

2163 Uppsatser om Economic bubble - Sida 8 av 145

Utvecklingen av dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada i länder under snabb ekonomisk utveckling

Purpose.The purpose of this essay was formulated as to examine the relationship between the development of deaths caused by unintentional injury and fast economic development in a country. The purpose is to create a picture of the development in the chosen countries.Background.Injuries and the deaths that sometimes follow are a problem for all communities, if nothing else just because of costs and the absence of incomes for the state. Countries ability to restrain these deaths should be of interest. Studies show that the number of deaths causedby unintentional injuries correlates inversely with the GDP/c, we can therefore expect that better economic conditions leads to fewer deaths and vice versa. It has been shown that an economic crisis often leads to considerably higher death rates.

Migration och arbetsmarknadsintegration - den tyska återföreningen

Title: Migration and Labor Market Integration ? the German Reunification Since the German reunification former East Germany has been struggling with rising unemployment numbers and extensive emigration. The East German Länder are still well behind the West German and even though Germany unquestionably is united politically the old border divides the economy ? and the labor market ? in two. This thesis aims to describe the reunification process of the East German and the West German labor markets, and in particular the role of migration in this process.

Förtroende och tillväxt - det kausala sambandet

In this essay I examine the causal relationship between confidence in institutions and growth in Sweden 1989-2002. By examining the causal relationship between these two variables, valuable indicators of the causal relationship between trust and growth can be obtained. The institutions which are used in this essay are chosen according to the theory on institutions for public administration building trust and social capital. The chosen institutions are primary schooling, the police and medical service. A Granger causality model is used to measure the causal relation and the results from the tests show that there is no causal relationship between growth and confidence in institutions.

Regimteorin i svensk kontext. Från Volvo till IKEA i Kalmar

The regime theory is the dominant paradigm in the studies of urban politics in USA. It provides a set of concepts to analyse the change from government to governance in the American local politics. The regime theory postulates that governing power in local government tends to be highly fragmented. The private sector has with its control of economic resources a major influence in shaping governing decisions. In this essay I study the regime theory in a Swedish context to investigate if the theory is pertinent when studying of Swedish local governance.

Är ny eller gammal regionalism vägen framåt? : -En kvalitativ undersökning om Ansvarskommitténs balansgång mellan demokrati- och ekonomivärden

In May 2007 a committee called ??Ansvarskommittén??, assembled by the Swedish government, came with a proposal of changing the Swedish regional structure. The committee which consisted of representatives from all the sitting parties in the parliament proposed that the present regional structure consisting of 20 county council districts and 21 counties would be reduced to between 6-9  regions called ??regionkommuner??.The purpose of this study is to analyze how the committee?s proposal balances democratic and economic values by using a qualitative method. The committee?s proposal is analyzed by a comparison in five political areas with two differentiated regional theories called old and new regionalism.

Hälsoekonomiska utvärderingar - En litteraturöversikt om använding av konstnadseffektivitetsanalys inom folkhälsoområdet

Introduction/Background: Economic evaluations help decision-makers to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation. Information generated from CEA can support evaluations of a new intervention with current praxis. The evaluations also provide information as to whether an intervention is cost-effective, both in economic terms and in health gains. Objective: The aim of this thesis is to investigate the use of economic evaluations in public health, with a focus on CEA. Use of economic evaluations is regarded as both a method for evaluation and as support for informed decisions.

Tranchering av Collateralized Debt Obligations med en portfölj av simulerade tillgångar

This thesis gives an introduction to securitization in general and the tranching of collateralized debt obligations in particular. It does this by using a firm-value model to simulate the underlying portfolio via monte-carlo simulations.The simulations in turn give a loss-distribution from which the various tranchings of the CDO?s are derived. To get an understanding of the influence of different variables involved in the tranching the simulations are repeated several times where the portfolio variables are changed to generate different tranchings. This to give a understanding of the influence different variables have on the tranching and consequently risks involved in CDO?s in particular but also general risks and problems of securitizations..

Kamp för överlevnad och drägligt liv hos HIV-positiva kvinnor i Bukoba

The aim of this study was to examine how Tanzanian HIV-positive women experience their socioeconomic situation. Semistructured interviews were carried out and the number of interviewees was 15. Collected data was analysed according to a qualitative content analysis and resulted in an overarching theme; Struggle for survival and tolerable life. Important in the lives of the informants was the access to economic and social resources. The informants described access to economic resources as important because of the possibilty to support oneself and the possibility of a lower level of physical strain.

Ett re(el)lt hot? Om elprisets betydelse för investeringar inom basindustrin

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the correlation between the price of electric power and investments within the Swedish basic industry. Using regression analysis, the authors test for correlation between the electricity prices and the basic industry, defined as the pulp and paper industry, the mining industry, the steel and metal industry and the basic chemical industry. Moreover, five variables found in the literature on investment decisions are being used as a means of comparison. The results suggest that the electricity price affects the investment decisions within the basic chemical industry as well as the steel and metal industry. On a more abstract level, this thesis contributes to the understanding of one of the properties of the Swedish GDP..

Det mindre företagets räddning? : en studie om hur ekonomisk brottslighet kan undvikas genom en intern kontroll

The purpose of this essay was to examine whether small businesses can avoid ac-counting crimes with a well-conducted internal control system. The questions we asked ourselves was, whether and if so, companies can prevent this from happening by using a internal control.In this essay we used a qualitative approach. Essential information was given to us from four different interviewees. We also worked from an inductive approach which means that we interviewed people without any earlier research to build on. The method also had a hermeneutical approach, which means that we made different interpretations based on the reference framework and the empirics.After the study had been carried out, we concluded that all evidence from this essay suggested that even small businesses need an internal control to protect their business.

Likviditetseffekt på volatilitetssmilet för aktieoptioner

Optionshandeln har ökat markant på senare år och detta beror på att investerare vill sprida sina risker. Är optionerna korrekt prissatta eller kan det finnas arbitragemöjligheter? De flesta av investerarna använder sig idag av Black & Scholes formel då de prissätter optioner. I Black & Scholes formel är volatiliteten för aktien okänd och måste uppskattas. I denna uppsats vill jag undersöka om likviditeten har någon effekt vid uppskattning av volatiliteten.

Hämmar offentlig sektor den ekonomiska tillväxttakten?

Frågeställningen som denna uppsats är avsedd att besvara är ifall offentlig sektor är tillväxthämmande för en stat, samt om en inkomstgaranti för individerna i en stat är tillväxthämmande. Denna frågeställning besvaras genom konstruerandet av en tillväxtmodell. Det nya elementet, som huvudsakligen är avsett för att klargöra effekterna av de studerade fenomenen, är införlivandet av en variabel som representerar interaktionsfrekvensen hos agenterna i ekonomin. Interaktionsfrekvensen är i sin tur ett resultat av dekommunikationsmedel som står agenterna till buds och hur mycket marknaden är reglerad. Den primära slutsatsen att dra från modellens dynamik är att en offentlig sektor har en negativinverkan på en stats ekonomiska tillväxt, om än validiteten i slutsatsen begränsas på grund av arbetets teoretiska karaktär..

Skyddet för visselblåsare i offentligt finansierad privat verksamhet

For a long time economic tax equalization system in Sweden has been creating dispute between Swedish communities. Despite the main purpose of the system - to reduce disparities and create equal economic opportunities for all communities ? some regions were not satisfied.The main purpose of this study is to determine what extant has equalization tax on investment spending of Danderyd municipality during 2000-2010 year period. The study is based on annual reports and personal interviews. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on Fjertorp's classification of investments and public choice theory.The investigation shows that there were no significant changes neither in investment spending or equalization tax during 2000-2010 period, even after the last changes of economic tax equalizations system in 2005.

Urban agriculture : experiences from the Swedish horticulture

Urbanisation has increased the distance between the urban and the rural. Urban agriculture can be a solution to overcome that distance. The characteristic of urban agriculture is the intensive production in intra urban and peri-urban areas. Until 1950s food production in cities was an important part of the urban economy and the urban food supply. Since the 1950s the urban located production of food has almost ceased in Sweden, partly as a result of cheap food imports.

Vad har Modernisering för effekter på den Auktoritära staten? : En studie om den ekonomiska tillväxtens betydelse för demokratisering i Kina

The aim ofthis study was to examine how economic growth affects the level of democracy inauthoritarian states. Some of these states have experienced high economicgrowth. However, one can discuss how it affects the country?s democratization-process.For that reason this study was needed to contribute to a clarification of howeconomic growth can affect authoritarian rule and democratization. This wasdone through an examination of the development in China.

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