959 Uppsatser om Distributed applications - Sida 22 av 64
Spöa, sparka, slå och strypa: Kriminellas våldsattityder avslöjas med implicita mätningar
Attitudes towards violence were assessed using both implicit (The Single Category Implicit Association Test; Karpinski & Steinman, 2006) and explicit measurements (a Feeling Thermometer). A group of criminals showed more positive explicit and implicit attitudes towards violence than a group of non-criminals. In addition, The Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992) revealed significant differences in aggression between the groups; criminals' mean scores were higher on all four subscales (physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and hostility). Furthermore, significant correlations were found between all the measures, including the implicit and explicit attitude measures. The findings support the validity of the SC-IAT as an implicit measure of violent attitudes.
En osynlig risk : studie av människors inställning till radonrisk och åtgärder
Approximately 400 people in Sweden die each year by lung cancer caused by radon gas. Authorities have in recent years invested big resources and organized campaigns to encourage people to take action against high occurrence of radon in residences. With low frequency of applications for radon allowances as the main measure, a lot interprets on a very low commitment. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the reasons for the low commitment among people. The study is based on a questionnaire survey sent to 444 house owners in Uppsala.
Scrum ? en fallstudie från lokala företags perspektiv
Through a case study, I wanted to find out what advantages and disadvantages
local companies consider with scrum and what they think about its future.
To find out what scrum is, I read the literature and scientific articles and
then wrote surveys based on my thoughts.
Further, I also wanted to find out if it?s possible to use scrum in a school
environment and therefore I visited a high school class who used scrum in one
of their projects.
The result was good but could have been better as it requires more training of
scrum to understand everything.
The surveys were distributed to various local companies. After having received
a lot of answers, I concluded that the clear priority was the most positive
feature of scrum and the most negative was that it was difficult to get the
rest of the organization to understand scrum, which creates problems.
Both high school class and local companies believe in scrum?s future, even if
they think scrum will be partially modified to adapt to the
software-development in the future.
According to the survey responses, the most important to get the projects to be
successful both now and in the future is that everyone who work with scrum is
right educated..
Kartläggning av depressiva symtom hos patienter med arytmi
Objective: The aim of this study was to study the prevalence of depression among patients with arrhythmia, and to investigate if there was any gender difference in the study population regarding depression. Furthermore, differences considering depressive symptoms between patients with arrhythmia and the general population were to be investigated. Method: The self-rating scale MADRS-S was distributed during two weeks to 24 patients with arrhythmia. Twenty-one patients completed the study. Results: 28.5 % of the participants showed symptoms of some level of depression.
Är sociala medier mest ett hinder? Ungas lärande i sociala medier
A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions that occur there. The accessibility which social media brings, means that you can reach and be reached in several ways and there are many different ways in which information can be disseminated. Social media supports the learning process. The aim of this study is to examine how upper secondary schools students' use of social media and how it can be used as a tool for informal learning. Our study is based on the socio-cultural perspective where interaction and social cohesion is a big part.
Hot, våld och djurskydd
This thesis examines the presence of threats and violence directed towards animal welfare inspectors/ officers. The main tool is a survey regarding threats and violence directed at animal welfare inspectors/officers. The questionnaire was distributed to animal welfare inspectors/ officers who worked on 15 of the country's 21 provincial governments. The response rate of the survey was 68.9 percent. The main conclusion of the study is that threats and violence directed at animal welfare inspectors/ officers are common.
Tjänsteorienterad arkitektur med AJAX : Service oriented architecture with AJAX
Through the entry of web 2.0 the technologies behind web development has changed dramatically. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is the umbrella term for different techniques that make it possible to build rich and interactive user interfaces in today?s web browsers. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) describes how common services can be bundled and published so they can be consumed by different systems.The company SYSteam Evolution AB, which has requested this project, wanted a web application that shows a graphical activity chart in order to easier view ongoing projects. The goal for this project is to develop a demo platform that shows how AJAX and SOA can be used to create flexible and reusable applications.
?Torktumlarhuvuden? och ?teflonhjärnor?. : En fallstudie om det specialpedagogiska arbetet kring ADHD och dyslexi på tre gymnasieskolor i norra Sverige.
This case study examines how upper secondary schools in a municipality in the northern parts of Sweden structure their special pedagogy with students who have ADHD and dyslexia, students? and parents? experiences of this, and what regulates the schools management in this particular aspect. The results show that all the schools have special pedagogues and other support staff employed, though in varied extent. Furthermore, the resources are distributed differently from school to school. The focus, however, is always around communication between the concerned parties.
Simulation environment for further development of distributed
milking products
För att underlätta vidareutvecklingen av dagens programvara har jag fortsatt att utveckla den simuleringsmiljö som redan finns på företaget idag för en av produkterna som används vid mjölkning. Simuleringsmiljön skall underlätta utvecklingen av större system för större gårdar. Det som systemet hjälper till med är just uppsättningen av en gård med ett visst antal kor och ett visst antal mjölkningsmaskiner. Den tidigare miljön var skriven i MFC men för att möta morgondagens krav har denna blivit omskriven till C# .NET med hjälp av Windows Forms. Det program jag skrev först använde sig av C++/CLI vilket var väldigt krångligt att använda, det resulterade i att jag helt och hållet gick över till C# .NET.
Ruttplanering : Retursystem för pantade PET-flaskor och aluminiumburkar
This report is the final part within our education, Industrial Organization and Economy focusing on Logistics and Management at Jönköping School of Engineering. The aim with this report is to coordinate recycle drives for deposited aluminum-cans and bottles collected from grocery stores within Jönköping county and locality.In the present situation both aluminum cans and bottles filled with drinks are distributed to the grocery stores by the brewery?s own distributers. At the same time as they supply the drinks they also discharge the grocery stores units with restored aluminumcans and bottles. To make it easier for the grocery stores to handle the goods in the future, all distribution of drinks ought to be directly delivered to the grocery stores own separate central warehouse.
Vårdnadsbidraget : En fallstudie av hur vårdnadsbidraget har påverkat barnfamiljer i Växjö kommun
The first July 2008 did the Swedish government introduce a new family policy, the child care allowance. This essay is a case study of how the child care allowance has influenced families and which possible effects that the child care allowance can lead to. In order to respond to the issue has family models been used in order to analyze the results from a questionnaire survey distributed to households which has become granted child care allowance in Växjö municipality. Therefore is this essay?s premier contribution to the social science a description of how families have reasoned and decided about their child-care.
This project is a learning CD-ROM production aimed at first-time parents. It is
using both sound and images, moving as well as non-moving. The purpose of the
production is to be an interesting alternative to traditional books. We have
been looking at similar productions like drivers license educational CD-ROMs
and encyclopedias for inspiration and ideas on how to proceed. In order to give
the content some dynamics, we've also added the element of 3D-animated
The application is supposed to be run as a simple executable file with flash
Lokaliseringsbaserade tjänster : En användar- och kontextcentrerad kartläggning av LBS
Location-based services (LBS) contains of services helping users of finding positions of themselves or other objects. LBS applications can present information in varies types of ways, these could be threw speech, text, geographic symbols, photos etc. Not many studies have been done to examine the aspects of LBS communication and there is a demand for user and context centered mapping.The purpose of this report is to present a model for the development of user and context based services. The model will give guide lines of recommendations when implementing LBS. The different technologies that support LBS will also be noticed.
"Hälsa skall vara kravlöst" : En webbenkät om studenters önskemål, intressen och behov gällande en hälsowebbsajt.
??The aim of this study was to define students? needs and wishes about the content of a health website. A questionnaire was distributed to 531 students at three different Universities studying two different education programs, of which 98 participated. The research was based on relevant articles, studies and literature. The study shows that students are interested in a health website and there seems to be a demand, among students, to improve their health.
Automatiskt Nödstopp
In today?s industry it is starting to get more and more interesting with wireless systems and solutions for applications. To be able to reduce the amount of cables drawn to various machines which takes both space and an extra fee for every cable drawn. Some systems might require the user to use a handheld device that is directly connected by a cable which in some machines might be inelegant for the user.The goal with this bachelor thesis is to develop wireless monitoring of the machine operators position that is working with heavy industrial machinery. The thesis started out with researching different techniques for positioning a transmitter indoors, this was done in order to get a better understanding on how to go about.