

737 Uppsatser om Dynamic outsourcing - Sida 18 av 50

Förslag till kvalitetsförbättring av tunnelkontur

Det är idag vanligt att företag outsourcar drift, förvaltning och utveckling av sina IT-system till större konsultföretag. Detta görs bland annat för att uppnå effektivisering genom att ta del av stordriftsfördelar som väntas medföra en kostnadsbesparing för företaget. Andra orsaker är kvalitetsförbättring, kompetensförsörjning och flexibilitet. Det finns många strategiska mål som skall uppfyllas och dessa bygger på ett partnerskap där många inblandade individer skall samarbeta. Vi tror att huruvida en outsourcing fungerar eller inte avgörs i samarbetet mellan beställare och utvecklare och att ett dåligt fungerande samarbete kan generera stora kostnader.

Framtidens gymnasieskola - En styrning utifrån ett modernistiskt eller senmodernistiskt perspektiv?

This empirical work and base has been to analyze the new high school reform that the Swedish government introduced as a statement 2008/09:199 about: Higher demand and quality within the high school. This statement became legal through the government vote in spring 2010. But above all it is the investigation (SOU 2008:27) that is the central piece for these new examination changes for high school students that will come into effect 1 of July 2011. The purpose and questions asked in this analyze has been if the reform takes its base in a modernistic (traditional) way or a late modern scientific perspective. And also to find out how these new quality amendments in the investigation makes visible about the high school and what the purpose are about the changes. When scientific theories in these analyze is placed against the reform, the result shows that the modernization process reflects more of a late modern aspect, which constantly reappraise in a changeable society.

Offshoring to India ? the New Silicon Valley? ? a Research Study about Capgemini

The purpose with our study is to investigate why Capgemini adopts the Rightshore strategy, how they implement this strategy and how it affects Capgemini?s core competence. We also aim to look at how the company?s knowledge management is supporting the offshoring strategey, in addition to how Capgemini ?keeps control of? its core competence in following the trend of offshoring to India?.

Hållbart agerande inomFacilities Management ? Fem förslag på förändrade arbetssätt vid outcourcing

Sustainability is a term that is constantly gaining focus in our society and we are becoming more and more aware of the need to take the next generation into consideration when making decisions. The sustainable activity within the core business is growing and is also connected to profitability in ways that have not been seen before. However, the activities that are not included in the core business have not yet reached this long-term perspective. These non-core businesses within an organization goes under the term Facilities Management (FM).This paper focuses onReal Estate businesses, FM-suppliers and the relation between them.The purpose is to investigate current knowledge regarding outsourced FM-services and the real estate organisation?s use of these services.

Kundrelationer i allmännyttiga fastighetsföretag

Syfte: De ökade intresset för fastighetssektorn under de senaste åren har medfört högre priser och en ökad konkurrens. Den ökade konkurrensen leder till att allt fler allmännyttiga bostadsbolag väljer att lägga ut delar eller hela verksamheten på entreprenad. Att kunna stå emot konkurrens från andra företag på marknaden anses vara nyckeln till överlevnad och fortsatt utveckling för företag i dagens samhälle. I denna uppsats fokuserar vi på hur arbetet med kundrelationer kan utgöra en betydande del i denna verksamhet. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur en bra kundrelation skapas, utvecklas, bevaras och avvecklas samt att analysera om och hur arbetet med kundrelationer skiljer sig mellan olika fastighetsföretag.

Bildrendering med intermodulerat Atomkraftmikroskop

Intermodulated force microscope (ImAFM) is a type of dynamic AFM. ImAFM opens up possibilities for mapping the topography and making quantitative determinations of material parameters at the same time. With increased information the need to generate more informative images of the sample emerges. In this Bachelor's degree project I have created tools for rendering images of a sample. The topography is plotted as the height and a material parameter is color coded on topography.

Inköpsbeslut, samarbeten och relationer : En fallstudie på 4 organisationer inom Gävleborg

Vi har valt att skriva vårt Examensarbete inom inköpsorådet. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka inköpets betydelse för företagen och särskilt belysa tre frågeställningar. Vi har valt att fokusera på kommunala företag men vi har även med ett privat företag. Inköpets betydelse har ökat allt mer under de senaste decennierna, allt mer material köps in färdigt och skruvas ihop. Det finns stora pengar att tjäna på att ha ett effektivt inköp.

Sandvik Hard Materials leverantörsrelationer : - En fallstudie om relationer och outsourcing

SammanfattningExamenstitel:Revisorns roll i ett aktiebolag ? sett ur företags samt revisorers perspektiv. Seminariedatum:Den 3 juni 2010. Nivå:Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare:Daniel Bengtsson, Fredrik Damberg, Jesper Lejdström.

Identifiering av stelkroppsmodell för industrirobot

In this masters thesis we consider a method for experimental identification of the inertial parameters of an industrial robot, using measured torques and joint angles. A dynamic model of the first three joints of the robot has been identified.To achieve good identification results, it is important to carefully choose the trajectory for the experimental identification. A method to generate trajectories using two suggested design criteria has been used and evaluated using an ABB industrial robot, and one of them yields good identification results..

Att måla läppstift på grisen: En fallstudie om den interna interaktionen mellan Inköp och Miljö i arbetet mot hållbar utveckling

During the last years, the importance of sourcing in firms has increased. Globalization, fierce competition and an increased level of outsourcing are common explanations to why firms have highlighted the potential to realize savings and the value creation that the Purchasing department can generate. One trend that follows in parallel with globalization is an increased pressure from society on firms to take responsibility for the impact that its products and services have on the environment. This responsibility creates even more attention as outsourcing involves trade with suppliers in low wage countries, where the level of environmental and social responsibility is not always satisfying. The Purchasing department, the firm?s interface with suppliers should therefore, together with the firm?s Environmental department, play a key role in the firm?s contribution towards sustainable development.

Säkra lån utan säkerhet : En studie av mekanismerna bakom utlåning i utvecklingsländer

I denna uppsats undersöks hur moral hazard påverkas i grupplån vid frånvaro av sociala band, övervakning, och kontinuerliga krediter. Undersökningen förklarar grupplån i teori men presenterar även empiriskt material från andra författares artiklar. Undersökningen visar att de sociala banden inte har den avgörande betydelsen som teorin förutsätter. Vidare konstateras att nära övervakning och låntagarens behov av framtida lån har stor betydelse för att reducera moral hazard..

Modellering av en panna med rörlig rost :  

The aim of this master thesis was to create a dynamic model for the processes in a solid fuel boiler of the moving grate type. Another aim with the model was to keep it as simple as possible but still able to catch the dynamics of the processes in the bedplate of the boiler. The creation of the model had its origin from drying and combustion equations used in earlier modeling work of boilers. The represented model has been used to simulate different kinds of disturbances in a boiler and different ways to control the boiler. These tests show that controlling a number of parameters in the bed of the boiler is an effective way to keep the grate stable during disturbances.

TAT Tutorials - En färg-kodande editor och hemsida för ett interaktivt läromedel till de xml-baserade programmeringsspråken Cascades och Kastor.

TAT?s Cascades and Kastor are programming languages used to create graphical user interfaces (GUI) for mobile phones. TAT Tutorials is a dynamic, interactive tutorial site for these xml-based programming languages. An editor will be available for download to enhance the learning process..

En jämförelse mellan PHP och C# i .Net

In this report we compare the two programming languages PHP and C# in .Net. They are both used to create dynamic websites and on the web there's a debate going on about which of these languages you're recommended to use. With this report we want to make ourselves a more scientific base of which of these languages that is the most used language and which languages that are the most suitable for creating dynamic websites. We have two purposes with this report:1. To compare the usage of the programming languages C# in .Net and PHP at web agencies, advertising agencies and combinded agencies in Sweden today.2.

Utveckling av en dynamisk Simuleringsmodell av en skotare

The predominant forestry harvesting method is based on the harvester-forwarder method, theharvester folds, branches and cuts trees, and sorts the logs into piles, while a forwarder transportsthe logs to a landing area.This master thesis work is about realization of a dynamic forwarder simulation model, and itspurpose is to provide an integrated forwarder simulation model in MATLAB/SimMechanicswhere the forwarder is based on a concept using pendulum arms to connect wheels and chassis.Active suspension control is developed and implemented into the simulation model, and finallycompared in simulation with passive suspension.In a first step, an integrated forwarder simulation model is developed, containing a simplifiedforwarder model, a tire-to-ground interaction model and a test track model. The simplifiedforwarder model is based a rigid multi-body system with a spring-damper suspension of thependulum arms. The tire-to-ground interaction model calculates the reaction forces, friction fromthe ground and applies the propulsion force. The test track model is a simplified version of thereal test track in Skogforsk. The propulsion wheel torque control is used to regulate theforwarder speed.

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