

366 Uppsatser om East Africa - Sida 20 av 25

Differences in host plant preferences and olfactory physiology between populations of the moth Spodoptera littoralis established in Egypt and Benin

This study was made to compare and distinguish any differences in olfactory recognition and host plant adaptation between two strains of cotton leaf worm, Spodoptera littoralis. The populations used were established in Egypt and Benin, Africa. The documentation consisted of information about (1) each of the strains development through the larval stage up to pupation on diets of cotton, clover and cowpea. (2) Their oviposition preferences as adults between cotton, clover, cowpea, maize and cabbage. (3) Electroantennographic recordings to quantify any possible responses to plant volatiles. Throughout the diet experiments the larvae from the Benin strain showed significantly a better development between artificial, clover, cowpea and cotton respectively, while the Egypt strain had significance between artificial, cotton and cowpea/clover as diet. Also noted was how the strains substantial development of weight differentiated if fed the cotton diet, followed by the cowpea diet showing that the Benin strain would develop a higher body mass on a cotton diet as well as on a cowpea diet. This trend was however switched once the pupal stage was reached, where the Egyptian strain contained a significantly greater body mass than the Benin strain on the artificial and the Benin strain a greater on cowpea, which suggests that in the end, the Benin strain develops significantly better on cowpea while the Egypt strain develops better on an artificial diet. During the oviposition experiment that both stains showed a clear difference in hierarchy of host plants considered suitable for oviposition, where the Egyptian strain is significantly more attracted to clover than the Benin strain. Also showed with electroantennographic recordings and significant values was the higher sensitivity the Egypt strain had towards (E)2-hexenal, (E/Z)-b-ocimene, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, Nonanal, (-)-linalool and ?-myrcene when compared to the responses from the Benin strain..

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av palliativ vård i Tanzania

Bakgrund: I Afrika är behovet av palliativ vård stort efter utbredning av HIV, samt cancer och andra sjukdomar. Den palliativa vården avser att öka livskvalitet en hos patienter och närstående, lindra lidande och behandla smärta. World Health Organization startade ett projekt för att utveckla palliativ vård i Afrika, ett projekt som önskar utveckla synen på palliativ vård, integrera den i vårdprogram och förbättra möjligheten till läkemedelstillgångar och utbildning. Sjuksköterskan är en central figur inom den palliativa vården och relationen är betydelsefull för patienten. För sjuksköterskan är mötet med den palliativa patienten både smärtsamt och stressfullt, och väcker starka känslor.Syfte: Beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse av palliativ vård i Tanzania.Metod: En empirisk studie och datainsamling i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta sjuksköterskor i Tanzania.

Motsättningar i det harmoniska samhällets gryning: En studie av sambandet mellan rule of law och rättmätigt motstånd i Folkrepubliken Kina

År 1999 infördes principen om rule of law i Folkrepubliken Kinas konstitution - lagen skulle styra landet. De år av vanstyre som nådde sin kulmen under kulturrevolutionen hade åsidosatt lag och ordning och hade lett till att Folkrepubliken Kina vid tiden för Deng Xiaopings maktövertagande i slutet av 1970-talet stod utan ett rättssystem. Vid sidan om den ekonomiska reform som skulle öppna upp landet för världen gjordes därför enorma insatser för att etablera ett fungerande rättssystem. De kinesiska medborgarna fick många nya lagstadgade rättigheter, men på många håll runt om på den vidsträckta kinesiska landsbygden tillämpades lagarna inte till fullo av lokala styren som skaffade sig förmåner genom att inte tillämpa alla rättigheter. Bland de människor som inte fick ta del av rättigheterna formades rättmätigt motstånd ("rightful resistance") - motstånd med stöd av lag - som riktades mot illojala kadrar på lokal nivå.Sedan dess har rättmätigt motstånd ökat och är en aktuell fråga i dagens Kina.

Politiska bloggar i det amerikanska presidentvalet : Bloggande svenska riksdagsledamöter om resultatet i 2008 års amerikanska presidentval

 The 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections were in many ways special, where the USA got its first president of Afro-American origin, Barack Obama. The elections will also be historical since the great use of social medias - as the community Facebook, the video sharing site YouTube and web based diaries, blogs - broke through during the campaigns. This study's purpose was to examine how a few members of the Swedish parliament described the result of the Presidential Elections in their blogs. The main question - how the election results were described in the blogs - was divided into three themes, created on the basis of the blog's content.

Brickbandets utemiljöer : vårdplan 2006

In the centre of Bromma, east of Brommaplan is the part of Bromma named Riksby. Riksby was built in the early 1940:s as a part of the westward expansion of Stockholm. Other places that were built at the same time was for ex. Stora Mossen and Abrahamsberg. This work is about the outdoor environment of the housing co-operative of Brickbandet.

Grazing behavior of Ankole and Boran cattle in an improved herding production system

To be able to provide the growing human population with food, the productivity of the animals as well as land use needs to be improved and intensified. Hence, understanding the behavior of animals is crucial both for animal welfare and productivity as well as the management of the cattle. There are many factors affecting the grazing behavior of cattle in tropical conditions, such as human-animal interactions, herd management, breed, season and temperature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the grazing behavior of two tropical cattle breeds, Ankole and Boran cattle. Kenyan Boran belongs to a zebu type of cattle and is preferred to many other breeds due to the higher productive and reproductive capacity and adaptability to tropical conditions.

Hur ser barns yttranden ut? : Yttrandetyper, bisatser och yttrandelängd hos svenska 3- och 4-åringar

Children?s utterances have been studied in different languages; however, only a few studies refer to Swedish. The aim of the present study is to describe utterance types, subordinate clauses and utterance length for a group of three and four year old Swedish children without known functional impairments.The study included 29 children, 17 girls and 12 boys, in a larger city in the south-east of Sweden. The children, all native Swedish speakers, were aged 3;0 to 4;11. Sound recordings were made during a playing session with one of the authors in the children?s day care centers.The utterances were divided into the categories elliptical responses, incomplete and partly unintelligible utterances, imitative utterances and independent utterances.

EU:s och Sveriges säkerhetsstrategier : studier av EU-ledda svenska insatser i Afrika 2006-2009

Det som undersökningen beskriver är hur EU:s säkerhetsstrategi påverkade de utrikespolitiska målen inför militära insatser i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo 2006, Tchad/Centralafrikanska republiken 2008 och Somalia 2009.Vår utrikespolitiska vilja och dess utrikespolitiska mål motiverar vårt deltagande i militära insatser utomlands. Dessa mål skall vara vägledande och skall genomsyra insatsens genomförande. Detta generade en problemställning i denna uppsats som lyder:På vilket sätt har bakomliggande säkerhetspolitiska resonemang till EUs säkerhetsstrategi påverkat utformandet av de nationella svenska motiven till internationella insatser i de EU-ledda militära insatserna i Afrika 2006-2009? Kan incitament och motiv identifieras som inflytelser i propositioner från samma period?Syftet var att undersöka målsättningarna i dokumentet Ett säkert Europa i en bättre värld, en Europeisk säkerhetsstrategi (ESS), för att se hur dessa målsättningar påverkat de svenska propositionerna inför de EU-ledda insatserna.Som metod användes en kvalitativ textanalys deduktivt, genom att analysera de utrikespolitiska målen med ett analysverktyg indelat i säkerhets-, välfärds- och idémål.Resultatet visade att EU:s övergripande säkerhetsstrategi genomsyrade våra motiv i propositionerna men att det fanns sammantaget en avsaknad av EU:s tydlighet med att vara aktiv, preventiv och handlingskraftig i propositionerna. För att få effekt i välfärdsmålsättningar anser EU att detta skall integreras med olika resurser och där även med civil och militär integrering.

SJ och JR ? en tvärkulturell jämförelse av tågföretags hemsidor i Sverige och Japan

Syftet med denna studie är att analysera fyra tågföretags hemsidor (SJ, JR East, JR Central och JR West) från Sverige och Japan i relation till två teorier om kulturella skillnader för att se vilka eventuella skillnader i utformandet av hemsidorna som kan komma att finnas. Baserat på Würtz och Marcus och Goulds parametrar går det att se att hemsidorna skiljer sig åt vad gäller användandet av animationer; många på JR-företagens sidor, ej förekommande på SJ:s. Det fanns också skillnader i värderingar; SJ betonar frihet, framtid, ungdom och direkta resultat medan JR-företagen framhäver historia, tradition, officiella logotyper, professionalism och långsiktighet. På JR Wests sida visas könsroller tydligt, medan dessa är utsuddade på SJ:s sida. Informationen på SJ:s sida ä relativt lättillgänglig, men på JR-företagens sidor krävs fler klick för att komma dit man vill.

Kastanjemalen Cameraria ohridella : livscykel och utbredning i Sverige 2006

Cameraria ohridella, the chest-nut leaf miner, is a new pest in Sweden. These moths make leaf mines on chest-nut trees, preferably on Aesculus hippocastanum, which results in brown blotches on the foliage and early loss of leaves. Since the first observation in Macedonia in 1985 it has spread rapidly through Europe. The moth arrived in Sweden in 2003 when it was observed in Malmö and surrounding areas. In this paper a literature study describes the morphology and life cycle of the chest-nut leaf miner. Further more a test with pheromone traps examining the number of generations in Sweden is shown.

The SMEs’ Internationalization Strategy --Foreign Market Entry Modes Selection

The SMEs’ internationalization strategy—Foreign Market Entry Modes selection Title: 1st of June 2006 Date of the Seminar: Bus 809. Master thesis in international marketing Course: Han xiao Author: Ulf Elg, Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden Advisors: Ying Bin, Associate professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China. Guest researcher, Lund University, Sweden Internationalization, entry mode, SMEs, foreign market Keywords: The purpose of this study is to understand the internationalization process of the SMEs, and try to define the motives and internal factors impact their foreign market entry mode selection. Thesis purpose: This thesis is based on qualitative method using case study. The primary information sources are the interviews with key-persons in internationalization process of SMEs Methodology: The literature review in this study concerns areas of SMEs’ motives for internationalization, foreign market entry mode approaches and influence of internal & external factors.

Turkiskt EU-medlemskap : En kritisk idéanalys med civilisationernas kamp som teoretiskt perspektiv

This thesis aims to study obstacles which Turkey faces regarding EU accession. The main focus will be at the historical context and background information to clarify Turkey-EU relationship and institutional aspects such as; the Copenhagen criteria will be analyzed. Interaction between identity politics and Turkeys Europeanization project will be examined by analyzing arguments regarding this issue. The historical context is important for realizing in how Turkey's negotiation process is affected and how the process is evolved. By examining this, a more transparent understanding is going to develop in the issue of why Turkey never will be able to identify itself with the EU.Analysis regarding why Turkey as a secular state develops into an increasingly Islamized state is highlighted.

Kan man genom kartstudier förutse häckningsframgång för ängshök (Circus pygargus) i Uppland? :

Montagu´s harrier (Circus pygargus) is a diurnal, Eurasian raptor, which migrates from its northern breeding grounds to winter in sub-Saharan Africa. In Sweden, its core breeding area is centred on the island of Öland, with a stable breeding population of approximately 40 pairs. The province of Uppland is on the northern end the distribution range, where 4-8 pairs have regularly bred since the 1980s. In Sweden, the Montagu?s harrier is classified as an endangered (EN) species. This classification is partly due to a lack of preferred nesting habitat, such as shrub-lands or dense wetlands with Claudium spp.

The SMEs? Internationalization Strategy --Foreign Market Entry Modes Selection

The SMEs? internationalization strategy?Foreign Market Entry Modes selection Title: 1st of June 2006 Date of the Seminar: Bus 809. Master thesis in international marketing Course: Han xiao Author: Ulf Elg, Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden Advisors: Ying Bin, Associate professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China. Guest researcher, Lund University, Sweden Internationalization, entry mode, SMEs, foreign market Keywords: The purpose of this study is to understand the internationalization process of the SMEs, and try to define the motives and internal factors impact their foreign market entry mode selection. Thesis purpose: This thesis is based on qualitative method using case study.

Inclusive business and shared values : case study of Stora Enso in Lao PDR

Businesses role in society is changing. Corporations are expected to take responsibility, not only for their traditional business conduct, but also for social and political issues. A rise in globalization and international trade has led to an increased interest in the concept of CSR. Accordingly, stakeholders are expecting multinational companies to be accountable for existing issues in developing countries. New business models are needed to meet increased expectations of responsibility and shared value creation. Based on an understanding of the need for new business models a multinational corporation is studied in a local context, where a radically new way of doing business is developed.

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