

2155 Uppsatser om Economic liberalization - Sida 3 av 144

Stöd eller tillrättavisning : En kvantitativ studie om socialarbetares attityder till ekonomisk rådgivning som metod

The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine attitudes among social workers, particularly their attitudes toward their clients? poverty and towards economic counseling as a method. A further aim was to study the relationship between attitudes towards poverty and economic counseling. Primary data used for the study was assembled among social workers (n = 111) with the use of an electronic questionnaire that was sent out to social welfare offices in 34 city districts in Stockholm,Gothenburg and Malmö. The findings showed that a majority of the social workers had a structural understanding of poverty and a positive attitude towards economic counseling.

Radikal Biståndsexport : En studie om utfallet till: - Irans bistånd till Hizbollah  - Saudiarabiens bistånd till talibanerna   

This essay is about the massive Iranian aid to Hezbollah and the Saudi Arabian, likewise, towards the Taliban. The main view is that the two countries aid respective aid to Hezbollah and the Taliban is/were not a gesture of goodwill but rather an economic method of getting influence and controlling the receiver. This view that is based on a theory called; economic statecraft. The economic statecraft theory is used in this paper to investigate why Iran?s influence towards Hezbollah has been successful while the Saudis ambitions with the Taliban have failed.

Adam Smith och den problematiska värdeteorin

Adam Smith?s economic theory is often subject to criticism, in which it is claimed to be inherently inconsistent. Recently, criticism from well-known scholars has arisen claiming Smith should be characterized a labor value theorist anticipating Karl Marx. This study seeks to analyze whether such criticism is legitimate. Firstly, the economic theory of Smith is discussed in terms of consistency, and secondly, a number of typical and main points of the critique, from the most influential of his contemporary critics, are lifted up and analyzed.

Den förvandlade kommunen : Ekonomisk och social tillväxt i Örnsköldsvik 1997-2007

The transformed municipality ? Economic and social growth in Örnsköldsvik 1997-2007Author: Kristina HanssonThis thesis focuses on the economic and social growth in the municipality of Örnsköldsvik. It is a single case study and the municipality is studied through economic theories concerning regional growth in the period of 1997-2007. The aim is to analyse whether these theories, such as Åke E. Anderssons and Ulf Strömquists K-society, and other more or less microeconomic assumptions, also are applicable in smaller local contexts.

Leder integration till priskonvergens - En analys av de europeiska bilmarknaderna

This study attempts to examine the existence and development of price differences in the car sector in Europe. The time period is between 1995, the year of the Swedish entrance in the European Union, and 2003. The study is based on data supplied by the European commission, on a bi-annual basis. Both price differences in general in the EU, and price differences between Sweden and other countries in the EU are examined. The theoretical law of one price is related to the economic integration of the EU and the car sector.

Hedgefonder i Sverige och utlandet - Vad händer i bear market?

Uppsatsen beskriver vad hedgefonder är och undersöker likheter och skillnader mellan svenska och utländska hedgefonder under perioden 2002-2006. Därefter jämförs amerikanska hedgefonder med index samt riskfria tillgångar under perioden 2000-2003 med syftet att undersöka vad som händer med hedgefonder under en period när börsen sjönk..

Finns det risk för att Sverige går in i en ny fastighets- och bankkris?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there is a risk that Sweden will go in to crises at the house market and in the bank sector. The Swedish house prices have in the last years growth very high and quickly and are now over the development in the beginning of 1990. The method I use to investigate this is a multiple regression model. I follow a regression that both OECD and the Swedish Riksbank use. The difference between my analyse and theirs is that we use different periods..

Ekonomisk tillväxt och utländska direktinvesteringar i Sub-Sahara

The Sub-Saharan countries have for a long time struggled with poverty and conflicts which might have proven hostile for investors. The analysis aims to see if there is a significant correlation between foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth and which cultural and institutional factors seem to be significant in this correlation. Considered are also other variables and their influence that might explain what motivates and gives incentives for foreign direct investments (FDI) and are used in the construction of a regression analysis. This to see whether there is an effect on the economic growth in relations to FDI. The results show that FDI is of significance to the economic growth in the region and the study shows that corruption seems to be the most significant institutional factor in the correlation with effect on economic growth and the ability to attract FDI..

Semestereffekter på Stockholmsbörsen

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ytreda huruvida det existerar en semestereffekt på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Författarna har studerat Stockholmsbörsen via Affärsvärldens generalindex med perioden 1990-2005 som grund. Via en referensperiod har det påvisats att denna effekt tycks ha uppkommit under de senaste 20 åren. Anledningarna till detta tros främst bero på ett tilltagande intresse för aktiehandel och den påtagligt förbättrade infrastrukturen kring denna..

Friheten från fattigdom - En rättighet eller något annat?

This paper investigates whether there is a right not to suffer from poverty. The investigation is being conducted from the theoretical standpoint/view that only civil and political rights constitute justiciable rights and rights proper from a moral stance, whereas economic and social rights constitute mere political agendas or less.In the search of an answer to this question the content of economic and social rights, and thereafter civil and political rights will be outlined, followed by an inquiry of what should really be considered as rights. Finally, the arguments against economic and social rights as real rights is presented and scrutinized.This paper will conclude that the stated difference between the above-mentioned sets of rights is illusory and that the right not to suffer from poverty ought to have the same status as civil and political rights..

Aktievärderingsmodeller  : Vågar man lita på dem?

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to apply "Discount Dividend model" and "Discounted Cash Flow model" in reality during periods of economic boom alternatively recession.Method: A quantitative research method as well as secondary data and data collection method is used. This data consists of the company?s annual reports. Totally, 20 companies of different sizes under diverse economic conditions are involved in this data.Conclusion: After reviewing the companies? calculations, it is noted that the both models that are used reflect better stock-exchange rate during an economic recession..

Avgiftsfri kollektivtrafik i praktiken : En studie av Kuxabussarna i Ockelbo kommun

The purpose with this paper is to examine if tertiary education and democracy have an impact on economic growth. In order to decide how democratic the examined countries are the democracy index constructed by The Economist is used. Besides the two central theories the purpose is also to explain why these variables could affect growth and to examine direct and indirect effects. Indirect effects mean that one variable affects another variable which thereafter has an impact on economic growth.34 OECD countries are compared in order to investigate whether education and democracy are strongly correlated with BNP per capita. Therefore a statistical design is used as method.The empirical results suggest that there is significant correlation between democracy and economic growth.

EU:s utvidgning mot öst och social turism i Sverige

Uppsatsen undersöker huruvida den sociala turismen har ökat eller minskat i Sverige sedan utvidgningen av EU, med fokus på utvidgningen år 2004. Samordningen av de europeiska medlemsstaterna och deras respektive socialförsäkringssystem innebär att individer som rör sig inom EU inte ska förlora sin sociala trygghet. Undersökningar visar dock på att intresset för de svenska socialförsäkringarna inte är så stort som befarat..

Från passiv till aktiv strategi - Näringspolitisk förändring och handlingskapacitet i industrikommunerna Bromölla och Östra Göinge

Since the 1980's economic policies has become an important issue in municipalities and more resources are put into projects that are intended to have a positive influence on the local economic growth. From a theoretical perspective of regime theory and a model of local political economy, concerning the strategies chosen by the actors involved designed by Jon Pierre, the discussion points to the fact that it is possible to affect the local development. The municipalities discussed and compared in this thesis, Bromölla and Östra Göinge, have similar prerequisite for growth mainly due to their dependence to large industrial companies.In order to fulfill the aim of the thesis and examine the change in economic policies over time and between the two municipalities a comparative method is used. The creation of local governing coalitions is emphasized which makes efforts and intentions of individual actors crucial for the success of the local economic policies. Bromölla started their more active efforts in the area of economic policies earlier than Östra Göinge and has also come a bit further in the process.

Säkerställning av kommunal bredbandsutbyggnad

The purpose with this paper is to examine if tertiary education and democracy have an impact on economic growth. In order to decide how democratic the examined countries are the democracy index constructed by The Economist is used. Besides the two central theories the purpose is also to explain why these variables could affect growth and to examine direct and indirect effects. Indirect effects mean that one variable affects another variable which thereafter has an impact on economic growth.34 OECD countries are compared in order to investigate whether education and democracy are strongly correlated with BNP per capita. Therefore a statistical design is used as method.The empirical results suggest that there is significant correlation between democracy and economic growth.

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