959 Uppsatser om Distributed applications - Sida 13 av 64
Konstruktionstudie av en ångexpander
This thesis applies to a novel steam expander, one part of a steam engine system, a wobble plateengine. The piston in the expander moves axially with the outgoing rotating shaft and is locatedon a plate, why the engine type is called axial engine. When steam is applied to the plungers theplate wobbles creating a rotation on the shaft going thru the wobble plate. The steam expander issupposed to be used in exhaust gas recovery (bottoming cycle) applications and small scaleenergy production. The commissioner is Ranotor Utveckling AB.
Tensor representation of 3D structures
This is a thesis written for a master's degree at the Computer Vision Laboratory, University of Linköping. An abstract outer product is defined and used as a bridge to reach 2:nd and 4:th order tensors. Some applications of these in geometric analysis of range data are discussed and illustrated. In idealized setups, simple geometric objects, like spheres or polygons, are successfully detected. Finally, the generalization to n:th order tensors for storing and analysing geometric information is discussed..
Kunskaper om karies och gingivit hos barni årskurs 3-5 - en enkätstudieKnowledge of caries and gingivitis among third to fifth grade school children
The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of caries and gingivitis among third to fifth grade school children. A questionnaire was distributed to 117 children of a primary school in the south of Sweden. The result of the study indicate that the children had good knowledge regarding development and prevention of caries and gingivitis. However, the children did not know the meaning of the words caries and gingivitis. The children also appeared to lack important information about dietary measures to achieve good dental health.
Intranät och extranät: den elektroniska kommunikationen inom och mellan företag
Through the growing use and availability of information technology the dependency of Internet is today increasing. Internet makes ways for a more mobile business communication that cost less. One of the latest applications of Internet technology are intranet and extranet. I have asked myself the question how intranet and extranet can affect companies efficiency and competitive advantage. In order to answer this question I performed a case study at Ericsson and ABB.
Designlösningar i ett affärssystem ur ett kognitionsvetenskapligt förhållningssätt
The purpose of this thesis was to examine if there where fallacies in the design solutions for the business system IFS Applications from a user perspective, and if so, correct these from a cognitive science approach.Data collection consisted of three main portions. These where; workshop, individual interviews and observations. The collected data was analyzed and resulted in identification of two main areas in the application that where found lacking.The result of the study showed that the usability for processing large amounts of data and the lack of customization where the main flaws in the application. Two low fidelity prototypes where created with the purpose of rectifying the underlying flawed design solutions that where identified from the collected data..
Fröskörd av hampa : metoder och tekniker för fröskörd av industrihampa
Hemp is an ancient cultivated plant that came to Sweden in the 1st to 2nd Century and was particularly interesting for use for food, clothing and building materials. Over time, other applications have been developed for hemp, e.g. in energy and health products. Interesting new uses for hemp continue to be identified and this fascinating plant has incredibly versatile applications.In this project, seed production of industrial hemp in Sweden was studied and evaluated. Five different methods are described, four of which are proven under Swedish conditions.
Effektivisering av byggproduktion med VDC och förstärkt verklighet : Streamlining construction work with VDC and augmented reality
Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is currently used more and more within construction design and planning as well as construction as a streamlining tool aiming to improve communication and decrease the number of construction defects. VDC is constantly developing, but what comes next? The augmented reality (AR) technology is currently not used within construction in Sweden but should be considered as the next step in line regarding the integration of reality and digital information. Using this technology design can become reality even before it?s actually built.The purpose of this study has been to carry out an inventory of the existing AR technology and its shortcomings, and also to identify possible applications within the construction phase.
Nätverksbaserade informationssystem : Standardprotokoll ANSI Z39.50/OSI SR
This master thesis examines the development of the two earlier independent IR protocols Z39.50 and SR (Search and Retrieve, ISO 10162/10163), now Z39.50/SR, from the beginning of the 80s to 1996 and their functionality in the client/server environment.Z39.50 applications in library systems will allow easy access to information regardless of platform or location. The use of Z39.50 will create a new user environment. Almost all the library systems of the market support the Z39.50 and surprisingly the use of it in Sweden lied on a very low leve! in 1996. This thesis was followed-up by an interview and a questioner among the Swedish Z39.50 users. They could see a huge potential of development concerning the future IR process.
Contortatallens roll för virkesförsörjningen på Holmen Skog, Region Iggesund : konsekvensanalys av fyra hushållningsstrategier för contortatall
Large areas of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) were planted in the 1970s - and '80s. The purpose of the fast-growing species was to increase growth and with short rotation periods allow a rapidly increased harvest level. Today a large proportion of the young forests owned by Holmen Skog, Iggesund are covered by Lodgepole pine and an active forest management is required to spread the harvested volume over time which is desirable by a market perspective. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the possibility of spreading the harvested volume of Lodgepole pine over time.
Programmering av mikrokontroller för styrning av komponenter i ett biokemiskt analysinstrument
The Uppsala based company Q-linea develops procedures, instruments and systems for protein and nucleic acid analysis. The components in such an instrument are controlled by microcontrollers. Microcontrollers are computers in one singular chip that can be used in a wide range of applications such as cars, toys or in this case an analysis instrument. When developing a new instrument for biochemical analysis, Q-linea needed new software for controlling and communicating between the components in the instrument. The process of developing this software is the subject of this thesis.The project included research of microcontrollers and the components in the instrument.
Vilka fattiga är fattigast? : fattigdomsfokusering av det svenska frivilligorganisations-biståndet jämfört med det totala svenska biståndet
This paper discusses whether the allocation of Swedish aid is dependent on absolute or relative poverty, and whether there is any difference in this respect between ODA and aid distributed through officially funded NGO?s. Given the Millennium Development Goals, and their overarching goal of halving extreme poverty by 2015, we should expect the aid allocation to be determined by absolute rather than relative poverty. We use OLS to estimate multiple linear regressions. We find that Swedish ODA has an absolute poverty focus, while the Swedish NGO aid rather seems to be concentrated on relative poverty. .
Nulägesanalys med utgångspunkt från införande och utveckling av en intranättillämpning
This report is about an investigation which has been done as an assignment in aninternational company. An Intranet has been implemented in parts of this company, andprimarily there is a local group of people in the company which is responsible for thelocal Intranet as an informationsystem. This local group of people is also responsiblefor further development of the use of Intranet as an informationssystem in the localorganisation. To create a starting-point for this development, I have done aninvestigation that deals with:· acceptance of Intranet as informationssystem among members of the industrialmanagement.- what factors affect acceptance of Intranet in a negative way- what factors affect acceptance of Intranet in a positive way· rules by which further development of Intranet is supposed to be based on· existing and needed Intranet-applications..
Språkstöd i distanslaboratoriet på BTH
To study and laborate at distance, its necessary that the coursematerial is
accessible via internet.
Teaching at more languages than swedish bocomes more common,
why the information of courses needs to exist at several languages.
As teacher, you need a way to publish and edit material of a course. It also
has to be easy for the students to find the information. The distance
laboratory have developed an administrative websystem that handles programme,
courses and students, but misses the possibility for teachers to change content
at the webpages and publish new coursematerial on a way..
Effektivisering av bygglovsprocessen. En kundundersökning i Göteborg
Bygglovsprocessen är en vital del i den totala byggprocessen eftersom ett bygglov är nödvändigt i nästan alla fall av nybyggnation och större renoveringar. I dagens samhälle där byggprocessen är under utveckling och allt större tidspress finns så är bygglovsprocessen ofta en flaskhals innan bygget kan påbörjas. Därför behöver bygglovsprocessen utvecklas för att bli effektivare.Syftet med denna undersökning att utreda vad tidigare kunder hos Stadsbyggnadskontoret (SBK) Göteborg anser om bygglovshanteringen. Utifrån de resultat som erhålls presenteras vilka delar i bygglovsprocessen som kan förbättras och effektiviseras. Dessutom ges förslag på förändringar för att uppnå detta.Kundundersökningen genomfördes med en enkät som skickades ut via e-post till kunder som fått godkänt bygglov i februari 2014.
Systemutveckling av Trouble Report : Hur väljer och prioriterar man tekniska funktioner i vidareutveckling av ett etablerat system?
As part of an internship at Ericsson, this report was written to enhance the understanding of how it is to develop a system that is well established at the workplace. To improve an already existing system is not always as easy as many developers may think. In this report the pros and cons of developing an already existing system has been researched and analyzed. Do note that the results are only from one development of a specific system and that comparison of other developments has been made from other reports and not from experiencing it firsthand. It was found that the choices made can have an impact on further developing and it is important to write down what has been done.