

7280 Uppsatser om Drug management - Sida 4 av 486

Den socialpolitiska diskussion som lade grunden för narkotikastrafflagen 1968

The problem with narcotics is one of Sweden?s biggest social problems. Statistics shows thatthe number of narcotic related deaths and the numbers of heavy drug users are increasing. Thepresent narcotic policy has been questioned due to this increase. As a social worker you meetdrug users on a daily basis.

Föräldrar till vuxna narkotikamissbrukare och deras kontakter med socialtjänsten

The objective of this thesis was to study how parents of adult drug addicts experience their contact with the social welfare office, what elements affected the parents degree of satisfaction with the contact with the social welfare office, and whether the contact meant any help for them. Six parents of adult drug addicts were interviewed..

Gymnasieverksamheten : en kvalitativ undersökning om Ungdoms- och familjeteamets samverkan med gymnasieskolan och polisen i drogpreventivt arbete

Upper secondary schools programme - a qualitative study about the collaboration of the Youth- and family team, the upper secondary schools and the police to prevent drugsAuthor: Åsa GöranssonSupervisor: Björn JohanssonThis essay discuss drug preventative work performed by the members of the ?Upper secondary schools programme?, which is a part of the Youth- and family team of the Social Services. They perform this work in collaboration with the police and upper secondary schools in Örebro.The purpose of this essay is to investigate and describe this collaboration. More specifically, the purpose is to study the contents of documents of the municipality of Örebro concerning drug prevention aimed at youths through collaboration and compare with the actual work that is carried out by the Youth- and family team through collaboration. Further issues dealt with are possible improvements and if the parties concerned feel a need for a documented structure concerning their way of working.I have used a qualitative method and I have interviewed members of parties concerned.

"Här finns ingen tid att förlora" : professionellas tankar kring gravida missbrukare

The purpose of this paper has been to examine the ways in which professionals describe their work with pregnant drug-addicts. The paper raises the following questions;· How does the deviant behavior, that using drugs during pregnancy can be described as, affect the professionals in their work with pregnant drug-addicts?· How do the professionals experience their own role, and the roles of other professionals?· In what ways do they work in order to reach a favorable result with these clients?The paper is based on qualitative material, gathered through 14 interviews with professionals. By using theories of deviant behavior and attachment-theory between a child and its mother, our intention was to analyze the empirical results.From our interviews we have learned that the professionals consider some factors as more important than others for a favourable result in their work with pregnant drug-addicts. Such factors are for example the significance of a cooperation between different authorities and ethical awareness in meeting with the client..

Patienters följsamhet till läkemedelsordinationer- en litteraturstudie -

Background: One of the main concerns related to medical therapy is non-compliance to drugs. More than half of all patients do not comply with prescribed medication. Non-compliance to drug therapy leads to unnecessary suffering for the patient and there are no easy solutions to the problem. In order to create understanding for the individual patient it is important that medical staffs are enlightened on the existing problems concerning this matter. Purpose: To describe factors that effect compliance to drug prescription.

Läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem : En användarcentrerad utveckling av läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem

This thesis examines the problems related to IT in the Swedish healthcare system, specifically the drug searching part of the electronic healthcare systems used in Sweden. The question formulation is divided into two questions: What parameters and functions are of greatest importance when performing a search on drugs, and how should these be presented in a graphical user interface? Thus the purpose is to answer these questions through developing a design concept, in the form of a prototype, which describes how a drug search can be carried out.The entry point is a central quality checked drug database that is managed and owned by Swedish county councils and regions. The problem is attacked through user-centered methods where interviews of physicians and developers, in conjunction with observations, are used to give an overview of the problem area as well as to specify a requirements specification for the prototype that this thesis aims to develop. The thesis result is a requirements specification in combination with a prototype that exemplifies how drug searching can be performed, the prototype is based the requirements gathered from the interviews with the user group of physicians..

Från droger till förvandlande gemenskap : En studie om de sociala nätverkens betydelse utifrån LP-verksamhetens eftervård

The aim with our study was to understand former addict´s experience of social networks from the Lewi Pethrus foundation (LP foundation) aftercare. The method we have used is qualitative semi-structured interviews. We have interviewed eight persons, four men and four women. They have all been in contact with the LP foundation and are today drug free. The result of the study has shown that the fellowship, in the different social networks have been very important to maintain a drug free life.

Olika kommuner - olika förutsättningar? : En jämförande studie av två olika kommuners missbrukarvård och dess konsekvenser för klienten

Our main purpose has been to describe and compare two community's ways of organising and executing the social welfare sectors drug and alcohol abuse programs. We also wanted to explain the similarities and differences we found with the help of an organisations theoretical perspective. A second purpose has been to try to find out if the difference affects the clients possibility to receive equal care.To find out how the community's organise and execute their drug and alcohol programs, we interviewed two social workers in leading positions in Landskrona and Ängelholm. We have further more, to find out if the differences we found influencing the clients possibility to recieve equal care, completed an inquiry with fictional cases that all of the involved social workers, at each community, built an opinion upon.Our main result showed more simmularities than differences in our two community's ways of organasing and executing their drug and alcohol programs. We judged the clients possibility to adequate care to be equally sufficient no matter where he sought care, since our study showed that the social workers choice of approach did not differ significantly between the two communities, even though we found differences in their way to organise and execute the social welfare sectors drug and alcohol abuse programs..

Återhämtning från alkohol och drogproblem : - en fenomenologisk studie av fyra människors återhämtningsprocesser

The aim of this study is to increase understanding about addiction recovery. More specifically, we want to know what people who have had problems with alcohol and/or other drugs perceive as helpful and important for their recovery process and how we can understand this process.The study was conducted by means of qualitative semi-structured interviews with four people who have had alcohol and/or other drug problems. The analysis is based on a transtheoretical model of change from addictive behaviours, coping, interactionist theories and also a recovery perspective, inspired by research on recovery from mental illness . Main findings are that recovery from addiction can be understood as an individual process that takes place in a social context and can follow expected phases, although there are large individual differences in the process. Through the recovery process it has been of importance to the participants in the study to redefine themselves and their problems, get support from others, find ways to cope with their problems, get involved in meaningful activities and to expand their social roles.

Har ungdomars deltagande i organiserade fritidsaktiviteter och framtidstro betydelse för normbrytande beteende?

Title: Has youth participation in organized extracurricular activities and future expectation relevance for antisocial behavior? Zetterberg, E. (2015). Has youth participation in organized extracurricular activities and future expectation relevance for antisocial behavior? Bachelor thesis in Public Health science.

Hälsoeffekter av patientundervisning och läkemedelsanvändning vid Parkinsons sjukdom

AbstractBackgroundParkinson?s disease is a chronically not curable progressive disease that leads to different degrees of disability. Controlled studies on how patient education influences subjective health in Parkinson?s disease are lacking.AimThe aim of this study was to examine the influence patient education had on drug requirements and on subjective health status of persons with Parkinson?s disease.MethodologyA short form of Health Survey, SF-12, was used to measure perceived health. SF-12 was administered before and one month after patient education (intervention group; n= 48), and in waiting list control (n= 48).

Framgångsfaktorer i ett drogpreventivt förändringsarbete

This masters degree is a study of factors of success in a drug preventions work of change and model or method which could facilitate this work. The target group, which is in focus in this survey, is alcohol- and drug coordinators, also called prevention coordinators who?s main task is to develop and coordinate the preventive work in the alcohol and drugs area. My method of investigation is a combination of literature studies and a quantitative poll study with the target group, alcohol and drug presenters?, in Sweden.

A targeted evaluation of OpenEye?s methods for virtual ligand screens and docking

The process of drug discovery is very slow and expensive. There is a need for reliable in silico methods; however the performance of these methods differs.This work presents a targeted study on how the drug discovery methods used in OpenEye?s tools ROCS, EON and FRED perform on targets with small ligands. It was examined if 12 compounds (markers) somewhat similar to AMP could be detected by ROCS in a random data set comprised of 1000 compounds. It was also examined if EON could find any electrostatic similarities between the queries and the markers.

Säker läkemedelshantering - Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskan

Läkemedelshanteringen är ett av sjuksköterskans ansvarsområden inom hälso- och sjukvården. Utifrån kunskap och lagar skall den bedrivas på ett patientsäkert sätt men trots det sker läkemedelshanteringsfel vilket innebär risker i patientsäkerheten.Syftet med studien var att beskriva faktorer som påverkar säkerheten i samband med sjuksköterskans läkemedelshantering. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie. Resultatet visade att vanliga läkemedelshanteringsfel är utebliven dos, fel administreringstid, fel dos, fel administreringssätt, fel läkemedel och läkemedel till fel patient. Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans läkemedelshantering är felaktiga och dåligt skrivna läkemedelsordinationer, distraktion under läkemedelshanteringen, bristande rutiner samt införande av ny teknologi.

Genus i förvaltningsrätten : En diskursanalys av LVM-domar

Gender in Administrative Court of Appeal - A discourse analysis of verdicts concerning compulsory drug treatmentThe purpose of this study was to examine gender discourses that could be identified inverdicts concerning compulsory drug treatment. A discourse analysis was conducted of 46verdicts from an administrative court of appeal, located in central Sweden. The main findingsof the study was that the descriptions of women, more often than men, are based on factorsother than their addiction, such as appearance and social environment. Men are in all casesdescribed by their addiction and on their own behavior. Women are presented as they riskvulnerability, while men are presented already suffer from vulnerability.

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