

6087 Uppsatser om Earlier experience - Sida 26 av 406

Arbetsmiljö : Arbetsgivarens skyldigheter och olika sätt att uppnå en tillfredställande arbetsmiljö

The Swedish school law says that students who need special education should have all the support they need to reach the qualification that is set up. The arrangements have to be written down in an Individual education plan (IEP). Before the IEP is set up there has to be an investigation about what kind of support and measures the student needs to reach the qualification that is set up. The aim of this study is to examine student?s participation in school and in the progress with their own IEP.I have accomplished a qualitative study by interviewing eight students during the letter part in the nine-year school.

?Vi har haft tur här på Gotland?? : en studie om socialsekreterares psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The exposed position of a social worker entails serious demands to their working environment. The experience of the working environment is coherent with various circumstances such as physical, technical and psychosocial factors. The aim of this study is to investigate how social workers in Gotland experience their psychosocial working environment. As a theoretical ground we describe the working environment regulations and it´s framework. Previous national and international research enlighten issues such as definitions of threat and violence, the significance of education and policys within social work, social support and riskfactors.

Socialtjänstens arbete med pojkar som begått sexuella övergrepp

The aim of this study is to examine how one can understand the experiences that social workers within the social service's have of children who have committed sexual assault against other children, and the social workers? thoughts about the choice of actions and the family involvement in those actions. The study has a qualitative character. Information was obtained through interviews with social workers within two Swedish counties, and the analysis of the results was based on earlier research findings as well as theoretical aspects, such as systemic theory and salutogenesis.Regarding the actions taken for the target group, the social workers have, in many ways, a systemic perspective as they emphasize elements within the child as well as within the family. It is also shown that the collaboration with other authorities affects the choice of actions, and that it is important to involve the entire family in any interventions, so that the effect of those interventions may last over time.

En kvalitativ studie om frivilligorganisationens samverkan med myndigheter kring hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The purpose of this study has been to examine and analyze school counselors? experience of collaboration with other professions in the student health team and the preconditions for their work. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six elementary-, and two high school student counselors in a medium-sized town in Sweden. The theoretical approach being used is: role theory, theory of professions and theory about collaboration. The study´s result shows that the school counselors? experience an unclarity in their job assignments and their role is often described as diffuse and vauge.

Medias granskning av socialtjänsten : - en kvalitativ undersökningen ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv

Many social services cases have been reviewed in the media during the last years. One of those cases is ?Lasse and Karin?, handled by the Social Services in Oskarshamn in 2002. Lasse and Karin had their son taken into custody by the Social Services and the case was reviewed in national media. Through this case the Social Services received much attention, of which most was negative, and their handling of the case was greatly criticized.

Gymnasieskolans samverkan med det omgivande samhället : En studie i hur dagens näringsliv och gymnasieskolans näringslivskontakter återspeglas i företagsekonomiundervisningen vid två gymnasieskolor

Non-compulsory schools in Sweden should make use of the knowledge and experience that is available in society according to the aims and objectives of the Curriculum for the Non-Compulsory School System - Lpf 94. There are however only a few studies which have focused on the contacts between non-compulsory schools and society as represented by the business world in Sweden.The purpose of this study is to examine in what ways and to what extent non-compulsory schools are following the Curriculum by using the knowledge and experience of the business world. The perspectives have been: Which contacts in the business world and which working practices from the business world are implemented in teaching in non-compulsory schools? In what way do these contacts and working practices affect the teaching and learning of business administration? The purpose of this study is also to examine if the teachers in non-compulsory schools use business information and different kinds of business knowledge and experiences in order to keep themselves up-to-date regarding the business world. The perspectives have been: Are the teachers using up-to-date business information or business experience? Are the teachers applying a multicultural perspective in teaching business studies? In what way does this kind of information or first-hand experience affect the teaching and learning of business administration?The method used in this study was to interview seven teachers from two non-compulsory schools in Stockholm.

Upplevelsen kring en fysisk livsförändring : En studie som undersöker 4 personers upplevelse av att avvika och tillhöra normen

This is a qualitative study that has investigated four people's experiences of making a physical change of life. With narrative depth interviews, the study was characterized by the informants own experience of their experiences and thoughts. With questions surrounding their experiences of alienation, belonging to the standard, people's attitude and prejudices against their appearance. The investigation revealed that the informants experienced shared experiences and things that separated them. The conclusion based on the people in this study was that people with low self-esteem are at greater risk for experiencing alienation.

Kvinnor i kommunala nämnder : En kvantitativ studie i kvinnopolitisk representation

Over the last decades there has been a steady increase in the representation of women on the political arena. Despite of this there are still fewer women in comparison to men in political organs particularly at the municipal level. It is therefore of great importance to examine which different factors that tend to effect the female representation at this level. Doctor of philosophy at Umeå University Jessika Wide presented in a study from 2000 that the share of women in the municipal councils tended to depend upon cultural, socio-economical and political factors. Other scholars also mean that women have specific interests and therefore are more represented in some areas.

Någon som visar att de bryr sig : En studie angående ungdomars upplevelser av delaktighet iinsatsen Kontaktperson.

The aim of this study was to examine young people?s experiences of participation within the intervention Contact Person. Three questions were asked concerning young people?s experience of participation, aspects that promoted/limited the young people?s experience and the significance they attached to the intervention. The findings in this study are based on phenomenological interviews with five teenagers within the intervention Contact Person.

?Då behöva vi kanske inte ens slåss för gift kvinnas rätt till arbete" : Arbete, genusarbetsdelning och fackliga strategier vid ett svenskt bryggeri 1923-1939

The following is an examination of work and gender and how they interlocked in a Swedishbrewery between 1923 and 1939. Leaning on labor process theory and Marxist feminist theory,this paper examines what constituted women?s work in the brewery industry in this era, how women?s work changed with rationalization and economic recess, and how the all-femaleunion locale reacted to these changes. The events portrayed are related to earlier research ongender on the labor process, to the history of the Swedish labor movement in large, and to theevolution of the so-called ?Swedish model? with its relatively low level of conflicts on thelabor market.

De första stegen mot en framgångsrik rekrytering

ABSTRACTTitle: First steps towards successful recruitment ? A study about a small Swedish firm?s recruitment strategyCourse: Bachelor Dissertation - LeadershipAuthors: Filip Agby, Damir Macanovic and Thomas MennerdahlAdvisor: Anders BillströmKey Words: Recruitment in small firms, recruitment strategy, wrong fit recruitment, HRM, right staffProblem enunciation: What pros and cons could the choice of recruitment strategy mean for a small Swedish firm. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to give recruiters a better understanding of how a small Swedish company could use different recruitment strategies, together with systematic preparations, to affect the experienced recruitment result. Another purpose is to study if earlier mentioned international research about small firms? recruitment strategies is applicable to a small Swedish firm.Theoretical framework: The section initiates by introducing the reader to the subject through describing Human resource management with a focus on recruitment.

Alliansen som koncept i svensk kommunpolitik. En undersökning av samarbetet mellan olika partier i Sveriges kommuner efter valen 2002 respektive 2006.

In Political Science a main theory is that a minimal winning coalition (MWC) will participate in the government. The parties included have to share the power of government. Therefore the winning coalition to be expected is the one including the fewest parties possible.My paper will atempt to examine if this is the main pattern in Swedish municipalities. My experience indicates that the ?Alliance for Sweden? including the four right-wing parties, that for the first time were connected through formal agreements in the elections 2006, formed a partly new and more obvious coalition pattern.

Moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor : en littearturöversikt

Background: Moral distress is an increasing concern among nurses in their workplace. Previous research has suggested that moral distress is associated with ethical climate and job dissatisfaction. Economic restraints in the organization have led to loss of nurses from the workplace. Aim: To examine nurses experience of moral distress and their causes. Method: The study was a literature review. Twelve articles were used in the study.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda i livets slutskede: en litteraturstudie

Aim: To describe nurses' experiences providing end of life care to patients. Method Descriptive literature study, 15 articles were included. The search was made in PubMed, CINAHL and by manual search. The articles were reviewed, analyzed and summarized. Results: For newly graduated nurses? experience in end of life care proved to be something new, developing, difficult to manage and frightening, but expected in the profession.

Exkursion ? ett lärandetillfälle? : Lärare och elevers uppfattningar om exkursioners betydelse för lärande i ekologi

The main purpose of this study was to obtain insight into what students and teachers think about field trips in ecology and whether they think that fieldtrips result in increase of students? learning. Open questionnaires and half structured interviews were used to investigate this. Persons who answered the questionnaires and participated in the interviews were senior high school teachers in biology or science and high school science students. All the teachers and most of the students thought that field trips in ecology resulted in increased learning.

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