2159 Uppsatser om Economic liberalization - Sida 43 av 144
Kvinnor i en mansdominerad värld : En jämförande studie om kvinnors representation i de etablerade demokratiernas parlament
The purpose of this study is to map out and to analyze the spatial variation of female representation at the national level in established democracies. The aim is also to explain the variation in the female representation. The main questions that the paper tries to answer are:1.How does women representation in established democratic parliaments vary?2.Why does women representation in established democratic parliaments vary?This study is a comparative and statistic study, i.e. a study that includes a bigger number of countries and where quantitative analysis methods are used in order to achieve comparative analyses.
Förnuft till döds? Debatten om Georg Henrik von Wrights bok: Vetenskapen och förnuftet
This paper relates a debate on a book Vetenskapen och förnuftet (1986) written by the Scandinavian philosopher Georg Henrik von Wright (1916 - 2003). The book brings up fate of mankind, raising the question if human rational thinking and scientific achievements are threatening our very existence on earth. Shortly after the book was published, it was intensively debated in a leading Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Some 20 leading politicians and scientists contributed with their criticism during spring 1987. The paper highlights this debate by writing reception history, describing how the book with its serious message was received by leading scientists of the time.
Från fattigdom till välstånd - olika variablers effekt på ett lands ekonomiska tillväxt i en utvidgad teknologispridningsmodell
Tillväxtteori är något som studeras mycket bland nationalekonomer eftersom fattigdom är ett stort problem i världen. För att det inte ska bli ännu större kan det vara väldigt viktigt att veta hur tillväxten ska komma igång i ett fattigt land som lidit hårt av exempelvis inbördeskrig. Det finns inga modeller som specifikt modellerar detta, men det är antagligen för att de faktorer som är betydelsefulla troligen är desamma som för ett fattigt land som inte har hamnat långt under sitt steady state (det jämviktsläge som ekonomin är på väg mot på lång sikt). Det finns många modeller som försöker förklara vilka faktorer som driver tillväxt i fattiga länder, och eftersom modeller alltid är förenklingar av verkligheten, finns det inga perfekta modeller, men de flesta har någon viktig faktor som belyses. En modell som ofta används för att beskriva tillväxten i fattiga länder är teknologispridnings-modellen som visar att fattiga länders ekonomier växer då de lär sig att använda mer teknologi.
Att våga tro på elevers förmågor : Lärares erfrenheter av att arbeta med elevinflytande i grundsärskolan
This study analyzes 66 Swedish actively managed mutual funds investing in the Swedish stock market during the period 2005-2014. The purpose is through pooled data regressions analyze the relationship between both the mutual fund?s annual fee and risk-adjusted return to the fund?s characteristics. The characteristics of the study are the size of the fund's assets, age, if the fund is bank managed or not, Tracking Error, and standard deviation of return.By using the performance measures of CAPM, Fama and French 3-factor model, and Carhart?s 4-factor model monthly risk-adjusted returns are created for all funds over the period.
Hållbar vattenplanering : en diskussion med utgångspunkt ur fyra bristområden
Billions of children, women and men lack access to safe water supplies, whichputs the affected in both social as well as economic despair. This paper willpresent some of the conclusions leading Non Governmental Organisations suchas the UN has presented recently concerning the terms of sustainability. Much ofit is true and important, but nothing can be done without extended cooperationbetween nations worldwide to find arguments that prevent short-term thinkingand economic wealth on the behalf of future sustainability.With a growing population and an increased competition for fresh water, theworld will soon face a severe shortage of good quality water for irrigation. This isbecause the distributions rarely match the demand, neither in Australia nor inAfrica. Important to notice is the major factor that the degradation of theenvironment is not one country?s problem to solve.
CSR och politisk konsumtion : - en studie av Nikes och Pumas CSR- rapporter
?CSR and political consumption ? a study of Nike?s and Puma?s CSR-reports?The purpose of this dissertation is to examine if political consumption has influenced multinational corporations to improve their Corporate Social Responsibility reports and policies more, than a company who has not been a target for political consumption.This dissertation is a content analysis of Nike?s and Puma?s first (Nike 2001, Puma 2001) and latest (Nike 2007/09, Puma 2007/08) CSR- reports. Archie Carroll?s model of Corporate Social Responsibility is used as theoretical framework in this study. The model is used to focus on four areas within CSR; economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic.
Ekonomisk tillväxt och ren natur - Är det möjligt?
I och med att länderna i världen blivit allt rikare har även miljöförstöringen ökat. Detta är ett problem som uppmärksammas allt mer och det sker allt fler studier om sambandet mellan ekonomisk tillväxt och miljöförstöring. I början av 1990-talet publicerade Grossman och Krueger en undersökning som visade på ett uppochnedvänt U-förhållande mellan inkomst och miljöförstörande utsläpp, dvs att miljöförstöringen först ökar med den ekonomiska tillväxten tills den vid en viss nivå vänder och börjar minska samtidigt som ekonomin fortsätter att växa. De kallade denna kurva för ?The Environmental Kuznets Curve? (EKC).
Deltidsarbete bland kvinnor i Sverige - vad påverkar val av arbetstid?
English title: Part-time work among women in Sweden ? what influences choice of working hours? In the 1960s and 70s a large growth in part-time work amongst women in the Swedish labour market took place. A net inflow of workers into the labour market has been suggested as the main source. However, part-time work is still a common phenomenon among Swedish women; in 2004 almost 40% of all women worked part-time, and women are clearly dominating the part-time sector. A gradual changeover from house work to market work is hardly a valid explanation anymore.
PR och trovärdigheten : en studie av PR-byrån Four C och dess kund Akzo Nobel
PR appears to be an indistinct division and a complicated resource for companies to value. The current circumstances are negative to the credibility and reliability of PR. This study emphasizes how an application of return on investment contributes to a more strategic use of PR and increases the status and credibility for the division.We experience that measuring the economic value of PR is of great importance and of current interest with few prior studies made. The purpose of this study is to find out how a PR-agency and one of its clients relates to and works with evaluation of PR-activities and to which extent the economic contribution of the activity is measured.The foundation which the theoretical reference grounds on is theories of Delusions of PR and the use of benefit-cost analyzes, Stages and Levels for Evaluating Public Relations Programs, Marketing Return on Investment and PR Return on Investment. The theoretical reference serves as a base during the analyze of the study.The conclusion, based on the empirical body of information, is that an application of return on investment could contribute with a higher status and credibility for the PR-division.
Economic Value Added : Som investeringsstrategi under en ekonomisk recession
Investeringsbedömning är inte bara kalkyleringar och beräkningar. Människor påverkar och styr de data som ligger till grund för beslutsfattande och dessa individer kan därmed styra processen mot sina egna mål. Studien fokuserar på ett kommunalt investeringsprojekt, uppförandet av Arena Vänersborg. Investeringsprocessen, från planering och budgetering till slutförande av projektet studerades. Kostnadsavvikelser och styrningen i processen undersöktes och analyserades.
Utveckling och tillämpning av modeller förkvantifiering av de ekonomiska konsekvensernaav ökad förbrukningsflexibilitet inom eldistribution
One step towards a more sustainable energy system is to create a more flexible electrical grid, where increased demand response among electricity consumers can play an important role. A distribution grid owner can encourage their customers to use electricity more evenly distributed during the day by introducing different types of grid fees such as time-differentiated power tariffs. In this master thesis, the theoretical economic impact of a flattened load profile for a distribution grid owner is investigated. Different factors that impact the distribution grid owner?s economy are identified and two are chosen to be quantified; losses in the grid and the fee to the feeding grid.
Påverkar olika faktorer bilföretagen? : ? Hur påverkar ett högt oljepris, miljömedvetna marknader och ekonomiska trender bilföretagen?
The automotive industry is today in a world of globalisation and external factors can influence the car companies and it is important that they progress with the people. When an external factor, as the oil price, increases dramatically, it will affect the economies in different matters. Other external factors are impacted by the oil price, for example inflation, unemployment and target rates. In addition, people are changing their preferences due to the attention of the environment. With this as the foundation the problem of the essay were divided into three aspects.
Antibiotikaresistenta bakterier - Hotbild och möjliga lösningar
Under senare år har vi fått allt större problem med antibiotikaresistens bland bakterier. Dessa problem är delvis en oundviklig följd av användandet av antibiotika. De förvärras dock kraftigt av det faktum att vi använder antibiotika i en långt större omfattning än vad som kan anses nödvändigt. Detta överanvändande beror till stor del på det faktum att behandling med antibiotika i många fall är en förmånlig lösning för den enskilde patienten, som erbjuder ett snabbt tillfrisknande till en låg kostnad. Vi har följaktligen ett klassiskt fall av externa effekter, där det som är rationellt för den enskilde skiljer sig från det som är rationellt för samhället som helhet.
Pricing Credit Default Index Swaptions A numerical evaluation of pricing models
This study examines the background and nature of the credit default index swaption (CDIS) and presentsrelevant methods for modelling credit risk. A CDIS is a credit derivative contract that gives the buyerright to enter into a credit default index swap (CDS index) contract at a given point in time. ACDS index, in turn, is a multi-name credit default swap (CDS). Within the eld of research, thisthesis identi es the CDIS pricing models presented by Jackson (2005), Rutkowski & Armstrong (2009)and Morini & Brigo (2011) as the most recognized and developed. These models are evaluated byreconstruction in a numerical software environment.
Beslutsmodell gällande finansieringsform samt intern prissättning av ett företags truckpark
To be competitive in the corporate climate of today it is important to have effective logistic activities. A common resource within the internal logistics is forklift trucks, which are used to lift and transport material. It becomes more and more important to decide whether to buy, lease or rent the forklifts to obtain an optimal economic situation. Many companies have issues with internal pricing. It is difficult to price products and services correctly. It is common to price the overall instead of what it really costs.The purpose of the thesis is to present a model for the acquisition of forklifts for internal logistic operations, regarding financing and internal pricing, to obtain economic effectiveness and an optimal forklift fleet size. The study focused on a specific research question, and for this purpose interviews with experts were held, observations were made and a literature study was done.