

4188 Uppsatser om Dynamic theories - Sida 43 av 280

Arbetsmiljö inom äldreomsorgen : en studie om enhetschefens resonemang och förhållningssätt i arbetsmiljöfrågor

The occupational group who works in the care of older people in Sweden is an exposed group since the work is often defined as a strenuous profession, both physical and psychically, and this puts comparatively many workers on sick leave. To promote good health, as well as prevent bad health is the main purpose of the work environment development. The attitude of the care manager towards work environment development may have a significant impact on the co-workers health. The purpose of the study was to investigate the attitude of care managers towards work environment development and the co-workers work environment and in the same time get knowledge in what issues they have a salutary approach respectively a pathological approach. Empirics were gathered from semi-structured interviews with six care managers from the care of older people administration in municipality of Kalmar.

Konst på internet idag : En retorikanalys av konstverksamma organisationers självpresentationer

This is a qualitative study about Art transformation and commodification in the digital age. The study applies a rhetoric analysis with the aim to understand how art sellers, gallery owners and entrepreneurs take part in this transformation process through their websites? presentation texts ?about us?. The analysis is related to communication theories but it is also inspired by other theories such as Gramsci?s hegemony theory and Bourdieu?s cultural critical theory.

Ondskan går klädd i klänning eller kostym : En narrativ och semiotisk analys av Disneys kvinnliga och manliga skurkar ur ett genusperspektiv

Today there are several generations who have grown up watching Disney?s films. Disney has become a central storyteller in our society with children and their families as their main audience. Disney's storytelling is often with the children from an early age and they get to learn about right and wrong, good and evil through the films. A picture of how the world looks and how you should and should not behave is presented in Disney's films.

"Första boken är aldrig bra när det gäller böcker" en kvalitativ studie av pojkars läsning i mediesamhället

Children of today are surrounded by many different kinds of media. Books have to compete with new media like computers, video games, many TV-channels etc. The aim of this study has been to investigate the reading habits of 9-12-year old boys in their spare time, and their reasons for reading related to their use of other media. Our interest has been to shed light on the boys reading habits, their preferences and motives for reading and their reading functions. Even though our focus has been on their reading, we also have examined their use of other media and the function of this use.

Stöd läsutvecklingen! En studie av barns reflexioner kring sin läsning och bibliotekariers uppfattningar av barns läsning och läsutveckling

This thesis is structured as a combined empirical and literary study. The aim is to investigate how children at the age of 11-12 years reflect on their readings of fiction and how these reflections relate to the librarians' perspective of a child's reading ability and reading development. Qualitative interviews with children and librarians constitute the empirical part. Research and theories are compared to the empirical part then placed into a more extensive context. How do children at the age of 11-12 years old reflect upon their reading of fiction and how do librarians relate themselves to this age? An analysis using interviews, research and theories is used to answer these questions.

Tro på herren, hjälp din nästa och lita inte på indianen : Formandet av ett svenskt-amerikanskt kollektivt minne i efterdyningarna av Dakotakonflikten 1862

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the Dakota conflict in 1862 affected the Swedish immigrants in Minnesota and how the collective memory was shaped in that particular group of people. To examine the contents of the collective memory this essay uses the theories of Halbwachs on collective memory as well as Orm Øverlands theories on creating an identity and ethnic memory in USA since the concepts of collective memory and the process of creating an identity is connected on a basic level. The essay compares the collective memory created by the Swedish-Americans with the collective memories of the Dakota Indians and finds indications that both ethnic groups have a highly traumatized memory of the conflict. However the difference between the two groups is that the Indians have both positive and negative memories of the conflict while the Swedish-Americans only have negative memories. Furthermore the essay finds that the fear of Indians that was present in the Swedish-American ethnic groups can be traced back to events of the Dakota Conflict.

Kostnadseffektiv minskning av koldioxidutsläpp från tunga fordon i Sverige :

When the emissions from the diesel trucks today accounts for a large part of the total emissions from the road traffic, the trend with a more extensive use of diesel trucks for transportation will therefore lead to increasing carbondioxide emissions to the atmosphere. Because of the fact that technical progress in the form of optimized engines and shifts in the means of transport sometimes result in even greater emission levels, other solutions to this problem must be studied to decrease the emissions of carbondioxide from the diesel trucks. The purpose of the thesis is to show how a decrease of the carbondioxide emissions from diesel trucks in Sweden can be achieved in a costeffective way by the use of a carbondioxide tax and a differentiated vehicle tax. The method used in order to fullfill the purpose of the thesis is studies of literature, mainly of public government reports. Literature of enviromental economics will be used to show the need of a tax and how to determine the dynamic effective carbondioxide tax in steady-state.

Företagsbibliotekariers identitet, kompetens och professionsutveckling : Exemplet Astra Zeneca

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the identity, competences and professional development of corporate librarians. I have done an empirical study based on semi structured interviews with 11 information professionals who were working at Astra Zeneca at the time of the re-organizations of the company in 2009 which ultimately led to the closing of the libraries. I have also examined the views on competences and professional development of librarians in general, both in Sweden and in Denmark. I have used Thomas Brante?s theories on profession types as well as Anders Ørom?s theories on librarian identities as my theoretical framework.

Bildlärares kamp om att få sina röster hörda hos ledningen

Sara Lidman?s second novel Hjortronlandet (1955) unfolds in the north of Sweden in the early 20th century. It describes the progress of modernity and the conflicting interests of an old local culture and a new more ?civilised? one. The two cultures are constituted by different value systems and in the novel they are represented by two neighbour communities.

Project: Knowledge. A two-sided perspective on knowledge transfer & knowledge creation

Purpose: Our purpose is to describe and understand how a project-based, knowledge-intensive firm in the high-technology industry creates and transfers knowledge, seen from two perspectives.Methodology: Our qualitative case study has an explorative approach since earlier studies within our positioning are absent, thus we look at KM abductively. To gain more depth to our study, we mirror our findings from our case company with data collected from three additional organisations.Theoretical perspectives: We see a clear distinction between researchers, either seeing knowledge as an object or a process. Thus, we review theories from both sides, either focusing on the creation or transferring of knowledge. In addition, theories on KM in project organisations areaccounted for.Empirical foundation: The study is based on the empirical foundation which consists of the data received through six interviews with employees at our main case company and, additionally, two interviews at each of our three mirrorcompanies.Conclusion: The study found KM being seen from both perspectives in all four firms. Through this, we found implications for how our case company could proceed in the future..

Norra Djurga?rdsstaden som nollstad : En studie av miljo?projektets sista etapp och dess potential

All around the world more and more people move from rural areas to live in the cities. Because of this, the urban areas have become an important part in the debate about the effects on the environment and sustainability. In many countries word wide initiatives have been taken to build sustainable cities and eco cities, the Stockholm Royal Seaport is one example. The vision for the district is to become a world class sustainable city based on the three dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic and ecologic. The municipality of Stockholm has set requirements for the buildings? energy usage, emissions and amount of waste generated during the building process.

Kvinnor i kommunala nämnder : En kvantitativ studie i kvinnopolitisk representation

Over the last decades there has been a steady increase in the representation of women on the political arena. Despite of this there are still fewer women in comparison to men in political organs particularly at the municipal level. It is therefore of great importance to examine which different factors that tend to effect the female representation at this level. Doctor of philosophy at Umeå University Jessika Wide presented in a study from 2000 that the share of women in the municipal councils tended to depend upon cultural, socio-economical and political factors. Other scholars also mean that women have specific interests and therefore are more represented in some areas.

Myten om mödomshinnan : tolkad genom Jungs arketypteori

This paper interprets the myth of the hymen through the archetypal theory of Carl Gustav Jung. Today it has been proven that there exists no hymen that breaks at a woman?s first intercourse. Nonetheless, the myth of the hymen lives on ? creating enormous consequences for girls and women.

Solokvist eller ensamvarg : Socialt samspel hos personer med psykosproblematik

Background: People diagnosed with psychosis are often described as introvert, isolated and with little or no ability to create and maintain social relationships. While every angle of a phenomena is valid and important, we believe that the first-person perspective provides the only direct access to the diagnosed persons? feelings and experiences.Aims: The aim of this study is to explore how a few people diagnosed with psychosis describe their experiences of social interaction.Method: This study is conducted in a Grounded Theory manner. An analysis has been performed on interviews made with five individuals, all diagnosed with a psychosis diagnosis.Results: The main result of this study is that the self-image is a core factor in the individuals experiences of, and initiative to, social interaction. The social interactions are linked to the individuals own relation to their diagnosis in a dynamic process where all components affect each other in the creating of the self-image.Conclusion: This study concludes that people diagnosed with psychosis is no different than other people when it comes to dreaming and longing for functional social relationships, but that they have some difficulties in actually finding them due to both social stigma and a poor self-image..

Global Ethics in Dialogue : Church Studies on Globalization in Relation to Global Theories of Justice

The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.

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