280 Uppsatser om Dogs - Sida 13 av 19
Projekt Pedadoggen - Hunden som pedagogisk resurs i en daglig verksamhet
Through this project -?Projekt Pedadoggen?- I have tested dog training as a pedagogical resource at Daily activities. The study was made together with a group of persons with intellectual and neuropsychiatric disabilities, whose daily activities consist of running a day-care centre for Dogs. Each participator of the project trained a dog towards a specific goal. This goal was individually formulated by each participator from his or her specific interest.
Immunohistochemical detection of thymidine kinase 1 in canine mammary tumors and lymphomas
The dog has often served as a model animal for humans in scientific studies. This is due to the fact that Dogs are susceptible to a wide range of diseases which also affect humans. One example is cancer, a condition that affects Dogs as well as owners. Neoplastic diseases account for 18-23 % of all deaths in Dogs (Bonnet et al., 2005 and Jagielski et al., 2002).
Mammary tumor, or tumor of the breast, is the most common tumor form in intact Dogs and women (Im et al., 2013). Mammary tumors originate in the udder, and are classified according to their histological characteristics.
Rabies : en utmaning för Indien
This literature study describes the ways in which the spread of rabies can be prevented in India, what guidelines are set and also which methods have proved most effective.
Every year rabies causes the death of around 20 000 people in India, which makes the prevalence in the country the highest in the world. The main source for human infection is bite wounds from infected Dogs. People and animals can be vaccinated both prophylactic and post-exposure prophylactic (PEP), despite this the disease continues to claim high number of victims. The majority of those dying are young men and children from the poorer part of the population. Knowledge among the Indian population on rabies and its transmission routes, wound care and vaccinations is very limited.
Nässvalgsond på hund ? djursjukskötarens område?
The aim was to identify if the veterinary nurse is as competent as the veterinaian in placing a nasoesophageal feeding tube. The aim was also to identify the complications with malnutrition and the advantage and disadvantage of the procedure.
This essay is based on several interviews with both veterinary nurses and veterinaries. 16 persons were asked 4 short questions in conjunction with an intensive care/emergency and surgery congress in Gothenburg in February 2013. In addition 4 major hospitals that provided intensive care were asked to answer 5 more detailed questions, one answer from a veterinary and one answer from a veterinary nurse was requested.
Karaktärisering av hund TK1 för användning som tumörmarkör :
Thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) is an intracellular enzyme involved in ?the salvage pathway? where the uncomplete parts of DNA are transformed into DNA precursors. The expression of TK1 is cell cykle specific, with the highest level during S-phase when DNA-synthesis is most active. One kind of TK1 is present in serum and an increase in TK1 activity in serum is due to either the level of DNA synthesis in the body or the number of cells dying in a state of replication. This can be used and is used as a marker for prognosis and evaluation of treatment in human patients with leukemia and lymphoma.
Hållbar utveckling och CSR inom foderindustrin för hund och katt : Med fokus på det ekologiska perspektivet
Pets like Dogs and cats have a considerable importance for humans and research demonstrate a variety of positive economic and social effects in society due to our pet companions. The presences of pets are increasing on a global scale with correlation to economic development in low- and middle income countries. For example Dogs have doubled in India over a five year period. The feed industry for Dogs and cats is also the fastest growing sector in the food industry and certain pets have a significant animal protein intake which, depending on the choice of resources may provide a high ecological footprint. Examples of environmental effects with distribution and manufacturing of pet food are increased greenhouse gas emissions, waste, use of water and energy.
Myt och vetenskap om kastration av tik
This is a literature study in which I investigate if there are scientific studies that form the basis of the Swedish dog world views concerning the spaying of bitches. The positive impacts are said to be reduced problems with pseudopregnancy, reduced risk of pyometra, reduced risk of mammary and uterine tumors, an earlier cease of bone growth, a more active and happier dog and a bitch who is more tolerant of other Dogs. The negative consequences are said to be urinary incontinence, increased aggressiveness, lower metabolism and the increased risk of obesity, a more lethargic individual and altered coat.There are studies indicating that spaying reduces behavioral problems associated with heat and pseudopregnancy. Assuming no ovary tissue persists after the procedure, and there is no progesterone production, the risk of pyometra decreases. Early spaying, before the first heat, reduces the risk of mammary tumors.
Otitis externa hos hund ? förebyggande åtgärder och råd till djurägare
Otitis externa is a disease regularly encountered in veterinary practice. It is estimated to be the most common disease in the external ear canal of Dogs and treatment is often delayed due to unfortunate pet owner ignorance. Owners tend to assume that scratching of the ears and head shaking are natural behaviours in their dog and may be neglecting the problem unknowing of how severe it actually is.
A literature study has been carried out to examine the causes of otitis externa in order to present a collection of measures that can be used in the treatment and prevention of the disease. In turn these measures can be advised to the dog owner and used in the home environment to make the best qualifications for healthy ears in the dog. The causes of otitis externa have been divided into predisposing, primary, secondary and perperuating causes.
Webbaserad träning ? en modell skapad för att öka compliance inom rehabilitering av hund
The aim of the present literature study was to define and describe the area ?compliance in veterinary medicine? (i.e. the way treatment recommendations are being performed) and discuss the factors that influence the level of compliance. Based on the findings, a model that intended to increase compliance in orthopedic postoperative rehabilitation of Dogs was designed. In the daily work as a veterinary nurse it is essential that one provides the best possible care to the animals from the beginning to the end of the treatment.
Canine S- and M/L- cone electroretinograms
Full-field flash electroretinography is an electrodiagnostic method used to examine the function of retinal cells. Light stimulation of the eye elicits electrical potentials in the retina. By aid of a corneal electrode and a reference electrode close to the back of the eye, the electrical potentials can be recorded and presented as an electroretinogram (ERG). ERGs driven by mainly one type of cones can be used to examine the function of a single cone class. In human beings, studies have shown the cone class sensitive to light of short wavelengths, the S-cones, to be more vulnerable to acquired damage than the other cone classes (Daley et al., 1987; Gouras et al., 1993; Greenstein et al., 1989).
Dogs have two cone classes, S-cones, and M/L-cones (most sensitive to medium to long wavelengths).
Är djurskyddsanmälningar befogade? - en undersökning av djurskyddsärenden i Västra Götalands län under 2011
The aim of this paper was to study incoming complaints to The County Administrative Board in Västra Götaland during 2011 and examine if it was possible to see a connection between warranted and unwarranted complaints and informer, animal species and type of inadequate. In Västra Götaland, a complaint is classified as warranted if the inspection leads to a reprimand, whether it regards what was reported or not. Data were collected during three weeks through The County Administrative Board´s record system Platina and a total of 456 complaints were studied.
The parameter ?complainant? was categorized into four groups according to The County Administrative Boards own division; public with the subgroups anonymous and non-anonymous, animal health staff and others.
Renal dysplasi hos hund :
Renal dysplasia is a developmental anomaly of the kidneys which is considered to be the primary lesion in juvenile progressive nephropathy, a condition leading to chronic renal failure in young Dogs. It is defined as disorganised development of the renal parenchyma due to abnormal differentiation, and pathological lesions include persistent foetal structures, dysplastic tubules and cartilaginous and osseus metaplasia. The aetiology of renal dysplasia in Dogs is still unknown, but possible causes are infection with canine herpesvirus, teratogenic substances or intrauterine ureteral obstruction. In some breeds renal dysplasia is a familial or inherited disease. Clinical signs of chronic renal failure, such as polyuria, polydipsia, vomiting, weight loss, anorexia, lethargy and anemia, usually appear before the age of 2 years.
Hullbedömning av ett urval av svenska hundar :
Fetma hos hund är ett ökande problem med flera allvarliga hälsoaspekter. Det finns ett flertal sätt att mäta andelen kroppsfett, men ingen metod som inte kan kritiseras på en eller flera punkter. De metoder som tas upp i denna studie är exempelvis morfometriska tekniker, ultraljud och absorptiometriska metoder. Predisponerande faktorer till fetma, bland annat överkonsumtion av energi, brist på fysisk stimulans, ålder, kastration och interaktion mellan djur och ägare diskuteras också. Slutligen ges förslag på möjligheter att behandla fetma hos hund med en praktisk handledning till veterinärer och djurkliniker.
Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga svenska hundars hull samt studera deras utfodrings- och motionsvanor i form av en enkätstudie.
Analys av temperament hos långhårig collie
The majority of all collie owners in Sweden are satisfied with their dog and choice of breed and may well consider having another one. This was found in a survey that collie owners who owned a collie between the years 1999-2009 had the opportunity to fill in from May to December 2010. In the questionnaire there were three questions included where the owners could answer whether they were satisfied or not with their dog. These questions were:
* Do you think the temperament of your dog is well suited for your way of life and the goal you have with your dog?
* Would you be willing to get another dog in the future?
* If you were to get another dog, would you consider a rough collie?
When the answer to these three questions were compared with the Dogs behavior, as described in the other questions in the survey, it seemed that it was mainly the fearfulness of the dog that differed between owners who were satisfied with their Dogs and those who were not.
Mellan makt och myt : om gravritual och brända ben från en småländsk vikingatida gravhög
For this essay, 12 liters of cremated bones from the Viking age grave mound RAÄ Berga 134:1 in Trotteslöv, Berga parish, Småland have been osteologically analysed. The aim with this paper concerned questions as sex, age, number of individuals and animal species in the grave. Further questions that have been investigated are the relationship between the osteological sexdetermination and artifacts as well as which role animals played in burial rituals and as grave goods.The grave contained a middle-aged woman and a number of sacrificed animals: two horses, two Dogs, three birds, a boar and a cat. The bones were fragile and very fragmented. One of the birds was determined as a bird of prey, and that together with findings of horses and Dogs indicates hunting with bird of prey, an activity performed only by powerful and wealthy individuals. The woman was buried in a mound of notable size, and with common grave goods for the time period: combs, beads, bronze and iron items. An unusual finding was textile which indicates high status. The number of sacrificed animal species also suggests that the grave belonged to a powerful individual. During the Viking age animals generally played an important role in grave rituals and as items to be used by their master in the next life.