3388 Uppsatser om Economic evaluation - Sida 37 av 226
Föräldraledighet och pappor - En empirisk studie om vad som påverkar pappornas uttag
Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar hur föräldraförsäkringen fördelas och då med fokus på pappans uttag. Som teoretisk bakgrund används bland annat Gary Becker och hans teori om tidsallokering. I ett första skede redovisas vilka faktorer som föräldrarna själva har uppgett påverkar föräldrapenningens uppdelning. Nästan en tredjedel svarade att ekonomiska skäl vägde tungt. En annan slutsats från denna del var att mannens arbete ansågs ha större betydelse, över fördelningen, än mammans.
Softcommissions, en strategi som hindrar utvecklingen för institutionella aktietransaktioner?
Titel:Softcommissions, en strategi som hindrar utvecklingen för institutionella aktietransaktioner? Författare:Patrik Albinsson Handledare:Jerker Holm Nyckelord:Institution, aktiemäklare, spelteori, nashjämvikt, bertrandjämvikt Syfte:Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva marknaden för institutionell aktiehandel i Sverige och i USA. Fokus är att kartlägga den utveckling som sker på den svenska marknaden med den amerikanska marknaden som jämförande basis. Prissättningen på marknaden är framförallt av intresse. Slutsats:Allt fler institutionella placerare i Sverige efterfrågar tjänster från teknologibaserade lågprismäklare, marknaden kan därmed betraktas vara under omdaning.
Varför förekommer offset inom försvarsindustrin? Studie om kompensationshandel utifrån nationalekonomiska teorier
Sammanfattning Titel: Varför förekommer offset inom försvarsindustrin?Studie om kompensationshandel utifrån nationalekonomiskateorierDatum för seminarium: 8 juni, 2007Ämne/Kur's: Nationalekonomi, kandidatuppsat's 10pFörfattare: Linnéa MörkHandledare: Jerker HolmSyfte: Syftet har varit att undersöka varför offset förekommer inomförsvarsindustrin och förklara fenomenet utifrånnationalekonomiska teorier.Metod: Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ analysmetod. Jag hargenomfört intervjuer på Saab AB och ISP (Inspektionen förstrategiska produkter) för att på det sättet finna aktuell fakta omhur företag arbetar med offset idag.Slutsat's: Det är främst fem nationalekonomiska teorier som påverkarförekomsten av offset. Den välvilliga staten, Public Choiceteorier, Fångarna's dilemma och teorier kring hold up problemetoch ofullständiga kontrakt. Dessa olika teorier förklarar varföroffset idag är vanligt förekommande inom försvarsindustrin ochvilka incitament som ligger bakom valet av handelsform..
Mervärdesskattegrupper : Neutralitet och EU-konformitet
This study examines implementation from national law in to local practice in the district of Kalmar to assure newly arrived immigrants orientation in civics. The study takes its starting point in Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucracy. Questions that are discussed are about how the education is understood by refugee?s coordinators, civic communicators and the new immigrates, how the organization has been and what role the demography and economic structures has played for the organization. It is a case study where interviews and enquete has been used.
Regeringens transportinfrastruktursatsningar : En studie av tågtrafikens utrymme i regeringsanslagen för transportsektorn
In the government's bill on infrastructure for 2010-2021, the government presents that road investments should be prioritized before investments in the railway. The grants for operation and maintenance of the railways are much higher then in the last government's bill. Furthermore the current founding of investment in railways is higher then for road investment which is in opposite of the bill on infrastructure's directives. Therefore the purpose with my thesis is to find which factors that can explain how come the government has chosen to take these actions. As a model to help me achieve my purpose I have been using a modified version of the DBO-theory, where the basic factors to explain an action is Desire, Belief and Opportunities.
EAPPI - det Ekumeniska Följeslagarprogrammet i Palestina och Israel -En deskriptiv utvärdering och reflektion
During last autumn I have been studying the conflict between Israel and Palestine, both through books and at place in the area. The purpose has been to evaluate and reflect over EAPPI`s achievement (Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel) and how it`s related to the goals of the organization. EAPPI is an interesting organization, mainly because it stands as a third part in the conflict. I have used a qualitative method for interviews and observations. The accompaniers, whom I have interviewed, represent three of seven placements in Israel/Palestine.
Celiaki i barn och ungdomsåren : Livskvalitet ur barn- och föräldraperspektiv
Introduction: More and more children and young people get the diagnosis celiac disease established. Celiac is a life-long disease, which means that the child during the rest of its life has to be on a strictly gluten-free diet. There are few studies so far, which have examined how children having a life-long disease with food treatment and increasing prevalence really experience their health related quality of life (HRQoL).Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine how children (8 ? 18 years old) suffering from celiac valued their HRQoL and to illustrate as well whether the age of the child and its extent of disease when it was taken ill affected the child?s evaluation of HRQoL later in life. The purpose was also to compare whether the children?s parents valued the HRQoL of their children to the same extent as the children did.Method: 160 children, 54 boys and 102 girls were included in the study.
Att göra det osynliga synligt : sökmotoroptimering (SEO) av en webbsajt
A webpage can be perfectly usable but if users are unable to find the webpage it will remain unused. Nine out of ten Swedes use a search engine and the most popular one is Google, amongst other search engines. In this report I seek to answer which ranking factors that should be included in an SEO-audit of an existing webpage and also how to optimize a webpage for search engines. Applying the method heuristic evaluation normally used to discover usability issues in an existing interface, on TT News Agency?s campaign site I found issues having a negative impact on the visibility in Search Engines Page Results.
En jämförelse mellan linjära och traditionella bedömningssystem hos hästar
In Sweden the breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood horse uses a traditional scoring system when evaluating horses. The horse is scored subjectively in relation to how good each trait is in relation to the breeding objective. Other countries, for example the Netherlands, instead use a linear scoring system. The linear scoring system evaluates the horse on a scale between two, for the breed, biological extremes which makes the evaluation more objective since the judges personal values does not influence as much. The breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood is today planning a change towards a linear scoring system.
Decision making and the role of empathy in animal ethics committees (AECs)
Ethical evaluation of scientific studies carried out using animals is legally mandated in many countries and has been so in Sweden for over three decades. The animal ethics committees (AECs) responsible for the task have however been subjected to criticism; common critique being that the wrong issues are discussed and that the ethical evaluation is thus incomplete, that there is a lack of coherence across committees and that the committees are not as democratic as they might appear. This study investigates the view of Swedish AEC members on a number of issues in order to shed some light on the mandate and functioning of the committees, and on the grounds for ongoing criticism. In a survey and interviews AEC members and other persons connected to the committees gave their views on the AEC task in relation to their roles, the ethical evaluation per se and whether or not emotions such as empathy play any part in it. There were significant differences found between AEC member categories and several issues were encountered, many of which have been stressed in previous studies.
Informationshypotesen - Ger förändringar av utdelningar någon information om framtida vinster?
Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Informationshypotesen - Ger förändringar av utdelningar någon information om framtida vinster? Seminariedatum: 2008-02-04 Ämne/Kurs: NEKK01 ? Examensarbete kandidatnivå 15hp Författare: Stefan Setterlund Handledare: Erik Norrman Fem nyckelord: The information content of dividends, informationshypotesen, utdelningar, effektiva marknader, vinster. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hypotesen om att aktieutdelningar innehåller någon information om framtida vinster. Metod: Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av en regressionsanalys med årliga data på bland annat utdelningar och vinster för 46 svenska börsbolag mellan åren 1990-2006. Vinstförändringar är den beroende variabeln och utdelningsförändringar är en av de förklarande.
Sveriges inställning till EMU : underkastelse av kollektivet kontra nationell obundenhet
After Sweden became a member of the European Union, EU, the debate regarding the Swedish participation in the EU?s currency co-operation, the European Monetary Union, EMU, has been intense. One of the biggest issues has been how our national economic politics will work within such a monetary union. What instrument will remain for the national economic politics within the EMU are highly uncertain. The question whether we will be able to affect our own economy or not has long been the essence in the Swedish debate.
Evaluation and Comparison of Ecological Models Simulating Nitrogen Processes in Treatment Wetlands,Implemented in Modelica
Two ecological models of nitrogen processes in treatment wetlands have been evaluated and compared. These models have been implemented, simulated, and visualized in the Modelica language. The differences and similarities between the Modelica modeling environment used in this thesis and other environments or tools for ecological modeling have been evaluated. The modeling tools evaluated are PowerSim, Simile, Stella, the MathModelica Model Editor, and WEST. The evaluation and the analysis have been performed using McCall?s factors for software quality (McCall et al, 1977), a correlation analysis and the Constant Comparative Method (Glaser&Strauss, 1999).
Täckning av plansilo :
With the increasing costs in concentrate the importance in producing ensilage with a high quality is becoming more and more important. To succeed with this goal it is of importance not only to harvest in the right period, but also to be able to store the ensilage without a decrease in quality and nutrional values. To maintain a good ensilage the covering of the ensilage must be carefully made. An unsuccessful covering causes mould to grow in the ensilage, which both increases the work load and also increases the amount of feed which is wasted. A bigger amount of spoiled feed also increases the risk of feeding spoiled feed to the cattle.
Coachande ledarskap : En utvärdering av genomförd ledarutveckling inom Borlängekommun
This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.