

4116 Uppsatser om Dressing change frequency - Sida 13 av 275

Spela Lagom : En studie av Svenska Spels arbete med socialt ansvar utifrån dess externa kommunikation.

Problembakgrund: SvS kommunicerar sitt spelansvar genom den samhälleliga kampanjen Spela Lagom. Inom samhälleliga kampanjer, som kommunicerar ett företags sociala ansvar, finns det alltid en risk att den bild av CSR-arbetet som kommuniceras till mottagaren av denne inte uppfattas motsvara det verkliga arbetet. Om detta sker finns det även en risk att företagets image och profil inte överlappar ? vilket kan leda till ökad misstro mot företaget och på så sätt skada varumärket.Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka hur Svenska Spel, med ansvarig reklambyrå, kommunicerar sitt sociala ansvar i sin kampanj för lagom spelande och hur detta ansvar tar form i den kommersiella kampanjen för Triss. Syftet är även att undersöka  hur ett urval av potentiella framtida spelkonsumenter uppfattar Svenska Spel och deras sociala ansvar utifrån kommunikationen.Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie som genomförts genom fem kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer med ansvariga på Svenska Spel och dess anställda reklambyråer, kvalitativa innehållsanalyser på de dokument från Svenska Spel som är relevanta utifrån studiens syfte, kvalitativa näranalyser på de två kampanjfilmer som innefattas i studien samt tre fokusgrupper med den mottagargrupp som definierats i studiens avgränsningar.Resultat: Resultatet påvisar att SvS jobbar med CSR ur ett kommersiellt perspektiv till skillnad från deras uppdrag som beskriver deras ansvar ur ett välfärdsperspektiv.

Ordfrekvens och repetition i läromedlet Lieber Deutsch : En analys av den språkdidaktiska förankringen i ett svenskt läromedel i tyska

The aim of this study is to examine the word acquisition, focusing on the nouns and word exercises, in two Swedish textbooks for German in the upper secondary school. The chosen method for investigating the nouns was corpus analysis. The noun frequency and distribution in the textbooks were analysed and discussed in relation to research in second language acquisition. The Involvement Load Hypothesis by Batia Laufer and Jan Hulstijn was used to examine the exercises in the textbooks. The study showed that most nouns only occurred once in the textbooks, but the most frequent nouns were well spread in the textbooks.

Äktenskapet och det förändrade samhället : en kvalitativ studie om den förändrade giftermålsfrekvensen under 1900-talet

In the past, the meaning of marriage has been an agreement between two people to live together and have children in a legitimate manner. The marriage was not just to form a couple; it was also to merge two families together. From the early 1900s until today the allegation of marriage and its influence got a significant change compared to early societies which have aroused my interest to perform this into a research paper. My study is focused on marriage and social changes during the 1900s. Thoughts that arise now is that why there was a remarkable change in the marriage rate during the 1900s and whether there were any social changes had to do something with it.

Biblioteksplaner : ett verktyg för förändring?

The focus of this thesis is a specific part of Swedish library policy called library plans. A library plan is a political document created with the purpose of constituting a platform for co-operation between different library systems within a municipality, e.g. through determining and analysing the needs for library activities within municipalities in Sweden.This thesis´ aim is to investigate whether library plans are, or can be used as, a tool for change and thereby increase legitimacy for public libraries in Sweden.We have examined aspects of library plans using theories from change management to determine whether these plans include tools focusing on conditions in organisations that could result in an improved and stronger position in the society for public library. Through the use of theories from new institutionalism we opted for an understanding of the interaction between the libraries and the context in which they are part of.Upon examining 23 library plans, we discovered similarities as well as diversities among them. From our study we have drawn the conclusion that it is important to analyse the specific needs of each different municipality and to consider these individual conditions and needs when developing and composing the library plan.

Hur en okontrollerad expansion av IT-projekts omfattning undviks

Today there is an even higher demand on IT-projects success rate compared to a few years ago. IT-projects must be handled more efficiently and result in a more profitable investment. In order to make the handling of IT-projects more efficient and create profitability the developers must have a broad understanding of the IT-projects characteristics and which factors that affect the result of the projects. Changes within IT-projects are often carried out through the development of a system. Since this change is more common when it comes to IT-projects it is important to handle risk and change within these kinds of projects in order to prevent and avoid uncontrolled changes.

Organisationsförändring och attityder : En fallstudie i en offentlig myndighet

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the change at Myndigheten and analyze its implementation to identify the employees' attitudes towards the change. The survey of attitudes is important to provide indicators of how they may affect the continued implementation of the process-oriented approach.Research methodology: This thesis is based on both quantitative and qualitative method. Surveys have been implemented on co-workers/employees and an interview has been implemented on a project participant.Theoretical framework: This thesis uses theories of organizations, organizational changes and attitudes.Conclusions: Both positive and negative attitudes are found for the employees and these attitudes are mainly weak. If Myndigheten makes interventions, it can help to minimize the negative consequences that the attitudes may lead to. By doing this the commitment for the change will increase, which is critical for the change to succeed..

Att förändra det gemensamma

This bachelor thesis is studying the INTERREG cooperation between Denmark and Germany, and if there has been a change to the organization and the individual conditions due to the Danish regional reform in 2007. The research method used is semi-structured interviews and the participants are a mixture of politicians and civil servants. The study is based on two themes, change in work routines and cooperation, and change in visions and targets.The participants have experienced change, both positive and negative, in work routines and cooperation and to a lesser extent in visions and targets. Preparation is the key to success and makes the transition much easier, which has been the case for Denmark. Other mentioned aspects are more work due to more complicated applications, and that the politicians so far lack a regional perspective and tend to stick to the local.

Näraståendes upplevelse av förändringar av pragmatiska aspekter i samtalsinteraktion hos patienter med typisk parkinsonism

The purpose of this study was to examine if atypical Parkinsonism affectsthe pragmatic ability in conversational interaction. 15 persons close to individualswith atypical Parkinsonism answered a questionnaire, "Bedömning av förändring isamtalsinteraktion", estimating experienced change in interactive skills comparedto before the disease. The study also examined if perceived change correlates withdisease duration and if perceived change differs between types of atypicalParkinsonism. The results show that at group level the participants experiencechange in many aspects of conversational interaction, particularly regardingspeech, body communication, response latency, phrase length, word finding andability to understand. There was no correlation between perceived change anddisease duration.

Försvaret i förändring

This bachelor thesis in European studies examines the perceived effects ofEuropeanization among officers, soldiers and seamen in the Swedish Armed Forces(SAF) through the use of semi-structured respondent interviews. The study focuses onchange in rules, values, identity and organizational changes.The study shows the most important parts of what is believed to be the biggestfactors behind the major change in the SAF during the last 20 years. The biggestfactors are shown to be the fall of the Warsaw pact and the increasing influence ofNATO in Europe. Interviews show that staff within the SAF has difficultiesseparating change coming from the EU and the above-mentioned factors, partially dueto the fact that most members of the European union are also part of NATO. Although in some areas, such as the completion of the Nordic Battlegroup, EU has played an important role and presents itself as a major factor in the ongoing change of the SAF..

Gränsobjekt i organisationsförändring : En fallstudie av en affärssystemsimplementering


Bolagisering : - På vinst och förlust

This study has it´s beginning in the term corporatization and what the consequences will be for the Swedish athletic club, after the implementation of it. The corporatization among the athletic clubs is a very up-to-date-topic after the ?Riksidrottsförbundets? approved the new law constitution in 1999, that gives the athletic clubs the opportunity to change their legal form. We want to create an image that explains the situation in the two athletic clubs we choose for our study. This image helps us to give examples of how the corporatization will affect them.

Privata skogsägares attityder och anpassningar till klimatförändringar : En fallstudie i Kronobergs län

Conditions for Swedish forestry are expected to change in the future due to the climate. Among other things, increased production is expected in a warmer climate, mainly because of a longer growing season. With the changing climate risk of damage by such as insects, fungi and storms are expected to increase. Hence, it is of highest importance for private forest owners to spread these risks in the way they cultivate their forest. In this study a qualitative method was used to examine ten private forest owners with forest properties within Kronoberg county, Sweden in their attitudes and actions to prepare in terms of climate change and if they have been affected by the climate change debate in their forest decisions.

Extra! Extra! En studie i urval och nyhetsvärdering av push-notiser

This case study aims to find out whether the promotion of Swedish news through push technology, and the selection process behind it, obeys the traditional criteria of news values.A months-worth of push notifications, sent out by the mobile phone applications of newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Expressen, were analysed through the application of a number of taxonomies meant to determine their newsworthiness.These taxonomies were, however, based on 20th century media, and do not necessarily adapt well to analysis of digital news publication forms. The purpose of this study is therefore to find out which criteria are still relevant to the news selection behind a digitalformat such as push notifications; and which have become obsolete.The basis of this study is the criteria of news values originally designed by Galtung and Ruge in 1965 and revised by Harcup and O?Neill in 2001; as well as the model of assessing front page news proposed by Hvitfelt. The content analysis was conducted in a manner as similar to that of Harcup and O?Neill?s own study as possible, so as to constitute a re-revisal ?revamped for the digital age.Our results show that the criterion of ?frequency? ? that is the conformance between the time-span of an event and the publication frequency of a medium ? has acquired an ambiguous importance.

Hjärtfrekvens och hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet som fysiologiskt mått på mental stress hos hästar

SAMMANFATTNING Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att utvärdera hjärtfrekvens och hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet som fysiologiska mått på mental stress hos häst. För att utvärdera detta har olika artiklar studerats. Artiklarna redovisar studier där hästar utsätts för framför allt mentala stressmoment. Under stressmomenten har antingen hjärtfrekvens (HR) eller hjärtfrekvens och hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet (HRV) registrerats. Hjärtfrekvensvariabiliteten kan omvandlas till ett antal parametrar, bland annat lågfrekvensband (LF) och högfrekvensband (HF).

"Ettan" som kom först : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur en studenttidnings förstasida förändrats genom tiderna

The aim was to explore how the first page of a student newspaper has been changed over time since it was founded in the 1960´s.This thesis explores how the front page of the student newspaper Lösnummer has been changed since it was founded in 1966. It concerns the location and frequency of elements and it is based on theories of layout, the first page and visual communicationIn addition, the thesis develops a new kind of method for determining the location of elements on the type area. The method is based on the hexadecimal number system. It is formed as a grid which is placed on the first page to determine the location of the elements.It concludes that the frequency of elements had its peak during the 1970´s and has ever since decreased gradually. Image placement has gone from being scattered all over the front page to be centered and increase in size. .

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