

2155 Uppsatser om Economic liberalization - Sida 11 av 144

Finansbubblor & babybooms : - en studie av sambandet mellan ekonomiska faktorer och fertilitet i Sverige 1960-2008

Variations in fertility have caused a problematic situation in Sweden among other European countries. According to the Council of Europe we are facing an economic and demographic challenge, when the baby boomers of the 1940?s are retiring. Economists have for a long time studied the connection between economic factors and fertility, and several studies have found a correlation between business cycles and birth rates. This connection is again of current interest 2008, when a financial bubble bursts at the same time as a baby boom occurs.

Derivativ talan och Corporate Governance. En komparativ studie ur ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv

The world is getting smaller. Global markets, political processes and communication technology bring people together. Even though many of these processes are dynamic and constructive, they have also resulted in a need for better and more effective ways of international conflict resolution. This thesis investigates central issues connected to the concept of humanitarian interventions in relation to current and future legislation of the European Union. The overall question is whether the rapid globalization process has resulted in a change of international law towards more liberal view where authorization of the security council is not always needed? And, if there has actually been such a liberalization, how does that affect the legal possibilities for the European Union to carry out armed operations without the consent of the global community?The conclusion of the thesis is that international law has been modified mainly in two aspects: First, the concept of sovereignty is no longer seen merely as a right of the nation, but also as a responsibility.

Oljepriskänslighet på Sveriges och EU:s aktiemarknader

Oljeprisets påverkan på svensk och europeisk ekonomi är högaktuell ? det skapar dagligen rubriker i massmedia. Inte minst på aktiemarknaden iakttas oljepriset noggrant. Denna studie undersöker huruvida statistiska samband mellan oljepriset och olika aktieindex kan påvisas, och även huruvida dessa går att utnyttja för prognostisering. Fyra branschindex ? industri, kemi, transport och råvaror ? samt generalindex, för Sverige respektive EU, undersöks.Kointegrations- och regressionsanalys används för att undersöka sambanden mellan oljepris och aktieindex, och resultaten tillämpas sedan för prognostisering.

En biologisk översyn av två vanliga konsumtionsvalsteoretiska antagande

Följande uppsats utgör en litteraturstudie över två vanliga konsumtionsvalsteoretiska antagande och deras biologiska rimlighet. De antagande som testas är: (A) En ekonomisk agent handlar som om hon maximerar en nyttofunktion. (B) Individen är självisk. Angående (A) dras slutsatsen att denna kan antas uppfylld. Antagande (B) är mer komplicerat.

Pengar, press & partiledare : En studie om porträtteringen av makt i svenska tidsskrifter

We have studied how power is portrayed in Swedish journals by analyzing eight portraits of Swedish persons with economic or political power. We have studied how they and their power are described by the journalist in text and picture. We wanted to see which picture the journalist shows of people with power, what properties they are given by the journalist and how this picture is shown by the texts and the pictures. We have also looked if there are any differences between people with political power and people with economic power. We have under our studies noticed that the persons with power are described as very successful and special and this picture are shown in a very clear and unproblematic way..

Den bortglömda arbetslösheten? : En undersökning av hur socialdemokraterna beskriver sin ekonomiska politik under 1970-, 80- och 90-talet

The economic policy of the Swedish Social Democrats has undergone major changes during the last thirty years. From using a so-called Keynesian policy to promote full employment in the economy, the Social Democrats have switched to a more monetaristic policy to promote low inflation instead. What I intend to do with this study is to see if the policy change also can be noticed in how the party describe their own policy. Have the Social Democrats been open and transparent with their change in priorities, or have they tried to hide this in their rhetoric?The purpose of this thesis is to examine if one can notice a change from a Keynesian to a monetaristic policy in the Social Democrat?s descriptions of their economic policy.

Effekter på de nordiska medlemsländernas sockerindustri av EU:s reform

I början av juni 2003 lämnade Brasilien, Thailand och Australien in en anmälan till World Trade Organisation (WTO) med EU:s sockerpolitik som utgångspunkt. Drygt ett år senare, den 14 juli 2004, presenterade den Europeiska Kommissionen ett förslag på en genomgripande omarbetning av EU:s sockerordning. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka effekterna av Europeiska Kommissionens reformförslag på sockerindustrin i de nordiska medlemsländerna, med den nuvarande sockerpolitikens påverkan på dessa länder som bakgrund. Sockerindustrin i Danmark, Sverige och Finland har olika förutsättningar inför en reformering och kommer således att drabbas olika, men framtiden ser inte så ljus ut för de nordiska medlemsländerna. Sockerindustrin i Finland kommer med stor sannolikhet att slås ut och näringen i Sverige och Danmark kommer att få det något svårare på längre sikt..

Östutvidgningens påverkan på familjeförsäkringen

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka effekter östutvidgningen kan ha på den svenska familjeförsäkringen. Arbetet fokuserar på Polens inträde i EU och en eventuell polsk immigration till Sverige. Metod: Undersökningen bygger på migrationsteorier och jämförelser med tidigare utvidgningar av den Europeiska Unionen och pekar på drivkrafter bakom immigration. Slutsatser: Arbetet visar på stora ekonomiska skillnader mellan Sverige och Polen och att det finns avsevärda incitament till immigration. Samtidigt ger tidigare utvidgningar prov på att människor i allmänhet är trogna sin hembygd.

Riskpremie i UIP - möjlighet till cross-currency arbitrage? - en jämförande studie av ränta och växelkurs mellan Storbritannien, Tyskland och Sverige.

The thesis explores the Uncovered Interest rate Parity (UIP) and the possibility of cross-currency arbitrage between England, Germany and Sweden. The data is gathered between May 1999 and December 2005 on a monthly basis and is compared using simple regression analysis. The aim is to find out whether UIP holds and, if it does not, a risk premium exists that makes it possible to make arbitrage gains on moving capital between England, Germany and Sweden. It is discovered that UIP does not hold and that cross-currency arbitrage possibilities exist. In the end a an attempt is made to practically show how the arbitrage possibility could be used for a real investor to make risk free gains from the Foreign Exchange market..

Anställningsotrygghetens effekt på självskattad hälsa, i hög respektive lågkonjunktur

The subject of this study was to research whether or not the effect of job insecurity on self reported health differs between good and bad times in the economic climate. Two different years of a national health survey from the Swedish institute of health (FHI) served as data, with 2007 representing good economic climate and 2009 doing the opposite. Both years consisted of data from a national health survey distributed to 20 000 random individuals in Sweden, where 2007 had 5738 valid cases and 2009 had 10 373. A quantitative method was used to determine the difference, consisting of a three variable cross tabulation with chi2-analysis as well as a model of binary logistic regression for each of the two years.The cross tabulation found a significant difference between the two years, with those reporting job insecurity having less of a chance to report bad health during the year representing bad economic climate. While the logistic regression showed the same tendency, the two years could not be significantly differed from each other in that part of the analyzes.With this in mind, the conclusion from the whole test was that no significant difference could be found between the years regarding the health effect of job insecurity..

Myndigheten och den ensamstående föräldern. En studie av ensamstående föräldrar med barn och deras behov

In this study we describe the needs of lone parents and how the authorities fulfill these needs. The needs contain both economic and social aspects, such as the access to an employment, childcare and the possibility to social activities. For the lone parents being able to work the childcare provision must improve and be available in a greater extent during non-traditional working hours. It is also required that the housing benefit ceiling is increased so that the parents may work more hours without risking the loss of the housing benefit. The statistic about the housing benefit which we present shows that many of those with a low income are lone parents.

Arbetskraftsinvandring -en problemorienterad studie av SAP: s hanterand av arbetskraftsinvandringsfrågan

The aim with this paper is to investigate how the Social Democratic Party (SAP) deals with the question of economic migrants, or more specifically how the problem is represented by the Social Democratic Party, and how this representation has developed over time. The SAP's theory became recently contested by a competing theory that was caused by the predicted future demographic development in Sweden, combined with the EU's eastern expansion. The first factor contributed to the re-write of the theory, to a theory that saw economic migrants as a solution instead of a problem, in direct contrast to SAP's theory. The second factor was a direct threat to SAP's labour immigration policy. This leads to my second question, how did SAP respond to this pressure?The answers to these questions are achieved by using discourse analysis by applying a problem oriented theory on empirical material, constituting propositions, articles in mass media and parliamentary debates.

Har den ökade europeiska integrationen medfört en högre korrelation mellan de europeiska börserna under perioden 1993-2004?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns en ökad korrelation mellan de europeiska börserna, både som medlemmar i EU och EMU. Då USA länge varit en ledande världsekonomi vill vi undersöka om dess inverkan på de europeiska börserna har förändrats. Metod: Vi har utifrån olika börsers dagliga avkastningar beräknat det månatliga medelvärdet och korrelationen. Resultaten har vi sedan jämfört för att finna samvariation. För att kunna se om korrelationerna skiljer sig åt har vi beräknat konfidensintervall.

Ovidkommande vatten i spillvattensystemet - problematik och åtgärder

The purpose of this essay was to examine whether small businesses can avoid ac-counting crimes with a well-conducted internal control system. The questions we asked ourselves was, whether and if so, companies can prevent this from happening by using a internal control.In this essay we used a qualitative approach. Essential information was given to us from four different interviewees. We also worked from an inductive approach which means that we interviewed people without any earlier research to build on. The method also had a hermeneutical approach, which means that we made different interpretations based on the reference framework and the empirics.After the study had been carried out, we concluded that all evidence from this essay suggested that even small businesses need an internal control to protect their business.

attraktrivitet och regionplanering : Hur ska osby kunna ha en positiv ekonomisk tillväxt och befolkningsutveckling i region skåne?

 AbstractAttractiveness may be defined by a variety of factors but you should see it in the public planning as it is to have a positive population growth and economic growth, through working with communications, service, housing, to name a few. This is done primarily through direct projects both within the municipality and through various partnerships between local and regional level. The progress we have seen in recent years has gone more towards a clear shell level, particularly a regional level where these have had a much greater freedom with clear geographical boundaries in between each other. Within these regions there are also clear regional groupings that have common interests and competing between each other. In my thesis, we have been distinguished including three levels of scale levels.

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