280 Uppsatser om Dogs - Sida 19 av 19
Förekomsten av Yersinia spp. och Salmonella spp. hos svenska jakthundar
Yersinia spp. och Salmonella spp. är båda bakterier som orsakar allvarlig gastroenterit hos människa. Det är dessutom vanligt att symptomen kvarstår under lång tid och patienten får ofta sekundära problem efter genomgången sjukdom i form av Reaktiv artrit (ReA) och Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Särskilt stor risk att drabbas löper små barn.
Då båda släktena är zoonotiska med ett brett värdspektrum som innefattar alla däggdjur och vissa andra djurgrupper har många forskare intresserat sig för hur utbredda dessa agens är bland djur som på ett eller annat sätt har kontakt med människor.
Social and economic consequences of wolf (Canis lupus) establishments in Sweden
Wildlife contributes with many benefits to humans but also brings economic costs. From being eradicated in Scandinavia the grey wolf (Canis lupus) is returning to South-Western Sweden and people are not used to its presence. In Scandinavia carnivores have to co-occur with humans in a landscape used for many different interests. Consequences of wolf establishments are e.g. competition for moose, depredation on sheep and attacks on hunting Dogs.
Genetisk studie av inavel och fertilitet hos hund :
Inbreeding, the mating of related individuals, has been the one dominating breeding strategy for dog breeders during the last 200 years. However, its negative effects on fer-tility and other fitness traits, a phenomenon called inbreeding depression, have been ignored in the quest of perfect unity in conformation or performance. The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses that litter size is reduced as a consequence of in-breeding, affected by both the inbreeding coefficient of the dam and the litter and that a rapid increase in the inbreeding coefficient affects litter size more than a slower rate.
Data were collected from the Swedish Kennel Club registry of origin. Breeds included in the study were the Bernese Mountain Dog, the Cocker Spaniel, the Golden Retriever, the Rottweiler and the West Highland White Terrier.
The role of mast cells and mast cell mediators in the development of atopic dermatitis in a mouse model
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex, often lifelong allergic disease affecting around 10 % of both
Dogs and humans. The hallmark symptom is severe pruritus, causing a lowered quality of life. Mast
cells (MCs) are known to play an important part of the immunopathogenesis, promoting a faulty T
helper cell type 2 (Th-2) response which follows by a production of specific immunoglobulin E
(IgE) antibodies towards environmental allergens (Ag). To further investigate the role of MCs and
its mediators in the progression of AD, a low-calcemic vitamin D3 analog (MC903) was used to
induce AD-like symptoms locally on the ears of two different knock-out (KO) mouse strains. The
first strain was Wsh-/- mice deficient in MCs.
Fallstudie av Leishmania infantum hos hundar, diagnostiska metoder, behandling och profylax
?Canine leishmaniosis? (CL) är en vektorburen zoonos, orsakad av den encelliga parasiten Leishmania infantum och sprids via sandmyggor inom släktet Phlebotomus. Vektorerna förekommer inte i Sverige men det finns flera fall av leishmanios hos importerade hundar och veterinärmedicinsk kunskap om sjukdomen behövs förbättras. Sannolikt kan vi förvänta oss en ökning av antalet fall i landet på grund av att man tar med sina hundar vid längre utlandsvistelser samt också på grund av hundimport.
Arbetet syftar till att fördjupa kunskapen om L. infantum med fokus på diagnostik, behandling och profylaktiska metoder.
Omvårdnadsrutiner för katt med astma
Feline asthma is a condition very similar to the respiratory disease affecting humans. It is causing, among other things, a constriction of the bronchial airways, an increase of mucus production and damage to, or erosion of, the epithelial membrane. The symptoms occur intermittently and do, in most cases, evolve during a long period of time.
The aim of this essay was to investigate whether there are any nursing routines for feline patients with asthma in animal clinics and animal hospitals in Sweden, and if so, to compare similarities and differences. A literary study of research material also led to a suggestion of how to form a nursing routine for this type of patient.
The pig as an animal model for type 1 Diabetes Mellitus ? with focus on carbohydrate and fat metabolism
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder affecting a range of different mammals, including Dogs, cats, horses and humans. Worldwide, 347 million people have diabetes, and the disease is an increasing burden on the world?s poorest countries. The disease is characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia and afflicted individuals experience increased thirst, polyuria and weight loss, sometimes despite increased appetite. Diabetes mellitus is either insulin dependent or non-insulin dependent.
Tecken på liv : mänskliga spår i staden
The City is filled with signs of life. It teems with human traces waiting to be discovered. Street art of different kinds prevails behind traffic signs, on posts and electrical boxes. Personally con-structed Dogs guard roundabouts all around Sweden and small gardens spire underneath window ledges. In this work I want to identify these phenomena and find out what thoughts inspired these creations.
Förekomst av endoparasiter hos vuxna hundar i Sverige
Målet med studien var att utföra en prevalensundersökning av endoparasiter i träck från vuxna svenska hundar. Urvalskriterierna var hundar över ett år från hushåll med maximalt tre hundar, varav två tilläts delta. Hundarna skulle vara friska samt obehandlade med anthelmintika och endektocider minst tre månader före provtagningstillfället.
Provtagningsmateriel delades ut på djursjukhus och mindre kliniker runtom i landet. Djurägarna ombads att fylla i en remiss med frågor om ras, ålder, kön, hundens användningsområde, avmaskningsstatus, om hunden haft möjlighet att fånga bytesdjur och/eller om den vistades på hunddagis. Proverna samlades in under perioden januari till oktober 2014.
Use of feline TK1 as a biomarker in disease monitoring
Serum thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) activity is used as a tumor marker in disease monitoring in veterinary and human medicine. TK1, an intracellular enzyme, is involved in a salvage pathway of DNA precursor synthesis.
TK1 is used in DNA precursor production by catalyzing the transfer of the gamma-phosphate-group from a phosphate-donor to the 5?- hydroxyl-group of thymidine forming thymidine-monophosphate. Nucleoside monophosphosphates are finally converted into thymidine-triphosphates. TK1 activity significantly rises in the G1 and the S phase of the cell cycle.