956 Uppsatser om Drying climate - Sida 13 av 64
Energieffektivisering på Vista
Sweden has distinct seasons with cold winter and temperatures down to minus 25 ?C andpleasant summers with temperatures above 20 ?C. During spring and autumn there could becomechallenges with precipitation. The diverse climate in Sweden affects many homeowners. For thepeople living in leisure boats and permanent housing boats the seasonal changes are clearlyimpacting their economy and the indoor climate.
Simuleringsprogram som verktyg vid projektering av solvärme
The government regulations for energy use in buildings will be tightened in the future. At the same time the interest in environmental classifications and certifications of buildings is increasing. This has meant a new situation for solar energy. The designs of solar heating systems are often based on experience and/or rules of thumb, rather than calculations and simulations. This thesis examines whether simulation tools, in this case Polysun, are useful in this work.
Klimatsäkrare städer : klimatförändringar, stadsplanering och översvämningar
The numbers of natural disasters caused by extreme weather are increasing through out the world. A large majority of the research concerning the climate shows that this is a trend that can be expected to continue. At the same time the urbanisation is increasing more than ever and for the first time in history more than fifty percent of the population lives in a city. How we build these cities will have a crucial importance for our adaption to the new climate. In Sweden, our capacity for an adaption are high because of our economic situation as well as our rather well built society.
Energikloka hus i Järinge - energiteknisk uppföljning
Energy-wise houses in Järinge - technical follow-up The company JM built energy-efficient houses in Tensta in Stockholm. They have built a total of 16 houses divided into two parts of A-houses and B-houses. The buildings are an attempt by JM to minimize energy-use of the buildings without affecting the comfort and living standards. The project aims to examine the data for the 16 houses on the basis of data and produce a report showing how the buildings worked through a technical perspective. JM approximates that the purchased energy will not be higher than 95 kWh/m2 per year.
Grovfoder för dikor
This literature review examines different forages which are well suited for suckle cow production in Sweden today. They should also be possible to cultivate in Sweden under the current circumstances. Crops suitable for grazing in Swedish climate but not used in Sweden today, but which may be relevant for Swedish conditions are also mentioned. In Sweden today, mainly grass silage, straw and hay are used as forage, but also wholecrop silage is used to some extent. However, concentrates are not used to a greater extent, since it contains too much energy.
Handel med utsläppsrätter - hur företagsstrategier påverkas :
Climate change is one of the most difficult problems that humans have to deal with. Today, the evidence of human effects on the climate change and the rise of temperature on earth are strong. It is extremely important that all countries get together and cooperate in order to be able to solve the problem with climate change. One step in the work on climate changes is the Convention on Climate Change, which was agreed on in 1992. The Convention on Climate Change resulted in the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.
The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement between a number of industrialized countries to limit or reduce the green gas emissions.
Relationen mellan motivation och målorientering, upplevd förmåga samt uppfattat motivationsklimat hos gymtränande kvinnor och män
The purpose was to examine relations between motivation and goal orientation, perceived ability and perceived motivational climate among persons working out in gym. Another purpose was to study differences in motivation, perceived ability and motivational climate among men and women. The final purpose was to study interactional effects on the dependent variable motivation. The participants were 59 men and 69 women. The instruments used were Task and Ego Goal Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), Harter´s Competence scale and part of Mahoneys R-5 test.
Energianvändning i badhus : Simulering och jämförelse av gamla och nya system
Every year new premises are built in Sweden, and even if they are made as energy efficient as possible, this will not reduce the energy demands, but the rate of the increase of the energy use will be reduced. One type of facility in Sweden that is a major energy user is public baths, and this makes public baths an interesting facility to study more closely. There are around 500 public baths in Sweden and about 75 % of those can be seen as older baths with large need of renovation, and they all require a high level of energy efficiency measures. To show how the energy demand increase or decrease depending on the changes chosen to be made, the simulation application IDA Indoor Climate and Energy was used. Simulations were made and compared for several cases, with two extreme cases as starting points.
Träkolslera - en experimentell studie av blandningsförfarandet
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bygghantverk, 22,5 hp, 2015..
När Arktis isar smälter tinar världen upp? : En kvalitativ analys av det vidgade säkerhetsbegreppet i den svenska strategin för den arktiska regionen
This study is called When the ice of the Arctic melts is the world defrosting? and written by Rebecca Fröling.The purpose of the study is to investigate how the concept ?security? is used in the Swedish arctic strategy and why the concept is described in that way. The debate of the concept ?security? has been going on for years, but the debate is still present today. What we put in to the concept is operative for how we regard and discuss security and security politics.To analyze the strategy I used two theories, one with a traditional approach and one with a critical approach to security: Realism and Copenhagen School.The method that has been applied to the study is qualitative content analysis, to be able to analyze the text on the depth.
MIljöifiering "Hur vi slutade att oroa oss för framtiden och gjorde något för att förändra den! "
Denna uppsats syftar till att ta fram ett teoretiskt underlag för hur miljöprojektet CLICC (Climate Living In Cities Concept) i Malmö skulle kunna utvecklas med hjälp av teorier kring de relativt nya begreppen Spelifiering och Captology. Målet är att förbättra den miljökommunikativa processen där de boende i bostadsförening Hilda ska motiveras att minska sina koldioxidutsläpp med 50 procent. Metoden för denna studie utgörs av en kombinerad litteratur- och en fallstudie.
Forskningen kring Spelifiering, Captology och miljökommunikation utgör grunden för denna studie. Detta har sedan kompletterats med en intervju där Miljöförvaltningens projektansvarige för CLICC har gett sin bild av projektet och de hinder som existerar.
Uppsatsen utmynnar i ett antal teoretiskt grundade förslag som behandlar möjligheten att, med hjälp av Spelifiering och Captology, överbrygga miljökommunikativa hinder och uppmuntra de boende till att både delta i projektet och förändra sin livsstil i en mer miljöanpassad riktning..
Erosionsskydd i strandzoner :
Erosion in coastal areas is a common problem all around the world. The range of the problem depends on several factors, i.e. type of bed-rock and soil, wind and wave climate. Another factor is whether the area is of high interest, i.e. if the area is important for tourism and recreation, if there are houses and other buildings close to the shoreline or if it is a site of special scientific interest.
Torkning och pelletering av organiskt hushållsavfall - en konstruktionslösning
The research in this paper aims to producing a home version machine thatcan dry and make biological waste into compact pellets. This product ismade primarily for those who want to improve the environment and reducethe energy consuming process of separating the biological leftovers fromother waste in the large processing plants and save money due to reducedpickups of waste. Since there is no commercially available product thatdoes what we want to achieve we had to start from the beginning with boththe design and the mechanical aspects. The result is a machine, that fits inour homes, and in an easy and inexpensive way reduces the amount ofbiological waste that needs to be collected by the public wastetransportation system. This is done without reducing any of the energy inthe waste and it can still be used to compost or by large-scale plants that usethe waste to make electricity.
Torkklimat under byggproduktion : En kvantitativ studie baserad på klimatdata och litteraturstudier
En utmaning under produktionen är uttorkning av byggfukt i byggnadens betongbjälklag. Om uttorkningen försenas kan golvbeläggningar inte appliceras i rätt tid, men att arbetet forceras är inte ett alternativ, då risken finns att fuktskador uppkommer under driftsskedet. Avgörande för att uttorkningen skall fortskrida enligt plan är att torkklimatet i byggnaden är gynnsamt för uttorkningsprocessen. För att kontrollera torkklimatet genomför företaget ett omfattande arbete genom att mäta klimatet, där dataloggar på olika platser i byggnaden registrerar luftens temperatur och relativa fuktighet. Tillsammans med trendmätningar i betong är tanken att insamlad data skall ge en bild av hur uttorkningen fortskrider.
Virkets formförändring och dess betydelse vid postning :
The purpose of this thesis was to create a saw pattern program for the sawmill industry. I have chosen to focus on the module that describes the shrinking on the wood. There are several theories about how the wood deforms by shrinking. Several hypotheses were simulated in the program and after testing them I decided to use only one of them (hypothesis C).
The program is written in Visual Basic .NET and I choused that program language because it
is easy to do changes in the layout. Another great advantage in Visual .Net is that you can mix different languages in the same program.