

484 Uppsatser om Drug and Alcohol - Sida 12 av 33

Sjuksköterskors attityder gentemot patienter med alkohol- och/eller narkotikaproblem : - En litteraturstudie

Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors attityder gentemot patienter med alkohol- och/eller narkotikaproblem. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där sökorden nurs* och attitudes kombinerades med alcohol, misus* och drug abuse i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor hade fördomar gentemot patienter med alkohol- och/eller narkotikaproblem. Sjuksköterskor ansåg att dessa patienter var oförutsägbara och farliga för andra och sjuksköterskor beskrev även en rädsla för dessa patienter. Även positiva attityder hos sjuksköterskor framkom, då vissa sjuksköterskor ville hjälpa patienter med alkohol- och/eller narkotikaproblem.

Samsjuklighet och förbättring : En kvantitativ studie om personer med missbruk och samtidig svår psykisk störning på Södermalm i Stockholm

The purpose of this paper was to examine how clients on the unit for adults at Södemalms district administration (Stockholm, Sweden) with severe mental illness and substance abuse differs from other clients with substance abuse at the baseline and at follow-up one year later. We have used a quantitative method and analyzed material from ASI-interviews performed at the adult drug abuse unit at Södermalm during the time period 2002-2010. At the baseline the clients with substance abuse and co-occurring severe mental illness have more problems than other clients, primarily in the area of mental health. They spend more time alone and are more likely to engage in illegal activities. Interviewers assess their situation as more serious and that they need more help in all of ASI's areas of life than other clients.

Utforskning av ungdomar med problematisk bakgrund och deras syn på möjligheter och hinder för att förbättra sin hälsa : Samhällsinsatser riktade mot ungdomar

Gistrand, C. has studied ?Explore young people's problematic backgrounds and their views on the opportunities and obstacles in order to improve their health?, University of Gävle in the course theory and method of application and thesis work.The object of the study was to give young people space to make their voices heard. Further on to make unemployed youths perceptions of perceived opportunities and obstacles in their way to get a job, internship or study, visible. The object of the study was also to show youths? views of health and what they thought about the contributions to society.The method was qualitative, with three semi-structured interviews with men between 20-24 years old (and problematic childhoods, for instance alcohol and drug use) was conducted..The result shows that unemployment increases the risk of illness and unhealthy habits.

Individens eget ansvar för alkoholmissbruk : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares attityder till alkoholmissbruk

The aim of this study is to investigate social workers? attitudes toward alcohol abuse, regarding the relationship between the individuals? own responsibility of causing and solving its addiction. The thesis also aims to gain a deeper understanding of what the respondents perceive as important in the creation of these attitudes. In this qualitative study six social workers who all have experiences of working with clients suffering from alcohol abuse are interviewed. The results from the interviews are analyzed with social constructivism as theoretical framework, as well as theories regarding how attitudes are created.

Är egenföretagande en riskfaktor för alkoholmissbruk?: en studie om egenföretagande och dess villkor kan vara riskfaktorer för alkoholmissbruk

The aim of this essay was to obtain an understanding about company owners thinking about the connection between having an own company, and the risks for an alcoholic abuse. The risk factor I was researching was stress, alcoholic culture, accessibility and rehabilitation.I have interviewed five owners of small companies, two women and three men, which represents four different kinds of branches. The theories I used in analysing the empirical findings where the theories of psychosocial work environment of Lazarus, Karaseks demand/control model, epidemiology- and culture perspective.I have found that the main stress factors for company owners where the economical stress and great load of work. The stress was also related to the fact that company owners of small companies often were alone with all the responsibility and problems.Women did not use alcohol very often as a tool to reduce stress. If individuals were using alcohol to reduce their stress, it also had to deal with their ability of coping and also what channels they had for coping..

Äldres upplevelser av apoteksprivatiseringen : Konsekvenser efter privatiseringen av de svenska apoteken

ABSTRACTThe privatization of pharmacies in Sweden took place in 2009, in part with higher availability of medicines as justification. For a good adherence, the patients needs a good availability of medicines from pharmacies. The aim of the study was that two years after the pharmacy reform study older people?s opinions on drug supply and pharmacy services, and which pharmacy chains they know about and use. The method used was a quantitative cross-sectional study and was conducted using questionnaires.

Bemötande vid självskadebeteende : litteraturstudie om personer med självskadebeteendes upplevelser av bemötande i vården

Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors attityder gentemot patienter med alkohol- och/eller narkotikaproblem. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där sökorden nurs* och attitudes kombinerades med alcohol, misus* och drug abuse i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor hade fördomar gentemot patienter med alkohol- och/eller narkotikaproblem. Sjuksköterskor ansåg att dessa patienter var oförutsägbara och farliga för andra och sjuksköterskor beskrev även en rädsla för dessa patienter. Även positiva attityder hos sjuksköterskor framkom, då vissa sjuksköterskor ville hjälpa patienter med alkohol- och/eller narkotikaproblem.

"Hur dricker du?" : En studie av kommunikationsstrategiers utfall hos målgruppen med avseende på olika konsumtionsbakgrund

In this paper the authors aim to examine the effects on consumers using different strategies in a campaign within social marketing. A model by Evans et al (1996) has been used in order to see the different steps in which advertising catches the viewers? attention and eventually leads to action or purchasing. However, in the case of this thesis, the intention of the chosen campaign is to change the consumers? attitudes and behavior towards alcohol.

Hur är ungdomars förhåll-ningssätt till krogbesök? En kvalitativ intervjustudie

This paper is about finding out why minors are visiting pubs, and what it is that determines which pubs they opt to visit. To catch this, a qualitative approach is applied, specifically Fo-cus group interviews. There are interviews with a total of 10 informants. The informants come from two different schools in Gothenburg. There are six boys and four girls.

Spindeln i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers möjligheter och hinder i arbetet kring elever som har föräldrar med alkohol- eller annat drogmissbruk.

The aim of this essay was to describe how school social workers can help and support students with parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs. We wanted to see how school social workers room for action is presented and how it affects their work with students living with parents who are abusing. We used a qualitative method to elucidate how school social workers handle this issue in a more profound way. By conducting semistructured interviews with six school social workers in one province in southern Sweden we gained exhaustive and detailed answers. In the analysis we used street level bureaucracy and theory of recognition.

?Verksamhetsmålen, jag vet att de finns!? - en studie av en glesbygdskommuns verksamhetsmål utifrån personalens perceptioner inom Socialpsykiatrin

Blood-borne infectious diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) spread when the addicts share needles and injecting equipmentwithin contact networks. A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted in Winnipeg,Canada in December 2003 - September 2004. Through a special questionnaire, respondentswere asked to answer questions about themselves and about their contacts, about relationshipsand how they shared syringes and other injection supplies. Blood tests were used to identifywhether they carried any blood-borne infectious diseases. We selected some variables from theoriginal data set.

Fri att missbruka: tvingad till vård. En argumentationsanalys av 70-talets debatt om tvång i socialvården

Can coercive care be justified against Drug and Alcohol addicts or should treatment be offered on a strictly voluntary basis? This was one of the central questions debated in Sweden during the 70's when the development of a new social legislation, The Social Services Act (Socialtjänstlagen), took place. The first aim of this thesis was to analyse whether the arguments that were presented both in favour for and against coercion were sound. To achieve this, a method for analysing arguments was employed, where a sound argument is defined as acceptable, relevant and adequate. The analysed material consists of both official government reports and books of influential debaters.

Riskbeteende och sociala nätverk : Spridningen av blodburna infektionssjukdomar

Blood-borne infectious diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) spread when the addicts share needles and injecting equipmentwithin contact networks. A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted in Winnipeg,Canada in December 2003 - September 2004. Through a special questionnaire, respondentswere asked to answer questions about themselves and about their contacts, about relationshipsand how they shared syringes and other injection supplies. Blood tests were used to identifywhether they carried any blood-borne infectious diseases. We selected some variables from theoriginal data set.

Det finns hopp och möjligheter: levnadsvillkor och reflektioner från kvinnor som behandlades för dubbeldiagnos för tio år sedan

The purpose of this essay was a follow-up of four female drug abusers with several mental problems ten years after my initial meeting with them at Korsaröds Behandlingshem. Using a qualitative method and interviews with the women, knowledge was obtained regarding their current vital conditions and their subjective experiences of the treatment at Korsaröd. Their perspective on the ethical as well as their desired relationship with staff within social services was also accounted for. When contacted the women lived a content and drug free life in their own flats. The women stayed at Korsaröd approximately five years, and they said that without the treatment they would not be alive today.

En jämförande studie av enkät- och intervjumetod för mätning av alkoholvanor

Tidig upptäckt och intervention är av stor vikt när det gäller att komma till rätta med alkoholproblem. För att identifiera vilka som har alkoholproblem använder man sig inom vården av screeninginstrument. Dessa screeninginstrument kan distribueras på olika sätt, till exempel som enkät eller som intervju. Tidigare forskning har kommit fram till motstridiga resultat gällande vilket distributionssätt som ger den mest tillförlitliga informationen. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i svar till följd av distributionssätt.

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