

583 Uppsatser om Distributed cognition - Sida 3 av 39

DistroFS: En lösning för distribuerad lagring av filer

Nuvarande implementationer av distribuerade hashtabeller (DHT) har en begränsad storlek för data som kan lagras, som t.ex. OpenDHTs datastorleks gräns på 1kByte. Är det möjligt att lagra filer större än 1kByte med DHT-tekniken? Finns det någon lösning för att skydda de data som lagrats utan att försämra prestandan? Vår lösning var att utveckla en klient- och servermjukvara. Mjukvaran använder sig av DHT tekniken för att dela upp filer och distribuera delarna över ett serverkluster.

Distribuerade kognitiva system i hälso- och sjukvård : En fallstudie utifrån "DiCoT" (Distributed Cognition for Teamwork)

Svensk hälso- och sjukvård är en informationsintensiv bransch som står inför en stor utmaning avseende de informationsteknologiska lösningar som används idag och hur dessa lösningar bör utvecklas framöver. Vårdpersonalen efterfrågar att den teknologi som används ska vara flexibel och anpassad till arbetssituationen samt följa flödet i patientprocessen. För att utveckla lösningar anpassade till vård och omsorg som kan stödja användarna i deras arbetssituation krävs att metoder utvecklas utifrån användarna och deras arbetskontext i en distribuerad arbetsmiljö. Genom att ta fram sådana metoder utifrån ansatsen distribuerad kognition blir det möjligt att identifiera informationsflöden och de verktyg som används utifrån de fysiska förutsättningarna i arbetskontexten. Distribuerad kognition utgår från att människans tänkande ses som ett fenomen som utgår från social, kulturell och kontextuell interaktion samt interaktion med artefakter, Kognition anses på så sätt vara distribuerad.

Rörelse i rörelse: En studie av organisationskulturen på Friskis&Svettis Stockholm

The thesis aims at describing how culture is produced and reproduced at IF Friskis&Svettis Stockholm, a Swedish non-profit training association. The authors claim that organizational identity plays a major part in determining ways of action within the organization. Selection processes, programming and internal recruitment and sensemaking are essential issues of the cultural production and reproduction..

Attityder och kunskaper kring hållbara matvanor

The Purpose of this study was to examine what knowledge and which attitudes there are about environmental friendly food in the society. To do so an essay were constructed and distributed to five different working places. Altogether there were 50 essays distributed and 43 were returned. The main result; the respondents think that it is important for people to learn how to consume food in a more environmentally friendly way. The majority of the respondents recognized the eco-label KRAV but the European eco-label and Demeter were not recognized in a less extent.

Tron är aldrig allena ? en undersökning av Kristusföreningsmotivet i den finska Lutherforskningen, med en följande diskussion utifrån deras kritik av modern protestantisk teologi

In this essay I present an outline and examination of the Finnish Luther research, withan aim to learn more about some different aspects of Luther?s teaching on justificationas sanctification, and sanctification as the growth of the new man. I will also draw myattention to the formal language of metaphysics, as it is continuously employed by Luther to depict the issues and the content of his reformation theology. Apart from the program of research in Helsinki, I have turned to the writings of Luther himself; and I have as well tried to engage in a broader survey of Luther-scholars, some of which seem to, or in fact, support the Finnish interpretation, others which raise a critical stance towards it. The later portion of the essay picks up on the Finnish critique of dominant 19th and 20th century German Lutheran theologians, such as Albrecht Ritschl and Gerhard Ebeling.

Testramverk för distribuerade system

When developing software that is meant to be distributed over several different computers and several different networks while still working together against a common goal there is a challenge in testing how updates within a single component will affect the system as a whole. Even if the performance of that specific component increases that is no guarantee for the increased performance of the entire system. Traditional methods of testing software becomes both hard and tedious when several different machines has to be involved for a single test and all of those machines has to be synchronized as well.This thesis has resulted in an exemplary application suite for testing distributed software. The thesis describes the method used for implementation as well as a description of the actual application suite that was developed. During the development several important factors and improvements for such a system was identified, which are described at the end of the thesis even though some of them never made it into the actual implementation.

Migration av distribuerad relationsdatabas för lagring i webbläsare

An increasing amount of companies and organizations are starting to implement the use of cloud computing in their business. This trend results in that software, which was previously sold and distributed to the customers whom then had to install the software on their own computers, now is being replaced with Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS makes software available through the customers? browsers, which results in that the service providers only have to administer a single application. The process to migrate a distributed application to a service delivered as a SaaS lacks sufficient investigation; this paper will provide some guidelines for conducting such a pro- cess.

Empathy, altruism and the African elephant

The quest to determine if non-human animals have emotional lives similar to man goes a long way back and is yet to result in a clear answer. The aim of this particular literature study is to determine whether or not the African elephant may host feelings of empathy and display altruistic behaviour. In search for an answer to this question, scientists have chosen to first evaluate the cognitive abilities of said species. They have done this through the testing of tool use, mirror self-recognition, memory and the ability to coordinate with another when performing a task etc. It is generally thought, that in order for complex emotion to exist within an individual, cognition, as an awareness of the self and others, must first be present.

Yttrandefrihet i sociala medier

AbstractSweden has had a long tradition of freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Today the judicial area is regulated by the constitution of the press and the constitution of speech. The purpose of the two constitutions is to secure the right for every Swedish citizen to express their thoughts, opinions and feelings.The constitutions are designed to regulate the techniques with which the information is distributed and not to regulate the information in itself. This fact has caused a debate to arise on the subject whether the constitutions are still suitable to regulate the judicial area when the technical development causes the constitutions to get out of date and in need of constant updating. As a rule the usage of social media is not regulated by the constitution of speech the information distributed through these webpages can be included by the protection given by the constitution but very few of these webpages fulfill the criteria?s demanded by the constitution.The purpose of this essay is to ask the question whether the constitution of speech should be reformed to better regulate the technical development in the future.


The interest in small-scale electricity in Sweden has increased strongly in recent years. The interest is noticeable both among politicians to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix, and among electricity consumers to partially replace purchased electricity with self-produced. This has resulted in a significant increase of electricity production in low voltage grids in recent years, and the trend appears to continue in the coming years. The majority of the new production plants are solar cells, followed by wind turbines, and it is also in these the greatest efforts are made in this paper.Distributed generation is often seen as something positive since it will contribute to reduced transmission losses and reduced voltage drop in the networks, and that it increases the share of electricity from renewable sources. In cases where the grids are not strong enough, or in other ways not adapted to manage the installed production, power quality may be adversely affected.

Hantering av småskalig elproduktion : Utveckling av modell för dokumentation och elkvalitetsberäkningar

The interest in small-scale electricity in Sweden has increased strongly in recent years. The interest is noticeable both among politicians to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix, and among electricity consumers to partially replace purchased electricity with self-produced. This has resulted in a significant increase of electricity production in low voltage grids in recent years, and the trend appears to continue in the coming years. The majority of the new production plants are solar cells, followed by wind turbines, and it is also in these the greatest efforts are made in this paper.Distributed generation is often seen as something positive since it will contribute to reduced transmission losses and reduced voltage drop in the networks, and that it increases the share of electricity from renewable sources. In cases where the grids are not strong enough, or in other ways not adapted to manage the installed production, power quality may be adversely affected.

Hantering av extensivt hållna nötkreatur i mindre besättningar

Extensive cattle management was reintroduced in Sweden during the 1950´s and 60´s. Usually this term refers to suckler cows for meat production that is kept outdoors all year around. Suckler cow farms tend to become fewer but bigger over time. Still however most of the farms with beef cows are small. Extensive animal husbandry can lead to animals becoming shy which leads to difficulties when they are handled due to veterinary treatments, marking, transport etc.

Effekter av urbanisering på grönalgen trädgröna i Linköpings stad med omnejd. : Biologiundervisning i närmiljön

Urbanization has for a long time been a threat to our biodiversity. Epiphytic organisms such as lichens have been negative affected by traffic pollution and the new urban environment surrounding their old habitat (van Her 2001). Another epiphytic organism is the green algae Desmococcus olivaceus. Unlike lichens the green algae is favoured by polluted areas. The aim of this study was to investigate if time in urban environments affected the cover of the green algae on old oaks.

Kundlojalitet : en studie om vilken påverkan de demografiska aspekterna har på kundens lojalitet mot sin bank.

In Sweden today almost all people are connected to a bank in some way. It can range from loans, savings, shares, etc. They have a current account where salaries, student aid etc. is paid. Due to the large selection of banks, it has become more important for banks to be competitive in their services to their customers so they don?t change bank.

Distributed Operations : en framtida lösning för upprorsbekämpning?

Chefen för amerikanska marinkåren beslutade 2005 att påbörja utvecklingen av konceptet DistributedOperations (DO). Syftet med konceptet är bland annat att möta utmaningarna inom upprorskrigföring och?Small Wars? som kännetecknas av asymmetriska förhållanden mellan parterna. Grundidén medDistributed Operations är att skapa en fördel över motståndaren genom att uppträda utspritt ellerkraftsamlat och hela tiden kunna avge understöd till den ?lägsta enheten?.

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