish general elections in 2002 and 2006 affected the Stockholm Stock Exchange. In order to give the analysis more depth we have also chosen to interview people with knowledge of the stock market.
Cinelitteracitet i svenskämnet : En granskning av filmmediets position i skolan
The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .
Pedagogik och didaktik i skolbiblioteket? En studie av undervisning i informationssökning i grundskolans år 7-9 gällande innehåll, mål och metoder.
The purpose of this Master?s thesis studies is to examine how information seeking is taught from a pedagogical and didactic perspective. The questions at issue are:? What is the content in information seeking education?? What aims are focused in information seeking education?? What methods are used in information seeking education? The methods being used are empirical studies and studies of literature, within the subject area. The study is inspired by phenomenographical learning theories.
Läsa med självförtroende : En fallstudie om hur lärare arbetar för att motverka Matteuseffekten
The aim of the study is to investigate how a teacher and a special education teacher cooperate to prevent a pupil with reading difficulties from ending up in the vicious circle of the Matthew effect, and to find out how a pupil with reading difficulties experiences his or her reading situation. This case study is based on a phenomenological perspective whereby qualitative interviews illuminate a commonly occurring problem in today?s schools. Interviews were conducted with a teacher, a special education teacher, and a pupil in grade 1, in order to cover everyone?s perspective in this situation.
Matematikdidaktiska val En argumentationsanalys av det lustfyllda lärandet Mathematics education choice An argumentation analysis of a zestful learning
The purpose of this study is to present arguments concerning a zestful learning for children ages 6-9 in mathematics. Four books in mathematics has specifically been analyzed to investigate what is written concerning a zestful learning. By means of an argumentation analysis within a qualitative text analysis the arguments are put forth. The didactic choices of the chosen literature are analyzed in a subject-matter didactic context. The result implicates a multitude of arguments and didactic choices supporting a zestful learning.
Barns delaktighet och inflytande : i arbetet med hållbar utveckling i förskolan
The purpose of this study is to compare the conditions for teaching and learning Sami at primary level in three different types of schools. The study focuses on teachers' views on multilingualism and characteristics of good mother tongue education as well as factors inside and outside school affecting teaching. The classroom environment is also discussed. Six qualitative interviews with practicing teachers in the three school forms were carried out: Sami school, integrated teaching and mother-tongue education. The results showed that the teachers are in favour of multilingualism and feel a responsibility to help more children develop their ability to speak Sami.
?? Så kom insikten om att jag var likadan som de. Att jag var spelberoende ?? : ? en kvalitativ studie med fyra före detta spelberoende, deras erfarenheter av att komma ur ett spelberoende
Title: ?? Then came the realization that I was just like them. That I have a gambling addiction?? This is a qualitative study of four former gamblers and their experience of getting out of the gambling addiction. The study is about how individuals have overcome a gambling addiction.
Modersmål : En undersökning om vad föräldrar med utländsk bakgrund har för syn på modersmål och modersmålsundervisning
My intention with this study was to examine the concepts ?mother tongue? and ?mother tongue education? and how these concepts are understood by some parents. To reach this goal I?ve conducted a qualitative study, wherein I?ve interviewed eight parents with foreign backgrounds. The study is inspired by hermeneutics in its interpretation of results.From this study I can reach several conclusions.
Högskoleadjunkters uppfattningar om den kliniska utbildningen i sjuksköterskeprogrammet : Att vara högskoleadjunkt i G. Henrik von Wrights värld av handling
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva och analysera högskoleadjunkters uppfattningar om den kliniska utbildningen i dagens sjuksköterskeprogram. Som metod valdes intervjuer med tio högskoleadjunkter från fyra högskolor i Mellansverige. Framkomna data analyserades kvalitativt, utifrån von Wrights handlingsteoretiska perspektiv med de fyra determinanterna vilja, plikt, förmåga och möjligheter. Vårt resultat visade att högskoleadjunkternas vilja kunde urskiljas i fem underkategorier som gestaltade sig som vilja att: finnas till för de studerande, påverka utbildningens struktur, göra pedagogiska val, utveckla handledningen, och en vilja att handla beträffande den egna yrkesrollen. De plikter högskoleadjunkterna uppfattade i sin yrkesroll handlade om såväl deras egna inre plikter och förväntningar på sig själva, som förväntningar från de studerande, kollegor och skolledning.
Studenternas utbildningsval : En kvalitativ studie om nedärvda och förvärvade resursers betydelse i utbildningsvalet
This essey aims to investigate how inherited and acquired resources has influenced the choice of education. It is in this essays ambition to understand how the recources operates in a process from childhood to a certain education. The study was conducted using eight qualitative interviews with firstyearstudents in nursing and economics courses at Linnaeus University. By using Bourdieu's theories about habitus, capital and horizon of possibilities I wanted to understad how the students inherited and acquired recoures had operated in their choise of education. The main conclution is that the educational choice is strongly influenced by the individual's social belonging and must be understood as a result of the individual's history.
Elevers uppfattning om Idrott och Hälsas betydelse för ett livslångt idrottande : En enkätundersökning om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet i gymnasieskolan
The study is about Physical Education as a subject that offers students in Upper Secondary School a possibility to a life long interest in exercising. The study focuses on whether there is a difference between study concentrate programmes and profession concentrate programmes. The study also includes differences among exercising and non-exercising students. Earlier research shows that many youths don?t have an exercise form that they spend their spare time in.
Scoutförskola : En förskola med scoutprofil
Due to the interest of starting a preschool with a scout profile in my circle of acquaintances I chose to write my report about how the scout method would work in a preschool. I did this by comparing the origin of scouting and preschool. I based my report on the following questions:Are there any similarities or differences with curriculum, education act and the scout method that can make it easier/harder to work with the scout method in the preschool?There are many theorists that have had influence on the preschool. Give some examples of their theories that could affect the scout preschool?What is the difference between a teacher and a scout leader?What would a preschool look like if you included the scout method in the daily activity?With the help of my literature studies I compared the scout method against the laws and rules to make sure that the scout method doesn?t contradict them.