

366 Uppsatser om East Africa - Sida 4 av 25

Kulturens makt: En postkolonial analys av Sidas kulturbistånd

The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the ideology behind Sida's cultural aid by using postcolonial theory. We want to analyse the discourse on cultural aid that is found mainly in Sida's publications. The interpretation of the sources is made with a hermeneutic base and by using postcolonial theory in combination with Paul Ricoeur's theories on the function of ideology: 1. ideology as distortion, 2. ideology as legitimation, and 3.

En bro mellan teoretisk och praktisk kunskap : En fenomenografisk studie baserad på lärares uppfattningar kring teoretisk och praktisk kunskap, metod och lärande- miljöer

This thesis is intended to respond to the extent to which South African textbooks on the subject of history is linked to the governmental policy documents and whether they are producing and reproducing national identity. The two textbooks are aimed at students in grade 10. Both books were produced in 2008 but published by different publishers.The essay is based on Norman Faircloughs critical discourse theory which has been supplemented by Michael Billings theory Banal Nationalism, which assumes that it is the national words that remind us daily of our homeland that is producing and reproducing national identity.  The survey shows that both textbooks are closely tied to the government policy document for the teaching of history. The textbooks refer to the policy, both explicitly and implicitly. The two textbooks reproduce a common national identity in South Africa based on the discussions taking place in society.

Icke -västerländsk konst : En exotisk föreställning eller en fabrikation/konstruktion? En analys av Africa Remix i ljuset av den postkoloniala teoribildningen

AbstraktLiksom skolan utgör en arena för alltmer pluralistiska elevgrupper med vitt skilda erfarenheter strävar konstmuseer idag efter att vara en representativ arena för en alltmer globaliserad konstvärld. Den problematik de står inför, samt hur de hanterar den då de arbetar för att inte reproducera en normerad maktrelation mellan västerlandet och resten av världen är kärnan i mitt arbete. Med postkoloniala frågeställningar om makt och diskurser försöker jag belysa vilken identitet vi i den västerländska kulturen ger både dem vi beskriver, samt oss själva, när vi definierar "icke-västerländsk" konst på ett specifikt sätt. För att kanalisera de postkoloniala frågeställningar jag undersöker tittar jag närmare på utställningen Africa Remix, (Moderna Museet i Stockholm 2006 ? 2007) eftersom den var en utställning som medvetet förhöll sig till den representationsproblematik som jag undersöker.

Incidenter på svenskt sjöterritorium : En analys av de åtgärder som vidtagits vid incidenter orsakade av Öst- respektive Västblocken under 1960-talet

Sweden has long been nonaligned in peace with the aim to remain neutral in the event of an outbreak of war. Building confidence for this neutrality was important for Sweden during the Cold War. This placed high demands on the Swedish Navy to detect and repel violations of Swedish territorial waters. The archives, which contain the secret reports on the violations that occurred during the 1960s, have recently been opened up.The purpose of this essay is to study how the incidents that took place in Swedish territorial waters in the 1960s were managed and to examine if the handling of them was different depending on whether they were caused by the east or west side. Furthermore, the aim is also to try to categorize and interpret these measures from the two pairs of concepts of deterrence and reassurance and integration and screening.In making it possible to answer the questions, all the reports - 66 altogether - which refers to the incidents which occurred during the years 1962 through 1969, have been studied.

Att minnas det förflutna : Historieskrivning i strävan efter ett gemensamt Sydafrika

This thesis is intended to respond to the extent to which South African textbooks on the subject of history is linked to the governmental policy documents and whether they are producing and reproducing national identity. The two textbooks are aimed at students in grade 10. Both books were produced in 2008 but published by different publishers.The essay is based on Norman Faircloughs critical discourse theory which has been supplemented by Michael Billings theory Banal Nationalism, which assumes that it is the national words that remind us daily of our homeland that is producing and reproducing national identity.  The survey shows that both textbooks are closely tied to the government policy document for the teaching of history. The textbooks refer to the policy, both explicitly and implicitly. The two textbooks reproduce a common national identity in South Africa based on the discussions taking place in society.

Processjämförelse : säljprocessen inom ett internationellt företag

Sales is the foundation for all commercial business and companies that have the best sales process in conjunction with efficient deliveries will do well in the long run. The author of this report was tasked by the Organisation in South Africa to study new/alternative ways of attracting Swedish companies to South Africa and sell the services of the Organisation to these same companies (defined as the sales process in this report) by analysing how similar international service companies do the same. A benchmarking process has been conducted with four similar service organizations in South Africa to examine how these companies work in comparison to the Organization. Surveys have been used for purposes of this study, as the methodology is well suited to provide the author a view on the opinions, perceptions and experiences of the respondents.The project aimed to develop new methods to attract Swedish companies to South Africa or improve and streamline the existing methods. The aim was also to develop new ways to sell the organization's services to Swedish companies.The study concludes that there is little focus on marketing of services within the Organisation.

Kan konkurrenter samarbeta? : En studie av samarbetsprojektet Visit South East Sweden

I denna uppsats behandlar vi projektplanering med Visit South East Sweden, ett samarbete mellan Ölands Turist AB, Destination Kalmar, AB och AB Glasriket, som praktikfall. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur aktörer inom ett samarbetsprojekt arbetar för att alla medverkande ska sträva åt samma håll och undvika konflikter inom projektet. Vi undersöker vilka de viktigaste faktorerna för ett lyckat samarbete är samt huruvida det finns konkurrens trots samarbetet. Vi har arbetat enligt kvalitativ metod och utfört intervjuer hos de berörda företagen. Resultatet av vår studie har visat att det är viktigt att fokusera på företagets, eller projektets, interna styrkor, såsom kommunikation och planering för att lättare kunna hantera de externa faktorerna som inte är påverkningsbara i samma utsträckning som de interna.

USA som hård, mjuk och smart makt -En studie av amerikansk utrikespolitik i mellanöstern

This essay is built upon the thoughts of Joseph S. Nye concerning power, and the different ways of exercising that power. The characteristics of Nye's theories are the thoughts about the second face of power, or what he describes as the soft power. The essay seeks to examine what kind of power the US has been in their work for non-proliferation and democracy promotion in the Middle East. It also seeks to find what it is that makes the US to choose to exercise the specific powers.

Opportunities for improved environmental sustainability of a wine producer in South Africa : natural resource management and climate change adaptation and mitigation

South Africa has been among the top ten wine producing countries for at least 20 years. Even though the land under grapevines is decreasing globally it is still increasing in Africa. The awareness of environment has strengthen the last years and South African producers experience a high demand of environmentally friendly produced wine, especially from the European market. This demand was the driving force behind the development of the world unique sustainability certification, Integrated Production of Wine (IPW), which is inscribed in the South African legislation. What makes this certification unique is that consumers can trace their product all the way back to the farming practices owing to the identity number specified on the IPW Integrity & Sustainability seal on certified products.

Att starta eget - en väg till frigörelse? En kvalitativ studie om mikroföretagare i Sydafrika

The aim of our study is to explore the empowerment process among micro-business owners in Kayamandi, a black township of Stellenbosch in South Africa. What are the positive and negative implications for the empowerment process? Another aim is to find out the role of local and international support in this process. The theoretical framework of this study revolves around the concepts of gender, power and empowerment. Our methods are qualitative interviews and observations.

På väg. En undersökning av en svensk stadsmotorväg

The purpose of this essay is to examine one of Sweden's oldest motorways in cityenvironment. The researched section is motorway E20 east of Gothenburg. Olskroksmotetin the west and Jonsered junction in the east, a distance of about 11 km. The mainquestion was, can maintenance of areas and objects related to the motorway give greatermeaning to a system that currently lacks historical connection?The survey was partly an archival study and partly a physical examination of themotorway and its appearance today.The road through Säveedalen from Gothenburg has a long history that begins with theriver and its valley as transport routes.

Bovin tuberkulos : smittvägar mellan människa och nötkreatur på den östafrikanska landsbygden

Tuberculosis is one of many infectious diseases in the world and is responsible for a large number of human deaths each year. The cause is Mycobacterium ssp included in the tuberculosis-complex, there among Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection with M. bovis causes bovine tuberculosis in cattle which in 90 % has a pulmonary location. Humans are infected mainly by milk from infected cows but also by close contact with coughing animals or by eating raw meat.

Potentiella alternativ till antibiotika vid behandling av Staphylococcus aureus-mastit

Tuberculosis is one of many infectious diseases in the world and is responsible for a large number of human deaths each year. The cause is Mycobacterium ssp included in the tuberculosis-complex, there among Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection with M. bovis causes bovine tuberculosis in cattle which in 90 % has a pulmonary location. Humans are infected mainly by milk from infected cows but also by close contact with coughing animals or by eating raw meat.

Om vi, dem och mjölken : En analys om "vi-och demkänslan" under konsumentbojkotten mot Arla Foods efter publiceringen av Muhammedkarikatyrerna.

 This paper is about the conflict between the Middle East and the Western world after the Danish newspapers? cartoon publications of the prophet Muhammed in October 2005. The conflict resulted in massive reactions in the Middle East and the Danish-Swedish dairy company Arla Foods, was boycotted during six months in 2006. The aim of this study is to describe how the biggest Swedish daily newspaper,Dagens Nyheter and three Saudiarabic newspapers Al-Hayat, Al-Watan and Shark Al-Awsat described "the Other" during the crisis in the year of 2006. Another aim is to describe how Arla Foods managed the consumer boycott.

Hur bemöts Kina i Afrika? : En mångdimensionell idealtypsanalys av Sydafrikas, Zambias och Zimbabwes bemötande av Kinas ökande ekonomiska intresse

The outset of this study is to contribute to the literature concerning China?s increasing economic interest to engage in the African context, its economies and resource abundandce. The overarching research problem is that the approaches held by the respective African state entities may facilitate increasing development gains for the recipient state of this economic interest in principle. To adress this research problem the study is undertaken by conducting a comparative case study where three cases/states, with presumably diverging economic and political status, are likely to effect their overall state approaches differently.Research questions, which are addressed by the creation of an idealtype analytic matrix, concern whether the states of South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe take on a more ?permissive? or ?restrictive? approach towards China?s economic interst and whether the approaches can be looked upon on both aggratege and case/area-specific levels.The main findings are that a clear tendency of the ?permissive approach? may be noted on a aggregate level for all cases.

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