

737 Uppsatser om Dynamic outsourcing - Sida 35 av 50

Verktyg för hantering av kommunala VA-data

Inom ramen för projektet ?Kiruna referenskommun? har Tekniska Kontoret gett i uppdrag åt Metria IT i Kiruna att utarbeta en applikation i ArcView för hantering av det kommunala VA-nätet. Uppgiften för detta examensarbete var att bygga en del av applikationen. Arbetet inleddes dock med en förstudie av alternativa system för ledningshantering. Bland andra kan nämnas KORDAB och Vabas/Duf vilka båda är specifika VA-program med ett omfattande antal funktioner.

Avlastningsarmstöd till Grip-it : Optimal positionering av övre extremitet vid gripstyrkemätningar

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Drama inom den obligatoriska skolan

In this paper, I have conducted a study of what perspectives educational drama has in theory and practice. The study aims to show an example of how and out of what perspectives educational drama is a part of the school?s activity at a geographically distinct school, from kindergarten on to primary and secondary school years. The general attitude of the faculty and their arguments for and against drama constitute the major aspects of this study, which has been carried out through qualitative interviews at a school in Skåne. The results were that pre-school focuses on teaching drama to develop communicative abilities amongst the students (art educational perspective) while secondary school seemingly abandoned this approach and focuses more on using it for personal development, increasing empathy and understanding of other people by taking it to a more emotional level in order to affect for example moral values of the students.

Kvantfysiken och den nya myten? : En studie av Fritjof Capras och Danah Zohars böcker om kvantandlighet

This study is about quantum physics and the role it can play in a religious perspective. I intend to examine how moderna physics may be related and understood as New age and Myths. My material consists of two books in the new age genre: "The Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra and "The Quantum Self" by Danah Zohar. My first two question to these books are which 1) religious and 2) scientific content they have. My other questions are too 3) investigate and demonstrate how these books are new age and 4) to exanine how the books can function as myths and adopt mythical features.


Under de senaste åren har en ny trend inom spelindustrin uppstått då en stor del av spelen har gåtttillbaka till de tvådimensionella miljöerna som var vanligare i tv-spelens barndom, detta tack vareatt mobiltelefoner och deras spel har tagit allt större plats på marknaden och de är oftatvådimensionella på grund av sin begränsade hårdvara. De tvådimensionella spelen har enligttradition inte haft någon dynamisk ljussättning, utan de har bestått utav färdig grafik medförutbestämda intensiteter vilket gör att spelen kan se platta ut.Men inom andra områden av spelindustrin, framförallt tredimensionella spel, har utvecklingen avdynamiska ljussättningsmetoder kommit långt. Problemet med dessa metoder är att de kräverobjektens normaler, vilka normalt inte finns tillgängligt i tvådimensionella bilder.Idag är mobiltelefonerna kraftfulla och klarar av mycket tyngre beräkningar än vad de gjorde förbara några år sedan. Därför undersökte vi möjligheten att implementera dynamisk ljussättning i etttvådimensionellt spel på androidbaserade mobiltelefoner. För att genomföra detta krävdes också attvi undersökte metoder för att generera normaler för tvådimensionell grafik.För att ett fullständigt spel skulle kunna skapas så implementerades också saker somkollisionshantering, artificiell intelligens och procedurell generering av banor..

Reducering av effektförbrukning i inbyggda system med Linux

Linux is a growing operating system in embedded systems. Today, Linux is not only in heavy servers but also in cell phones, PDAs, cameras and other devices running on battery power. While current technology is more energy efficient, more and more technologies are implemented into a single unit resulting in an overall increase of power consumption.Low power consumption is an increasingly important feature of a system today. Lower power consumption means lower costs, less environmental impact, and longer life for applications that runs on batteries.This work compiles methods to reduce power consumption of Linux systems. The work includes examining whether the available opportunities are platform-specific or of a more general nature.

De samhällsekonomiska konsekvenserna av privat kontra offentligt ägda samhällsfastigheter inom äldreomsorgen

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Död ved i vatten - funktionella strukturer och dess påverkan på öring (Salmo trutta, L.)

The background to this work was to see if there was a connection between large woody debris (LWD) and the presence of brown trout in our Swedish forest streams. Previous researches by Degerman et al. (2004) have shown that there is a strong correlation between the amount of dead wood and the presence of brown trout. The goal was then to find a way to restore, maintain and increase the trout habitats by constructing and adding manmade wooden structures that would mimic natural deadwood and its features in flowing water. The inspiration was partially taken from a water restoration program in the Klamath River of northern California, USA.

The Legal Significance of Sustainable Development in EC Law

In June 2006 the Council of the European Union agreed on the review of the EU sustainable development strategy. This renewed strategy voices a commitment to sustainable development that includes a diverse list of safeguarded interests. Sustainability is to be attained in the spheres of democracy, solidarity, the rule of law, gender equality and at the same time it should promote a dynamic economy. Given this multifunctional application of sustainable development, curiosity may soon give rise to questions such as; What is the legal significance of the concept? Is it to be considered a general principle of Community law? And can it be used as an instrument in adjudication and legal reasoning? Anyone who looks deeper into the concept of sustainable development is soon to find a labyrinthine complex of ideas, expressions and opinions.

Insättningsrutinernas effekt på tillväxt samt effekten av klinisk sjukdom på ätbeteendet hos kalvar i gruppbox med automatisk mjölkutfodring :

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of strategy for grouping calves into group pens with automatic milk-feeding systems on the calves' health and growth rate. The usefulness of changes in feeding behavior recorded by the computerized milk-feeder during periods of illness to identify calves with clinical diease was also studied. In the first experiment, 64 calves were moved in and out of group pens in a continuous way, while 46 calves were transferred into group pens until the the pen was considered "full". The calves in the latter groups were then held together until weaning. It was found that calves in the fixed groups grew approximately 100 g / day more compared to the calves in the dynamic groups. Signs of clinical respiratory disease were less frequent in this group, while the incidence of diarrhoea was slightly higher. In the second experiment health parameters, milk consumption and feeding behaviour was recorded daily for 46 calves.

Råda bot på öm fot

There is something magical about shoes?They can create an irresistible desire or be the one thing that we want to get rid of the most at the end of a long day. When people by shoes the chose more out of appearance rather then comfort. The result is a fact. The feet feel tired and soar after a couple of hours and the only thoughts are about the aching feet that firmly object to the way there being treated.

Geopolitisk dynamik : Ett teoriutvecklande anspråk

In the social sciences, geopolitical theory is used in order to analyze states actions and commitments when it comes to foreign policy. This thesis develops a new understanding of geopolitical theory. Firstly, the development and application of geopolitical theory, from its foundations in the early twentieth century to contemporary geopolitical studies is discussed. Secondly a revised understanding of the variables integrated in the concept and how it can be operationalized as an analytical tool is presented and tested empirically.The critical assessment of the research field of geopolitical theory tells us that six different geopolitical perspectives have been considered the most influential (room, strategy, power projection, identity, affiliation and governance) when it comes to analyzing state action. This model is applied as an analytical tool and thus tested on a single case.

Titta! Jag gjorde typ guld! : En studie om formandet av identitetskänslan i estetiska lärprocesser i förskolan

The aim of this study is to obtain a deep knowledge about identity creation of preschool child-ren at the age of four to sex with creative pictures and its aesthetic learning processes with childrens perspective as a starting-point. The issues that I have used in this study are how childrens identity creation relates to the aesthetic learning processes in the preschool enviro-ment, how children experience the figuration of their own identity related to other individuals and the enviroment by taking different positions in aesthetic learning processes and how childrens identity creation becomes visible in preschool.In order to explore preschool childrens identity creation in aesthetic learning processes the qualitative research-oriented approach has been implemented with unstructured observations and the informal interview as the methods for data acquiring.This studys theoretical points are sociocultural perspective and symbolic interactionism. Both these theoretical perspectives emphasize the significance of communication, taking different perspectives and learning in an interaction between an individual and enviroment within given sociocultural frames of referens which results in an individuals identity development.Results from the study show that childrens painting is more than an occupation with a picture as a product. Childrens painting is rather a playfull aesthetic expression form and a relation-oriented, dynamic learning process which is related to the enriching of individual self, the consciousness and the creation of meaning within preschools frames of reference.My expectation is that my study will contribute to didactic discussions about childrens iden-tity creation while using aesthetic expression forms..

dentÆd : Utveckling av medicintekniskt instrument som ökar säkerheten samt underlättar vid oral protetik.

Initiativet till projektet togs av tandvårdspersonal på Specialisttandvården i Halmstad då de upplevde problem vid arbete med oral protetik. Problemet, som projektet även bygger på, innebär att komponenter tappas och på grund av gravitationen samt patientens position riskeras att inhaleras eller sväljas. Detta innebär ett stress- och orosmoment, vilket bidrar till en försämrad psykosocial arbetsmiljö för tandvårdspersonalen. 2008 infördes det statliga tandvårdsstödet i Sverige vilket innebär en reducerad kostnad för protetikingrepp som lett till att fler har råd med oral protetik. Därför blir problemet mer och mer utbrett, vilket gjort kravet på en lösning mer eftertraktad. I projektet har dynamisk produktutveckling tillämpats med stort fokus på involvering av framtida användare. Artikelsökning, observation och enkätundersökning i genomförd produktdefinitionsfas lade grunden till projektet.

Kunskapshantering : En studie i hur man hanterar och bevarar kunskap i projekt

Genom globalisering och snabba tekniska utvecklingar har förutsättningarna förändrats för företagens konkurrenssituation med ökade kundkrav och möjligheten att behålla personal. Detta har lett till att företag omstrukturerat sin organisation i form av outsourcing. I de fall de reducerat personalstyrkan alltför hårt använder företag konsulter. I de fall då kunskap, genererad inom ett projekt av konsulter, inte överförs till uppdragsgivaren uppstår kunskapsförluster. Förutsättningarna för företagets utveckling och fortlevnad riskerar därmed att försämras.

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