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Tonårsflickor med Asperger Syndrom : ? copingstrategier

AbstractTeenagegirls with Asperger syndrome ? copingstrategiesThe aim of the study has been to describe how teenagegirls with Asperger syndrome (an inside-out perspective) experience their possibilities to social interaction in the society.The specific questions for this study are:? How do the participants apply copingstrategies?? Experiencies of getting the diagnose Asperger.? Experiencies from living with the dissorder Asperger.? The Participants life situationIn this study I use a qualitative attempt where I interview five teenagegirls. Then the interviews were analysed with a phenomenological attempt with the intention to create at picture of the girls? world. The result of the interviews presents from the interviwguides area and interpret towards the background of earlier research that present in this study.

Ekonomisk kapital vs Kulturellt kapital : Delat ledarskap i kulturinstitutioner

There are many different ways to control an organisation. In cultural organisations, it has become more common to have several directors working simultaneously. Often, different individuals possess different cultural and economic experience, thus a variety of backgrounds provides a more thorough scope of expertise and knowledge. This type of management is prevalent in the cultural sector.This thesis will research how leaders in cultural institutes work in a dual leadership, ?co-leadership?, when their backgrounds are different.

?Vissa barn älskar faktiskt sånna dära TV-reklamer? : - En övergripande studie om hur barn upplever och tolkar TV-reklam -

ABSTRACTTitel: ?Some kids really love those commercials? -A study of how children experience and construe commercials. (Vissa barn älskar faktiskt sånna dära TV-reklamer? ? En övergripande studie om hur barn upplever och tolkar tv-reklam.)Number of pages: 40Author: Lotta NorbergTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn term 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to make a study of how children experience and construe commercials. Key questions to be answered are; can children distinguish commercials from TV programmes? What do the children think of commercials? How do they watch commercials? What do they think about a ban against commercials directed to children? Do they understand the purpose of commercials? Do their buying habits change?Material/Method: A qualitative method with 18 interviews and 3 observations with 7, 9 and 11 year old children.Main results: The children in my study can distinguish commercials from TV programs.

Den fysiska miljön och skapandet av tjänstekvalitet hos frisörföretag

This paper exemplifies how the physical environment affects clients? experienced service quality and how companies work with the physical environment. In the empiric study, we conducted a case study and studied two hairdressing saloons. The study showed a connection between physical environment and experienced service quality in the business of hairdressing. Owners of hairdressing saloons perceive that a combination of the personal meeting and the physical environment influence the clients? general impression and their experience of quality.

Pedagogers uppfattningar om barns inflytande ur ett genusperspektiv : Flickors respektive pojkars inflytande i förskolans vardag ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this examination was to make a qualitative study focusing on children's influence from a gender perspective. The study is based on interviews. We wanted to investigate teachers' perception of children's influence in the preschool.Earlier research on children´s influence and gender has also helped us in the conclusion of this examination.The survey consists of ten interviews with teachers of varied work experience in the preschool. We also chose to interview teachers in other positions, since this is often the case in preschools today. From the result we can see that there are different levels of skill and awareness regarding the topic of children's influence from a gender perspective.

Visten i Lovö naturreservat

Spending a night out in the nature is away for many to experience a slowerpace of life. Refuge cabins are a typeof open-air facility sometimes provided for more far off locations, yet it is in the vicinity of cities and towns that the opportunity for getting out into the natural environment is mostly sought after. Several nature reservs exist around Stockholm with the good intention of promoting the opportunity for outdoor activities. The aim of this study is to investigate how the provision of refuge cabins can be a means of facilitating and augmenting outdoor life experience in a proposed nature reserv to the west of Stockholm.

Hur formar handledningen mig som psykolog? : En kvalitativ studie av nyutexaminerade psykologers upplevelser av yrkeshandledning.

The aim of this study is to, by individual interviews focusing on specific dimensions of supervision,examine how integratively educated PTP-psychologists experience the interactionin the supervision they receive as a part of their PTP-work and to describe if and how theyexperience that these components of the supervision promote, does not exert a direct influenceon or restrain the preservation and development of an integrative psychotherapeuticapproach and -attitude. The eleven people who are interviewed for this study all belong tothe group of psychologists who graduated from the first group of psychologists with an integrativepsychotherapeutic approach at Örebro university in the year of 2007 and who arenow completing their PTP-work. The interviews were analysed according to a qualitativecontent analysis. The results show that ten out of eleven PTP-psychologists experience thatthe interaction in the supervision is either good or excellent and that this promotes or doesnot exert a direct influence on the integrative approach.Keywords: Supervision, PTP-psychologist, integrative approach..

Bemötandets makt

The power of the meeting is a qualitative study primarily examining how homeless men and women and social workers experience the meeting between them. The homeless are the more vulnerable part in these meetings so their experience of these meetings is my focus in this study. I have in this paper also examined and analyzed how and whether homeless women and men tends to be treated and ad-dressed differently with basis on their gender. The main results I have found is that the homeless but also social welfare officers actually feel that there is com-municative problems when the parts meet and cooperates which often results in conflicts and lack of trust. I have chosen to highlight a number of factors that have been claimed as the main reasons for the experience of a poor meeting.

Barn och preoperativa förberedelser : Hur upplever barn olika förberedelser inför en elektiv operation?

AbstractBackground: An elective surgery can be something new that is frightening and unpleasant. The children and their individual needs are not always considered when surgery is prepared. Children?s needs differ and depend on their sense of coherence. Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate how children experience preparations before elective surgery.

Att dela perspektiv på marken : om kommunikation mellan naturreservatshandläggare och berörda markägare

How do the administrators of nature reserves experience the communication with the land owners concerned? The article is a qualitative study within the environmental communication subject. The study has been performed through qualitative interviews with administrators of nature reserves. Being in action the administrators must know how to communicate with people. The result of the study shows the administrators lack a language to describe their experience of the communication with the landowners. .

Dom kallar det Lean? En studie om Lean i sjukvården och dess påverkan på den professionelle läkarens medicinska beslutsfattande

The purpose of this media scientific study is to contribute to a better understanding about how blind people?s empowerment and participation may affect their role in the digital society.Earlier international studies in this area have shown that blind people not only need more knowledge then the seeing population about the computer, but also about the technology behind their tools for using Internet. The results from these studies have also shown that Internet increases the blind people?s independents and that those who use Internet feel more involved in the society.A qualitative method was chosen to study the three most common categories from the earlier studies: knowledge of technology, empowerment and participation. Are there differences in the results compared to our study in Sweden 2014?Interviews with eight blind, experienced computer users have shown that knowledge of technology is essential for their use of Internet and that the Internet increases their empowerment and their participation.

Grundskolans resurser - för elever med behov av extra stöd

The aim of this essay has been to increase the knowledge of which resources there are in compulsory school, their function and how they are experienced by teachers and students. By individual interviews I have examined teachers experiences of their work with students in need of support in core subjects. I have also examined how students experiences the help that they get and if they want to change anything. In my essay I have concentrated in a few main questions, such as; which resources compulsory school uses, teachers work with students in needs of support in core subjects, the extension of students needs, how students experience the help that they get, how they feel about education in smaller groups and if there are any differences in needs, among students, connected to gender. Literature has earlier shown that there are too few resources in compulsory school and that students in need of support doesn?t get the help that they need.

Skolbiblioteket ? spelar det någon roll? En studie av hur en friskola klarar sig utan skolbibliotek.

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how one independent senior high school without a school library regards the role of school libraries. (What is their view of information literacy? Do they manage to reach the goals of Lpf 94 and the goals of each school subject without a school library of their own?). We have chosen to interview the principal and two teachers. Our major findings are that the public library in our study has been given the role of a school library, a role we think it can not fulfil.

Spelarupplevelser i Azeroth : Immersion och Presence i World of Warcraft

This study examines the players experience, environments and objects in the videogame World of Warcraft. The purpose of this study is to get more knowledge about the players experience in the game with the focus on factors contributing to some form of immersion or/and presence. The data for this study were gathered using interviews as method and then analyzed with relevant literature in the chosen field. A game content analysis and a group of questions are tested with the results of the study which is presented at the end in with an analytic discussion. .

"Den boken hade jag aldrig läst annars" : Om barns deltagande i bokcirklar

This two years master?s thesis is about book circles for children, arranged by the public libraries in Sweden. The purpose is to gain knowledge about how children experience their participation in book circles, and how they experience their own reading. It focuses on children aged 10 to 12 years, and their leisure reading. The research questions are: What are the book circles? function for the participants? How and why do the children read? What kind of literature do they like? Do the children experience that their reading has developed through their participation in the book circles? What parts of the reading process do the book circles influence?The theoretical framework is threefold.

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