

2579 Uppsatser om Early reading - Sida 42 av 172

Fuzzy Front End: en litteratur review

Denna uppsats behandlar första fasen i produktutvecklingsprocessen, det vill säga Fuzzy Front End (FFE). FFE är perioden från att det finns en möjlig idé och företaget anser att den är värd att utforska ytterligare, till dess att idén är godkänd och företaget är redo för att börja utveckla samt investera i projektet. I litteraturen anses denna fas som kritisk därför att den är problematisk samt avgörande för företagets fortsatta aktiviteter inom FFE. Forskningen har visat att det finns ett samband, att om företaget effektiviserar FFE bidrar det till framgång för den nya produkten. Det finns liten förståelse vad som verkligen försiggår i FFE fasen och i denna Litteratur Review har 12 stycken teman identifieras för att redogöra för FFE.

Järnburens renodlade revsion.

Chapter 6 of the Ch?ndogya Upani?ad has often been treated in works on early Indian philosophy, as well as in some comparative studies on color symbolism. Attempts to place it in a larger framework against the background of late Vedic religion are, however, few, the rationalistic and ?tradition-challenging? appearance of the text having repeatedly been emphasized. But the doctrine contained in the text ? a cosmologic teaching on the three elements constituting the universe, each being characterized by a color (red, white, black) ? and their microcosmic counterparts in the human body, does have some clear affinities to the worldview of the Br?hma?as and ?ra?yakas, which posits a series of similar correlations (bandhu-) between macro- and microcosmos.

Storboken : en del i ett läsinlärningsprojekt

Det övergripande syftet med arbetet är att undersöka och studera ett läsinlärnings projekt med fokusering på arbetet med storböcker. Med arbetet vill jag få reda på orsaken till att man har startat ett kommunomfattande läsinlärningsprojekt och vad läsinlärningsprojektet innehåller. Syftet är vidare att ta reda på vad storböcker är för något och hur man arbetar med dem. Genom arbetet vill jag hitta ett sätt som både inspirerar mig som lärare och mina kommande elever till att lära sig läsa. Arbetet inleds med en litteraturgenomgång där läsaren får bekanta sig med vad läsning är och med olika begrepp som nämns i resultatdelen.

Utbyggnadsplan för laddinfrastruktur inom Uppsalahem AB:s bostadsområden

The electric car has existed for over a century and producers has tried to commercialize it earlier but has not succeeded. In recent years, however, a change occurred that may be significant for the electric car and it is now to commercialize in the market of passenger cars. The technology has in recent years elaborated as more car manufacturers have started to invest in development in the subject field. This thesis aims to compile an action plan for the development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Uppsalahem ABs residential areas. It is based on a survey of different residential areas and a survey of charging infrastructure.

Surveillance of Geomyces destructans in Swedish bats and Bat Hibernacula

White-Nose Syndrome, WNS, is an emerging fungal disease in the Northern American bat population causing mass mortality in infected hibernacula. Geomyces destructans is a newly discovered psychrophilic fungus causing WNS but the pathogenesis and epidemiology of the disease is not yet fully clarified. Geomyces destructans has been found in Europe but has not been a cause of mass mortality there. This study is the first investigation done to see if G. destructans is present in Sweden.

Spridningen av finansiella innovationer : En studie av aktieindexobligationernas popularitet

Titel: Spridningen av finansiella innovationer - En studie av aktieindexobligationernas popularitet Författare: Henrik Hansson och Sverker Nilsson. Handledare: Anders Hederstierna Institution: Managementhögskolan, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Kurs: Kandidatarbete i Företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att förklara varför sparandet i AIO:er har ökat och hur AIO:en har spridit sig. Metod: Vi har genomfört intervjuer av kvalitativ karaktär på de fyra storbankerna. Vi har sedan analyserat resultatet av intervjuerna med hjälp av teori om hur innovationer sprids. Slutsats: AIO:ernas relativa fördel har ökat de senaste åren.

Vampyrer : En studie av den europeiska vampyren och dess samtida funktioner.

Abstract ?The Vampire from past to present?. This essay studies and compares the early historical Vampire as it is presented in some of the Western Europe countries, primarily Greece, but also Romania and how their descriptions of the Vampire have inspired the portrait of vampires in modern films and literature. The essay aims to answer the questions:How has the historical, traditional, European Vampire developed through the centuries into the modern Vampire of today? Which original facts and perceptions about the Vampire from a Christian and pre-Christian point of view can be observed in the modern Vampire, as it is presented in the chosen films and furthermore, can any new ideas be observed in the films?By studying Vampire literature and poems throughout the centuries, a very interesting picture appears.

Lässvårigheters påverkan på matematikprestationer

Enligt PISAs undersökning (Skolverket, 20I3) uppvisar svenska elever idag sämre prestationer i läsförståelse och matematik. Många påverkansfaktorer är omdiskuterade men varken lässvårigheter eller matematiksvårigheter har berörts. I relation till detta upprättas en litteraturstudie med syftet att undersöka huruvida lässvårigheter samverkar med matematiksvårigheter och hur det påverkar matematikprestationer. Resultatet av studien visar att lässvårigheter inte alltid påverkar matematiskprestationer. Somliga elever uppvisar svårigheter medan andra inte gör det, dock synliggörs kombinationen läs- och matematiksvårigheter oftare än svårigheterna var för sig.

Skördesystem i vall, skördens storlek ochfoderkvalitet

The choice of harvest date for leys is one of the most important factors affecting the size and quality of the harvest. An early harvest gives a high nutritive value while a late harvest gives larger quantity. Today?s aim to produce high nutritive leys gives early harvest dates both in primary growth and regrowth in northern part of Sweden. The consequence is a growth in the autumn, a "third harvest".The aim of this master thesis was to study the effects of different harvesting systems and their effect on size, feed quality, wintering and economy for conditions in the northern part of Sweden.

Detaljer : i Sophie Calles konstnärskap

Details - in Sophie Calle artwork, is an investigation where the staritng point is Suite vénitienne, one of the french artist, storyteller and photographer Sophie Calle's early projects, dated back to 1979..

Feodalismen som fenomen : den säregna makten i det tidiga feodala samhället

The French historian Marc Bloch is considered to be one of the masters of medieval history, particularly his creation Feudal Society has been an essential piece of work for everyone who desires a deeper understanding of the general feudal society. Bloch gives his readers a vivid and living picture of a society so far beyond our present that it is sometimes hard to keep in mind that this society is part of our legacy. At the same time Bloch endows his readers with the special historical outlook he and his successors has developed, the history of the mentalities. By reaching further back in time, to the Roman and Germanic cultures and the manorial system, he proves his point that the feudal society was build on the legacy of older structures and institutions.In the coming study I will disentangle the early feudal structure of power as Bloch has described it in his Feudal Society. The essence of this power structure is to find in the very characteristic tie between two men, the vassalage.

Utvärdering av AKKTIV föräldrautbildning: föräldrars bedömningar av barnens kommunikativa utveckling

This study investigates, through parental evaluations, communicativeand adaptive abilities within a group of children with various developmentaldisorders, after the parents had participated in AKKTIV (Augmentative andAlternative Communication ? Early Intervention) parental education. The studyalso investigates through case studies how parents experience the influence ofAKKTIV-intervention in their children?s development a few years aftercompletion. The parents estimated their children?s abilities using three differentquestionnaires; the Swedish Communicative Developmental Inventories(SECDI), Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II (VABS-II) and parts of theform? Parents? perception of the interaction with their child?, before and afterthe intervention.

Historiemedvetande i förändring : en komparativ undersökning av två svenska och ungerska läroböcker

This essay is a comparative analysis with focus on Jean-Paul Sartre´s existentialism and Ferdinand Alquié´s cartesianism. They both represented the French philosophy of conscience in the early and mid 1900s. Because of that, they had similar ideas concerning the human conscience and freedom of the mind. But how did they come to those conclusions? And in which cases did they differ from one and other?.

Aktivitetsbaserade kontor : En studie kring hur Vasakronan implementerat det aktivitetsbaserade kontoret och arbetssättet

Partnering is a collaboration method where the contractor and the client work together, based on a mutual trust towards each other and with a common goal for the project. The method originates from the United States where it was early adapted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It later spread internationally where the United Kingdom and Denmark were early in Europe to see the potential with partnering, to help aid with the issues they were having where construction projects kept running late, going over budget and lacked in quality. By using partnering you can achieve a shorter building time, improved work relationships and enhanced efficiency and cost effectiveness.

"A Queer Fish" : En Queerläsning av John Galsworthys The Forsyte Saga.

This paper aims to examine the heteronormativity that is present in John Galsworthy?s The Forsyte Saga. This is achieved by performing a queer reading of the text with the help of Swedish Queer theorists Fanny Ambjörnsson and Tiina Rosenberg. I study the norm and how it is enforced by law, society and family. To get a complete image of the heteronormativity I also need to analyze the gender presented in the saga.

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