

366 Uppsatser om East Africa - Sida 23 av 25

Att finnas eller inte finnas : En läromedelsanalys i svenska som andraspråk och engelska med fokus på bias och porträttering av minoriteter

The content of teaching materials considerably affects pupils? attitudes and worldview. This paper is an analysis of textbooks used in 7th through 9th grade of the Swedish School system in Swedish as a Second Language (SSL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The purpose of this paper is to look at which minority groups, the five official national minorities as well as other minorities, are included and portrayed in the textbook series Tre gånger svenska and Wings Mini as well as to see if there is any bias in their portrayal. The seven types of bias investigated; invisibility, stereotyping and generalizations, unreality, imbalance and selectivity, fragmentation and isolation, linguistic bias and cosmetic bias are an adaption of the framework to detect bias in curriculum materials presented by Sadker and Zittleman (2002/2003).

Seroprevalence and risk factors for bovine brucellosis, salmonellosis and bovine viral diarrhea in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda

Africa is expected to go through a rapid urbanization over the next four decades and the demand for food is increasing in the rapidly growing urban and peri-urban (UPU) areas. Keeping livestock in urban areas is in particular associated with health hazards. This is due to close interaction between humans and animals, and it has been shown that zoonotic diseases are increasing in urban areas. The benefits of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) are related to improved food security, in particular among low-income groups. Apart from the negative public health impact of zoonotic diseases, animal disease could have a devastating impact on the economy and food security of many households in these areas. In the present study, three important endemic diseases, including brucellosis, salmonellosis and Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), were analyzed in regard to seroprevalence and risk factors.

Svartrost, Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae, epidemiologi och bekämpningsstrategier i Mälardalen

Stem rust, Puccinia graminis, has caused enormous yield losses throughout history which have had significant consequences for oat and wheat production. Today in Sweden stem rust is only reported from rye, oats and wild grasses. Stem rust infections in wheat have become unusual due to the general use of resistant wheat varieties and also due to the eradication of barberry, Berberis vulgaris, the alternate host for P. graminis. According to international sources, new races of P.

Patent och hälsa ? Intressekonflikten mellan stora läkemedelsföretags rätt till patent framförallt med avseende på hiv/aidsmediciner och u-länders rätt till tillgång till billiga generiska preparat

Abstract This paper discusses protectionism of intellectual property rights in general and the conflict between large pharmaceutical companies? rights to patent and developing countries? rights to cheap generic preparation in particular. The essay focuses above all on HIV/AIDS medicine. The description tries to give an image of the different interests that collide and why they collide. The different actors are above all the pharmaceutical branch, including researchers, inventors and salesmen with their economic interest of revenue, and the population of the development countries and their pressed situation considering the great need of medicine.

Förmedling och performativa strategier : en studie av tre utställningar där synen på konstpedagogen som förmedlare utmanas

Pedagogiken tar allt mer plats på museer och konsthallar i Sverige. Vad en konstpedagog gör och varför är däremot inte lika självklart. Utvecklingen tycks gå mot en mer publikcentrerad pedagogik där det talas om att besökare ska aktiveras och delta. I praktiken färgas däremot den konstpedagogiska yrkesrollen av den traditionstyngda funktionen som förmedlare mellan det som ställs ut och besökarna. I min undersökning inom ramen för examensarbetet på Konstfacks institution för bildpedagogik studerar jag närmare hur det går att utmana en sådan förmedlingstradition i praktiken och behandlar frågeställningen: Hur kan konstpedagogens traditionella roll som förmedlare utmanas och utvecklas? Hur påverkar en sådan utmaning relationen mellan pedagog och utställning? Undersökningen är en jämförande studie mellan tre fall (Africa Remix på Moderna Museet 2006, Jihani Kalapour på Tensta konsthall 2006  och Tumult på Gustavsbergs konsthall 2009) där den förmedlande traditionen angripits.

Nursing technique and growth environment of Rabbit fish (Siganus guttatus) in the area of Tam Giang lagoon, Thua Thien Hue

SummaryIn the area to the east of Hue city, in Vietnam, lays Tam Giang lagoon, one of Asia's largest lagoons, with an area of 22,000 hectares. This lagoon is suitable for aquaculture. One reason for this is because the salinity differs from sweet to salty in different parts of the lagoon. The Vietnamese Government advocates an increase in environmentally-friendly aquaculture and the fish Siganus guttatus (Rabbit fish) is a candidate for this. This fish eats mainly algae and can be cultivated in a polyculture.

Hungerns Ansikte : En studie av nyhetsrapporteringen om det svältdrabbade Afrikas horn 2011

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka huruvida amerikanska och brittiska dagstidningars bevakning av svältkatastrofen på Afrikas horn 2011 utvecklades och förändrades från en månad innan och en månad efter att FN den 20 juli samma år förkunnade att området var drabbat av svält. Dessutom avses undersöka om rapporteringens fokus förändrades efter 20 juli för att sätta dagens rapportering i förhållande till tidigare rapportering av svältkatastrofer i Afrika, eftersom rapporteringen är avgörande för omvärldens respons.I denna uppsats ställs fyra forskningsfrågor; Hur förändrades rapporteringsfrekvensen efter 20 juli 2011 i förhållande till teorier om katastrofrapportering? Hur förhåller sig Storbritanniens och USA:s rapportering om positiva respektive negativa ämnen med tidigare bilder av Afrika och compassion fatigue?På vilket sätt skiljer sig rapporteringen åt innan och efter 20 juli 2011 i förhållande till katastrofrapportering? Hur ramas det egna landet in i artikeln, det vill säga vilken form av uppmärksamhet får landet artikeln publiceras i för sina insatser?Denna uppsats baseras på ett teoretiskt ramverk som innefattar inramning, nyheters rapportering av katastrofer, compassion fatigue (den gradvisa minskning av medkänsla hos en publik som blivit mättade av en viss typ av rapportering). Denna studie är en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys där data har samlats in kvantitativt för att skapa kategorier för ramar samt för att kunna jämföra data mellan de båda länderna på ett konkret sätt. Därefter har resultaten analyserats kvalitativt.Rapporteringsfrekvensen för de båda länderna i de för studien utvalda 67 artiklarna steg efter 20 juli och således visade det sig att en katastrof ökar mediebevakningen i detta fall, vilket är i linje med teorierna om katastrofrapportering.

Behandling av konfliktbestånd - problem och möjligheter :

Overdue cleanings have for a long time been an important topic of discussion within the forestry sector. When stands that have not been pre-commercially thinned are reaching the level of commercial thinning, many problems occur in terms of decision-making and economical outcomes. These types of stands are commonly known as conflict-stands. The work was carried out partly as an interview survey towards representatives from the forest sector and the energy sector, partly as a case study of conflict-stands situated in Böksholm, north of Växjö and in Tönnersjö east of Halmstad. The criteria for the studied stands were that they had to be dominated by Norway spruce and be in a severe status of ?conflict?. The aim of the interview was to get an overview of the situation today, and also analyse trends in terms of conflict stands.

Lärares bedömning av bildämnet vid en lärarutbildning i Sydafrika : En minor Field study

Bedömning av estetiska ämnen har varit ifrågasatt gällande dess kvalité, rättvisa, funktion och hur det påverkar ämnet och individen. Studien syftar till att beskriva bedömning av det estetiska ämnet Visual Arts vid en lärarutbildning i Sydafrika presenterat ur ett lärarperspektiv. Forskningsfrågorna utgår från ämnesdidaktikens teori gällande Vad bedöms, Hur kommuniseras bedömningen och Varför görs bedömningen. Metoden som använts är ett två månaders fältarbete vid en bildlärarutbildning där jag följt tre lärare och deras arbete genom deltagande observation, samtal, intervjuer och insamling av vissa dokument.Det empiriska materialet har analyserat från de tre didaktiska frågorna. Resultatet visar att lärarna, som var utbildade konstnärer lade ned mycket tid och engagemang på bedömning.

Vindfällning, tillväxt och plantuppslag i en 13-årig granskärm i Medelpad :

The interest for alternative forest regeneration methods increased significantly during the 1990´s after 50 years dominance of the clear-cutting system (Holgén & Hånell 2000). One reason for this was that clear-cutting was being more and more questioned by different envi-ronmental organizations and because the forest sector for economical reasons wanted to find cheaper ways to regenerate forests. In the beginning of the 1990´s two shelterwood experi-ments were established in a joint effort by Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA) and the Dept of Silviculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The experiments include various forms of cutting and shelterwood densities and represent productive spruce forests in central and north Sweden (Roggsjön in the province of Medelpad and Skikkis-jöberg in the province of Västerbotten, respectively ). The experiment next to Roggsjön has been reported earlier in three MSc theses, and is also the focus of this thesis.

ANC-galan i Götegorg 1985 : En analys av sången Soweto som politisk mobilisering

ABSTRACTBjelkenbrant, Pernilla, 2006: ANC-galan i Göteborg 1985: en analys av sången Soweto som politisk mobilisering (The ANC gala in Gothenburg in 1985: an analysis of the song Soweto as a means of political mobilisation)The political scientists Abdul Karim Bangura, Ove Nordenmark and Tor Sellström, all believe that there, during the 1980s, existed a strong and unified ?Swedish? attitude against the South African apartheid system, and Sellström points out that this position had a strong anchorage in the ANC gala in Gothenburg in 1985. Over the past few years, singing has been identified as playing a crucial role in the struggle against apartheid. The aim of this study is twofold: firstly it presents a comprehensive discussion on how song is generally considered a tool of political mobilisation, secondly it discusses how that process can be applied to the ANC-gala. Consequently, the theoretical discussion constitutes the initial part of the study.

Local forest governance and benefit sharing from reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) : case study from Burkina Faso

Africa is one of the regions most affected by climate change. However its forests are important carbon sinks for the whole world, and if recognised as a global public good, could be conserved and contribute to green house gas emission reductions. A global mechanism, Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation(REDD+) aims to help developing countries in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and enhancement of carbon stocks. REDD+ strategies may, however exclude local forest dependent communities from forests in order to conserve and maximise carbon stocks, thus having a severe impact on local livelihoods. Therefore, how local communities can participate and share benefits from REDD+ is a key concern.This study investigates how three forest dependent communities in the Nazinon forest, in Southwest Burkina Faso could financially benefit from a REDD+ project.

Kulturell Globalisering : en litteraturstudie

Today we are living in a time were impulses from other places and cultures constantly grow and the contact over the boundary is getting bigger. We se satellites pictures over the world, we hear about worldwide ecological problems, we learn about other different lifestyles, we cock food that are inspired from the worlds many kitchens, we shop more and we can travel to different parts of the world. My problem was to find out how cultural phenomenon spreads to a greater extent global and how this transference take place, but also be able to se what factors that has a part in the cultural spread.What I found with help from my literature study was that trough improved communication and transports has gained mobility in the world and people can take part off others culture.The world is shrinking and this means that human beings identity is changing and this create a so-called hybrid mixture. Culture is what we human beings create. Culture can be seen as a community phenomenon for the most parts.

Ungerska modevarumärken på den svenska marknaden?

Executive summaryOn todays fashion market, no product will become successful without branding. The competition in the growing fashion market is tuff, which makes it hard to reach the target costumers. Competition makes it difficult to reach out with a message and it is crucial to differentiate the company in the consumer market.Differentiation of the brand requires knowledge of competitors who are on the market. Understanding competitors, as well as the customer, is the basis for a well functioning communication. Different markets have different conditions and today's global market is complex.

Balanserad samhällsbyggnad i Eslövs kommun : fördjupning av översiktsplanen för östra Eslöv

This work has been made in cooperation with the municipality of Eslöv and the inventory area is a part of the deepening of the municipality plan of east Eslöv. The aim of the work is to test the principle of balance in the overall planning. Later in the detailed planning process a more detailed calculation is made and a suggestion of suitable measures for compensation is made. Then the method with green area factors can be used. The goal is to balance the negative influence on the environment from the planned impacts to gain a sustainable development of the city. The principle of balance means that the one responsible for the development also has to compensate for the negative impacts on nature and landscape that comes with the development.

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