

811 Uppsatser om Drug therapy - Sida 25 av 55

?En sista utväg? : Gymnasieungdomars föreställningar kring ungdomar som rymmer eller kastas ut hemifrån

The purpose of this study was to examine high school students conceptions of young people who run away or get thrown out of their homes. Earlier research shows that this group of young people often come from families were physical, psychological and sexual abuse is reappearing factors. They often face a life of homelessness, drug abuse and prostitution. Still there is little research done about this phenomenon and what kind of help and support these young people could need. This study was done in a qualitative approach with the use of focus groups.

Bemötandet inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ studie om klienters upplevelser

The aim of this study was to examine how clients who have or have previously had a drug- and/or alcohol addiction experienced interchanges with social workers. In this study, eight semi-structured interviews were made with respondents from an out-patient clinic in a small town in Sweden. Questions were asked regarding clients? experience of the social workers' attitudes during the initial meeting as well as all continuing meetings. Other possible variables that affected the interchanges, either positively or negatively, including how the clients wanted to be treated, were also explored.

Det goda livet: betydelsen av idrott och fysisk aktivitet för ungdom med funktionsnedsättning: en fallstudie

Syftet med denna fallstudie var att undersöka betydelsen av idrott och fysisk aktivitet för ungdom med funktionsnedsättning. En ungdom och hans mamma intervjuades. Datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Fyra kategorier framkom: att vara del av en gemenskap, att känna sig kompetent och utnyttja sin potential, att ha hälsa, glädje och välbefinnande, och att skapa en grund att bygga vidare på. Kategorierna bildade temat: det goda livet ? nu och i framtiden.

Kastration av katt

This student report is about neutering male and female cats and compares early ageneutering to neutering at the traditional age of 6 months.The main focus in this report is early age neutering, which means that neutering isperformed when the kittens are between 6 and 16 weeks of age. This technique has beenused by shelters in the United States for a long time, to prevent the adopted cats fromreproduce and contribute to the problem of overpopulation.Two different surgical methods are also addressed; the ventral midline incision and thelateral flank approach. Ovariohysterectomy and ovariectomy are also compared.I also address which drugs are preferable when kittens are neutered and some importantguidelines where you have to be extra careful when dealing with kittens.These guidelines are the preanesthetic evaluation, calculating drug dosages and preventinghypothermia, hypoglycaemia and stress.The report also has a summary of the concerns regarding early age neutering such asanaesthetic risks, growth disorders and growth plate fractures, urologic diseases andimmune system dysfunction, obesity, altered metabolism and behavioural changes.The sex hormones and how they change after neutering is also included.At the end of the report there is a compilation of a questionnaire that consists of eightquestions that I sent out to various animal hospitals and veterinary clinics in Sweden..

Kromatografi av polära läkemedel och metaboliter med HILIC-teknik

The purpose of this project was to investigate if retention of polar compounds that are given to treat tuberculosis, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease and childhood leukemia could be obtained with HILIC separation. By varying different parameters for different types of columns the compounds were analyzed with the aim of finding guidelines for future method optimizations. To perform these analyzes three different columns were tested ? ZIC-HILIC (silica-based with zwitterions), ZIC-pHILIC (polymer-based with zwitterions) and XBridge Amide (amide functions). The results were evaluated with selected quality measures.

Upplevelser av utomhusaktiviteter för personer över 75 år som bor i det egna hemmet.

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva upplevelser av utomhusaktiviteter hos personer över 75 år som bor i det egna hemmet. För att besvara studiens syfte genomfördes 11 semistrukturerade intervjuer. Inklusionskriterier var att deltagarna i studien skulle vara över 75 år, bo i det egna hemmet, ej ha kognitiva nedsättningar samt att de talade svenska. Data analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resulterade i tre kategorier: ?Göra som de gjort tidigare?, ?Fysisk miljö och årstider som begränsande faktor? och ?Att vara delaktig och interagera med andra?.

Ett barn som alla andra? : En intervjustudie om familjehemsföräldrars uppfattningar om etnicitet

This study aims to examine how the interventions for homeless persons in the municipality of Kalmar are organized. The study is based on four half-structured qualitative interviews with both representatives from different instances and also from persons who have experience of being homeless.The theoretical bases we have used to analyze the material are organization theory, specifically the concept of bureaucracy. Our results show that homelessness is not seen as a problem in itself, since the general view is that homeless people often have a complex problem scenario where drug- and alcohol abuse and mental illness are common.It is often the latter that takes priority in the interventions and the housing question is therefore neglected. We also found that social services do not have a satisfactory structure around the organization of the work on homelessness. They do not have any specific device in Kalmar that focus on homelessness issues with the result that the existing units are forced to take care of the work of homelessness.


Bakgrund: Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) är en folksjukdom, som påverkar kroppen både fysiskt och emotionellt. Enligt världshälsoorganisationen beräknas sjukdomen öka och bli den tredje största dödsorsaken år 2030. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa patienters upplevelser av att leva med KOL genom frågeställningen; hur upplevs det emotionellt av att leva med KOL. Metod: En litteraturstudie bestående av tio kvalitativa artiklar genom databassökning i CINAHL, Medline och PubMed. Resultat: Det framkom en rad olika känslor i relation till olika upplevelser. Fyra huvudkategorier identifierades till: upplevelser av fysiska begränsningar, upplevelser av att leva med syrgas, upplevelser av minskad självständighet och betydelsen av sociala relationer.

Skinner i kuddrummet : Personalfaktorer i förskola som påverkar effekten av beteendeterapi för barn med autism

Flera olika behandlingsmetoder för autism finns utvecklade, även om bäst stöd finns för intensiv beteendeterapi (IBT). Variationen i behandlingseffekt inom IBT är dock stor. I Sverige används IBT på förskolor, sannolikt med varierande framgång. 22 förskolor med 24 barn som fått IBT i två år undersöktes retrospektivt med telefonenkäter, och flera faktorer undersöktes för samband med barnens förbättring i adaptiv förmåga under samma period. Integration av träningen i förskolans verksamhet samt tränarens tilltro till metoden samvarierade med behandlingsutfall.

Farmakologisk omvårdnad hos äldre

Av de läkemedel som förskrivs i Sverige, konsumerar de äldre över 65 år ca 40 %. Anledningen är att denna grupp drabbas av många sjukdomar och behandlas med fler läkemedel. Äldre får generellt sett annorlunda och fler biverkningar än yngre. Syftet med uppsatsen var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan kan säkerställa en god farmakologisk omvårdnad hos äldre och uppmärksamma de konsekvenser som uppstår till följd av polyfarmaci. Studien utfördes som en litteraturstudie där 22 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och analyserades varefter två teman framträdde.

Vilken nutritionsbehandling har bäst effekt på tillväxten hos barn födda för tidigt och/eller med låg födelsevikt?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionTitle: ?What nutrition therapy has the best outcome on growth in preterm children and/or children born with low birth weight??Author: Josefine Nyström and Rebecca HammarSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 11, 2013Background: There is a number of reasons why a child is born preterm and with a low birth weight, for instance if the mother is underweight, smoking or exposed for malaria. The negative consequences of being born preterm or with a low birth weigth are many, both on long and short term. According to the WHO preterm birth is the most common direct cause of infant mortality. By providing the right measures in time when it comes to nutrition the mortality can be reduced considerably.Objective: To examine and summarise the scientific ground when it comes to the best nutrition therapy for preterm children and children born with a low birth weight.Search strategy: A systematic literature search was done in the databases Pubmed, Cohrane and Scopus.

Föräldrars uppfattningar om förändringar gällande aptit och måltidssituationer hos barn som medicineras mot ADHD vid Habiliteringen vid Uppsala läns landsting

The aim of this study was to examine if parents, of children diagnosed with ADHD, exprerienced any changes regarding their childrens appetite after starting psycostimulant treatment. Further more the aim was to examine what kind of changes concerning the appetite that were found and if they affected the meal situation as a whole.Method: A questionnaire study was conducted in the spring of 2011. The study included 81 parent?s to children who were enrolled at the Habilitation in Uppsala and medicated with psychostimulants for ADHD. The children's ages ranged between six and 18 years.

Barn som utsätts för våld i nära relationer : Vilken hjälp bistår socialtjänsten med?

The main purpose of this study is to find out what kind of help social service in one selected municipality in Sweden can provide for children who have witnessed or been victims of domestic violence. Using focus group interview this study investigate how the social workers meet the needs of these children. The bases for our analysis are the Organization Theory and the Attachment Theory, as well as previous research. Important results are that the social services are dependent on notifications in order to do their work and that the most common interventions are foster care, emergency foster care and/or family therapy. The difficulties that social workers perceive their work are unjustified families and heavy workloads.

Magomvridning :

The purpose of the study was to review the current veterinary literature regarding gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV) considering pathophysiology and treatment, and to evaluate the operative technique (incisional gastropexy) used during the years 2005 and 2006 at the University Animal Hospital (Universitetsdjursjukhuset), SLU, Uppsala, Sweden. GDV has a complicated pathophysiology which foremost effects the circulatory system. Progress is often acute and it is not unusual that patients are affected with shock. The initial treatment targets to alleviate the shock by fluid therapy and decompression of the stomach. There is a high risk of recurrence in the long term perspective unless the stomach is surgically fixated by gastropexy. The study describes two different techniques for gastropexy; incisional gastropexy, and funduspexy. Long term complications were rare among the patients that were treated surgically, while about half out of the eighteen dogs that undergo surgery do experience complications of various severity in the short term..

Att leva med missbrukare : En studie om medberoende kvinnor från Sydostasien

The purpose of this essay was to examine female immigrants of South East Asia who have lived together with a drug addict and how they were affected and let themselves be influenced by that, and to study their reactions to such situations.The main questions were:· How do the women describe their personal relationship matters with their husbands with focus on abuse / co-dependency?· How do they show their co-dependency in actions?· How do the women handle their co-dependency?I chose a qualitative method because my purpose was to get a comprehension and hopefully find a pattern in the life situation in this specific target group. Regarding the collection of dataI used both primary data in the frame of interviews with persons connected to the problem, and secondary data in the form of earlier studies in that field.As the main result I found that these women lived in a severe stress. They were affected both psychically and physically by the abuse of their partners. They developed different strategies of survival to stand the reality and to save the family.

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