

341 Uppsatser om Driving - Sida 21 av 23

Investeringar i klädproducerande fabriker i Södra Indien

Given that the end-customer has become more demanding, the retailer has to deliver products according to the market demands, which have forced manufacturing companies to constantly search for new opportunities to reduce costs and improve efficiency. It is, therefore important to choose suppliers that are able to compete with the market demands.The market demands in the textile industry have lead to shorter product life cycles, which have caused manufacturers to deliver flexibility with high technology to compete successfully on the global market. To achieve the market requirements the underlying factor is to be aware and optimally use and control time. New technology can have a major influence in the production development, if the company choose to take benefit of the advantages, by optimal allocation of the internal resources the productivity and efficiency will increase, to accomplish a competitive advantage. One way to achieve this is by investing in a Unit Production System.In our thesis we have questioned what the main Driving forces for an apparel manufacturing company is when it chooses to invest in new technology.

Sexig & hatad : Modernt ledarskap, motivation, manipulation

To understand the modern leadership you have to gain a lot of experience to attain the right competence through which you are able to know what kind of leadership is most suitable to use in the current situation. Leaders agree that every kind of leadership is more or less successful depending on the situation and different organizational factors, for example the co-workers and the environment. Every leader should have a strong willpower and Driving force to bring motivation to the organization and to make it more efficient. Another quality that represents a modern leader is the ability to lead and divide the co-workers and the organizations different strengths. The organizational communication is an important factor of how you, as a leader, answer to your co-workers and also how you will be received.

Varför reformerad Krisberedskap? : En motivanalys till inrättandet av Krisberedskapsmyndigheten

To understand the modern leadership you have to gain a lot of experience to attain the right competence through which you are able to know what kind of leadership is most suitable to use in the current situation. Leaders agree that every kind of leadership is more or less successful depending on the situation and different organizational factors, for example the co-workers and the environment. Every leader should have a strong willpower and Driving force to bring motivation to the organization and to make it more efficient. Another quality that represents a modern leader is the ability to lead and divide the co-workers and the organizations different strengths. The organizational communication is an important factor of how you, as a leader, answer to your co-workers and also how you will be received.

The Green Evolution of the Car Industry

This Master Thesis covers the concept of Green Cars. The background to the research area is the high and rapidly growing number of cars, which together with other factors ad to the pollution of the environment. Under the Kyoto agreement the signing members agreed to lower the emissions of green house gases, further on the EU has a 3-pillar strategy on carbon dioxide and cars. Included in the EU strategy is a voluntary commitment from the car industry to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from new cars. The easiest way of lowering the emissions is by using alternative fuels and engines.

Corporate Social Responsibility inom banksektorn : En fallstudie av Nordeas CSR-strategier

AbstractTitle: Corporate Social Responsibility within the banking-sector ? A case study of the CSR-strategies of Nordea.Seminar date: 130108State University: Mälardalen University ? Västerås Institution: School of Sustainable Development of Society and TechnologyLevel: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration ? FÖA300Authors: Samir Ghaddab, Josefine Jonsson, Sam LindforsExaminor: Cecilia Lindh Thillenius Supervisor: Magnus LinderströmPages: 35 Attachments: 1 Key words: CSR, bank, sustainability, communication, awarenessResearch questions:- What is the nature of CSR-related work in Nordea, and how do they practice CSR? - How can Nordea raise awareness about CSR among employees and other stakeholders?Purpose: The purpose with this thesis was to get an increased understanding about how Nordea interprets CSR and how they work with CSR. Finally with relevant theories in mind, this thesis presents suggestions on possible changes and opportunities within Nordea?s CSR-activities and how they can co-operate with NGO?s like CSR Sweden.Methodology: A qualitative study with deductive methods. A case study has been done with semi-structured interviews at a company and a nonprofit organization.Conclusion: The reality in which Nordea operates conforms to the theories presented in the thesis when we look at the Driving forces behind working with CSR and the demands on the company that stakeholders have.

Improving peri-urban home gardens in Hyderabad, India

Insufficient intake of vegetables is a reason for micronutrient deficiencies and malnutrition in developing countries. With urbanization, globalization and a growing world population it is of major importance to secure sufficient food supply for the world?s population. Part of the solution to increased food security among the world?s poor could be the introduction of vegetable home gardens, plots for small scale vegetable production which can provide households with sufficient vegetables as well as serve as an extra income source. The study Improving peri-urban home gardens aims at examining the existence of vegetable home gardens in the peri-urban areas of Hyderabad, India.

Dynamiken mellan sändare och mottagare- en studie av Acne Jeans, Filippa K och konsumenten i Stockholm och Göteborg

The consumer today is affected by a considerably larger number of world surrounding factors than she used to be, borders between different cultures and other consumer differences are being erased to a growing extent. The consumer can easily get its inspiration from many different directions which become clear in the common life. We eat sushi for lunch, we?re Driving German cars and we?re having dinner with international business partners. The community also exposes the consumer for a more intense noise from offers, impact and marketing.

Aktiv lastbilsstol för bättre förarergonomi och hälsa

The project concerns a predevelopment work for Scania AB, a leading manufacturer of heavytrucks, and was performed as a master thesis work for the program Design and ProductDevelopment at KTH. The purpose of this work was to examine how the work situation of truckdrivers, especially long-haulage drivers, can be improved with respect to prolonged sedentaryoccupation. Mental fatigue and under-stimulation due to low cognitive load during long drivescan be major risk factors for traffic accidents. Physical strain injuries to both the skeleton andmuscles are common for this working group and minimal opportunity for daily exercise alsoincreases the risk of developing blood clots in the legs, which can have serious consequences forthe driver's health.An extensive background study, both theoretical and exploratory, was performed to identify thedrivers' concerns and comfort needs. Various treatments such as massage and active sitting wereinvestigated and existing products within the area studied.

Ögårdsparken - en gemensam park för olika kulturer genom aktivitet

Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a speed above the legal speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reducespeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).

Att uppnå varumärkesframgång genom dagens designtrender

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how investments are justified in the Swedish data center industry, with a focus on cooling equipment. This is achieved through semi-structured interviews with 20 different interviewees. These interviewees represent different facets of the industry and facilitate an understanding of which factors, such as: investment costs, operating costs, reliability, environmental impact and the influence of external and internal actors, come into play and to which degree they impact the investment decision-making process. The results show that primarily low operating cost in the form of low energy consumption is the Driving factor when it comes to the procurement of new equipment. A lower environmental impact is a positive side-effect of lower energy consumption.

Sakta ner : åtgärder för förbättrad miljö ochtrafiksäkerhet på gator i bostadsområdeni Varberg, idékatalog ochtillämpning

Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a speed above the legal speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reducespeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).

Lantbruksföretagets tillväxtstrategi och finansiella sökbeteende : en empirisk studie av sex lantbruksföretag med tillväxtambitioner

The structural rationalization of the agricultural sector in Sweden has led to many expansive, professional companies orientated towards growth. The agricultural sector is a very capital-intense sector and is characterized by the need for large sums of capital in form of buildings, inventory and arable land. The capital need is especially large for companies who have an ambition of growth and development of the company in the near future. The study is built upon six cases that all can be categorized as large agricultural farms with a turnover exceeding 20 million Swedish crowns. The companies are located in the middle and in the south of Sweden and are in the sector of primary production with focus on dairy-, pork-, egg-, chicken-, beef-, vegetables- and grain production as well as in the business of refining milk towards consumers. The study aims to identify the motives and Driving forces that lies behind the growth of a farm-based company. The agricultural companies' motive for growth is studied based on which factors that influence the ambition to grow and to what extent these factors accord to the picture given by earlier research of small companies outside the agricultural sector.

För gammal för att köra bil? : En kostnadsnyttoanalys om Sverige bör införa körkortskontroller för bilförare över 75 år

Varje år ökar antalet äldre personer och i samband med den ökningen blir även antalet äldre personer med körkort allt fler. Med åldern är det vanligt att reaktionsförmåga, syn och hörsel försämras vilka alla är viktiga egenskaper för trafiksäkerheten. Läkare i Sverige är skyldiga att rapportera till Transportstyrelsen om en individ inte anses vara lämplig att köra bil. Att läkare över huvud taget tar upp körkortsfrågan med sina patienter sker endast i 60 procent av fallen och därmed fortsätter många olämpliga körkortsinnehavare att köra bil. Majoriteten av länder inom Europeiska Unionen (EU) har någon form av övre åldersbegränsning i körkorten där körkortsinnehavarna måste genomgå en kontroll för att få körkortet förnyat.

Branson - Jobs : Entreprenör och/eller Ledare?

ABSTRACT Titel: Branson - Jobs; Entreprenör och/eller Ledare?Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare: Madeleine Nordin och Runa ClaessonHandledare: Lars EkstrandDatum: Maj 2012Syfte: Syftet är att belysa relationen, och studera sambandet, mellan rollerna entreprenör - ledare. Vad förenar dem, och vad skiljer dem åt? Finns det något motsatsförhållande mellan dessa båda roller?Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ studie där ansatsen är en kombination av induktiv och deduktiv ansats, så kallad abduktion. Information och material till vår studie har vi fått genom en intervju och i övrigt olika typer av sekundärinformation.Resultat & slutsats: Tidigare forskning talar om det komplexa i skärningspunkten mellan rollerna entreprenör och ledare.

Energismart modulhus med takintegrerade solceller

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how investments are justified in the Swedish data center industry, with a focus on cooling equipment. This is achieved through semi-structured interviews with 20 different interviewees. These interviewees represent different facets of the industry and facilitate an understanding of which factors, such as: investment costs, operating costs, reliability, environmental impact and the influence of external and internal actors, come into play and to which degree they impact the investment decision-making process. The results show that primarily low operating cost in the form of low energy consumption is the Driving factor when it comes to the procurement of new equipment. A lower environmental impact is a positive side-effect of lower energy consumption.

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