

4188 Uppsatser om Dynamic theories - Sida 15 av 280

Självbestämmande mer eller mindre : En kvalitativ studie om utvecklingstördas självbestämmande ur ett personalperspektiv

The aim of this essay is to problematize the role of living support in a group home and to examine staff reflections about the users' opportunities for and possibly limits to self determination and, in addition to this, how they work towards supporting this right. The study is conducted through seven semi-structured qualitative interviews. The theoretical points of departure are theories of empowerment and paternalism. We have analysed the study results from the vantage point of these theories. The results are consistent with earlier research showing lack of guidance for supporters and also a lack of common approach towards users..

Förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om leken som redskap för barns språkutveckling : en observations- och intervjustudie

The value of a good reputation for organizations is increasing today as consumers and citizens become more aware of brands. If a crisis hits an organization, there is now more to lose than before concerning reputation. Therefore the organization?s communication strategies must be developed to sustain the organization?s reputation during and after a crisis.In the field of crisis communication there are two distinguished theories which concern what an organization with help from crisis communication should do to undergo a crisis without losing its reputation. These theories are image repair theory and situational crisis communication theory (SCCT).

Helgar målet alltid medlen? En etisk analys av de ekonomiska sanktionerna mot Sydafrika och Haiti och dess humanitära konsekvenser.

In this bachelor thesis my main purpose is to examine the ethical legitimacy of economic sanctions, by assessing the humanitarian consequences this type of actions create. I will do this by a closer examination of the two historic cases of South Africa and Haiti. The humanitarian consequences will then be measured against my chosen theories, to help answer my main questions. The theories I have been working with is the broader interpretation of the just-war theory; the just-sanctions theory, and two major metaethical theories.The result I found after the finished examination of the chosen cases, are that economic sanctions and morality doesn?t necessarily match.

Att marknadsföra ett bibliotek på Facebook

With the advent of a range of social networks, librarians all over the world have startedto ask themselves how this new technology can be used as a way to market theirlibraries. Today's information websites and search engines are difficult competitors forlibraries and information centers, and are forcing traditional information institutions tomarket themselves in new ways.Marketing theories have traditionally concerned themselves with money transactionsand marketing of specific services and/or products. Relationship marketing theories, onthe other hand, focus more on the relationship between the customer and the companythat produces the product or service. These two parties are seen as co-producers, andrelationship marketing theories tend to focus more on a win-win situation, than on thecompany gaining power of the customer. The relationship is the important thing, and thetheories concentrate to a great extent on how to nourish these relationships.This paper is a discussion about whether Facebook as a social network is a usable toolfor library marketing.

Kommunikation, etik och moral : En studie baserad på nyhetsrapporteringar gällande avslöjanden av företag som inte följer sina egna värdegrunder och policydokument gällande kommunikation angående hållbarhetsfrågor.

Author: Linnea BrundellMentor: Gábor BoraCourse: Media and communication studies, C- level, advanced course. Communication, ethical and moral ? a survey based on news exposing companies which does not follow their own communication policies.Plot: In a leader in the newspaper Arbetarbladet, the writer says that the numbers of journalists are going to be reduced, while the numbers of informant officer are going to increase. Theory: The theory which has been used in the essay is Pierre Bourdieu´s field theories, Jürgen Habermas theories on representation and theories about the company?s values.Method: The method used in the essay is a qualitative text-analysis. The material in the essay is articles from the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Also two documentaries from the TV-show Kalla Fakta will be a part of the material. Adocument made by the trade union DIK, which tell about ethical guidelines for information officer, journalistic rules for their work are also a part of the material. Result: The survey shows that the companies have been failing to work after own policy documents. .

En författarcociteringsanalys av forskningsfältet socialpsykologi

The aim of this thesis is to use the bibliometric method author cocitation analysis (ACA) and investigate the cognitive structure in a research field, which is called the intellectual base. The research field in this investigation is social psychology. The main question is: what is the nature of the cognitive structure, which contains of the intellectual base. This question is divided in two sub questions: ? Which are the most prominent authors in the research field? ? Which sub areas, based on groups of the most cocited authors in the research field, can be identified?An investigation with ACA is used to describe the general experience of consensus of later authors in a research field.

Är man farlig bör man vara ärlig : En kvalitativ retorisk analys av fem reklamfilmer för receptfria värktabletter

The purpose of this essay was to analyze rhetorical features of Swedish drug advertising and see if drug advertising could be misleading or not. The study was primarily concentrated on how pills were described and that was the overall picture of pills created in commercials. The essay uses theories of narrative, semiotic, argumentation and theories concerning social communication in advertising. In this study fife TV-ads were analyzed: Alvedon, Ibumetin, Treo, Bamyl, and Ipren. The analysis showed that drug advertising has the potential to be misleading mostly because the overall picture of pills which creates in commercials is strong and kind heroes. .

Marin diplomati ur ett småstatsperspektiv. : Fallstudie svenska Ålandsexpeditionen 1918.

Abstract:The old established description gunboat diplomacy has in modern time changed to a broader and more nuanced definition called maritime diplomacy. But what is maritime diplomacy and how is it described? This essay analyses the theories from the Englishman James Cable and the American Edward Luttwak. Both Cable and Luttwak represent nations which have a global security interests and deploy their maritime forces worldwide. The foundation for their theories is power politics.

Att syna en Joker: En filmanalys av ber?ttandets och musikens roll i Joker

This essay focuses on the film Joker (2019) directed by Todd Phillips. It examines the narration and the use of music as a narrative device to discuss questions about identification and perception through close textual analysis. The aim is to research this in combination with the film?s complex storytelling and unreliable narration. The essay use several narratological and psychological theories as well as psychopathology.

Kominooo - den fantastiska staden : En empirisk studie och analys av kultur- och bildpedagogiska teorier i praktiken

This thesis is based on two different parts. First a presentation and a brief insight of the most comprehensive picture educational structures/theories and their various branches in Sweden from the post war period. Secondly a presentation of my artistic masters project Fantasy World, where I together with a group of children aged 7-12 freely created an artwork in the form of a world of its own, in sculptural expression. The idea behind the thesis has been to study how the perception of picture education and children?s creation has been in the recent decades and how different picture educational theories looks like and then to compare with the idea behind my project and how it may look in practice..

Hårda dörrar : Om dörrvakters selektering av gäster på krogen

The purpose of this study was to examine in depth and analyze how and on what basis selection of guests managed by doormen primarily in an exclusive bistro in Stockholm. Qualitative methods in the form of personal interviews with door staff and participant observations were made. Interviews with doormen who work at two other similar places have also been carried out in order to find the differences and similarities in the selection process. To connect the results in a scientific way, we have mainly used Pierre Bourdieu's theories of capital forms and the field, and Göran Ahrne and Apostolis Papakostas organization theories. Previous research related to the phenomenon of selection in one way or another, along with the overarching theories, are used to answer the questions and purpose of this study.

Popper - Realism och antirelativism

The aim with this paper is to study Karl Popper?s view on realism and relativism. Further aim is to see whether those ideas have been consistent over the years. The paper argues that Popper since his first interest in philosophy has taken a realistic and antirelativistic attitude. Only his arguments for this position have been developed to meet his critics.Common sense speaks for realism but can neither be proven nor refuted.

Vatten som väcker sinnena : - förslag för införande av vatten i Alnarps rehabiliteringsträdgård utifrån några miljöpsykologiska teorier

Alnarp?s Healing Garden is a place for rehabilitation as well as an ongoing multidisciplinary scientific research experiment. The garden is built on research results from the disciplines of Landscape architecture, Environmental Psychology and Garden Therapy. In the garden, people diagnosed with burnout syndromes are being rehabilitated. The participants need safe and calm environments which activate their bodies self healing systems. Theories show that water as an element, per se, increases the observer?s preference for an environment.

Teori och Praktik :  En studie beträffande svensk forskning om internationalisering i svenska företag och dess relevans för praktiker utifrån Handelskammaren, Exportrådet och forskare

Title: Theory and Practice: A study of Swedish Research on the Internationalization in Swedish Business and its Relevance to Practice´s, according to The Camber of Commers, Swedish Trade Council and researchers.Main issue: Within marketing science, there is an general ongoing discussion about the gap between researchers and practitioners, this leads to the thesis main issue on whether the Swedish marketing research conducted in the internationalization of Swedish companies, is relevant to practitioners and provides essential tools for practitioners to applicable in real business situations.Purpose: The purpose is to answer the problems of theory and practice, what it looks like and what the underlying factors and impact difference between internationalization theory and practice are.Method: The thesis has a qualitative methodology mainly based on theory, as well as empirical findings from researchers and organizations working with Swedish company's internationalization.Results: The result shows that there is a difference between theory and practice and that there are several factors underpinning this. Theories primary purpose is not to be practical but to explore an unanswered need to create an understanding to the researcher?s audience, which is other researchers, thereby are theories based on knowledge not demands from the practitioners. The result also shows that the internationalization theories can be applied in practice´s reality on the internationalization of companies. Research degree of generality has a sense of reality given by the empirical studies which therefore reflects the reality of the theory which gives theory a content of truth.Conclusion: The gap that exists between theory and practice has both positive and negative effects.

Upplevelser av natur utan visuella intryck :

In nature settings people often experience positive emotions. Litterature and theories about the positive effect of nature on humans are largely based upon visual impressions and aesthetic preference. The purpose of the present study is to examine how visually impaired individuals that lack visual impressions experience nature. The background is about what it means to be visually impaired and what it is like to be visually impaired in a nature setting, followed by a presentation of the five human senses and about stimulation of senses in healing gardens. That is followed by theories about the health promoting effect of nature, about why nature and therapeutic gardens make people feel good. After that theories about experiences and relations with settings are presented.

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