864 Uppsatser om District heating substations - Sida 20 av 58
10 kamp i fjärrvärme : Hur ett befintligt fjärrvärmesystem kan bli mer effektivt
Fjärrvärmen utgör idag ungefär 12 % (48 TWh) av Sveriges totala energianvändning. Starka argument att använda fjärrvärme för att tillgodose bostäders och lokalers värmebehov är möjligheten att använda olika bränslen av skiftande pris och kvalitet, den goda verkningsgraden en centraliserad värmeanläggning erhåller samt fördelen med att kombinera produktionen av el och värme.Halmstad energi och miljö (HEM), förser Halmstad och närområdet med fjärrvärme och total mängd producerad energi uppgick 2009 till 596 GWh. Avfall och biobränsle utgör den största produktionsandelen men även industriell spillvärme samt mindre mängder olja och naturgas används för att framställa värme.Konkurrenssituationen för fjärrvärme är på många orter i det närmsta monopolistisk där en stor aktör äger hela marknaden. Det är viktigt att förbättra fjärrvärmesystemet för att i framtiden behålla dess konkurrenskraft. Följande rapport utreder och beskriver åtgärder för att göra ett redan befintligt fjärrvärmesystem mer effektivt.Utifrån möten med personal på HEM har tio punkter presenterats, vilka utvärderar olika delmoment i Halmstads fjärrvärmesystem.
Månadskostnader vid investering i ny bostad : En jämförelse av olika investeringsalternativ och deras ekonomiska påverkanvid införskaffning av ny bostad.
This is a work that look at the factors that affect future monthly costs when buying a house in Sweden and which options are the most financially favorable over a 30 year period. The work also examines whether it is economically beneficial to invest in a low-energy house regardless of geographic location in Sweden, and discuss about whether a calculation template can help individuals to choose more environmentally friendly options. The work has been limited so that a certain number of predetermined factors and its measurable values have been developed with the help of a literature study. The factors chosen are building type, climate, heating systems, loan interest rates, energy prices, energy price increases, inflation rates and down payment. These are then combined into 72 different calculation cases which get put in a calculation model made in excel.
Planering av väginvesteringar :
The problems around and the planning of wood flow is some of the most complex issues in the forest-sector. The experience and overview of the single employees is crucial for the possibility of correct tactical and economical decision-making. The increasing demand of savings and shorter reaction-times with greater flexibility in the wood-supply-chain, makes solutions and aids for improved effectiveness in the work and processes according to wood-flow urgent.
Holmen Skog is starting to develop a new forest-road-management-system. The system will facilitate the work according to construction, improvements and updating the standard of roads.
Påverkar mineralbalansering hälsan? : upplevda effekter hos vuxna med visuell problematik
Diabetes mellitus type 2 and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) are two of the most common diseases in the world and the amount are increasing. The treatments of these diseases are self care and a change of lifestyle. For this to be successful there is a need for the person to have knowledge about the diseases and a motivation for making changes in his or her lifestyle. Most of this information is given by the district nurse at the health centre. It is important to get a better knowledge of these persons experiences and how they used the information given to them.
Omfattningen av icke avverkade områdeni samband med slutavverkning :
This final thesis is performed on commission of Torsby forestry administration, Stora Enso Skog. Stora Enso Skog is one of the major forestry companies of Sweden. The main business area is located in and around the region of Bergslagen.
During the last decade the practice of forest management has rapidly changed due to a new forest legislation. The new law has resulted in that the production goal is equal to the environmental goal within forestry.
Solenergi i Norrra Djurgårdsstaden
This report will examine various solar energy technologies in order to decide if they could be applied in the Royal Seaport. The Royal Seaport is a Swedish urban district under development in Stockholm, with the goal of becoming a sustainable district. Two main techniques, solar collectors and solar cells, including sub-categories, are addressed in this report. Another sub-category, a hybrid system, will also be mentioned. The main difference between solar collectors and solar cells is the type of energy produced by the system.
Ekonomi i Passivhus : En studie av två verkliga byggnader
The aim of this report was to investigate the economy of passive houses. The work was focused on economy in total and on the economy of different components such as windows, insulation, heat exchanger and the air tightness of the climate shell. No attention was paid on the comfort factor or to the impacts on the environment.Two houses, aspiring to be passive were chosen; A big one and a small one. Hence, comparisons considering the size of the building have been possible to do as well.The comparisons were made by calculating ?break even? between two concepts; passive and BBR- concept.
Energieffektivisering av skolbyggnad från 60-talet : Studie av Hållsta skola i Eskilstuna
In June 2006 the Swedish government decided that the use of energy in buildings should be reduced by 20 percent until 2020, compared to the level of energy used in 1995. To contribute to this goal, the real estate company ?Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB?, set up own goals for their buildings. In 2009, the goal for schools was to have a maximum energy use of 118 kWh/m2year for heating and hot water.The school ?Hållsta skola?, just south of Eskilstuna, exceeds the limit since it used 270 kWh in 2008.
Lönsam energieffektivisering : Ett samarbete mellan ÅF och kund
This thesis project has focused on studying ÅF?s business concept Energy Collaboration, which is their way of selling energy efficiency services. Thereforeongoing projects have been analyzed. The purpose was to determine achieved energy efficiency, costs and profitability for the studied projects. It was concluded that the Energy Collaboration is a good way of selling energy efficiency services, since the customer takes no risk and energy savings of about 15-25 % can be achieved with simple measures.
Ny princip för spänningsreglering i Fortum Distributions mellanspänningsnät i Stockholm.
The voltage regulation in Fortum Distributions medium voltage network in Stockholm does not work satisfactory. This results in too high distribution voltages with many customer complaints as a consequence. The reason is the model responsible for compensating for voltage drops in the distribution network. Despite several adjustments Fortum has not been able to find the source of the high voltages and has therefore appointed an investigation in the form of a thesis work.The aim of this investigation is to locate the error and to produce a proposal regarding the solution of this error using the existing system, common industrial knowledge, state of the art research and the option to use voltage readings from the different substations.The conclusion of this master thesis is that the largest contribution to the high voltage levels is made by the large compensation for distribution loses. Furthermore an additional error in the model has been found.
Fordonsgas ur gödsel och vall
AbstractThe dependency of fossil fuels in the transport sector causes large emissions of carbondioxide. This problem can we reduce by using vehicle gas from digested solid manure and leftover of pasture. I have studied the potential for this in the county of Västernorrland. Thepurpose is to investigate how much vehicle gas that can be extracted.One central, large scale digestion and upgrade plant should be placed in Härnösand. Theamount of pasture and manure that is economical and practical available is enough to produce2,7-3,5 millions Nm3 vehicle gas.
Kraftvärmeverk i glesbygd - en möjlighet?
Our purpose in this paper is to examine if there is any profitability for a company with a factory in the timber industry to invest in a combined heat and power, CHP. Based on analysis and the results that the paper generates, we will give Derome AB a suggestion on how it is a profitable investment or not to installing in a CHP.By investing in a CHP plant, you can get a high efficiency, which means that companies can use their resources more effectively. The Swedish wood industry has by-products of production that can be used for combustion in their boiler which is an advantage.The essay is a qualitative study where we have a case company, Derome AB. In this company, we interviewed two employees who have knowledge in the study. They have helped us to provide information and data about their business.We chose to use the pay-off- and the net present value method, NPV, to see if there are profitable advantages for the investment.
Talang sökes! : En studie av två distriktsfotbollsförbunds talangidentifierings- och urvalsprocess till distriktslagen
The purpose of this bachelor essay was to analyze two Swedish district footballassociations and how the responsible coaches of the elite youth developmentteams identify and select talent. Key questions in the thesis were how thecoaches described their leadership and their own part in the team, how thecoaches identify talent, how they work with the selection process and theiropinions about the elite youth development team structure. The study wasbased on 7 semi-structured interviews. The interviews showed differencesbetween the district football associations but also many similarities in how theyselected the team during the talent identification process. All coaches wereinvolved in the selection process but the way they talked about developing eliteplayers varied.
LANDALA Stadsdel i skuggan av det f?rg?ngna
In the post-war era many European countries were recovering from the ravages of the bombings of
the second world war destroying whole countries. Sweden being neutral was spared the destruction
of war but instead we demolished almost as much housing all by ourselves. A social program was
modeled to modernize the country and to drag the swedes out of poverty by building one million
apartments in just ten years and demolishing the old, dilapidated working-class neighborhoods. The
traumatic events of the demolition of large areas of both the central and the outskirts of most
Swedish cities is still very much present in the collective memory of people today and the new
modernistic districts are still paying the price of that, more than fifty years later. Today these
modernistic districts are in need of repair, and they are often homes to groups alienated from society
making their reputation even worse.
Koldioxidutsläpp vid sticklingsproduktion av pelargonium x hortorum i Kenya jämfört med Sverige :
Long transport of products is an environmental issue discussed to an increasing extent. The consumers are increasingly aware of how far our comestibles really have been transported. The increasing levels of environmental emissions are something that concerns people. The question is nevertheless delicate and many choose to ignore it. This is no longer an option.