280 Uppsatser om Dogs - Sida 17 av 19
Thymidinkinas 1 som tumörmarkör vid juvertumörer hos tik :
Determination of serum thymidine kinase 1 (TK-1) activity is used as a tumour
marker in both human and veterinary medicine. TK-1 is an intracellular enzyme
involved in a salvage pathway of DNA synthesis. The expression of TK-1 is cell
cycle dependent and the activity increases markedly after the G1 to S transition in
the cell cycle and then declines rapidly in G2. The pronounced proliferative
activity in tumour cells result in a higher TK-1 enzyme activity within the cell.
The fact that the increased TK-1 activity can be measured in serum makes TK-1 a
useful marker in diagnostics of neoplastic diseases and it provides information
regarding prognosis and treatment effectiveness. In human medicine a radioactive
based test is used to determine the TK-1 serum activity.
Euthanasi : avlivning av häst
The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek terms eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death, "good death".
The penetrating captive bolt is an effective method of euthanasia, when use of drugs is inappropriate. The horse becomes immediately unconscious and falls to the ground. First after the blood is emptied from the body the horse is dead.
The use of injectable euthanasia agents is a rapid and reliable method of performing euthanasia. The aim is to stop the flow of oxygenated blood to vital organs and tissues.
The muscle relaxants may be used either in combination wih or following an anaesthetic dose of barbiturate, their use use as a sole agent is totally inhumane.
Itrakonazol till häst : en farmakokinetisk möjlighet?
Itraconazole is a third generation azol, a fungicide which acts by inhibiting ergerosterol synthesis in the fungal cell membrane, and thereby disturbing fungal regeneration. It has proven to be less toxic, to have a broader spectrum of activity and to be more potent than its predecessor ketoconazole. Itraconazole is only available in therapheutics approved for human use. Pharmacokinetic studies has been performed in humans, Dogs, cats and laboratory animals. Although itraconazole has been used tentatively with good effect against fungal infections in horses, no pharmacokinetic studies have yet been done.
Patientens upplevelser av hundens närvaro i vårdandet
Hunden är människans bästa vän, men det är först på senare tid som hundens hälsoeffekter har börjat undersökas. Internationellt sätt används hundar i vården i en helt annan utsträckning än i Sverige. Hälsoeffekter i form av kortare vårdtid, snabbare rehabilitering och bättre egenvård har påvisats. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva patientens upplevelser av hundens närvaro i vårdandet. Studien var en litteraturstudie med 15 vetenskapliga artiklar.
Användandet av djur som en del av rehabiliteringen
Djur påverkar människors välbefinnande och hälsa på en mängd olika sätt och använts i många andra länder som en integrerad del av klieneters vård och rehabilitering. Ökade kunskaper om de positiva hälsoeffeketerna har lett till en ökad nyfikenhet bland hälso- och sjukvården även i Sverige och användningen av djur inom vård och rehabilitering har ökat de senaste åren. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur djur kan användas på ett målmedvetet sätt som en del av rehabiliteringen. Litteraturstudien bygger på både kvalitativa och kvantiativa artiklar för att skapa en helhetsbild om kunskapsområdet. Artiklarna har analyserats utifrån Graneheim och Lundman (2004) kvalitativa innehållsanalys i syfte att beskriva det mest karaktistiska i data.
Prevalence of selected infectious diseases in Samoan dogs
SCA is the largest private owned forest owner in Sweden, with an ownership of 2 million hectares of productive forestland. To manage the planning of such large areas and to fit the traditional organization structure of a Swedish forest company, the planning approach is subdivided into three stages; strategic, tactical and operational.
The strategic part, based on a statistic sample of stands, returns a harvest level estimate which should then be implemented at actual sites in the tactical part. This procedure can lead to incompatible solutions as the strategic solution is not necessarily possible to translate into actual sites in the tactical plan. The geographic aspect is important in tactical planning due to the large costs for moving equipment and maintenance of a large number of forest roads.
Hästars behov av socialt umgänge- En studie om hur hästhållare i Laholms kommun uppfyller hästars behov av social kontakt
The problem with keeping horses with to little social contact has come to attention in a new regulation that comes into effect august 1st 2009. It states that horses? need of social contact has to be accommodated. That?s why it feels important to try to survey the horse owners? awareness about the regulation and its present fulfillment.
Jämförelse mellan hundskolans och Svenska Brukshundklubbens kursdeltagare i Skaraborg :
The aim with the present study was to investigate whether there is a difference between the course participants who find their way to the dog-school respective the Swedish Working Dog Association. The study have focused on four issues; why the course participants have chosen the dog-school respectively the Swedish Working Dog Association, why the participants bought their dog, if the participants are satisfied with their Dogs and if it is more likely that they turn to the dog-school?s than to the Swedish Working Dog Association with their first dog?
Course participants from two dog-schools and from two of the local clubs belonging to the Swedish Working Dog Association in Skaraborg, Sweden, answered a questionnaire. In total 85 answers were collected, including 60 from the course participants from Swedish Working Dog Associations and 25 from the dog school?s course.
Utvärdering av Di35M-PrLO-projektion av armbågsleden för utlinjering av mediala processus coronoideus hos hund :
The aim of this study is to evaluate an alternative projection of the Medial
Coronoid Process (MCP) of the canine elbow joint. The projection (Di35M-PrLO)
was, to my knowledge, first mentioned in an article by Haudiquet et al in 2002. In
that article the projection was tested in vitro, and a good sensitivity was showed
for the Medial Coronoid Process. The projection might be helpful in cases of
suspected Fragmented Coronoid Process (FCP)
This study is divided into three parts. The first part is an in-vivo test of the
projection, including technique and subjective evaluation of the outlining of the
Hund i vården : Fysiska, Psykiska och Sociala effekter av arbete med vårdhund
Background: Pet therapy has existed as a concept since 1964 when the American child psychologist Boris Levinson coined the term. Nowadays Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) and Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) are both recognized concepts, and with progressed research the science of pet therapy increases.Purpose: To summate the most recent science in pet therapy (therapy dog) research with focus on physical, psychical, and social effects.Methods: Literature study/review with descriptive design, research on 21 articles published from year 2003 and onward. Articles used in the study were chosen through beforehand decided criteria, subject to quality rating, and summated in an overview. The main results were summated and presented in similarities and differences.Results: The main result of the summation was that important results could be measured in each of the three fields of research. Physical/physiological effects: pain relief, differentiated results on vital signs, and increased activity.
Brandgravar : Yngre järnålder i Broe, Halla socken, på Gotland : en studie i olika metoder, med fokus på kremeringen
This essay concerns the osteological cremated skeletal remains from Broe, Halla parish, Gotland of The Late Iron Age.The focus of this essay is to determine the position of the corpse on the pyre, whether the cremated bones were crushed after or prior to the cremation and if the individual was buried in the pyre. In addition the species, age, sex and skeletal abnormalities of the bones in question will be studied.The result of the research has yielded that the cremated bones did not need to be crushed to result in the small fragment sizes. Crushing of the bones may have happened during the cremation, this conclusion has been drawn through the comparison of a pyre experiment were bone fragmentation is evident with cremated foxes, and Dogs in the cremation graves from Broe. The construction of the pyre and the position of the corpse could not be determined through colouring and fragmentation of the bones.The human's were commonly buried in the pyre, and in some cases it is possible that the "grave" in fact is the remainder of a pyre. The species found are dog, horse, cow, sheep/goat and bear.
Fruktosamin som markör för diabetes mellitus hos katt :
Diabetes mellitus is characterised by persistent hyperglycemia in all species. Fructosamine is a glycated protein reflecting blood glucose concentration during the preceding weeks. It has become a valuable analysis to differentiate persistent hyperglycemia from transient stress induced hyperglycemia in cats. It is also used to evaluate current therapy in diabetic patients. Although fructosamine is a well accepted analysis, it is sometimes regarded with scepticism.
Förebyggande av hypotermi under narkos på hund och katt: vad görs på svenska djursjukhus idag, och vilka evidens finns för olika behandlingsmetoder?
Hypothermia during anaesthesia is a well-known phenomenon that may cause several side-effects such as greater risk of postoperative wound infection and increased risk of heart complications. The most efficient way to avoid this is to prevent hypothermia from occurring. The aim of this paper was to compile the research on the most efficient way to prevent hypothermia during anaesthesia for cats and Dogs, and to compare these results to how Swedish animal hospitals prevent hypothermia today. To investigate this, a survey was sent out to several animal hospitals around Sweden to see what methods they used to prevent hypothermia in their clinics.
It is difficult if not impossible to prevent the body temperature from falling slightly when anaesthesia is induced because of the drug interactions in the body that follow from the drugs given. A 1-1,5°C decrease in body temperature is to be expected and is difficult to avoid.
Foraging and anti-predation behavior of Thomson?s gazelles (Gazella thomsoni) and Grant?s gazelles (Gazella granti) at a waterhole
Prey species make behavioral decisions to reduce the perceived risk of predation and the time spent vulnerable to predation. Behavioral responses to predators are for example selection of specific habitat types and the presence of predators influence individual vigilance. Furthermore, there is a variation in feeding niches with different herbivores focusing their foraging effort on different vegetation types which is also expected to affect the choice of habitat. Behavioral data on anti-predation and foraging behavior at on waterhole is collected from Thomson?s and Grant?s gazelles at Ol Pejeta Conservancy (0°00?N, 36°56?E) located in semiarid bushed grassland in Laikipia district of central Kenya.
A literature study on Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) : classification, resistance mechanisms, risk factors and clonal distribution
The increased frequency of reported Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) is of great concern to small animal healthcare due to limited options of antimicrobial therapy. The aim of this literature study is to investigate 1) characteristics and classification of
S. pseudintermedius, 2) resistance mechanisms and emergence of MRSP, 3) risk factors for selection of MRSP, and 4) clonal distribution around the world. S. pseudintermedius is a skin and mucosal commensal in healthy Dogs and cats, but can cause infections, including pyoderma.
Beta-lactam antibiotics inhibit bacterial growth by binding to the penicillin binding protein (PBP), a vital enzyme in the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall.