

484 Uppsatser om Drug and Alcohol - Sida 22 av 33

Kastration av katt

This student report is about neutering male and female cats and compares early ageneutering to neutering at the traditional age of 6 months.The main focus in this report is early age neutering, which means that neutering isperformed when the kittens are between 6 and 16 weeks of age. This technique has beenused by shelters in the United States for a long time, to prevent the adopted cats fromreproduce and contribute to the problem of overpopulation.Two different surgical methods are also addressed; the ventral midline incision and thelateral flank approach. Ovariohysterectomy and ovariectomy are also compared.I also address which drugs are preferable when kittens are neutered and some importantguidelines where you have to be extra careful when dealing with kittens.These guidelines are the preanesthetic evaluation, calculating drug dosages and preventinghypothermia, hypoglycaemia and stress.The report also has a summary of the concerns regarding early age neutering such asanaesthetic risks, growth disorders and growth plate fractures, urologic diseases andimmune system dysfunction, obesity, altered metabolism and behavioural changes.The sex hormones and how they change after neutering is also included.At the end of the report there is a compilation of a questionnaire that consists of eightquestions that I sent out to various animal hospitals and veterinary clinics in Sweden..

Förbudsvänner och förbudsomståndare i offentligheten : Propaganda i Karlstad inför alkoholförbudsomröstningen 1922

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how the temperance movement IOGT in Karlstadcampaigned for people to vote for a referendum on alcohol in 1922 and how it has been tackled bythe local press. To answer the purpose a qualitative text interpretation has been used from IOGT'smeetings protocols and the local press used are the two largest newspapers in Karlstad during thisperiod of time, Karlstads-Tidningen and Nya Wermlands-Tidningen. The type of examinationperformed is called interpretive case study where it has been used a theoretical basis. Thetheoretical point is Habermas Bourgeois publicity also been used by Lars Båtefalk in his thesisStaten, samhället och superiet. Can the temperance movement be said to take part of the publicsphere?The results show that IOGT during this period have grown large enough to be a part of the publicwhich Båtefalk mean was not the case around 1900.

Kromatografi av polära läkemedel och metaboliter med HILIC-teknik

The purpose of this project was to investigate if retention of polar compounds that are given to treat tuberculosis, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease and childhood leukemia could be obtained with HILIC separation. By varying different parameters for different types of columns the compounds were analyzed with the aim of finding guidelines for future method optimizations. To perform these analyzes three different columns were tested ? ZIC-HILIC (silica-based with zwitterions), ZIC-pHILIC (polymer-based with zwitterions) and XBridge Amide (amide functions). The results were evaluated with selected quality measures.

Den gode, den onde, den fulle : En narrativ analys av journalister på vita duken

This study highlights the stereotypical depictions of journalists in film using a narrative analysis of four major Hollywood productions, starting with All the President?s Men from 1976 through The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from 2011. Its purpose is to highlight traits given to journalists in the movies and re-occuring themes in the portrayal of the media and the journalistic occupation. Differences and commonalities between the films are concluded in a discussion of ethics, personalities and the media?s self image.

Farmakologisk omvårdnad hos äldre

Av de läkemedel som förskrivs i Sverige, konsumerar de äldre över 65 år ca 40 %. Anledningen är att denna grupp drabbas av många sjukdomar och behandlas med fler läkemedel. Äldre får generellt sett annorlunda och fler biverkningar än yngre. Syftet med uppsatsen var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan kan säkerställa en god farmakologisk omvårdnad hos äldre och uppmärksamma de konsekvenser som uppstår till följd av polyfarmaci. Studien utfördes som en litteraturstudie där 22 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och analyserades varefter två teman framträdde.

Krögares förhållningssätt till berusningsdrickande

AbstraktÅberg, E. & Öhrn, L. (2008) Krögares förhållningssätt till berusningsdrickande. C-uppsats i pedagogik. Institution för pedagogik, didaktik och psykologi.

Vad är hälsa för män?

Abstract P. Hed. (2011) What is health for men? Bachelor thesis. Gävle: University of Gävle, Faculty of health and occupational studies; 2011.

Ungdomars attityder till att köra mopedonyktra

Det övergripande syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka vad som påverkar unga mopedförares intentioner till att köra alkoholpåverkade.  Ytterligare ett syfte var att belysa de generella attityder till alkohol- och trafikrelaterade frågor som finns bland svenska ungdomar. Samtliga resultat och analyser baserades på en enkätundersökning utförd av Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI). Enkäten vände sig till gymnasieelever och i analyserna behandlades svar från 1 933 elever i åldersintervallet 15 ? 21 år.De statistiska analyserna innefattade ?2-test samt en ordinal logistisk regressionsmodell. Resultaten visade att ungdomarna generellt såg det som oacceptabelt att köra moped med alkohol i blodet.

Föräldrars uppfattningar om förändringar gällande aptit och måltidssituationer hos barn som medicineras mot ADHD vid Habiliteringen vid Uppsala läns landsting

The aim of this study was to examine if parents, of children diagnosed with ADHD, exprerienced any changes regarding their childrens appetite after starting psycostimulant treatment. Further more the aim was to examine what kind of changes concerning the appetite that were found and if they affected the meal situation as a whole.Method: A questionnaire study was conducted in the spring of 2011. The study included 81 parent?s to children who were enrolled at the Habilitation in Uppsala and medicated with psychostimulants for ADHD. The children's ages ranged between six and 18 years.

Är cannabis den nya folkölen? : Unga cannabisanvändares tal om cannabis

The aim of this study was to examine young adult cannabis users? attitudes towards cannabis and their perception of the normalization of cannabis. The purpose was also to explore how their views of cannabis correspond with norms regarding cannabis. This study is based on interviews with five young adult cannabis users. The theoretical framework is based on Parker?s normalization thesis, Goffman?s notion of stigma, Becker?s definition of outsiders and the definition of social identity developed by Stone.

Gruppverksamhet för barn till missbrukare : en jämförande studie av två gruppmodeller

In Sweden approximately ten percent of all children grows up in a family where at least one parent is having an alcohol related addiction. Since 1998 the development of group activities for children in this situation has been immense. The aim of group activities is to break the child's isolation and make them feel that they are not lonely in their experiences, give them knowledge about addiction and relive the pressure of guilt and responsibility.In a comparative study we examined studied how two different group activity models one with the conception of illness and one without, use the children's network to support the group process. The aim was also to find each models definition of the "normal family", since we understood the groupactivity as a part in the normalization process. We reached our aim through interviews with group leaders and by literature studies.

Att leva med missbrukare : En studie om medberoende kvinnor från Sydostasien

The purpose of this essay was to examine female immigrants of South East Asia who have lived together with a drug addict and how they were affected and let themselves be influenced by that, and to study their reactions to such situations.The main questions were:· How do the women describe their personal relationship matters with their husbands with focus on abuse / co-dependency?· How do they show their co-dependency in actions?· How do the women handle their co-dependency?I chose a qualitative method because my purpose was to get a comprehension and hopefully find a pattern in the life situation in this specific target group. Regarding the collection of dataI used both primary data in the frame of interviews with persons connected to the problem, and secondary data in the form of earlier studies in that field.As the main result I found that these women lived in a severe stress. They were affected both psychically and physically by the abuse of their partners. They developed different strategies of survival to stand the reality and to save the family.

Införande av IT-system i slutenvården : En studie vid Lasarettet i Enköping

As the ability to computerize processes and tasks increase, the proliferation of complex systems in our society continues. How these systems are deployed in the organizations where they are meant to be utilized has been shown to have a large impact on how well they function.In January of 2011 the Enköping hospital initiated the deployment of an IT-support for drug management, a module in the general health care system Cambio COSMIC. Other health care providers in the county, and in the rest of Sweden, have had mixed feelings toward the module. Some have outright refused the module, claiming that it is detrimental to patient safety. One of the arguments for deploying the module in Enköping, however, was that it was needed to improve patient safety.The Enköping hospital is considered to be a well organized institution with good leadership and earlier good experiences regarding IT-systems.

Jag fortsätter komma tillbaka : en studie i hur drogberoende integreras i samhället med hjälp av Anonyma Narkomaner och Socialtjänsten

The main purpose of this essay was to find out how members of Narcotics Anonymous and professionals within the socila service departments define integration of drug addicts, and ascertain how they experience their parts in the integration process. We have wanted to examine which factors that are essential for the earlier drogabuser in his rehabilitation to the ordinary world.We wanted to find out as much as possible of the integration aspect. That´s the reason for our choice to do qualitative interviews with both people from the social service department and Narcotics Anonymous. We also obtained material from relevant litterature. In our analysis, we have started from three theoretical basis.

En studie på hur hanteringen av anställdas alkoholproblem upplevs fungera.

Alkoholmissbruk kan orsaka sociala och ekonomiska konsekvenser för familjer och resten av samhället. Arbetsplatsen som arena är viktig för folkhälsoarbete. Där finns möjligheten att fånga upp och påverka människor, som visar sig ha ett riskbeteende när det gäller alkoholkonsumtion. Mellan åren 1996 och 2004 ökade den totala alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige när det gäller ren alkohol. Sedan avskaffandet av införselkvoterna har konsumtionen i landet fram till år 2010 successivt minskat.

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