10169 Uppsatser om Economic result - Sida 56 av 678
Hörapparaten : Det dolda hjälpmedlet?
This essay is about the history of the hearing aid in Sweden, from 1930s until today. The hearing aid as an apparatus is described, and views by the users are presented. Articles and interviews have been used as source material to answer the main questions. In the essay, people who have written the articles, and the ten users being interviewed, describe how hearing aids are used in everyday life, and how users interact with people in general and how the hearing care system treats users. Another question regards how users perceive their own hearing aids from an aesthetic perspective.
Verktyg för lönsamhetsberäkningar vid bränslekonvertering av spetslastpannor från olja till pellets
This report summarizes the development of a calculation program estimating the profitability of converting a peak-load oil-fired boiler to pellets. To convert an oil-fired boiler to pellets a new fuel handling system must be designed. Changes also have to be made to some other components. Since there are many different techniques for transportation, storage and treatment of the fuel only the most interesting techniques from Swecos experience and interest were included in the study.The capacity of the different parts in the system was dimensioned based on the power of the boiler after conversion. To estimate prices, installed power and dimensions manufacturers and distributers were contacted.
Frivilliga organisationers betydelse för välfärden : En studie av projektet God Livsmiljö i Uppsala kommun
In the beginning of the nineties there was a change in how the voluntary sector was perceived, and the significance of their work became reevaluated and more acknowledged. As a result, this sector gained a new and higher interest. The changes and downsizing in the welfare state with economic crises, due to political cutback, made the politicians look fore new solutions. One solution is to encourage cooperation between the public sector and the voluntary sector in order to handle the different needs of individuals.Uppsala community and the voluntary sector are working closely together within a project called ?God Livsmiljö?.
Avskaffad revisionsplikt för småföretag : Konsekvenser och möjligheter för redovisningskonsulter och revisorer
Background for the research problems: Small companies are very important for the economic stability and development, something which the economic crises in recent years have underlined. Therefore it?s important to minimize administrative costs for smaller companies and also in other ways facilitate their further development. For these reasons accounting has been simplified and auditing abolished for smaller companies in many countries. In Sweden auditing for small companies was abolished nearly three years ago.
Börsvärdering av bioteknologiska forskningsbolag
Background: The valuation of Biotechnology companies is difficult in many ways. Patent and human capital are hard to value and also there is a great uncertainty about the success of the compaines research programs. Are traditional valuation models really useful when it comes to research companies or do they result in false values of the companies? Purpose: To study what values different valuation models gives biotechnology companies and how they correspond to the market value. Method:We have studied financial litterature och found the most common used models today.
Luft/luftvärmepump : - Med möjlighet till återvinning
Sweden has long had access to low electricity prices due to the wide availability of hydro and nuclear power. This has now changed because of today's rising electricity rates resulting in increasing heating costs for properties, especially in the properties with electric heating systems."Ankaret" is a parish for "Svenska Alliansmissionen", which is located at "Gullbrannagården".The parish has installed electrical radiators and an exhaust ventilation system that makes the energy demand high due to the large ventilation flows. The building was built as the price of electricity was still low and would reduce energy use today by combining its heating system with an air/air heat pump. The heat pump delivers more heat into the room than the electrical energy that it uses. This lowers the electricity needs.
Vårdnadsbidraget - kvinnofälla eller valfrihetsreform?
Under våren 2008 tog riksdagen beslut om att fr.o.m. den 1 juli införa ett kommunalt vårdnadsbidrag. Bidraget uppgår till maximalt 3000 kronor och kan betalas ut till dem som inte utnyttjar kommunalt finansierad barnomsorg på heltid utan istället ordnar barnomsorgen på annat sätt, t.ex. genom att en förälder stannar hemma. Vårdnadsbidraget har av dess anhängare hyllats som en valfrihetsreform men har av kritikerna anklagats för att vara en kvinnofälla.
"Så länge det inte är till men för den unge" : - En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan myndigheter och en frivilligorganisation gällande unga lagöverträdare i Kalmar kommun.
The aim of this study was to investigate how the authorities; Social Services, Police and the Office of public prosecutor co-operate with the voluntary organization; Unga KRIS in the matter of young offenders. The purpose was also to investigate the conditions, possibilities, vices and difficulties in the cooperation between the operators. This study was based on six semi-structured interviews with representative from all four operators. The empirical material has been analyzed through a new institutional theory which focuses on values and norms in an organization. The result of this study showed that there were a lot of conditions and possibilities too co-operate between the operators such as through personal contacts. Further the result illustrated a number of difficulties for example that the authorities? different laws don?t connect.
Från Arenan till Arbetsplatsen : Om tidigare elitidrottares karriäromställning till annat arbete
Background for the research problems: Small companies are very important for the economic stability and development, something which the economic crises in recent years have underlined. Therefore it?s important to minimize administrative costs for smaller companies and also in other ways facilitate their further development. For these reasons accounting has been simplified and auditing abolished for smaller companies in many countries. In Sweden auditing for small companies was abolished nearly three years ago.
Oetiskt handlande i skuggan av pengar: Oetiska handlingars påverkan på aktiekursen
Many studies have shown that unethical acting can affect the share price of the company negatively. However, this is not always the case. The aim of this thesis is therefore to examine what it is that can cause the share price to be affected negatively by unethical acting exposed in media. This qualitative study is primarily based on interviews with institutional investors, but also with economic journalists and investor relations managers. Our conclusion is that there are three main reasons why the share price can be affected by unethical acting, namely economic consequences, the management's behaviour and psychological factors.
Invandrarungdomar utan sysselsättning : en studie av arbetslösa invandrarungdomars attityd gentemot sig själva och den svenska arbetsmarknaden
The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about what the lives of the unemployed youth of immigrant background looks like, and what the views of the unemployed young people are about work and employment. The study is a qualitative study where the empirical material is based on interviews with seven unemployed immigrant youth between the ages of 19 and 25 years. A study where the central questions was to explore how the informants' living conditions and identity are affected by being unemployed. The other issues aimed at how informants background affected their ability to enter the labour market, and the job expectations the informants had about the future and the Swedish labour market. Empirin have been analyzed with regard to methodology tool based theory, as well as theoretical starting points, such as social capital, formal and informal channels, ethnicity and stigma theory.
Katastrofhantering i kapitalets förlovade land : Den amerikanska statens hantering av Dust Bowl och orkanen Katrina
In this thesis, I enquire into how the USA ? our world?s wealthiest and most powerful nation ? and its federal government has dealt with two of its most severe natural disasters: the drought and dust storms that plagued the Great Plains during the 1930?s, i.e. the Dust Bowl, and Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall in late August 2005. I attempt to identify differences and similarities and analyze if and, in that case, how the hegemonic politico-economic paradigm affected the federal management of these crises. This comparison is made relevant by the fact that two differing paradigms were at play during these events. In the thirties, President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched his ?New Deal?, a series of counter cyclical measures in line with the Keynesian school of economics, as a response to the overwhelming economic depression as well as the raging drought.
Samhällsekonomiska kostnader av informell vård vid Alzheimers sjukdom
Alzheimers sjukdom är den vanligaste av demenssjukdomar och omfattas av cirka 80 000 diagnosticerade fall i Sverige. Alzheimers sjukdom kallas ofta för ?de anhörigas sjukdom?, vilket syftar på att den drabbade i takt med insjuknandet förlorar insikten om sjukdomstillståndet samtidigt som det blir mer och mer uppenbart och även krävande för de anhöriga. Vårdbehovet för demenspatienter är stort och ökar i takt med sjukdomsgrad. En stor del av vården av dessa patienter utgörs av så kallad informell vård då patientens anhöriga, utan ersättning, fungerar som vårdproducenter.
Företagskluster och närhet i Katutura, Namibia : En studie kring småföretag, närhet och klusterfördelar
In Economic Geography, there has been a strong interest of how different forms of proximity impacts businesses. In addition, there is also a strong interest in business agglomeration, as a result businesses cluster together through physical proximity, networks and knowledge. In the development sector, there is a strong interest on how to best support the creations and growth of small enterprises.This essay emphasises on the business cluster formations in Katutura, a suburb to Windhoek the capital city of Namibia. It oversees the impacts of different types of cluster formations and their effects on the businesses. In addition, this essay will identify the main clusters in Katutura and state what makes them unique from each other and what is a common cluster feature.
Varumärkesidentitet i tjänsteföretag : strävan efter ett gemensamt ledmotiv
Background: Literature regarding brand identity within the service industry is relatively under developed. As a result one theory is used for both the service and product brands, even though there is a significant difference between a product and a service. As a result of this, the brand identity within the service industry has consequences. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the brand identity within the service industry. This is done by focusing on how and why this work is done.