4760 Uppsatser om Drama education - Sida 43 av 318
Studenternas utbildningsval : En kvalitativ studie om nedärvda och förvärvade resursers betydelse i utbildningsvalet
This essey aims to investigate how inherited and acquired resources has influenced the choice of education. It is in this essays ambition to understand how the recources operates in a process from childhood to a certain education. The study was conducted using eight qualitative interviews with firstyearstudents in nursing and economics courses at Linnaeus University. By using Bourdieu's theories about habitus, capital and horizon of possibilities I wanted to understad how the students inherited and acquired recoures had operated in their choise of education. The main conclution is that the educational choice is strongly influenced by the individual's social belonging and must be understood as a result of the individual's history.
Elevers uppfattning om Idrott och Hälsas betydelse för ett livslångt idrottande : En enkätundersökning om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet i gymnasieskolan
The study is about Physical Education as a subject that offers students in Upper Secondary School a possibility to a life long interest in exercising. The study focuses on whether there is a difference between study concentrate programmes and profession concentrate programmes. The study also includes differences among exercising and non-exercising students. Earlier research shows that many youths don?t have an exercise form that they spend their spare time in.
Scoutförskola : En förskola med scoutprofil
Due to the interest of starting a preschool with a scout profile in my circle of acquaintances I chose to write my report about how the scout method would work in a preschool. I did this by comparing the origin of scouting and preschool. I based my report on the following questions:Are there any similarities or differences with curriculum, education act and the scout method that can make it easier/harder to work with the scout method in the preschool?There are many theorists that have had influence on the preschool. Give some examples of their theories that could affect the scout preschool?What is the difference between a teacher and a scout leader?What would a preschool look like if you included the scout method in the daily activity?With the help of my literature studies I compared the scout method against the laws and rules to make sure that the scout method doesn?t contradict them.
Våga fråga : Ett antal unga tjejer med invandrarbakgrund om sina upplevelser av det sociala medborgarskapet
My purpose with this paper is to investigate how yong girls with immigrant backgrounds experience the social citizenship.I have focused on civil rights and obligations but also on the experience of access to education, employment and social community.Finally, I have chosen to look at the social citizenship from a gender perspective..
Resonemang omkring motivation : En undersökning av elitsatsande gymnasieelevers motivationsfaktorer i fotboll vid en NIU skola i Sverige.
Abstract: Elite soccer in combination with education is a unique and demanding task. The path towards a glory career in sports takes hard mental and physical training. The objectives in this study are 6 elite focused high school students studying high school education programs in combination with football profile. They are 3 of each gender. The purpose of the study was to find out more about their perspective of motivation and what makes them keep going towards a career in football in beside their education.The study is of empiric hermeneutic survey used qualitative method and interviewing to collect data.
Evaluation of animal welfare education in primary schools in Lilongwe, Malawi
Animal welfare issues are not considered as high priority in Malawi, a developing country in south east Africa, due to problems affecting the human population. In Lilongwe, the capital city, education programs are used to increase the awareness of animal welfare issues among primary school children.
A study was undertaken to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of animal welfare in primary school children as well as two different teaching methods for animal welfare, namely humane lessons (HL) and Animal Kindness Clubs (AKC). The gender perspective, in terms of
differences in attitude towards and knowledge in animal welfare, was also evaluated as well as the link between domestic and animal violence. The study was performed in collaboration with Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LSPCA). A questionnaire of multiple choice character was handed out to 249 children aged between 9 and 15 from six different schools.
Religionen i klass(!)rummet : En studie om betydelsen av klass i elevers tal om religion och religionsundervisningen pa? gymnasiet.
Sweden has been characterized as one of the world?s most secular countries, even though it is becoming increasingly more multicultural. This, combined with the fact that pupils do not feel they have enough time in school for Religious Education and that the requirements are increasing made me interested in how they talk about religion in upper secondary school. The aim of this study is to see if there are any differences between how pupils in vocational programs and academic programs are talking about religion and Religious Education. The main questions that were raised revolved around 1) how pupils talk about what religion is, 2) how they talk about religion in the Swedish society and 3) how they talk about Religious Education in upper secondary school. The questions were also about what similarities and differences I could find in the way they talked about these subjects.
Vaddå matematiksvårigheter : En studie utifrån elevens perspektiv om svårigheter och kritiska moment vid lärandet i matematik
This paper investigates how students in the humanities in four universities in Sweden reflect on their education and the current view on the humanities as an education and a science. I want to investigate what impact the past few years public debate about the humanities have had on the students. What kind of beliefs and identities do the students of the humanities form and how do they discuss the universities, the choices they made in life and how do they feel about the future.This study is based on interviews with seventeen students in Sweden from four different universities. The research is also based upon a report that The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) published in 2011 and the debate following that report. I have also made participant observations on the four universities to make a broader description for the reader.
Att stärka familjen: En studie av hur föräldrastöd kan stärka föräldrar i sitt föräldraskap
In Gällivare municipality there is a drogpolitical plan which goal is to provide parentsupport for the municipalities parents, make sure the children get a schooling that is evolving and to provide a vide variety of activities for the children?s free time. There should be a possibility for children to have healthy second natures. There should also exist environments that are free from alcohol. At those restaurants that serve alcohol a responsible serving of alcohol should be performed.
Papegojor och spel : En analys av monologen och dialogen i Samuel Becketts I väntan på Godot och Slutspel
Jag har i denna studie av Samuel Becketts (1906-1989) två dramer I väntan på Godot (En Attendant Godot) (1952) och Slutspel (Fin de Partie) (1957) studerat dialogen och monologen i de båda dramerna och diskuterat kring vilka slutsatser man därav kan dra om språk och berättande. Fokus har legat på hur dialogen tar sig ut, vilka faktorer den är under stor påverkan av och dess relation till monologens fundamentala roll i Becketts dramer.Analysen har jag delat upp i två delar vilka för sig behandlar var sitt drama i kronologisk ordning. Först I Väntan på Godot och därefter Slutspel. De båda delarna är sedan i sin tur uppdelade i två delar varav den första diskuterar dialogen och den andra monologen. Första delen av analysen av I väntan på Godot har kallats ?Missförstånd och minne? och där har jag reflekterat kring, som titeln avslöjar, missförståndets roll ? hur det tar sig ut och varför ? samt dialogens påverkan av karaktärernas bristande minne.
Flykt och sökande : en läsning av rörelser i Stina Aronsons novell/drama Syskonbädd
Syskonbädd, or ?Sibling?s bed? in English, is a short story or drama, written by Swedish author Stina Aronson and originally published in 1931 under the pen name Sara Sand. While the story did not attract wide attention for many years, it has recently been republished and performed on stage, as well as aired on the radio. The plot is centered on Harriet, a woman who starts to see the world with different eyes, in a less strict and organized way. Her new view is welcomed neither by her husband nor society, and the book starts with Harriet?s escape from a ?rest home?, where she has been placed by her husband in order for her to return to her old self.
Rocksmak i rockutbildningen - populärkultur, smak och repertoar inom en utbildningsinstitution
Titel: Rockmusic preferences in the rock programme. Popular culture, music preferences and repertoire inside a teaching institution. This paper raises some questions about the popular music that exists outside as well as inside institutions. From the example of popular music and rockmusic the students of a music teacher education programme based on rock music are asked for their taste for music in a brief questionnaire. The answers are compared to those concerning the music they used to like before they entered the education as well as the music played on the ensemble lessons at the programme.
Dåligt samvete och tidspress : en studie om modernt föräldraskap
The purpose of this study was to examine the problematic and frustrating aspects of parenthood in the modern runaway world of today. In other words, we wanted to study how parents in Sweden experienced their life as parents in the beginning of the 21th century.We wanted to find answers to the following questions:What kind of problems do parents experience and how do they deal with these problems?What would parents consider to be typical for them as parents compared to how they remember their own parents?What do parents think about family politics?Do parents think they need parent education?If parents want parent education, why do they want it?To answer these questions we used qualitative interviews. With this method we got information from six parents and five professional parent educators who was kind enough to let us interview them. We also gathered information about the subject through literature and news articles.The result of the study can be divided into three parts.
Mänskliga rättigheter i samhällskunskapen: Utifrån ett lärarperspektiv
Human rights have been added to the new curriculum which came into force the 1st of July 2011 in the Swedish Upper Secondary school. The purpose with this master thesis is to compare the old and the new curriculum as part of an examination of what way they affect the Social Science education. Further the analysis focus on what is affecting discourses in the Social Science about human rights, as well as its communication and incorporation in its education. The empirical material consists of the schools steering documents and interviews with Social Science teachers. The theoretical framework is based on human rights education (HRE) and curriculum theory.
Akademiker i Sverige- En studie om tillströmning till utbildning och etablering på arbetsmarknaden
This essay deals with the relationship between the influx to higher education and the situation on the labor market in Sweden. It also examines whether overeducation as a phenomenon is present among Swedish academics and if there is any obvious discrimination between the sexes. The Swedish government has an outspoken goal that at least 50% of every age group shall undergo an academic education. Therefore, they have expanded the possibilities ofobtaining one. We have used three economic theories to investigate the subject of this thesis and applied these on the statistics of 4 different educations.