

864 Uppsatser om District heating substations - Sida 35 av 58

Sociala Fastigheter : En studie om hur fastighetsdistributörer kan stärka sitt varumärke via Facebook

Aim: The aim of our study is to analyze and evaluate from a marketing perspective how estate agents can use facebook to strengthen their brand. Method: We have used an inductive study form where we?ve used a quality and a quantity data gathering method. The data has been gathered from an interview with Botkyrkabyggens marketing coordinator and from an internet survey based on a convience selection and a snow ball selection.Theory: SWOT, Brand Equity, Word of Mouth, Customer Relationship ManagementConclusion: Facebook can create and measure "word of mouth" effects, and also create better information management and flow of information compared to traditional marketing for an estate agent. The risks of facebook is the difficulty in educating the staff about the site and the fact that facebook dominates the policies and rules which suddenly can change.

Den livsviktiga trådenanknytning mellan vårdnadshavare och spädbarn ur ett professionellt perspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to illustrate professionals? reflections on the concept early attachment between guardian and infant, within different family support activities, and how professionals encourage early attachment between guardian and infant. The mental health state of infants is an important field of knowledge to explore. Attachment between guardian and infant is of the utmost importance for the development of children. The questions we had were: What contains the concept early attachment between guardian and infant from a professional point of view? Which factors have influence on early attachment between guardian and infant? How do professionals work with early attachment between guardian and infant? The essay is a qualitative study based on six interviews with two female district nurses, two female social welfare secretaries, a female psychologist and a female social worker.

Vision Nollenergihus : Energiförsörjning av passivhus med sol- och vindenergi

Climate change is the modern society?s common issue. The developed countries areconsuming more than what is sustainable, and the climate change due to the use offossil fuels can be seen clearly. EU has specified goals, in order to stop furtherdamage, which demand that every member state have to reduce its energyconsumption by 20 % before 2020 and 50 % before 2050, relative to 1995.The Swedish government uses a number of instruments to encourage reduction in theusage of energy, but every individual has to contribute to reach the goals.With increasing energy price the cost of living is going up. A lot of people are lookingfor ways to save energy and not be affected as much by the increasing price.Investments for insulation, replacement of windows and replacing old heating systemfor a new efficient heat pump is getting more and more common.This thesis is about investigating the possibilities in becoming independent from buyingenergy for households.

Förskolor med passivhusteknik : En utredning av passiva förskolor

As a result of directives from EU, with the ambition to reach environmetal goals, The German organisation Passivhaus Institut has defined a passive house. A passive house is a building that is very energy efficient and makes a small impact on the environment. The energy from the inhabitants as well as the appliances & fixtures in the building should equal the energy that is required to heat the building. A Swedish version of the passive house definition has been defined, taking into account the climate conditions and the difference in building regulations.This thesis is a request from Skanska on how it can improve and develop an ongoing passive house project, involving an infant school. The intention of this thesis is to identify difficulties & display potential development areas for infant schools.The method of research conducted is as follows: interviews of clients, ventilation consultant, consultant for heating system and an energy calculation consultant, an inspection of the infant shcool in process, investigation of completed infant schools and a study of relevant literature.From this research it was found that it is difficult for infant schools to pass the criteria for passive houses. The conclusion of this thesis provide several guidelines on how to improve the outcome of existing projects & the steps needed to be taken for future development in this area..

Norra Djurga?rdsstaden som nollstad : En studie av miljo?projektets sista etapp och dess potential

All around the world more and more people move from rural areas to live in the cities. Because of this, the urban areas have become an important part in the debate about the effects on the environment and sustainability. In many countries word wide initiatives have been taken to build sustainable cities and eco cities, the Stockholm Royal Seaport is one example. The vision for the district is to become a world class sustainable city based on the three dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic and ecologic. The municipality of Stockholm has set requirements for the buildings? energy usage, emissions and amount of waste generated during the building process.

Skadehändelser och preventiva åtgärder bland fotgängare och cyklister i Umeå kommun

Every year, approximately 700 000 individuals´ visit an emergency ward in Sweden as a result of injuries and to the emergency ward at Umea University hospital (NUS) about 12 000 injured arrive every year. This study is a retrospective cross-sectional study that surveys injuries caused by crashes among 153 pedestrians and 53 bicyclists, who have been injured in a geographically well defined area during the period January to June 2009. The aim of this study is to survey injuries among pedestrians and cyclists and to examine what preventive measures could reduce these injuries in the Umeå municipality. The results show that falls caused by slipper surface are common among both pedestrians (71 %; n = 109) and bicyclists (32 %; n = 17). Almost one third of the pedestrians (34 %; n = 43) were in the age of 65 or older.

Effektivisering av lagringsplatser. Ett förbättringsprojekt på Mekpart AB

Aeroseum is an aviation museum located in an old military underground hangar. The ventilation system in the hangar is designed for the military purpose of the hangar. This design includes a solution with air flowing through the space between the construction of the hangar and the rock surface. The solution is intended to avoid a buildup of inflammable gases. This design leads too high humidity levels in the hangar.

Användning av satellitdata för lokalisering av skogsområden där lövröjning bedöms angelägen : en analys av användbarheten med fjärranalys som hjälpmedel till röjningsrådgivning

This master thesis project is a part of a project called ?Järboprojektet? at the regional board of forestry, the district of Gästrikland. The project will give answers to questions regarding if an analysis of satellite images can be used to contact and inform landowners of the located areas where precommercial thinning is useful. The whole project is a part of the National Board of Forestrys IT-stake where the analysis of satellite images will, at the latitudes possible, be adapted to each district in purpose to identify these areas in need of precommercial thinning. This master thesis project is based on a field inventory of identified objects where precommercial thinning is useful.

?It?s like liberation? : a study of agricultural knowledge dissemination among small-scale farmers in Tanzania

The following essay is a descriptive and analyzing study in how the local Tanzanian NGO MVIWANYA works to disseminate sustainable agricultural technologies to the farmer households in Rorya District, Mara. It also presents and analyzes the reception and impacts these new technologies have on the households. Information was gathered during two weeks of field work at the organization in Tanzania. It was conducted empirically through interviews with and observations of small-scale farmer members of MVIWANYA and the staff of the organization. The gathered material is analyzed and presented with the help of a theoretical model designed by Birner et al.

Olika områden olika förutsättningar : En jämförande studie av föreningslivet mellan Danderyds kommun och stadsdelen Spånga-Tensta

This study aims to investigate associations in two areas in Stockholm County with diverse socio-economic conditions. The study intends to examine the impact these differences have on what role the bureaucrats and politicians in the two areas think that the associations should have. Bureaucrats are those who design guidelines for associations and that is why they have an important role in the conditions of the associations. A comparison between the two areas has been made to see if the requirement in the guidelines for the areas are different according to where the members live. The two areas that have been used to compare the guidelines of associations are Danderyd municipal and the district Spånga-Tensta.

Ett tillgängligt och användarvänligt boende : Anpassningsmöjligheter för människor med rörelsehinder och nedsatt rörelseförmåga

In this paper we have theoretically built a house designed for people with impaired mobility. Theessay begins with an introduction in which the purpose of the work, the methodology and thedepth-research part is presented. Then the layout that explains how we intend to adapt the housefor the demands detailed in the depth-research part is presented. In the same chapter variousstructural components, such as different floors and walls, are specified.In the selection of materials we have taken into account the criteria of our specialization andadaptation to the aesthetic aspects, where we evaluate materials based upon our wishes regardingtechnique and form. There are also other aspects that are important in the selection of materials,including that these are adapted to technical traits of the construction elements and installations.In a later chapter the technical installations such as ventilation systems, heating systems,electricity and sanitation are presented, where both technical and financial aspects are describedin detail.

Våldets olika ansikten : En gärningsanalys av våldsbrott utifrån gärningsmannens relation till offret

Violent crime can traditionally be classified as a reactive or an instrumental aggression. A reactive aggression is often characterized by some sort of provocation by the victim and the act is impulsive and the offender reacts by harming the victim. The provocation can be a threat, an insult or an attack and the act can be said to be a reaction induced by emotions. An instrumental act of violence however, often described as planned, targeted and emotional cold. The goal of the act can be to acquire money or power to maintain their status.

Våldets olika ansikten: En gärningsanalys av våldsbrott utifrån gärningsmannens relation till offret

Violent crime can traditionally be classified as a reactive or an instrumental aggression. A reactive aggression is often characterized by some sort of provocation by the victim and the act is impulsive and the offender reacts by harming the victim. The provocation can be a threat, an insult or an attack and the act can be said to be a reaction induced by emotions. An instrumental act of violence however, often described as planned, targeted and emotional cold. The goal of the act can be to acquire money or power to maintain their status.

Marknadsföring via bibliotekets webbplats

The aim of this study is to investigate the public libraries use of their websites in their marketing. Our study is based on the websites of 60 public libraries. The libraries are chosen because of their geographical location in three different provinces? Skåne in the south, Östergötland in the middle and Norrbotten in the north. These three choices enable us to cover densely as well as thinly populated areas, the agricultural district, the woodland and cities of various sizes.

Glastaket : ett bärande klimatskal

This candidate.?s work includes designing of a house with it.?s structural components andinstallations. The house had to be actual with Building Regulations (Boverkets Byggregler).Beside designing of all the crucial systems necessary for completing of claimed regulations evenan optional topic within building engineering had to be chosen.The task included designing of heating, ventilation, sanitation and electricity systems. Structuralengineering models has been made in compliance with Eurocodes. Materials for facades, floorsand roof were chosen and evaluated.As recessed portion of the work, evaluating of possibilities in designing of a glass roof waschosen.

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